Series of Published Reports (Click on the link)
![Intriga Lasciva - El Instituto [22] Intriga Lasciva - El Instituto [22]](
Chapter 22.
The Euphoria of the Detective.
While the girls were preparing for the start of a new meeting of the detectives' club, Xamira realized she was glad to have returned. It would have been an error to distance herself from her new friends and the excitement of diving into a case until reaching its final resolution. With Dalma's case, she didn't do well, it affected her directly and personally; with Brenda Ramallo's case, she enjoyed it a bit more, despite not having to do much and everything resolving quickly. However, now she was feeling the detective's euphoria. That term she heard Siara say when she asked why he had decided to create this club. For the detective's euphoria, she replied without further explanation.
At first, she didn't understand it; I was going to ask her to develop it a bit more; but now, without anyone having to explain it to her, she comprehended what it was about. She spent the whole day in a rush, with anxiety hanging over her like clouds, waiting for this meeting because she knew her friends would get excited about this new case. She knew it wouldn't be easy to resolve and that they'd probably have to do many 'field investigations'. That term also learned from Siara. Maybe the 'field investigations' were her specialty, just as Oriana was really good at internet research. Xami felt that mental work wasn't her strong suit, leaving that to Siara and Erika, who were really good at connecting information and developing investigation methods. Xamira, on the other hand, was more visceral. More of an actor than a thinker.
When Siara congratulated her for thinking of a trap to make Emilia fall into her own lies, Xamira thanked her and kept silent; but in her innermost thoughts she said: “I didn’t plan anything. Things simply happened like that”. It was she who fell into the seductive claws of Emilia and Dalma, and if she managed to get out of there it was because she realized that Emilia was blackmailing scholarship students to become porn actresses. She didn't like that at all.
Now I wanted to make peace with Emilia and knew that the best way was by helping Mercedes.
I feel bad — that was the first thing Erika said at the meeting.
I told you that eating the whole package of Doritos would make you feel bad - Sara replied
I'm not referring to that. I'm immune to Doritos. I've been eating them for years. I feel bad because Xamira already got two cases for the club, and I none.
―Okay, but in reality the first case was a personal request ―said Xamira―. This one is an official case that's not directly linked to me. Yes, before I tell you what it's about, I need you to promise me absolute discretion. No one can find out who the person is who hired us, if we can even call it a contract.
While this hobby of being a detective club is a pastime -- Siara began saying --, I take it very seriously. One day I would like to be a private detective, really. And I couldn't be one if I spent all my time gossiping about who hired me.
I also promise I won't tell anyone -- said Oriana -- and now I have much more curiosity about this case. Did someone who works at the institute hire us?
-Or maybe a famous person - suggested Erika -. You can speak freely, Xami, I think the same as Siara.
Very well, I'm glad to know that. Besides, our job consists in preventing certain information from coming out. Now I'll explain what it's about. Have you ever seen the Minerva Santos series?
It's not my style, but I know her - said Siara.
―I do look at her, even though I'm not up to date ―Oriana assured. The actress really charms me: Mercedes Navarro ―Xamira smiled in a very particular way and Oriana opened her eyes wide―. Oh my god! Are you trying to tell me that we were hired by none other than Mercedes Navarro herself?
―That's it. Maybe they don't know, but she was a student at this same institute. ―The three girls seemed surprised―. And wait... because this is going to seem even crazier: Mercedes is one of Emilia's lovers.
What? Oriana jumped up from a leap. Are you messing with me? But... but... she doesn't even seem lesbian. It's even rumored that she's dating one of the guys from the series.
Those rumors, according to what Mercedes told me herself, she started spreading them herself to mask her true sexual orientation. Oriana sat back down slowly, as if she didn't want to believe Xamira's words. And that's where the problem lies: it turns out there's a local magazine, one of those fashion and gossip ones, threatening Mercedes with 'outing' her.
―Is it by force? ―Erika asked. That's not right. Mercedes isn't obligated to tell everyone what her sexual orientation is.
I told him that too - continued Xamira -. Mercedes is very worried that it gets out that she's a lesbian, not just because of what her family will think, but also because they might kick her off the show.
I don't think they'll fire her for being lesbian -- said Siara --. Today that would be a scandal for the producer.
Naturally; but... what would happen if Mercedes' sexual orientation is explained through very explicit photos? Photos and videos...
Oh, wow, they really do it ―Oriana said. The producer of that series is famous for firing any actress who has had even the slightest sexual scandal. They want to pretend that all the actresses in their shows are virgins, pure and chaste, like nuns. I remember they fired a secondary actress from that same series about a year ago because the girl posted topless photos on the internet.
―Of course, that's what Mercedes also told me. Think about it: they fired a girl just for showing her tits...
A Mercedes they strike her if the photos are very explicit -- commented Siara --. And how did the magazine get that material? What did they tell Mercedes? Is there a deadline?
I was told there's a deadline. But Mercedes didn't give me more details, she wants to be sure we're willing to help her and won't tell anyone. I figured you'd say yes, so I asked Mercedes to come to my house this afternoon. My parents won't be home, so no one will bother us.
―Very well, let's talk to her. This case interests me a lot ―Siara assured.
A pair of hours later, the four girls joined at Xamira's house. They waited for long twenty minutes in the living room until someone rang the doorbell. When opening the door, they found a woman with a flowered handkerchief on her head and black glasses.
It seems to me that someone doesn't want her recognized on the street -- said Xamira.
―Sorry, I know it seems excessive; but... you never know when there might be paparazzi around.
It's fine, it's good that you're cautious. Come on, I'll introduce you to Siara, Veronica LeClerc's daughter.
Oh, delighted... I love your mom's designs. She is a goddess.
―Many thanks ―said Siara, with a very poorly faked friendly smile.
She is Erika, Kamilexia's sister.
The Kamilexia who does streams? Wow! I always wanted to do something with her. She seems like a very hot girl.
I don't think alike either -- said Erika --. So don't ask me to get in touch with her.
―Oh, sorry... um... I wasn't intending to get involved in a family dispute ―when the door closed, Mercedes took off her glasses and handkerchief, dazzling those present with her beauty. Oriana suppressed a small cry of joy that burst forth from the depths of her being.
―And she is Oriana ―said Xamira―. She always gets nervous when she's near famous people.
Ay, it's that I'm not mentally prepared for these things. Girls, understand that you live in a very different world from mine. I don't know anyone who is famous.
I don't either -- said Xamira --, until now. But meeting famous people isn't something that impresses me that much. I got a little nervous the first time I saw Mercedes because she was... um... it's just that I was surprised to see her appear at Emilia's house. Oh, sorry, Mercedes, you're going to hate me for this; but... I already told the girls what kind of relationship you have with Emilia. Although... I promise they won't tell anyone.
It's fine -- Mercedes collapsed onto a couch, looking defeated. I'm terrified that someone will find out about this, I always made a great effort to keep it buried. But if you're going to help me, you have to know these details. It doesn't make sense to deny it. At least you've broken the ice for me, otherwise I wouldn't have dared to talk about it.
Stay calm, Mercedes - said Siara -. With the mother I have learned to be very discreet. Nothing that you tell us here will ever know. Take it like a 'professional secret'. We work for you, even if you don't pay us.
I wanted to talk about that. I'm willing to pay, money is not the issue.
―Very well, we accept the payment ―Oriana hastened to say―. Oh, don't look at me like that. Do you guys like begging money from your mothers? I don't. If you're going to pay for this, I'll take it gladly. It's no shame to get paid for a service rendered.
Mmm... good, Oriana has a good point -- said Siara --. That money could serve us to finance our... um... projects.
Yes, please, accept the payment -- insisted Mercedes --. I would feel much more relaxed if I knew there was a kind of verbal contract between us.
For if you want to sue us, said Erika. Mercedes turned pale. It's okay, I won't blame you for covering your back. You're doing well. In your situation, I would do the same. We accept the payment and we can say that we have a verbal confidentiality agreement. We won't tell anyone about your case, and we'll make an effort to find a solution to your problem.
Okay. Thanks for understanding.
―After we'll pass on the details of our fees, said Oriana ―. And to that we're going to add any expenses that may arise during the work. We might even make you a signed document by the four of us swearing that we won't tell anyone anything.
―Okay, I like that more. It leaves me feeling calmer. Sorry for being so paranoid...
Don't apologize, Mercedes -- said Xamira sitting down beside her. She took her hand and looked at her intensely in the eyes --. After what they told you about that magazine, it's logical you're paranoid. You're playing with your career... and your privacy.
―Many thanks ―said Mercedes, blushing. Instinctively, with her free hand, she stroked Xamira's leg.
Xami didn't pay too much attention to this gesture, but the other three thought it was something strange.
Don't be afraid -- said Xamira --. Tell my friends what's happening to you. We're here to help you.
―Okay, I'll try to give you the short version to see if you're interested in the case. As you already know, I... um... am lesbian. I like women. I've known it for a long time. This has always been a problem for me, coming from a conservative family that's not okay with homosexuality, and also... my job. I'm an actress, and not just any kind of actress. I work at Caleri, a production company that takes care of its image and that of its actresses. They don't want the girls who work for them to be sexualized. On one hand, it's fine; they'll never force you to do a raunchy scene; but sometimes they take things too far with their measures.
―Like when they fired your colleague for posting a topless photo on the internet ―Oriana commented.
Yes, poor thing. She knew she was taking a risk and made the mistake of thinking that people's support would be enough for her. But in Caleri they started spreading rumors that she was a conflictive girl, who got high, who mistreated her teammates, and other aberrations. We even had to sign a confidentiality contract committing ourselves not to express an opinion on that topic.
What sons of a whore -- said Erika.
Now imagine what could happen to me if it comes out that I'm lesbian. A few weeks ago, Caleidoscopio magazine contacted me to let me know they had sensitive material about my private life. At first, I didn't give it much importance, as the magazine isn't very big, in fact, I heard rumors they're on the verge of bankruptcy. Nor did I believe that sensitive material, because I'm very careful with my relationships. I don't like taking pictures or filming anything during sexual acts. Four days ago, I received an email that completely altered my life. The editor of Caleidoscopio magazine was telling me: 'You'd have to give us an interview, this material will come out in fifteen days'. And he attached very explicit photos and videos of me having sex with a girl.
Did they ask for money? Asked Siara.
Yes -- replied Mercedes with regret. They told me they can make a lot of money publishing this and that if I want to prevent them from taking out this note, I'll have to compensate them in an appropriate way.
This is blackmail... you could go to the police -- said Oriana.
I know. What they're doing is illegal, but if I go to the police it will be worse. The editor would filter out all the material and I'd be exposed... and without a job. That's why I'm turning to you. I don't know what else to do, and there are only eleven days left until the deadline.
But... what could we do? Oriana asked. It really bothers me that you're going through this situation; but it doesn't seem like a case for investigation. You already know who's trying to ruin your career. I think it would be more profitable for you to hire someone who threatens that type, or something like that.
I thought about it. I know it's something horrible, but I ended up thinking about that alternative. And then, with a cold mind, I told myself I'm not that kind of person. I wish I could find another solution, a more... peaceful one.
―Oriana has a good point ―Siara commented―. More than an investigation work, this would be one of problem-solving. It's not our area; however, we could use our detective skills to find out more about the Caleidoscopio magazine and its editor, maybe we'll find information that will let us... dissuade him.
In other words, should I blackmail him so he doesn't blackmail Mercedes? - Asked Xamira.
It sounds bad -- said Siara --. Maybe it won't be necessary to go that far. The case interests me. This isn't a game, girls. It's not something we can do as a hobby, to kill the hours of boredom. Here the career and private life of Mercedes are at risk. If we're going to accept the case we have to commit to doing everything necessary to find a solution. Even if that solution is not the most ethical.
―I think I'm speaking for everyone when I say we're going to accept the case, even knowing it could generate ethical or moral conflicts ―Erika said. Mercedes needs help and it's obvious she doesn't have anyone else to turn to, otherwise she wouldn't have asked for help from four girls she doesn't know. If any of you aren't in agreement, speak up now. If they remain silent, it means they're totally committed to the case.
The four girls kept silent.
Mercedes smiled and a tear fell on her cheeks.
―Thanks, you don't know how much I appreciate that they take this seriously, and from now on I'm asking for forgiveness. It wasn't my intention to generate an ethical dilemma for them; but... I am desperate. My life depends on my career as an actress.
Now that you know we're committed to helping you -- said Siara -- I'd like to have access to the email the magazine editor sent you. -- Mercedes tensed up --. I know it's an invasion of privacy, but we need to see those images. What really bothers me is how did they get them if you never film yourself having sex?
It's okay, I understand. It embarrasses me that they see this material, it's very... explicit, and besides... um... I ask for discretion, please. Don't judge me for what you're going to see me doing in those videos. I... um... generally don't have sexual relations, as I have to take good care of myself when I do... and when I find someone with whom to share a good time, sometimes I lose my head a bit. It's like if I were trying to get rid of all the accumulated tension in one night of sex.
―Don't worry about that ―said Xamira―. You knew me when I was blowing Emilia's pussy and I don't even understand why I behave like this in certain moments. We're not going to judge you, we just need to know how and where those images were taken.
I know where it was -- answered Mercedes. It was at the Hotel Costa Verde.
―That's a five-star hotel ―Siara commented ―. One of the most expensive in the city.
Yes, and every time I want to have sexual relations with a woman, I go to that hotel. They have excellent service and never ask too many questions. There are even methods thought out for situations like mine, so no one sees me enter or leave. The discretion of this hotel is paramount, otherwise they wouldn't have so many VIP clients. That's why it seems very strange to me that I was recorded there. Basically, they would be ruining their main source of income: wealthy people who want to have sex discreetly.
Then we'll have to figure out how this would affect the hotel, said Erika. If it's also a risk for them that your photos are published, they might even help us avoid the catastrophe.
I hope it's like that -- said Mercedes. Because if the hotel is also part of this blackmail, I don't know what we can do anymore.
Well, this gives us a good base to start the investigation, said Siara, taking notes in a notebook. We have the hotel and the magazine. Do you think there's another place we should visit or someone else we should talk to?
Um... well, this is going to seem a bit cruel, but I'd like you guys to talk to my girlfriend. Her name is Sandra, and then I'll pass on her phone number.
―Is Sandra the girl you were having sex with in the hotel? ―Oriana asked.
No, and that's exactly the problem. I'm a disaster, girls, sometimes I disgust myself. Not only do I ask my girlfriend to keep our relationship an absolute secret, but I also cheat on her. And I did it many times.
Then... why should we talk to her? Asked Erika. Wouldn't it be better to leave her out of it and have her not find out anything?
Sandra already knows I was unfaithful to her, one day she surprised me at home with another girl... I'm afraid she's involved in some way because she got so angry with me that she threatened to tell everything about our relationship to the media. We had a very strong argument, but we made up. Anyway, it feels like she's still very angry with me.
Very well, it's worth chatting with Sandra -- said Siara, noting that name.
I just ask that you all be very tactful when speaking with her. Don't tell her I sent you.
―Yes, stay calm, discretion will be our priority ―said Erika, Mercedes didn't think that girl with such big breasts dressed in garish colors understood the concept of “discretion”, still she limited herself to nodding her head―. And what can you tell us about the girl who was with you at that hotel? The one from the video.
―Em... it's not about just one girl. There were several, on different occasions. Some I don't know too well... what happens is that, in my position as an actress, I meet many girls who fantasize about eating Minerva Santos' pussy, the character I portray. And I... em... give some of those girls a thrill.
―And doesn't it scare you that they'll tell someone about it?
No, because nobody would believe them. There are many girls on the internet saying they slept with me, most of them lie. Maybe only one or two are telling the truth. It doesn't matter to me, if there's no evidence of the fact, it's their word against mine, and you have to add men who swear they slept with me. That helps a lot because it increases that popular perception that everyone lies. And this happens to many famous people. The producer Caleri ignores those rumors as if they didn't exist. However, when there are photos or videos involved, things are very different.
―Ah. I see now ―said Erika―. With the face of Saint that you have, I didn't imagine you so... promiscuous.
This saint's face is what got me the role of Minerva Santos; but if I weren't an actress, I'm sure my life would have been very different. I've been promiscuous since I had my first sexual experiences. And spending too much time without having sex affects me a lot. That's why I went to see Emilia...
―I don't want to intrude on your private life ―said Xamira―, but one day I'd like you to tell me how it was with Emilia. I... I also slept with her, as you know; but our relationship wasn't always very healthy, let's say.
―Very well, if you want one day we can meet up somewhere discreet and talk about Emilia. I know she's a very particular woman, especially with the perspective she has on sex. She helped me face my sexual life and even gave me very useful tips so no one suspects my... personal tastes.
Of course, when you want.
―Excellent ―said Siara―. I think we have everything necessary to plan the investigation. Let's take the case and deadline seriously. As soon as we make some progress, we'll get in touch with you. Don't forget to send us the email that the magazine editor sent you.
―Many thanks for everything, girls. Honestly, I don't know what I'd do without your help. I don't know you, but I already feel like I can trust in your abilities. Emilia spoke very well of you. She says you're very intelligent: Too much for my taste, she told me. I don't know what she means.
Uh... I'll explain later ―said Xamira.
When Mercedes retired and the four members of the club were left alone, Siara told them:
Girls, we need to talk about Uvisex. I know we said the project of creating a porn web had been discarded. But... the Uvisex issue is worrying me. I feel it's much bigger than what we imagined. I was thinking that if Mercedes pays us for this job, we could use that money, plus something else we have saved, to pay for a subscription to Uvisex.
It makes sense -- said Oriana --. That would allow us to see really what kind of content is on that website and if we run into more girls from the high school.
Yes, the list we have isn't very long and it's only those chosen by Emilia, continued Siara, but I sense there are more.
Let's do it now then -- said Erika.
―Now? ―Asked Oriana.
―Do you have something more important to do? ―None responded―. Well, here's my credit card. If you're really going to give me the money (or most of it) I won't have problems with my sister. She won't even find out.
The silver is going to be okay -- Assured Siara --. Although I'll have to beg my mom.
I said the same thing - added Xamira -. I have something saved and I'm sure I can get a little more without my mom asking too many questions.
Oh, girls, it hurts to say it in my soul, but... I can't give them anything. If it weren't for Emilia's scholarship, I wouldn't be able to attend that institute.
Don't worry about it, Oriana - said Erika, with a big smile - . Each one contributes what they can. You're a great team member. You did a lot for us.
I'm going to think of how I can make up for this...
We'll see that later said Siara. Right now... we have to review Uvisex.
―Ah y... girls ―said Erika looking at all of them―. This is a premium porn page, I'm sure we'll find more exciting material. I think we've surpassed that stage, if anyone feels the need to touch themselves a little... do it without asking permission.
I'll do it, I'm sure, said Xamira. With everything that happened with Emilia and Mercedes, my hormones are all messed up.
I love that they have such an open mind - said Oriana -. So I don't feel so bad for confessing what I do while I'm doing my research on the internet. Otherwise, I would feel like a slapper... and a slut.
Maybe the four of us are a bunch of crazy girls, said Erika, letting out a giggle. But I'd rather that than be a frigid one like Sofia Levitz.
The girls were surprised at how easy it was to sign up for Uvisex, the only thing the website asked for was a username (which didn't need to be real), a password and a payment method. Additionally, they clarified that due to privacy concerns, there wasn't a way to recover the password if the user forgot it. That's why the girls noted down the data on their respective cellphones.
―Does this mean we can access all four with the same name and password? ―Oriana asked.
―Apparently, yes ―said Erika.
Isn't this counterproductive for the web?
I don't think so, Ori -- replied Siara --. People usually don't share the password to get into a porn site, let alone one as exclusive as this.
Ah, that's a good point.
The payment was accepted and they managed to access the main screen of the website. There were labels with typical categories of any porn site: amateur, high school girls, milfs, young girls, lesbians, blowjobs, threesomes, and a long etcetera. Below that, they could see several images that, when passing the cursor over them, played previews of porn videos.
It doesn't seem that exclusive to me -- said Xamira --. It looks like a common and ordinary porn website.
―Exclusivity is here ―said Siara, highlighting the text under the Uvisex logo. It said: 'You won't find this content on any other website'.
The phrase that catches my attention the most is this one - said Erika pointing to a poster appearing between the list of videos: 'Let your curiosity guide you' - It's as if they're inviting you to review the material, implying there will be rewards...
―That's it, and look at this ―Oriana pointed to the top of the screen―. There is a level bar, like in a video game, and it says: “Level 1”.
Siara clicked on that bar and a banner appeared saying: 'You'll level up while enjoying our content. The more elevated your level is, the more exclusive the material you can see will be.'
Oh, wow, that... I think it's a brilliant idea - said Erika -. It's a very good way to not show everything at first, only those who use the service most can access the best content.
I'm not sure if it's such a good idea, Oriana commented. If I pay a fortune to enter a website and they tell me I can't access all the content from the start, I'm out of here.
But people who have money to pay for this subscription won't leave -- said Siara --. That type of consumer is attracted to the idea of being on a premium site that promises them unique content. And I imagine it will take weeks or months to reach the maximum level. That increases exclusivity, it's like they're saying: 'Only those who can pay for this service for months will access the best material'.
I still don't understand.
I understand it because my mom does something similar with the clothes she sells. Only the most exclusive ones, those who earn her trust during months, will be able to buy their best outfits. She doesn't sell them to anyone, even if that person has the money to pay for them.
―That's why Veronica's designs are so sought after ―explained Erika.
The girls started looking at the videos and photos available on the page. Most of them seemed like conventional porn, similar to what they could find on any other website. Only that Uvisex provided the real names of the people participating in each sexual act and said things like: Alumna of a prestigious institute. Professor. Lawyer. Doctor.
There's a couple of girls on the list that María Fernanda Dalessi provided us with - said Siara -. Beyond that, I don't see anything particularly appealing. Give the names of the girls, but... it's all too cold. I think the page has good material and falls short in presentation.
I thought the same thing, said Erika. Given that it's such an exclusive site, I expected more information, something that would lead people to fantasize about the idea of seeing something unique.
―Anyway ―Oriana commented―, it seems to me that many of these people don't even know they're in Uvisex.
What makes you think that? Asked Xamira.
What many of the videos don't seem acted, and even seem to be filmed with hidden cameras.
It's true, said Erika. If they're really using someone else's content without permission, then it's worth investigating further... Oh, I just thought of a crazy idea that if it turns out to be true, Xamira is going to be very upset.
―Why? ―Asked Xami.
―Siara, put the name Xamira in the website's search engine. It's a very rare name, I think it might yield a very specific result.
And thus it was.
―The whore mother who gave birth to me! ―Xamira exclaimed, standing up―. I'm going to kill someone, I've had enough!
Relax, Xami -- said Siara, taking her by the arm --. I know you're upset, but acting without thinking is only going to make things worse. We'll put ourselves in evidence. For now, it's better that no one knows we're reviewing Uvisex.
Xamira sat down reluctantly. The four girls stayed looking at the screen. There were two videos showing Xamira having sex with Alexis, and several photos of her posing with Dalma.
That son of a thousand whores... gave it all to Uvisex.
―And they probably paid her very well ―said Erika. Xami let out a scream of fury―. Sorry, I didn't want to make you angrier again.
―We definitely have to keep moving forward with our website project, said Xamira. I want to find the person responsible for this and break their face.
―Are you sure, Xami? ―Oriana asked―. Making a porn website requires a lot of commitment and a lot of work.
I know that idea seemed excessive to us at the time and maybe it was because we didn't have enough confidence or determination to keep going. But after what happened at Siara's house... I feel like I can tell them anything. It's true that we've only known each other for a little while, but the circumstances forced us to earn each other's trust. You saw me sucking Alexis' cock, there are the photos and videos that prove it. I also have to add that I had to sleep with him to get more information about Dalma and Emilia. I knew he was taking pictures of me, but he never told me that material would end up on Uvisex. Now I'm sure we're going to find some shady things on this website. It's worth keeping going.
―Xamira is right ―said Erika―. We should call this guy Julian and record a few more things.
I'm willing to let myself be recorded, even knowing that the people who are going to see this material don't know me - assured Xamira.
I also assured Oriana. It's going to cost me a lot at first, I won't deny it; but... I understand why we do it. Besides... it will be my way of compensating for the lack of economic support. I can't give money; however, this is something I can do.
We don't want you to feel forced to do something you don't want to -- said Siara.
Don't worry about that. I'll try to handle it in the best possible way. We need to get to the bottom of the matter and the only way to grab the attention of a company as secretive as Uvisex is by becoming its competitor. And to do that... um... we have to create content that can't be obtained otherwise and sell it morbidly, attractively... god, I'm listening to myself talk and I feel like I've gone crazy.
I understand you, Ori -- said Erika --. And if we want to compete against Uvisex... we ourselves will have to break some ethical and moral rules.
―What are you thinking about? ―Asked Siara.
It's just a suggestion... but since the content is going to be so exclusive and only those who pay a fortune will be able to see it... we could upload the video that Oriana recorded in the dean's office.
But... Brenda and Sofia never gave us their permission, said Oriana.
Just what I was referring to. Girls, it sounds bad; but we can't compete with Uvisex without breaking some rules. They do it and thanks to this they make the web a success. I know it's wrong to show content without permission from participants, I don't like it at all; but... it's the best we have.
No we have no alternative but to play by the rules of Uvisex -- said Xamira --. It's the only way to capture their attention and make them come out of the shadows. Are they committed to this mission?
Yes -- said the other three in unison.
―Very well. Let's call Julian to record Oriana and me doing... something ―said Xamira―. After that we'll see. We have to get someone who is very good at web design, and give life to our page. Now officially declare war on Uvisex.
All my links, so they can follow and support my stories:
![Intriga Lasciva - El Instituto [22] Intriga Lasciva - El Instituto [22]](
Chapter 22.
The Euphoria of the Detective.
While the girls were preparing for the start of a new meeting of the detectives' club, Xamira realized she was glad to have returned. It would have been an error to distance herself from her new friends and the excitement of diving into a case until reaching its final resolution. With Dalma's case, she didn't do well, it affected her directly and personally; with Brenda Ramallo's case, she enjoyed it a bit more, despite not having to do much and everything resolving quickly. However, now she was feeling the detective's euphoria. That term she heard Siara say when she asked why he had decided to create this club. For the detective's euphoria, she replied without further explanation.
At first, she didn't understand it; I was going to ask her to develop it a bit more; but now, without anyone having to explain it to her, she comprehended what it was about. She spent the whole day in a rush, with anxiety hanging over her like clouds, waiting for this meeting because she knew her friends would get excited about this new case. She knew it wouldn't be easy to resolve and that they'd probably have to do many 'field investigations'. That term also learned from Siara. Maybe the 'field investigations' were her specialty, just as Oriana was really good at internet research. Xami felt that mental work wasn't her strong suit, leaving that to Siara and Erika, who were really good at connecting information and developing investigation methods. Xamira, on the other hand, was more visceral. More of an actor than a thinker.
When Siara congratulated her for thinking of a trap to make Emilia fall into her own lies, Xamira thanked her and kept silent; but in her innermost thoughts she said: “I didn’t plan anything. Things simply happened like that”. It was she who fell into the seductive claws of Emilia and Dalma, and if she managed to get out of there it was because she realized that Emilia was blackmailing scholarship students to become porn actresses. She didn't like that at all.
Now I wanted to make peace with Emilia and knew that the best way was by helping Mercedes.
I feel bad — that was the first thing Erika said at the meeting.
I told you that eating the whole package of Doritos would make you feel bad - Sara replied
I'm not referring to that. I'm immune to Doritos. I've been eating them for years. I feel bad because Xamira already got two cases for the club, and I none.
―Okay, but in reality the first case was a personal request ―said Xamira―. This one is an official case that's not directly linked to me. Yes, before I tell you what it's about, I need you to promise me absolute discretion. No one can find out who the person is who hired us, if we can even call it a contract.
While this hobby of being a detective club is a pastime -- Siara began saying --, I take it very seriously. One day I would like to be a private detective, really. And I couldn't be one if I spent all my time gossiping about who hired me.
I also promise I won't tell anyone -- said Oriana -- and now I have much more curiosity about this case. Did someone who works at the institute hire us?
-Or maybe a famous person - suggested Erika -. You can speak freely, Xami, I think the same as Siara.
Very well, I'm glad to know that. Besides, our job consists in preventing certain information from coming out. Now I'll explain what it's about. Have you ever seen the Minerva Santos series?
It's not my style, but I know her - said Siara.
―I do look at her, even though I'm not up to date ―Oriana assured. The actress really charms me: Mercedes Navarro ―Xamira smiled in a very particular way and Oriana opened her eyes wide―. Oh my god! Are you trying to tell me that we were hired by none other than Mercedes Navarro herself?
―That's it. Maybe they don't know, but she was a student at this same institute. ―The three girls seemed surprised―. And wait... because this is going to seem even crazier: Mercedes is one of Emilia's lovers.
What? Oriana jumped up from a leap. Are you messing with me? But... but... she doesn't even seem lesbian. It's even rumored that she's dating one of the guys from the series.
Those rumors, according to what Mercedes told me herself, she started spreading them herself to mask her true sexual orientation. Oriana sat back down slowly, as if she didn't want to believe Xamira's words. And that's where the problem lies: it turns out there's a local magazine, one of those fashion and gossip ones, threatening Mercedes with 'outing' her.
―Is it by force? ―Erika asked. That's not right. Mercedes isn't obligated to tell everyone what her sexual orientation is.
I told him that too - continued Xamira -. Mercedes is very worried that it gets out that she's a lesbian, not just because of what her family will think, but also because they might kick her off the show.
I don't think they'll fire her for being lesbian -- said Siara --. Today that would be a scandal for the producer.
Naturally; but... what would happen if Mercedes' sexual orientation is explained through very explicit photos? Photos and videos...
Oh, wow, they really do it ―Oriana said. The producer of that series is famous for firing any actress who has had even the slightest sexual scandal. They want to pretend that all the actresses in their shows are virgins, pure and chaste, like nuns. I remember they fired a secondary actress from that same series about a year ago because the girl posted topless photos on the internet.
―Of course, that's what Mercedes also told me. Think about it: they fired a girl just for showing her tits...
A Mercedes they strike her if the photos are very explicit -- commented Siara --. And how did the magazine get that material? What did they tell Mercedes? Is there a deadline?
I was told there's a deadline. But Mercedes didn't give me more details, she wants to be sure we're willing to help her and won't tell anyone. I figured you'd say yes, so I asked Mercedes to come to my house this afternoon. My parents won't be home, so no one will bother us.
―Very well, let's talk to her. This case interests me a lot ―Siara assured.
A pair of hours later, the four girls joined at Xamira's house. They waited for long twenty minutes in the living room until someone rang the doorbell. When opening the door, they found a woman with a flowered handkerchief on her head and black glasses.
It seems to me that someone doesn't want her recognized on the street -- said Xamira.
―Sorry, I know it seems excessive; but... you never know when there might be paparazzi around.
It's fine, it's good that you're cautious. Come on, I'll introduce you to Siara, Veronica LeClerc's daughter.
Oh, delighted... I love your mom's designs. She is a goddess.
―Many thanks ―said Siara, with a very poorly faked friendly smile.
She is Erika, Kamilexia's sister.
The Kamilexia who does streams? Wow! I always wanted to do something with her. She seems like a very hot girl.
I don't think alike either -- said Erika --. So don't ask me to get in touch with her.
―Oh, sorry... um... I wasn't intending to get involved in a family dispute ―when the door closed, Mercedes took off her glasses and handkerchief, dazzling those present with her beauty. Oriana suppressed a small cry of joy that burst forth from the depths of her being.
―And she is Oriana ―said Xamira―. She always gets nervous when she's near famous people.
Ay, it's that I'm not mentally prepared for these things. Girls, understand that you live in a very different world from mine. I don't know anyone who is famous.
I don't either -- said Xamira --, until now. But meeting famous people isn't something that impresses me that much. I got a little nervous the first time I saw Mercedes because she was... um... it's just that I was surprised to see her appear at Emilia's house. Oh, sorry, Mercedes, you're going to hate me for this; but... I already told the girls what kind of relationship you have with Emilia. Although... I promise they won't tell anyone.
It's fine -- Mercedes collapsed onto a couch, looking defeated. I'm terrified that someone will find out about this, I always made a great effort to keep it buried. But if you're going to help me, you have to know these details. It doesn't make sense to deny it. At least you've broken the ice for me, otherwise I wouldn't have dared to talk about it.
Stay calm, Mercedes - said Siara -. With the mother I have learned to be very discreet. Nothing that you tell us here will ever know. Take it like a 'professional secret'. We work for you, even if you don't pay us.
I wanted to talk about that. I'm willing to pay, money is not the issue.
―Very well, we accept the payment ―Oriana hastened to say―. Oh, don't look at me like that. Do you guys like begging money from your mothers? I don't. If you're going to pay for this, I'll take it gladly. It's no shame to get paid for a service rendered.
Mmm... good, Oriana has a good point -- said Siara --. That money could serve us to finance our... um... projects.
Yes, please, accept the payment -- insisted Mercedes --. I would feel much more relaxed if I knew there was a kind of verbal contract between us.
For if you want to sue us, said Erika. Mercedes turned pale. It's okay, I won't blame you for covering your back. You're doing well. In your situation, I would do the same. We accept the payment and we can say that we have a verbal confidentiality agreement. We won't tell anyone about your case, and we'll make an effort to find a solution to your problem.
Okay. Thanks for understanding.
―After we'll pass on the details of our fees, said Oriana ―. And to that we're going to add any expenses that may arise during the work. We might even make you a signed document by the four of us swearing that we won't tell anyone anything.
―Okay, I like that more. It leaves me feeling calmer. Sorry for being so paranoid...
Don't apologize, Mercedes -- said Xamira sitting down beside her. She took her hand and looked at her intensely in the eyes --. After what they told you about that magazine, it's logical you're paranoid. You're playing with your career... and your privacy.
―Many thanks ―said Mercedes, blushing. Instinctively, with her free hand, she stroked Xamira's leg.
Xami didn't pay too much attention to this gesture, but the other three thought it was something strange.
Don't be afraid -- said Xamira --. Tell my friends what's happening to you. We're here to help you.
―Okay, I'll try to give you the short version to see if you're interested in the case. As you already know, I... um... am lesbian. I like women. I've known it for a long time. This has always been a problem for me, coming from a conservative family that's not okay with homosexuality, and also... my job. I'm an actress, and not just any kind of actress. I work at Caleri, a production company that takes care of its image and that of its actresses. They don't want the girls who work for them to be sexualized. On one hand, it's fine; they'll never force you to do a raunchy scene; but sometimes they take things too far with their measures.
―Like when they fired your colleague for posting a topless photo on the internet ―Oriana commented.
Yes, poor thing. She knew she was taking a risk and made the mistake of thinking that people's support would be enough for her. But in Caleri they started spreading rumors that she was a conflictive girl, who got high, who mistreated her teammates, and other aberrations. We even had to sign a confidentiality contract committing ourselves not to express an opinion on that topic.
What sons of a whore -- said Erika.
Now imagine what could happen to me if it comes out that I'm lesbian. A few weeks ago, Caleidoscopio magazine contacted me to let me know they had sensitive material about my private life. At first, I didn't give it much importance, as the magazine isn't very big, in fact, I heard rumors they're on the verge of bankruptcy. Nor did I believe that sensitive material, because I'm very careful with my relationships. I don't like taking pictures or filming anything during sexual acts. Four days ago, I received an email that completely altered my life. The editor of Caleidoscopio magazine was telling me: 'You'd have to give us an interview, this material will come out in fifteen days'. And he attached very explicit photos and videos of me having sex with a girl.
Did they ask for money? Asked Siara.
Yes -- replied Mercedes with regret. They told me they can make a lot of money publishing this and that if I want to prevent them from taking out this note, I'll have to compensate them in an appropriate way.
This is blackmail... you could go to the police -- said Oriana.
I know. What they're doing is illegal, but if I go to the police it will be worse. The editor would filter out all the material and I'd be exposed... and without a job. That's why I'm turning to you. I don't know what else to do, and there are only eleven days left until the deadline.
But... what could we do? Oriana asked. It really bothers me that you're going through this situation; but it doesn't seem like a case for investigation. You already know who's trying to ruin your career. I think it would be more profitable for you to hire someone who threatens that type, or something like that.
I thought about it. I know it's something horrible, but I ended up thinking about that alternative. And then, with a cold mind, I told myself I'm not that kind of person. I wish I could find another solution, a more... peaceful one.
―Oriana has a good point ―Siara commented―. More than an investigation work, this would be one of problem-solving. It's not our area; however, we could use our detective skills to find out more about the Caleidoscopio magazine and its editor, maybe we'll find information that will let us... dissuade him.
In other words, should I blackmail him so he doesn't blackmail Mercedes? - Asked Xamira.
It sounds bad -- said Siara --. Maybe it won't be necessary to go that far. The case interests me. This isn't a game, girls. It's not something we can do as a hobby, to kill the hours of boredom. Here the career and private life of Mercedes are at risk. If we're going to accept the case we have to commit to doing everything necessary to find a solution. Even if that solution is not the most ethical.
―I think I'm speaking for everyone when I say we're going to accept the case, even knowing it could generate ethical or moral conflicts ―Erika said. Mercedes needs help and it's obvious she doesn't have anyone else to turn to, otherwise she wouldn't have asked for help from four girls she doesn't know. If any of you aren't in agreement, speak up now. If they remain silent, it means they're totally committed to the case.
The four girls kept silent.
Mercedes smiled and a tear fell on her cheeks.
―Thanks, you don't know how much I appreciate that they take this seriously, and from now on I'm asking for forgiveness. It wasn't my intention to generate an ethical dilemma for them; but... I am desperate. My life depends on my career as an actress.
Now that you know we're committed to helping you -- said Siara -- I'd like to have access to the email the magazine editor sent you. -- Mercedes tensed up --. I know it's an invasion of privacy, but we need to see those images. What really bothers me is how did they get them if you never film yourself having sex?
It's okay, I understand. It embarrasses me that they see this material, it's very... explicit, and besides... um... I ask for discretion, please. Don't judge me for what you're going to see me doing in those videos. I... um... generally don't have sexual relations, as I have to take good care of myself when I do... and when I find someone with whom to share a good time, sometimes I lose my head a bit. It's like if I were trying to get rid of all the accumulated tension in one night of sex.
―Don't worry about that ―said Xamira―. You knew me when I was blowing Emilia's pussy and I don't even understand why I behave like this in certain moments. We're not going to judge you, we just need to know how and where those images were taken.
I know where it was -- answered Mercedes. It was at the Hotel Costa Verde.
―That's a five-star hotel ―Siara commented ―. One of the most expensive in the city.
Yes, and every time I want to have sexual relations with a woman, I go to that hotel. They have excellent service and never ask too many questions. There are even methods thought out for situations like mine, so no one sees me enter or leave. The discretion of this hotel is paramount, otherwise they wouldn't have so many VIP clients. That's why it seems very strange to me that I was recorded there. Basically, they would be ruining their main source of income: wealthy people who want to have sex discreetly.
Then we'll have to figure out how this would affect the hotel, said Erika. If it's also a risk for them that your photos are published, they might even help us avoid the catastrophe.
I hope it's like that -- said Mercedes. Because if the hotel is also part of this blackmail, I don't know what we can do anymore.
Well, this gives us a good base to start the investigation, said Siara, taking notes in a notebook. We have the hotel and the magazine. Do you think there's another place we should visit or someone else we should talk to?
Um... well, this is going to seem a bit cruel, but I'd like you guys to talk to my girlfriend. Her name is Sandra, and then I'll pass on her phone number.
―Is Sandra the girl you were having sex with in the hotel? ―Oriana asked.
No, and that's exactly the problem. I'm a disaster, girls, sometimes I disgust myself. Not only do I ask my girlfriend to keep our relationship an absolute secret, but I also cheat on her. And I did it many times.
Then... why should we talk to her? Asked Erika. Wouldn't it be better to leave her out of it and have her not find out anything?
Sandra already knows I was unfaithful to her, one day she surprised me at home with another girl... I'm afraid she's involved in some way because she got so angry with me that she threatened to tell everything about our relationship to the media. We had a very strong argument, but we made up. Anyway, it feels like she's still very angry with me.
Very well, it's worth chatting with Sandra -- said Siara, noting that name.
I just ask that you all be very tactful when speaking with her. Don't tell her I sent you.
―Yes, stay calm, discretion will be our priority ―said Erika, Mercedes didn't think that girl with such big breasts dressed in garish colors understood the concept of “discretion”, still she limited herself to nodding her head―. And what can you tell us about the girl who was with you at that hotel? The one from the video.
―Em... it's not about just one girl. There were several, on different occasions. Some I don't know too well... what happens is that, in my position as an actress, I meet many girls who fantasize about eating Minerva Santos' pussy, the character I portray. And I... em... give some of those girls a thrill.
―And doesn't it scare you that they'll tell someone about it?
No, because nobody would believe them. There are many girls on the internet saying they slept with me, most of them lie. Maybe only one or two are telling the truth. It doesn't matter to me, if there's no evidence of the fact, it's their word against mine, and you have to add men who swear they slept with me. That helps a lot because it increases that popular perception that everyone lies. And this happens to many famous people. The producer Caleri ignores those rumors as if they didn't exist. However, when there are photos or videos involved, things are very different.
―Ah. I see now ―said Erika―. With the face of Saint that you have, I didn't imagine you so... promiscuous.
This saint's face is what got me the role of Minerva Santos; but if I weren't an actress, I'm sure my life would have been very different. I've been promiscuous since I had my first sexual experiences. And spending too much time without having sex affects me a lot. That's why I went to see Emilia...
―I don't want to intrude on your private life ―said Xamira―, but one day I'd like you to tell me how it was with Emilia. I... I also slept with her, as you know; but our relationship wasn't always very healthy, let's say.
―Very well, if you want one day we can meet up somewhere discreet and talk about Emilia. I know she's a very particular woman, especially with the perspective she has on sex. She helped me face my sexual life and even gave me very useful tips so no one suspects my... personal tastes.
Of course, when you want.
―Excellent ―said Siara―. I think we have everything necessary to plan the investigation. Let's take the case and deadline seriously. As soon as we make some progress, we'll get in touch with you. Don't forget to send us the email that the magazine editor sent you.
―Many thanks for everything, girls. Honestly, I don't know what I'd do without your help. I don't know you, but I already feel like I can trust in your abilities. Emilia spoke very well of you. She says you're very intelligent: Too much for my taste, she told me. I don't know what she means.
Uh... I'll explain later ―said Xamira.
When Mercedes retired and the four members of the club were left alone, Siara told them:
Girls, we need to talk about Uvisex. I know we said the project of creating a porn web had been discarded. But... the Uvisex issue is worrying me. I feel it's much bigger than what we imagined. I was thinking that if Mercedes pays us for this job, we could use that money, plus something else we have saved, to pay for a subscription to Uvisex.
It makes sense -- said Oriana --. That would allow us to see really what kind of content is on that website and if we run into more girls from the high school.
Yes, the list we have isn't very long and it's only those chosen by Emilia, continued Siara, but I sense there are more.
Let's do it now then -- said Erika.
―Now? ―Asked Oriana.
―Do you have something more important to do? ―None responded―. Well, here's my credit card. If you're really going to give me the money (or most of it) I won't have problems with my sister. She won't even find out.
The silver is going to be okay -- Assured Siara --. Although I'll have to beg my mom.
I said the same thing - added Xamira -. I have something saved and I'm sure I can get a little more without my mom asking too many questions.
Oh, girls, it hurts to say it in my soul, but... I can't give them anything. If it weren't for Emilia's scholarship, I wouldn't be able to attend that institute.
Don't worry about it, Oriana - said Erika, with a big smile - . Each one contributes what they can. You're a great team member. You did a lot for us.
I'm going to think of how I can make up for this...
We'll see that later said Siara. Right now... we have to review Uvisex.
―Ah y... girls ―said Erika looking at all of them―. This is a premium porn page, I'm sure we'll find more exciting material. I think we've surpassed that stage, if anyone feels the need to touch themselves a little... do it without asking permission.
I'll do it, I'm sure, said Xamira. With everything that happened with Emilia and Mercedes, my hormones are all messed up.
I love that they have such an open mind - said Oriana -. So I don't feel so bad for confessing what I do while I'm doing my research on the internet. Otherwise, I would feel like a slapper... and a slut.
Maybe the four of us are a bunch of crazy girls, said Erika, letting out a giggle. But I'd rather that than be a frigid one like Sofia Levitz.
The girls were surprised at how easy it was to sign up for Uvisex, the only thing the website asked for was a username (which didn't need to be real), a password and a payment method. Additionally, they clarified that due to privacy concerns, there wasn't a way to recover the password if the user forgot it. That's why the girls noted down the data on their respective cellphones.
―Does this mean we can access all four with the same name and password? ―Oriana asked.
―Apparently, yes ―said Erika.
Isn't this counterproductive for the web?
I don't think so, Ori -- replied Siara --. People usually don't share the password to get into a porn site, let alone one as exclusive as this.
Ah, that's a good point.
The payment was accepted and they managed to access the main screen of the website. There were labels with typical categories of any porn site: amateur, high school girls, milfs, young girls, lesbians, blowjobs, threesomes, and a long etcetera. Below that, they could see several images that, when passing the cursor over them, played previews of porn videos.
It doesn't seem that exclusive to me -- said Xamira --. It looks like a common and ordinary porn website.
―Exclusivity is here ―said Siara, highlighting the text under the Uvisex logo. It said: 'You won't find this content on any other website'.
The phrase that catches my attention the most is this one - said Erika pointing to a poster appearing between the list of videos: 'Let your curiosity guide you' - It's as if they're inviting you to review the material, implying there will be rewards...
―That's it, and look at this ―Oriana pointed to the top of the screen―. There is a level bar, like in a video game, and it says: “Level 1”.
Siara clicked on that bar and a banner appeared saying: 'You'll level up while enjoying our content. The more elevated your level is, the more exclusive the material you can see will be.'
Oh, wow, that... I think it's a brilliant idea - said Erika -. It's a very good way to not show everything at first, only those who use the service most can access the best content.
I'm not sure if it's such a good idea, Oriana commented. If I pay a fortune to enter a website and they tell me I can't access all the content from the start, I'm out of here.
But people who have money to pay for this subscription won't leave -- said Siara --. That type of consumer is attracted to the idea of being on a premium site that promises them unique content. And I imagine it will take weeks or months to reach the maximum level. That increases exclusivity, it's like they're saying: 'Only those who can pay for this service for months will access the best material'.
I still don't understand.
I understand it because my mom does something similar with the clothes she sells. Only the most exclusive ones, those who earn her trust during months, will be able to buy their best outfits. She doesn't sell them to anyone, even if that person has the money to pay for them.
―That's why Veronica's designs are so sought after ―explained Erika.
The girls started looking at the videos and photos available on the page. Most of them seemed like conventional porn, similar to what they could find on any other website. Only that Uvisex provided the real names of the people participating in each sexual act and said things like: Alumna of a prestigious institute. Professor. Lawyer. Doctor.
There's a couple of girls on the list that María Fernanda Dalessi provided us with - said Siara -. Beyond that, I don't see anything particularly appealing. Give the names of the girls, but... it's all too cold. I think the page has good material and falls short in presentation.
I thought the same thing, said Erika. Given that it's such an exclusive site, I expected more information, something that would lead people to fantasize about the idea of seeing something unique.
―Anyway ―Oriana commented―, it seems to me that many of these people don't even know they're in Uvisex.
What makes you think that? Asked Xamira.
What many of the videos don't seem acted, and even seem to be filmed with hidden cameras.
It's true, said Erika. If they're really using someone else's content without permission, then it's worth investigating further... Oh, I just thought of a crazy idea that if it turns out to be true, Xamira is going to be very upset.
―Why? ―Asked Xami.
―Siara, put the name Xamira in the website's search engine. It's a very rare name, I think it might yield a very specific result.
And thus it was.
―The whore mother who gave birth to me! ―Xamira exclaimed, standing up―. I'm going to kill someone, I've had enough!
Relax, Xami -- said Siara, taking her by the arm --. I know you're upset, but acting without thinking is only going to make things worse. We'll put ourselves in evidence. For now, it's better that no one knows we're reviewing Uvisex.
Xamira sat down reluctantly. The four girls stayed looking at the screen. There were two videos showing Xamira having sex with Alexis, and several photos of her posing with Dalma.
That son of a thousand whores... gave it all to Uvisex.
―And they probably paid her very well ―said Erika. Xami let out a scream of fury―. Sorry, I didn't want to make you angrier again.
―We definitely have to keep moving forward with our website project, said Xamira. I want to find the person responsible for this and break their face.
―Are you sure, Xami? ―Oriana asked―. Making a porn website requires a lot of commitment and a lot of work.
I know that idea seemed excessive to us at the time and maybe it was because we didn't have enough confidence or determination to keep going. But after what happened at Siara's house... I feel like I can tell them anything. It's true that we've only known each other for a little while, but the circumstances forced us to earn each other's trust. You saw me sucking Alexis' cock, there are the photos and videos that prove it. I also have to add that I had to sleep with him to get more information about Dalma and Emilia. I knew he was taking pictures of me, but he never told me that material would end up on Uvisex. Now I'm sure we're going to find some shady things on this website. It's worth keeping going.
―Xamira is right ―said Erika―. We should call this guy Julian and record a few more things.
I'm willing to let myself be recorded, even knowing that the people who are going to see this material don't know me - assured Xamira.
I also assured Oriana. It's going to cost me a lot at first, I won't deny it; but... I understand why we do it. Besides... it will be my way of compensating for the lack of economic support. I can't give money; however, this is something I can do.
We don't want you to feel forced to do something you don't want to -- said Siara.
Don't worry about that. I'll try to handle it in the best possible way. We need to get to the bottom of the matter and the only way to grab the attention of a company as secretive as Uvisex is by becoming its competitor. And to do that... um... we have to create content that can't be obtained otherwise and sell it morbidly, attractively... god, I'm listening to myself talk and I feel like I've gone crazy.
I understand you, Ori -- said Erika --. And if we want to compete against Uvisex... we ourselves will have to break some ethical and moral rules.
―What are you thinking about? ―Asked Siara.
It's just a suggestion... but since the content is going to be so exclusive and only those who pay a fortune will be able to see it... we could upload the video that Oriana recorded in the dean's office.
But... Brenda and Sofia never gave us their permission, said Oriana.
Just what I was referring to. Girls, it sounds bad; but we can't compete with Uvisex without breaking some rules. They do it and thanks to this they make the web a success. I know it's wrong to show content without permission from participants, I don't like it at all; but... it's the best we have.
No we have no alternative but to play by the rules of Uvisex -- said Xamira --. It's the only way to capture their attention and make them come out of the shadows. Are they committed to this mission?
Yes -- said the other three in unison.
―Very well. Let's call Julian to record Oriana and me doing... something ―said Xamira―. After that we'll see. We have to get someone who is very good at web design, and give life to our page. Now officially declare war on Uvisex.
All my links, so they can follow and support my stories:
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