Generación 1970 - Gabriela

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Gabriela era la conflictiva del grupo, en verdad los conflictos los tenía consigo misma, con sus múltiples personalidades.
Bioquímica de profesión, sin embargo, había dejado eso de lado, no le gustaba, se ocupaba en un emprendimiento personal, le gustaba ir a las ferias a vender los productos artesanales que ella misma fabricaba.
Casada, su esposo era farmacéutico, una deuda de la vida serían los hijos, luego de comprobarse que jamás podría ser madre por su propia esterilidad, la segunda opción de adoptar un niño se le haría tan cuesta arriba que terminarían desistiendo.
Ella estaba tan delgada como de costumbre, y aun usaba esos lentes de aumento para acomodar su visión. Gabriela sufría mucho en esos días de secundaria cuando las chicas la llamaban 'cuatro ojos' y si bien su carma no era del tamaño del que sufría Oyuky, pera ella, era todo un mundo.
Gabriela era de esas mujeres que nunca destacarían por su físico, o, mejor dicho, era una mujer normal a la que las palabras 'sensualidad', 'seducción', 'provocación' no le quedaban, de vestir simple, excitar al sexo opuesto no estaba en su A B C de vida.
Jamás se había tratado en sesión de psicoanálisis, y alguna colega de Sandra se estaba perdiendo una paciente en el diván

Gabriela no sabía cómo empezar a hablar, meditó mucho la forma de abordar su historia, pero disertar no era su fuerte, y jamás podría hablar con la soltura con lo que lo había hecho Noemí, pero el destino la había puesto en segundo lugar, se comió las uñas y se sacó los lentes de aumento como muestra de su nerviosismo, para luego volver a ponérselos calzando el marco por encima de la nariz y las patillas tras las orejas
Nacida bajo el signo de Géminis siempre tenía dos respuestas a cada pregunta, y dos problemas a cada solución, una mujer que era un manojo de nervios, incluso podía llegar a ser molesta hasta el hartazgo.

Su vida de pareja siempre andaba entre altos y bajos, su esposo tampoco era el tipo perfecto, un hombre de carácter y un tanto introvertido, le gustaba tener el control con un sesgo machista, y muchas veces le hacía notar a su esposa que era el quien traía el dinero a casa, porque él le dejaba en claro que el tema de sus productos artesanales eran solo pasatiempos que nunca los haría progresar.
Además, Carlos, su esposo, solía recriminarle lo poco sensual que era para con él, jamás se producía, jamás se maquillaba, jamás un mimo, una caricia, hasta se mostraba desatenta con él y si bien Carlos parecía haberse resignado a eso, lo cierto que siempre miraba en otras lo que Gabriela no le daba, aunque eso no lo llevara a una infidelidad, lo cierto es que siempre caminaba por la cornisa

El punto más vulnerable de la relación de pareja, fue cuando el médico de esos días le confirmó, después de miles de estudios que Gabriela era estéril y que jamás quedaría embarazada, fue devastador para ellos, pero en especial para ella, se moría por ganas de ser madre y se sintió culpable del fracaso
Carlos, lejos de mostrarse compañero en el peor momento, volvería a ser torpe, y dejaba notar a propios y extraños que 'él no era el problema'
La situación había degastado a Gabriela quien ahogaba sus penas llorando a solas por los rincones, había adelgazado, flaca como nunca apenas llegaba a los cincuenta quilos, se mostraba pálida, ojerosa, inapetente, y cuando todo parecía negro en su vida, un extraño llamado Norberto sería una flor en medio del pantano

Palabras de Gabriela

Mi vida era una mierda en esos días, me veía mal, me sentía mal, lloraba más de lo que comía, estaba esquelética, se me marcaban las costillas y todos los pantalones me quedaban embolsados, se me caían y me los tenía que subir cada tanto, tenía los pómulos saltones y los cachetes hundidos, y si bien nunca tuve mucho busto en esos días estaba peor que nunca, chata como una tabla, me miraba al espejo y la imagen que me devolvía solo me repugnaba, tenía una carga emocional tan grande sobre mis hombros que me sentía en un laberinto sin salida

Casi no hablaba con mi esposo, y si lo hacíamos era solo para discutir, así que me enfoqué en lo que más podía distraer mi cabeza, mis manualidades.
Pasaba muchas horas a solas, pintando, bordando, trabajando cerámicas, maderas, aislada de la realidad, del mundo, escuchando música y la única válvula de escape eran mis fines de semana de ferias, ya saben, paseos artesanales donde hay decenas de puestos y cada quien ofrece lo que tiene, como decía Carlos mi marido, jamás juntaría muchas monedas con esos pasatiempos, pero para mí era una forma de sacar todas mis frustraciones, no se trataba de dinero, se trataba solamente de sobrevivir.

Así me hice un tanto amiga de una de las chicas que tenían un espacio de venta en la plaza de la ciudad, ella tenía su puesto de mermeladas y dulces junto al mío y casualmente también se llamaba Gabriela
Solíamos charlar en los ratos libres que no teníamos clientela de paso, mate compartido de por medio, y en algún tiempo había nacido una especie de amistad, yo sabía mucho de su vida, y ella de la mía
Y ella notó mi cambio físico, y solo me vi obligada a contarle por lo que estaba pasando, tuve el placer de notar que ella me comprendía y me daba el apoyo que necesitaba, y al mismo tiempo la amargura de notar que justamente eso era lo que hubiese esperado de parte de mi esposo.

Como fuera, yo esperaba cada fin de semana para sentirme viva, para respirar aire puro, para salir del agujero negro en el que vivía y mi amiga tenía mucho que ver en eso.
Ella era un tanto payasa, siempre estaba con historias disparatadas, trataba de hacerme reír y hacerme mover el esqueleto por así decirlo.
Me hablaba de cualquier tema, incluso sobre sexo, sin importar el lenguaje solía decirme que 'necesitaba una buena cepillada' porque se hacía más que obvio que Carlos y yo no andábamos en nuestros mejores días en la cama.

Así fue que ella empezó a mencionarme a Norberto, un chico que tenía un puesto un poco apartado del nuestro, a quien yo obviamente no había prestado atención, pero en esos días a nadie prestaba atención.
Pero Norberto tenía algunos rasgos particulares, él no era nativo, tenía una piel negra como la noche, su cabeza era una esfera perfecta, rapado, donde en blanco de sus ojos y sus dientes resaltaban inmediatamente, tenía un rostro de tipo bonachón, de buenazo, era un tanto corpulento y un tanto obeso, denotando el poco cuidado que le daba a su físico, los que los conocían decía que era un poco charlatán, él era un tallador nato de maderas, y ofrecía bancos, estanterías, adornos de pared como relojes y perfectos rostros, detalles para una mesa, barcos, coches, juegos y todo lo imaginable que pudiera realizar, con un trozo de madera él podía realizar casi cualquier cosa que se propusiera.

Generación 1970 - GabrielaBut Gabriela was going further, between mate and mate she would tell me if I hadn't noticed that Norberto almost always wore loose pants, his enormous cock hanging down, surely he didn't wear underwear, she couldn't believe I was so stupid, something obvious that everyone commented on, and less that I ignored it, and they called him the lord of the eel.

I wasn't focused on sex, but my companion made me curious, and every time I crossed paths with that dark-skinned man, my gaze would unintentionally go between his legs, and yes, it seemed he only had one enormous thing!

I would have left it at that, but she started to get me into those fantasies about blacks, you know, and it was pouring like drops on stone, besides, every time he came alone, he'd give us a chat and Gabriela would say things that made me blush, letting him know I wasn't well put together in all the subtle ways a woman has to make it clear. In my head, the idea of being unfaithful was far away, but by that point, I had already taken ownership of the idea of being with a black man with an enormous cock, just curiosity, intrigue, knowing what it was about.

I never told him, but he knew or intuited it from my way of being, looking, or maybe my friend had served me on a platter, surely she would talk behind his back to him, as she did with me.

On Sunday afternoon, a southerly storm brought low temperatures as a gift, the sky was completely cloudy and wouldn't change for the rest of the day, it was cold and I had frozen feet and hands, it was likely to rain, and everything had aligned so that most people would stay at home, almost no customers, even some stalls remained closed, when Norberto came to our side and in Gabriela's momentary distraction, with a little intimacy he invited me to his home.

Let's go to my house, I turn on the heating and we take a hot chocolate, how does that sound?

Something like his words were and in a very casual way we decided to lift everything without drawing attention, I loaded all my things into the car trunk as I did every day, only it was early, I greeted my friend who cursed the weather and only went to her house, at the address she had given me.

Norberto lived alone, his Castilian Spanish had a different accent from mine, very central American and sounded very nice, he didn't talk about the auto, he talked about the coche, he didn't say let's talk, he said let's platicar, even got lost looking for some typical Argentine words and had to come out in his dialectical help.

The heating was taking effect and the warmth slowly enveloped me, my hands wrapped around the hot chocolate cup I was drinking and everything changed inside and outside of me, we chatted a little, just enough because we weren't there to make a debate.

Rare for me, but I was direct, looking straight between his legs I told him without beating around the bush that I was there because it intrigued me too much to do it with a black man and his cock seemed enormous.

Norberto put the cup aside, came towards me and passing his hands underneath, lifted me up in the air for me to wrap my legs and arms around him, there was a terrible physical difference between us, my weight didn't make an impression on his marked biceps, I kissed him, I kissed him wildly because after so many grey moments in my life it gave me the chance to fill myself with colors for a few minutes.

He responded with deep kisses, eating me up with those thick and marked lips that dark-skinned people have, and while we were doing it, he took me step by step towards the bedroom, with the same ease with which he had lifted me in the air now he threw me onto the bed, I fell sprawling, bouncing on the soft mattress, looked at his sex, now if it was noticeable and the grey pants he had on prevented a complete erection, having his caged beast

I wanted to go over him, but he stopped me by grabbing my shoulders, took off my shirt and bra, I was sitting on the edge of the bed with my torso bare, Norberto knelt between my legs to kiss me again, then he went down a bit and got lost in my breasts, caressing them, licking them, and I loved what he was doing, he played for a while, with one, with the other, and later after some time put his wide hand on my chest and subtly invited me to recline, barely could see him, then hooked my loose jeans, I was so thin that he didn't have to let go of the button to slide it over my hips and dragged deliberately in this game the panties I had, had me at his mercy, completely naked, and didn't take long to dive between my legs, started licking very tasty, grabbed my excited clitoris, made me gasp, caressed my breasts, every now and then lifted my head a bit to see him, between my beautiful vaginal highlights shone his eyes, as if he were hiding in a forest, but only fell back again to see the impalpable whiteness of the ceiling

I felt it coming, I didn't remember when I had last had an orgasm, really didn't remember, so like a little girl, I discovered myself crying between moans, heaven, hell

Then Norberto came to meet me, hugged me, took off my glasses and kissed my eyelids sweetly, wiping away my tears, it became funny, without glasses everything was blurry, out of focus, and I was surprised to notice the enormous cock of the black man pressed against my face, I stayed scared, really it was a normal anguilla brunette and noticed that it was as long and thick as my forearm, he took it between his fingers and hit me in the face a couple of times, assuming it cost him a lot to achieve a complete erection, would have needed a second heart to pump blood, his cock had its own life

The complicit laughter of Gabriela's friends suddenly cut off the dialogue, she had been very funny in the way telling how his lover's cock was, let the moment pass, asked for silence and kept going. Then he reclined me again, on my back, and left my head hanging off the bed, got comfortable and put the tip of his cock in my mouth, opened as wide as I could so it would fit and pushed a little until it hit my throat, pulled out and went back in and a bit more and another one, I was going crazy, insane, but I don't know, I liked it, I felt a little violated and yes, I liked it, and only felt like his enormous cock was slowly sliding all the way in, dilating my throat, producing gagging and feeling saliva flowing between my lips, like a wild slut and my throat had dilated completely, until his balls hit my face. Only started doing it, going in and out slowly, Norberto had put one of his hands on my throat and guessed he was getting excited feeling his sex entering and leaving, once and again and I was losing my mind. Norberto got tired of the game, pulled out and made me sit up, almost couldn't breathe, couldn't hold myself, thought I would have an attack, between my vision problems and the tears that had been ripped from me, I was almost blind, only at his mercy. And put me on all fours almost by force, pressed my face against the bed, got comfortable behind me and just went in, it was terribly big and only pulled out a cry of pain and by instinct I threw myself forward, but he held me by the waist and took me back to his side, it was so long that I could move without problems, never coming out of my pussy. And he would grab me and I would try to escape, make him yell, son of a slut, and only couldn't tolerate it, threw myself forward, lying on my stomach, trying to escape, but Norberto fell on top of me, bending me under his weight, entwined his legs with mine, no longer had an escape route, grabbed me, grabbed me all, kissed my neck, ear, hair and while I only gemmed and screamed, he was telling me in my ear how I was a slut, only stopping when he felt like leaving all his juices inside of me.

I took my clothes and dressed silently, hurt, full of semen, Norberto had that face of bonhomie again, but it was just his face.

That night passed one of the worst nights of my life, dinner with my husband was a torture, sitting slightly to the side because I hurt all over, I had trouble swallowing bites because my throat also hurt, and when he asked if something was wrong, I just shook my head, because my soul also hurt, like telling him I had behaved like a vicious slut?

I would never sleep with Norberto again, even if he tried until exhaustion, but I would never try that cock again, at least for now, Gabriela, my companion, was the only one who knew this story, and I never had the courage to tell Carlos, despite everything, I still love him

Gabriela's lips closed and no words came out, she looked down at her hands as she rubbed them insistently, tears escaped from her eyes, between her crystals, she inhaled with force through her nose to avoid that annoying mucus from escaping through her nasal passages, what was supposed to be the great reunion party with a big sexual touch, suddenly seemed to fall into the deep abyss, it was noticeable that she still couldn't overcome the fact that she couldn't be a mother and carried on her shoulders the weight of an infidelity that hadn't turned out as expected

Mónica, the blonde big booty, broke the silence and the moment's tension, if anyone could do it, it was she, she sat up, made a detour around the stove, swaying her hips like a slut, provoking her friends' laughter and showing the paper with the number three, then she claimed her turn to speak. MEETING a

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