Los post que no podes dejar de ver!
Noemí resaltaba como siempre lo había hecho, era como la líder natural del grupo, la que siempre estaba segura de sí misma y parecía tener su vida muy en claro. Ella siempre había sobresalido por su personalidad, por su belleza, y siempre era la que se llevaba los mejores chicos a la cama, era así, no le importaba.
Nunca había dudado en hacer lo que fuera necesario hacer para conseguir sus objetivos, el fin justifica los medios era su lema de cabecera.
Noemí no le incomodaba vivir encerrada en un gimnasio para mantener su cuerpo perfecto, tampoco había dudado en ponerse generosos implantes mamarios para dejar su estampa en la más absoluta perfección, tampoco en hacerse unos retoques faciales, típicos de personas que ven un enemigo en la vejez
Ella era la que salía desnuda en todas las fotos, no le importaba, por el contrario, mostrarse como puta la hacía sentir inalcanzable, centro del universo, deseada por hombres, odiada por mujeres.
Para tener todo eso con gusto pagaba el precio, vivir casi sola, con sus perros, llena de billetes, vacía de amor, porque su esposo era solo eso, un fantasma multimillonario que siempre estaba en cualquier cama en cualquier hotel, menos en la suya
Noemí había armado su vida paso por paso, como una inteligente araña había ido tejiendo su tela. No le fue fácil, tuvo qua acostarse con muchos y no le valió de nada, sabía que en este jugo tenía que saber perder para poder ganar.
Al final, ella tendría su recompensa, Noemí sabía al dedillo de noches de fiestas, chicas jóvenes con excelentes cuerpos para viejos panzones forrados en dinero.
Y entre vueltas y vueltas sería Flavio quien mordería el anzuelo, un empresario de origen italiano que hacía años vivía en Argentina, un tipo que sabía dónde estaban las oportunidades y que negociaba entre bancas privadas y gubernamentales por igual, aprovechándose de la corruptela del poder de turno
Flavio hablaba un castellano muy cruzado con italiano, la clase de personas que le gustan las mujeres, que visten bien, que huelen bien y tratan de mostrarse eternamente jóvenes.
Cuando los presentaron esa noche en la fiesta, Noemí tuvo la impresión de que había encandilado al caballero que la doblaba en edad, y ella vio la oportunidad que tanto buscaba.
Supo ser condescendiente, obediente y antes que saliera el sol lo estaba matando en la cama, desde esa noche ya no se separarían.
Fueron al altar, ella al fin tenía al pez en la red y su primer objetivo de vida estaba cumplido, sería millonaria de por vida y solo tendría que satisfacer a su viejo esposo cada tanto, y no mucho más, mostrarse a su lado, de su brazo, asistir a fiestas, y permitir que Flavio la exhibiera como su más preciada joya
Ella ya había obtenido su primer logro, tener un burro que la mantenga, ahora iba por otro, conseguir un tigre en la cama.
Ese tigre se llamaría Alfio, su amante, un tipo de su edad, un musculoso que había conocido en un sitio de strippers, y que forma parte de otra historia, pero lo cierto es que a ella le encantaba ese hombre, como lucía, como era, como vestía, como olía y sobre todo, como la cogía
Es que Flavio estaba demasiado ocupado con su vida de empresario y ella conocía su rol en el juego, además, sabía que su esposo no se había hecho millonario por tonto, y tenía en claro que él se revolcaría con cada putita que se cruzara en su camino, por eso, tenía siempre ese comodín bajo la manga, un tipo fuerte con una verga hermosa que la cogería hasta dejarla plena y satisfecha.
Y ella hacía cualquier cosa que él le pidiera, no tenía ningún 'no' para ese hombre, ni en la cama ni fuera de ella, le encantaban sus locas perversiones, y se excitaba mucho regalándole fotos prohibidas y permitiéndole que la filmara cuando hacían el amor.
Palabras de Noemí
No puedo quejarme de mi vida aburrida vida de esposa, puesto esto es lo que yo elegí.
Al principio me era grato acompañar a Flavio a sus reuniones europeas, pero el siempre iba por negocios y nunca tenía tiempo para mi, así que después de un tiempo, todo empezó a hacerse desabrido, y cuando quise darme cuenta, me la pasaba encerrada en un lujoso hotel, bebiendo y bebiendo tragos solo por puro aburrimiento y si no ponía un alto terminaría volviéndome una alcohólica perdida.
Así que solo empecé a dejar en pausa esos viajes y a concentrarme en cosas que realmente llenaran mi tiempo, mi vida, porque me daba cuenta que ni el dinero, ni las ropas, ni los viajes, ni mi obsesión por el físico valían la pena si mi alma estaba vacía.
Y volví poco a poco mi vieja pasión, algo que creí que no necesitaría después de Flavio, pero me di cuenta que me gustaban demasiado los hombres y el sexo como para solo sacarlo de mi vida.
Recordé viejos amigos, viejos amantes y con el que era y es mi esposo, trazamos sin querer vidas paralelas, y nunca tuvimos inconvenientes con las infidelidades, y a jugar que no lo sabíamos, la única condición era que nada se hiciera público
Y fue así, de casualidad, como apareció Alfio en mi vida, lo conocí en un bar nocturno donde trabajaba y se prostituía con las mujeres de turno, y en verdad yo pagué en esos días para que compartiera mi cama, y ese hombre representó lo que siempre había deseado, demasiado viril, demasiado potente, demasiado animal, y solo me cogía y me cogía como un toro, nunca se cansaba, nunca paraba, y sus jornadas de sexo eran maratónicas, y solo me llevaba al límite de lo posible, al abismo, y solo tenía que rogarle que se detuviera, que ya basta, me dejaba inundada en leche, con todos los agujeros dilatados, me hacía su puta y amaba eso.
Había estado con muchos, pero como él, ninguno, es que era venenoso, tan venenoso, y me había clavado su aguijón bien profundo, y solo me tenía bajo control
Él se me hizo tan indispensable como comer, como beber, como respirar, Flavio colmaba mis carteras importadas con joyas y dinero, pero Alfio apagaba el fuego que vivía entre mis piernas como nadie podía hacerlo, y en cada viaje del primero, tenía la oportunidad de coger con el segundo.
Era un tanto loco, porque mucho del dinero de Flavio iba a parar a los bolsillos de Alfio, y como un hombre me mantenía a mi, pues yo mantenía a otro, tenía casi la completa atención de ese pijudo musculoso y perdí la cuenta cuantos billetes puse sobre la mesa solo para que me cogiera
Y él me hizo cosas locas, él me hacía sentir viva, teníamos sexo en cualquier lugar, en algún callejón pestilente, en los baños sucios de la estación de subte, me ataba, me azotaba, en el balcón de un hotel, en una piscina, mezclaba dolor con placer, Alfio tenía la habilidad de llevarme por los caminos eróticos que muchas mujeres sueñan pero pocas se animan a caminar, y en algún punto, casi sin darme cuenta, concluí que yo estaba dispuesta a hacer cualquier cosa que él me pidiera
Así fue como se dio, Flavio estaba de viaje, andaba por Europa, por los países bajos, haciendo negocios y revolcándose con locas, y yo estaba sola en el país y para mi puta desgracia, Alfio estaba con una gripe terrible, con temperatura, haciendo reposo y medicamentado, yo solo quería coger y no me alcanzaban mis dedos para apagar el calor que tenía entre las piernas.
Lo llamé un par de veces, pero me dijo que era imposible, y yo le dije que quería verga, que estaba aburrida, entonces me hizo una propuesta, él tenía varios amigos del club de strippers, todos con vergas grandes como a mí me gustaban y que siempre había tenido la fantasía de ver como cogía con varios tipos a la vez.
In the beginning I took it as a joke, but soon I would discover that he wasn't joking, he asked if three were enough and the idea quickly stuck to me and became my own, we talked a lot on the phone with details about what he wanted to do and when I wanted to realize it I was so wet I was dying of desire.
He sent some photos of his friends for me to choose the most attractive ones, we got down to business and rented a weekend house outside the city where I would receive my three boys for a few hours.
I took the car early, I had to make sure I had the required privacy to feel comfortable, I arranged my things in the closet and took a bubble bath, made sure I was well-groomed, then put on some red stockings with large diamonds and black elastic bands around my thighs, high heels in shiny shoes, a very sexy thong that fit very high on my hips and deep into my buttocks, a black red top with long sleeves, with the detail of a deliberately designed neckline that left my breasts completely bare.
Alfio and I talked on the phone, he asked for some photos to see how I looked, and I took several for him, and I felt very sexy, very womanly, since my breasts really seemed natural and my stomach marked the efforts of my gym routines, I think I still have the photos around here.
Noemí took her phone and started searching, after a few minutes she found what she was looking for and gave it to Gabriela, without shame, so they could pass it from hand to hand and see me as I was that day, then she kept talking.
They arrived almost on time and I received them like this, almost naked, no problem, then I initiated a video call with Alfio, so he could enjoy his slut at the other end.
We went to the bedroom where a huge bed awaited us all four, then I kissed one, another, and another, and rotated between the three while they were undressing, while an indiscreet cell phone It was witness to what happened between those walls, suddenly they had reclined side by side, with their enormous cocks pointing at the sky, waiting for me to do what I wanted to do. I knelt down, went like a cat to the first one, his cock was straight as a bar, beautiful, and I imprisoned it between my breasts and moved it between them until it disappeared in the middle, very tasty, feeling its warm gland lose itself between my breasts while I looked at my cell phone because I was coming but also acting for Alfio.
I went to the second one, this time to suck him off, a huge black saber that leaned to the right, and only didn't enter my mouth, I put it in as deep as I could until I had hiccups from being greedy or just licked his balls while masturbating him or maybe passed my tongue from below to the tip, again and again, and now I had forgotten my cell phone because I loved sucking that rich cock he had between his legs.
And then I went for the third one, but this time I wasn't concentrating on the mobile screen or the cock sucking me off, no, this time I was just licking my index, major, and ring fingers to dilate my sphincter for what would come next
Then I returned to the middle one, the curved one, the thicker one, put my feet on the boy's thighs, giving him my back, and with his help I sat slowly down on it, it was fat and made me hurt but I wanted them to film me with that cock in my ass and my pussy open, moaning like a slut just to please Alfio
After a while, my ass was well adapted and dilated for eating everything that came. They made me turn around so now I could ride him face to face with that curved cock in my pussy while they filmed me from behind, I opened my buttocks with my hands so they could see my open sphincter and it drove me crazy
Another one came from behind and started playing a double penetration, everything was very Tasty!
The five friends looked at me with big eyes, incredulous, mouth agape, because Noemí's story was too vivid, too hot and they couldn't believe the slut that was showing up, even unknown
While one was giving it to me from in front and another from behind, the third put his cell phone aside so that this double pornographic penetration would be visible on screen for Alfio to enjoy while he listened to my slut gemidos. The guy came over to my side and only started sucking me good for a long time through the mouth, until I got sick, then he took me by the hair with force and squeezed my throat, made me turn my head so that at the same time I would look directly at the phone screen, told me Alfio deserved to see my slut face at the same time as they were filling me up with meat through both holes.
Then there was a crazy anal penetration game, you know how men are, they just put me on all fours and took turns one by one, one broke my ass, another filmed me and another rested, and so only went rotating, I opened myself up and felt my sphincter dilated, and I got excited because I imagined Alfio was masturbating to what he saw.
And that's because they treated me like a slut, they slapped me, caressed my tits and whole body, and I just got drunk on pleasure, they did everything they could imagine
At the end, they had satisfied themselves, it was my turn to go down, between their beautiful cocks and a cell phone taking the first plane of my face, I was sucking one, another and another, opening my mouth well and showing my tongue, I swear I felt like the queen of the place and suddenly some of the guys came on my face, I felt his semen burning on my forehead, eyes, nose, cheekbones, lips, mouth, it was my climax of pleasure, I started laughing, couldn't control it, because everything was very hot, and I felt that sticky feeling like lava flowing slowly down a volcano due to gravity
The second one came over, doing exactly the same thing same, shit, they were plasticizing my face! But it was all worth it to please my lover, even if more than curing, I would be sure to be raising his temperature.
The third one stopped right in front of me and fired like a projectile that passed between my teeth and tongue to hit my throat directly, and a second shot that I swallowed with haste, and then, already with less force, he started filling my mouth and I ended up sucking it very tasty, until I stole the last drops.
I stayed playing with my fingers, cleaning my face, bringing the hot mixture of cum to my mouth, that was what Alfio liked, and besides, there's not much more to tell.
All that move would strengthen our relationship as lovers with that tiger, it would incite me to do new things, crazy things, and sexually everything was very hot for the time it lasted.
From then on, he took me down new paths, new experiences, orgies, lesbian sex, screwing strangers, even watching him screw others, and until I became part of his private harem, yes, I had become his slut.
But good, nothing is forever, and at some point in the story our paths began to diverge, he wanted to advance in our relationship, to see how to make a profit, no longer satisfied with his role as third payment, very well paid, no, he had gotten in like a wedge and took advantage of his dominance over me to put me against my husband, the idea was for us two to spend Flavio's fortune.
But I'm not stupid and it was obvious that he was using me as a bridge to get to the bills, and for me things were too clear in my head, Alfio was an excellent lover, but it had cost me a lot to build my life with Flavio, and by the heat of my use the word: pussy I wouldn't lose what I had conquered with my head.
And it wasn't easy to cut off, because his secret, through photos, through filmings, weighed heavily on me like a suitcase full of money, and in the end that was the least, because that young man had stuck himself in me, in my entrails, in my Bones, in my DNA, and only pulling it out of my life turned out to be too painful Noemí had finished her part, in front of the silence of the night and the crackling of the logs in the fire, she poured herself another glass of wine and drew a smile, looked at one by one at her friends who still seemed not to come out of their astonishment, she was astute on sexual topics, and knew that she had left the bar too high, that any story the others would tell would be little compared to hers, and with that all would be encouraged to tell something, even puritan Lara Gabriela was sitting right in front of Noemí, fire by fire, just like all the others finished listening to her friend's words in a story that sounded too pornographic and almost unbelievable, but anything was possible for Noemí, even showing them on her cell phone a very slutty selfie with her operated breasts naked, without the slightest modesty. She felt wet between her legs from what Noemí had just narrated, no matter how it was, she got up and adjusted the jeans that were too loose on her thin hips, then did the same with the frame of her reading glasses that rested on her nose, fell into her typical nervous tic of compulsive blinking, breathed deeply, looked at the paper with number two and leaving it within reach of the flames, rubbed her hands and fired It's my turn... Gabriela had her secret, her story, one that no one knew, and the moment had come to share it CONTINUES IN 'GENERATION 1970 - GABRIELA' If you liked this story, you can write me with title 'GENERATION 1970 - THE REUNION' at dulces.placeres@live.com
Noemí resaltaba como siempre lo había hecho, era como la líder natural del grupo, la que siempre estaba segura de sí misma y parecía tener su vida muy en claro. Ella siempre había sobresalido por su personalidad, por su belleza, y siempre era la que se llevaba los mejores chicos a la cama, era así, no le importaba.
Nunca había dudado en hacer lo que fuera necesario hacer para conseguir sus objetivos, el fin justifica los medios era su lema de cabecera.
Noemí no le incomodaba vivir encerrada en un gimnasio para mantener su cuerpo perfecto, tampoco había dudado en ponerse generosos implantes mamarios para dejar su estampa en la más absoluta perfección, tampoco en hacerse unos retoques faciales, típicos de personas que ven un enemigo en la vejez
Ella era la que salía desnuda en todas las fotos, no le importaba, por el contrario, mostrarse como puta la hacía sentir inalcanzable, centro del universo, deseada por hombres, odiada por mujeres.
Para tener todo eso con gusto pagaba el precio, vivir casi sola, con sus perros, llena de billetes, vacía de amor, porque su esposo era solo eso, un fantasma multimillonario que siempre estaba en cualquier cama en cualquier hotel, menos en la suya
Noemí había armado su vida paso por paso, como una inteligente araña había ido tejiendo su tela. No le fue fácil, tuvo qua acostarse con muchos y no le valió de nada, sabía que en este jugo tenía que saber perder para poder ganar.
Al final, ella tendría su recompensa, Noemí sabía al dedillo de noches de fiestas, chicas jóvenes con excelentes cuerpos para viejos panzones forrados en dinero.
Y entre vueltas y vueltas sería Flavio quien mordería el anzuelo, un empresario de origen italiano que hacía años vivía en Argentina, un tipo que sabía dónde estaban las oportunidades y que negociaba entre bancas privadas y gubernamentales por igual, aprovechándose de la corruptela del poder de turno
Flavio hablaba un castellano muy cruzado con italiano, la clase de personas que le gustan las mujeres, que visten bien, que huelen bien y tratan de mostrarse eternamente jóvenes.
Cuando los presentaron esa noche en la fiesta, Noemí tuvo la impresión de que había encandilado al caballero que la doblaba en edad, y ella vio la oportunidad que tanto buscaba.
Supo ser condescendiente, obediente y antes que saliera el sol lo estaba matando en la cama, desde esa noche ya no se separarían.
Fueron al altar, ella al fin tenía al pez en la red y su primer objetivo de vida estaba cumplido, sería millonaria de por vida y solo tendría que satisfacer a su viejo esposo cada tanto, y no mucho más, mostrarse a su lado, de su brazo, asistir a fiestas, y permitir que Flavio la exhibiera como su más preciada joya
Ella ya había obtenido su primer logro, tener un burro que la mantenga, ahora iba por otro, conseguir un tigre en la cama.
Ese tigre se llamaría Alfio, su amante, un tipo de su edad, un musculoso que había conocido en un sitio de strippers, y que forma parte de otra historia, pero lo cierto es que a ella le encantaba ese hombre, como lucía, como era, como vestía, como olía y sobre todo, como la cogía
Es que Flavio estaba demasiado ocupado con su vida de empresario y ella conocía su rol en el juego, además, sabía que su esposo no se había hecho millonario por tonto, y tenía en claro que él se revolcaría con cada putita que se cruzara en su camino, por eso, tenía siempre ese comodín bajo la manga, un tipo fuerte con una verga hermosa que la cogería hasta dejarla plena y satisfecha.
Y ella hacía cualquier cosa que él le pidiera, no tenía ningún 'no' para ese hombre, ni en la cama ni fuera de ella, le encantaban sus locas perversiones, y se excitaba mucho regalándole fotos prohibidas y permitiéndole que la filmara cuando hacían el amor.
Palabras de Noemí
No puedo quejarme de mi vida aburrida vida de esposa, puesto esto es lo que yo elegí.
Al principio me era grato acompañar a Flavio a sus reuniones europeas, pero el siempre iba por negocios y nunca tenía tiempo para mi, así que después de un tiempo, todo empezó a hacerse desabrido, y cuando quise darme cuenta, me la pasaba encerrada en un lujoso hotel, bebiendo y bebiendo tragos solo por puro aburrimiento y si no ponía un alto terminaría volviéndome una alcohólica perdida.
Así que solo empecé a dejar en pausa esos viajes y a concentrarme en cosas que realmente llenaran mi tiempo, mi vida, porque me daba cuenta que ni el dinero, ni las ropas, ni los viajes, ni mi obsesión por el físico valían la pena si mi alma estaba vacía.
Y volví poco a poco mi vieja pasión, algo que creí que no necesitaría después de Flavio, pero me di cuenta que me gustaban demasiado los hombres y el sexo como para solo sacarlo de mi vida.
Recordé viejos amigos, viejos amantes y con el que era y es mi esposo, trazamos sin querer vidas paralelas, y nunca tuvimos inconvenientes con las infidelidades, y a jugar que no lo sabíamos, la única condición era que nada se hiciera público
Y fue así, de casualidad, como apareció Alfio en mi vida, lo conocí en un bar nocturno donde trabajaba y se prostituía con las mujeres de turno, y en verdad yo pagué en esos días para que compartiera mi cama, y ese hombre representó lo que siempre había deseado, demasiado viril, demasiado potente, demasiado animal, y solo me cogía y me cogía como un toro, nunca se cansaba, nunca paraba, y sus jornadas de sexo eran maratónicas, y solo me llevaba al límite de lo posible, al abismo, y solo tenía que rogarle que se detuviera, que ya basta, me dejaba inundada en leche, con todos los agujeros dilatados, me hacía su puta y amaba eso.
Había estado con muchos, pero como él, ninguno, es que era venenoso, tan venenoso, y me había clavado su aguijón bien profundo, y solo me tenía bajo control
Él se me hizo tan indispensable como comer, como beber, como respirar, Flavio colmaba mis carteras importadas con joyas y dinero, pero Alfio apagaba el fuego que vivía entre mis piernas como nadie podía hacerlo, y en cada viaje del primero, tenía la oportunidad de coger con el segundo.
Era un tanto loco, porque mucho del dinero de Flavio iba a parar a los bolsillos de Alfio, y como un hombre me mantenía a mi, pues yo mantenía a otro, tenía casi la completa atención de ese pijudo musculoso y perdí la cuenta cuantos billetes puse sobre la mesa solo para que me cogiera
Y él me hizo cosas locas, él me hacía sentir viva, teníamos sexo en cualquier lugar, en algún callejón pestilente, en los baños sucios de la estación de subte, me ataba, me azotaba, en el balcón de un hotel, en una piscina, mezclaba dolor con placer, Alfio tenía la habilidad de llevarme por los caminos eróticos que muchas mujeres sueñan pero pocas se animan a caminar, y en algún punto, casi sin darme cuenta, concluí que yo estaba dispuesta a hacer cualquier cosa que él me pidiera
Así fue como se dio, Flavio estaba de viaje, andaba por Europa, por los países bajos, haciendo negocios y revolcándose con locas, y yo estaba sola en el país y para mi puta desgracia, Alfio estaba con una gripe terrible, con temperatura, haciendo reposo y medicamentado, yo solo quería coger y no me alcanzaban mis dedos para apagar el calor que tenía entre las piernas.
Lo llamé un par de veces, pero me dijo que era imposible, y yo le dije que quería verga, que estaba aburrida, entonces me hizo una propuesta, él tenía varios amigos del club de strippers, todos con vergas grandes como a mí me gustaban y que siempre había tenido la fantasía de ver como cogía con varios tipos a la vez.
In the beginning I took it as a joke, but soon I would discover that he wasn't joking, he asked if three were enough and the idea quickly stuck to me and became my own, we talked a lot on the phone with details about what he wanted to do and when I wanted to realize it I was so wet I was dying of desire.
He sent some photos of his friends for me to choose the most attractive ones, we got down to business and rented a weekend house outside the city where I would receive my three boys for a few hours.
I took the car early, I had to make sure I had the required privacy to feel comfortable, I arranged my things in the closet and took a bubble bath, made sure I was well-groomed, then put on some red stockings with large diamonds and black elastic bands around my thighs, high heels in shiny shoes, a very sexy thong that fit very high on my hips and deep into my buttocks, a black red top with long sleeves, with the detail of a deliberately designed neckline that left my breasts completely bare.
Alfio and I talked on the phone, he asked for some photos to see how I looked, and I took several for him, and I felt very sexy, very womanly, since my breasts really seemed natural and my stomach marked the efforts of my gym routines, I think I still have the photos around here.
Noemí took her phone and started searching, after a few minutes she found what she was looking for and gave it to Gabriela, without shame, so they could pass it from hand to hand and see me as I was that day, then she kept talking.
They arrived almost on time and I received them like this, almost naked, no problem, then I initiated a video call with Alfio, so he could enjoy his slut at the other end.
We went to the bedroom where a huge bed awaited us all four, then I kissed one, another, and another, and rotated between the three while they were undressing, while an indiscreet cell phone It was witness to what happened between those walls, suddenly they had reclined side by side, with their enormous cocks pointing at the sky, waiting for me to do what I wanted to do. I knelt down, went like a cat to the first one, his cock was straight as a bar, beautiful, and I imprisoned it between my breasts and moved it between them until it disappeared in the middle, very tasty, feeling its warm gland lose itself between my breasts while I looked at my cell phone because I was coming but also acting for Alfio.
I went to the second one, this time to suck him off, a huge black saber that leaned to the right, and only didn't enter my mouth, I put it in as deep as I could until I had hiccups from being greedy or just licked his balls while masturbating him or maybe passed my tongue from below to the tip, again and again, and now I had forgotten my cell phone because I loved sucking that rich cock he had between his legs.
And then I went for the third one, but this time I wasn't concentrating on the mobile screen or the cock sucking me off, no, this time I was just licking my index, major, and ring fingers to dilate my sphincter for what would come next
Then I returned to the middle one, the curved one, the thicker one, put my feet on the boy's thighs, giving him my back, and with his help I sat slowly down on it, it was fat and made me hurt but I wanted them to film me with that cock in my ass and my pussy open, moaning like a slut just to please Alfio
After a while, my ass was well adapted and dilated for eating everything that came. They made me turn around so now I could ride him face to face with that curved cock in my pussy while they filmed me from behind, I opened my buttocks with my hands so they could see my open sphincter and it drove me crazy
Another one came from behind and started playing a double penetration, everything was very Tasty!
The five friends looked at me with big eyes, incredulous, mouth agape, because Noemí's story was too vivid, too hot and they couldn't believe the slut that was showing up, even unknown
While one was giving it to me from in front and another from behind, the third put his cell phone aside so that this double pornographic penetration would be visible on screen for Alfio to enjoy while he listened to my slut gemidos. The guy came over to my side and only started sucking me good for a long time through the mouth, until I got sick, then he took me by the hair with force and squeezed my throat, made me turn my head so that at the same time I would look directly at the phone screen, told me Alfio deserved to see my slut face at the same time as they were filling me up with meat through both holes.
Then there was a crazy anal penetration game, you know how men are, they just put me on all fours and took turns one by one, one broke my ass, another filmed me and another rested, and so only went rotating, I opened myself up and felt my sphincter dilated, and I got excited because I imagined Alfio was masturbating to what he saw.
And that's because they treated me like a slut, they slapped me, caressed my tits and whole body, and I just got drunk on pleasure, they did everything they could imagine
At the end, they had satisfied themselves, it was my turn to go down, between their beautiful cocks and a cell phone taking the first plane of my face, I was sucking one, another and another, opening my mouth well and showing my tongue, I swear I felt like the queen of the place and suddenly some of the guys came on my face, I felt his semen burning on my forehead, eyes, nose, cheekbones, lips, mouth, it was my climax of pleasure, I started laughing, couldn't control it, because everything was very hot, and I felt that sticky feeling like lava flowing slowly down a volcano due to gravity
The second one came over, doing exactly the same thing same, shit, they were plasticizing my face! But it was all worth it to please my lover, even if more than curing, I would be sure to be raising his temperature.
The third one stopped right in front of me and fired like a projectile that passed between my teeth and tongue to hit my throat directly, and a second shot that I swallowed with haste, and then, already with less force, he started filling my mouth and I ended up sucking it very tasty, until I stole the last drops.
I stayed playing with my fingers, cleaning my face, bringing the hot mixture of cum to my mouth, that was what Alfio liked, and besides, there's not much more to tell.
All that move would strengthen our relationship as lovers with that tiger, it would incite me to do new things, crazy things, and sexually everything was very hot for the time it lasted.
From then on, he took me down new paths, new experiences, orgies, lesbian sex, screwing strangers, even watching him screw others, and until I became part of his private harem, yes, I had become his slut.
But good, nothing is forever, and at some point in the story our paths began to diverge, he wanted to advance in our relationship, to see how to make a profit, no longer satisfied with his role as third payment, very well paid, no, he had gotten in like a wedge and took advantage of his dominance over me to put me against my husband, the idea was for us two to spend Flavio's fortune.
But I'm not stupid and it was obvious that he was using me as a bridge to get to the bills, and for me things were too clear in my head, Alfio was an excellent lover, but it had cost me a lot to build my life with Flavio, and by the heat of my use the word: pussy I wouldn't lose what I had conquered with my head.
And it wasn't easy to cut off, because his secret, through photos, through filmings, weighed heavily on me like a suitcase full of money, and in the end that was the least, because that young man had stuck himself in me, in my entrails, in my Bones, in my DNA, and only pulling it out of my life turned out to be too painful Noemí had finished her part, in front of the silence of the night and the crackling of the logs in the fire, she poured herself another glass of wine and drew a smile, looked at one by one at her friends who still seemed not to come out of their astonishment, she was astute on sexual topics, and knew that she had left the bar too high, that any story the others would tell would be little compared to hers, and with that all would be encouraged to tell something, even puritan Lara Gabriela was sitting right in front of Noemí, fire by fire, just like all the others finished listening to her friend's words in a story that sounded too pornographic and almost unbelievable, but anything was possible for Noemí, even showing them on her cell phone a very slutty selfie with her operated breasts naked, without the slightest modesty. She felt wet between her legs from what Noemí had just narrated, no matter how it was, she got up and adjusted the jeans that were too loose on her thin hips, then did the same with the frame of her reading glasses that rested on her nose, fell into her typical nervous tic of compulsive blinking, breathed deeply, looked at the paper with number two and leaving it within reach of the flames, rubbed her hands and fired It's my turn... Gabriela had her secret, her story, one that no one knew, and the moment had come to share it CONTINUES IN 'GENERATION 1970 - GABRIELA' If you liked this story, you can write me with title 'GENERATION 1970 - THE REUNION' at dulces.placeres@live.com
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