Generación 1970 - La reunión

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Nacidas en el mismo año, extrañas, en puntos lejanos de una misma ciudad, con crianzas diferentes, vidas diferentes, forjadas según el entorno que les había tocado en suerte, como todas las personas, sin saber lo que el destino les depararía.
Y de la mima manera que el viento amontona a su gusto las hojas secas caídas de los árboles cuando llega el otoño, así, la vida las cruzó a todas en sus estudios secundarios.
Por afinidad, por casualidades, por lo que fuera, ellas se hicieron amigas inseparables, un pequeño grupo dentro del gran grupo y compartieron todos los secretos, desde las sonseras inocentes de niñas de doce años hasta los secretos inconfesables y pecaminosos de chicas llegando a los veinte, en las puertas de futuras mujeres.

Sin dudas, esos años de estudios secundarios habían sido los mejores de sus vidas, seis niñas, seis adolescentes, seis mujeres, con personalidades tan diferentes que como si fueran super héroes, cada una ponía su personalidad para armar un equipo imbatible.
Pero llegarían otros tiempos, los de progresar, lo de seguir nuevos caminos, nuevos rumbos, abrir alas y volar, y aunque juraron mantenerse unidas, poco a poco la vida misma fue resquebrajando esa unidad y solo se empezaron a perder en el tiempo. El punto final de la historia lo marcaría el vuelo de Oyuky a Japón, el suelo de sus ancestros, ella siempre había querido conocer la tierra del sol naciente y cuando esa tarde, las otras cinco amigas se juntaron en el aeropuerto para despedirla, sabían que era mucho más que una despedida a una de las amigas, era un adiós a la hermandad que tanto habían jurado defender.

Pasaron años y mas años, el paso del tiempo sepultó en recuerdos de esa relación y así llegamos al presente, casi treinta años después, encontrando a todas estas mujeres en las primeras curvas del retorno de sus vidas.
Pero ahora, ahora existen las redes sociales, Facebook, las más compatible con la generación, pero también había varias por las cuales pasear, el celular y el WhatsApp son monedas corrientes, una computadora, una cam, una videollamada, todo al alcance de la mano, y sin darnos cuenta la tecnología puso demasiados medios a nuestro alcance, logrando que un enorme planeta llamado Tierra, se redujera al tamaño de un grano de arena.

Y así se reencontraron, en forma virtual, y el motivo de aquella despedida, sería el mismo del reencuentro, Oyuky, pasados esos treinta años anunciaba que volvía a su país natal, a Argentina, y pareció de repente que toda la magia había reverdecido.
Ahora eran seis señoras bien paradas en los cincuenta años, pero se sintieron con la locura incontenible de la adolescencia, y planificaron la gran reunión del reencuentro
Noemí ofreció su hogar, ella estaba en una posición económica envidiable y vivía en un country cerrado en una casa grande como una mansión, su esposo estaba de viaje de negocios por Europa y ella misma se ofreció a preparar la cena, asando carnes en la parrilla del quincho.

Acordaron con rapidez los detalles y cerca de las diez de la noche estaban las seis cenando en el patio de la casa, en una noche primaveral preciosa, donde una tenue brisa acariciaba sus rostros, a media luz, con un fogón de fondo, sentadas el derredor de una mesa redonda, con la imagen de la luna reflejada en la tranquilidad del agua que llenaba la enorme piscina contigua, y tenían tanto de que hablar, tanto que recordar

Noemí resaltaba como siempre lo había hecho, era como la líder natural del grupo, la que siempre estaba segura de sí misma y parecía tener su vida muy en claro. Ella siempre había sobresalido por su personalidad, por su belleza, y siempre era la que se llevaba los mejores chicos a la cama, era así, no le importaba.
Nunca había dudado en hacer lo que fuera necesario hacer para conseguir sus objetivos, el fin justifica los medios era su lema de cabecera.
A Noemí no le incomodaba vivir encerrada en un gimnasio para mantener su cuerpo perfecto, tampoco había dudado en ponerse generosos implantes mamarios para dejar su estampa en la más absoluta perfección, tampoco en hacerse unos retoques faciales, típicos de personas que ven un enemigo en la vejez
Ella era la que salía desnuda en todas las fotos, no le importaba, por el contrario, mostrarse como puta la hacía sentir inalcanzable, centro del universo, deseada por hombres, odiada por mujeres.
Para tener todo eso con gusto pagaba el precio, vivir casi sola, con sus perros, llena de billetes, vacía de amor, porque su esposo era solo eso, un fantasma multimillonario que siempre estaba en cualquier cama en cualquier hotel, menos en la suya

Generation 1970 - The ReunionOyuky had been the reason for the goodbye and also the reunion, her parents born in Japan had traveled to our country, a major Japanese automaker was setting up on this side of the world and needed suitable people to achieve their proposed objectives.

She had dual nationality, and although all her features were oriental, she had a Latin way of thinking, Latin feelings, Latin life.

She suffered what we now call bullying in her first year, only because she was different, and many times they made her angry, because they only called her the Chinese or the Korean, and that would ignite her hatred and perhaps it was the only thing that got her out of control.

But then the girls accepted her and when she became part of the small group, she obtained the respect of the entire class.

Oyuky had always been the thin girl with a beautiful face, the tallest in the class, and one day she traveled to her land to learn about her history.

Life had led her to be an airline flight attendant and she had spent more hours in the air than on the ground, and when she wanted to realize it, 'life had flown by', without love, without children, without anything, and she decided it was time to stop, put her feet on the ground and take back her life, even her dear friends.storiesGabriela was the conflictive one in the group, actually she had conflicts with herself, with her multiple personalities. Biochemist by profession, however, she had left that behind, didn't like it, and occupied herself with a personal venture, loved going to fairs to sell handmade products she made herself.

Married, her husband was a pharmacist, one of life's debts would be the children, after checking that she could never be a mother due to her own sterility, the second option of adopting a child would become so uphill that they would end up giving up.

She was as thin as usual, and still wore those magnifying glasses to adjust her vision. Gabriela suffered a lot in those high school days when girls called her 'four eyes' and although her carma wasn't the size she suffered Oyuky's, but it was all a world to her.

Gabriela was one of those women who would never stand out for their physical appearance, or better said, was a normal woman whose words 'sensuality', 'seduction', 'provocation' didn't fit, simple dressing, exciting the opposite sex wasn't in her ABC life.

She had never been treated in a psychoanalytic session, and some colleague of Sandra's was missing out on a patient on the couchConfessionsSandra was the psychoanalyst of the group, elegant to dress, prolix, with hair dyed between red and reddish-brown, with an inquisitive gaze. She was the quietest, most introverted, and lived her life hidden behind a shell, little was known about her, little did she reveal. She was also the smartest, always with the best grades, since that youth, in silence, withdrawn, it seemed to be judging the words of all her companions. It was always the point of contention because she was frank and said things as she felt them, without barriers or detours, it had cost her many friendships because she put her word above a friendship. In the intimacy of the group, they already knew her, already knew how she was, and many times only let her biting comments pass by. And Sandra didn't mind feeling ignored, because the lack of responses only proved that she was telling the truth and there were no ways to counter her words with logic. She worked in her private clinic, which was actually just a room in her house, where she received her patients and only did it privately. Not much more was known about her, only because she revealed nothing, as she used to say, people are owners of their silences and slaves of their words.Dangerous friendshipsMónica was the group's goofball, the silly one, the one who always got incredible things done to her, the one who forgot money, tripped on the street, put in an incorrect sandwich, didn't understand a joke, and she was as clumsy as lovable, always smiling, always cheerful, the helpful one, the one who would always be there to lend a hand.

She was that woman who sinned of innocence, due to her way of dressing, sometimes provocative, but honestly it wasn't her intention, she was like that, innocent, and didn't take account of obvious things.

She remained single, and not because she didn't want to form a family, it was just that men had hurt and betrayed her so many times that she had only been afraid to face a relationship, no longer wanting them to break her heart again.

Mónica was the typical blonde with a pure butt who didn't understand jokes, whom they tried to call dumb, but deep down, she was just the girl that every serious man would have wanted to find.

She had followed the physical education professorship and over time dedicated herself to being an instructor in gyms in different disciplines, and finally achieved her objective for which she had been working for a long time, to be the owner of her own gym.

She was no longer into platonic loves and only enjoyed hypnotizing men with her best weapon, her behind, because Mónica was one of those women touched by the magic wand of beauty, and had that perfect Booty, desire of many but reserved for few.I meet friendsLara, the last of her friends, had always been a typical chubby girl, self-conscious about her body, her belly, her large fallen breasts, and her out-of-proportion legs and hips, with white skin, naturally shy, turning red for any reason, had started accounting studies but after two years would decline, assuming that career was not for her, however, there she would meet the only man and love of her life, with whom she would form a couple years later.

She was the only one in the pack who had managed to live a quiet and more traditional life. She had married the boy she knew from her university days, they had four children and were already 24 years old as a couple, a record for these times.

Without a doubt, she wouldn't have much to tell because everything had been perfectly boring in her years. Housewife, mother, helped her husband with accounting tasks, he had received his degree and brought home the money, while Lara was responsible for all the details of raising the children.

Arriving at 50, she was looking to replan her life, her small chicks were already starting to fly, leaving her dependent on them, and Lara, without a doubt, was going through the days of 'empty nest' and everything was becoming too uphill.Generation 1970 - The ReunionAnd so it was that the six friends spent those first hours of reunion, recognizing themselves after so many years, with more wrinkles, with more pounds, with more experience, with more wisdom. They remembered those wild teenage years, anecdotes about professors, classmates, those we all have somewhere in our memories, the first boys, failures, an impossible love, and broken hearts that had to be repaired.

They also talked about the story after that story, about the paths life had led them on. Oyuky was the one who most intrigued, flying around the world every day wasn't something everyone did, and she had thousands of anecdotes to pull out of her hat. Noemí was the most outgoing, always being the natural leader, the talkative one, the one who intentionally or not, ended up being the center of the universe, and at the other extreme, Sandra, the psychologist, quiet, withdrawn, seemed to be analyzing each of her five friends.

It was late, they had eaten, drunk, and lost their desire to chat. It was Gabriela who remembered a game they used to play in high school, consisting of writing numbers from one to six on little pieces of paper, making balls, and pulling them out at random, and that randomness dictated the order for sharing secrets, silly things that made them laugh, who liked which boy, what problems they had with parents or studies, and that game forced them to bare their souls, even sometimes, the game consisted of being sincere among themselves and saying face-to-face the things that didn't please each other.

Noemí looked at the hour on her golden watch, got up, went inside, and came back in minutes with paper and a pen in one hand, while holding a cold bottle of sparkling wine in the other. She gave the paper and pen to Sandra, told her to write the numbers and cut the paper into pieces, just like old times, and handed her the bottle. To Monica so that she would open it and serve a round

She went for some logs to kindle the fire and invited them to sit around, to play among friends sharing that exquisite sparkling wine, sweet, which invited them to let loose their tongues, and it was she who said they should play hard, after all those years, surely they would have at least one unconfessable sexual secret, and it was time to talk.

The women laughed, having already drunk too much, and the game seemed exciting to them, and each pulled out her little ball to define the order

Lara, the chubby one, would pull out number one, and swallowed hard, because just she couldn't, if she had a perfect life, only one man, only one, and everything revolved around him, besides, she would have preferred someone else start, but caressed the paper between her fingers, with her gaze lost in number one and only cursed her luck without opening her mouth.

It was noticeable what was happening, Noemí then got up, went to her side, gave her her paper and took the one Lara had between her fingers, and sentenced

Leave, I'll start, I'll change your turn, but you'll have to talk afterwards

Noemí returned to her seat, clenched the paper in a fist and threw it into the flames, took the glass and took two gulps, the girls settled down and paid attention, it was time to listen


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