3- 5 senses (taste) 'the bar' (story in first and third person)I call myself Guillermo and work at a bar on weekends to be able to pay for my university studies I am 19 years old. I live with my mom Vanessa who is an amazing woman of 44 years old with brown hair that any man would die to get close to her, my mother has been separated from my father for 5 years, he works outside and although I never knew him a girlfriend I know he can be a bit of a ladies' man sometimes but anyway I work at a bar like I was saying it's on the corner and the upstairs floor lives the owner a guy named Ignacio or Mery as we call him. That Friday the bar was full, I was concentrating on serving tables until I saw my mom sitting at a table wearing white jeans and a black sweater with a pink leather jacket, all very tight. Mom what are you doing here? - Vanessa - oh come on don't be silly, I brought this - it was a gift card, since she works at a hotel and for some reason didn't go. I- oh come on grandma jaajajaj that's so outdated jaajajaj - laughed to calm the situation - Vanessa - don't call me old in front of everyone - I - but shouldn't you be working? - Vanessa - ah it's because a colleague asked me to switch shifts - I - okay thanks mom - Vanessa - well since I'm here I could take a little break - I - what do you mean no way mom - Vanessa - haha you're scared that I'll get drunk and get a new husband right away - I - and you get weird when you drink, remember Christmas - Vanessa - that was a long time ago - winks at me - bring me a beer. Any kind you want - I - okay I'll go get it - I went to get her one while the bartender served another table. I serve mom's beer and realize that a guy from the other table with another type is staring at my mom in a bold way, not too much importance until one minute my mom calls me back and asks for another beer but this time with some fries. with cheddar, so I take the order and tell him he's going to have to wait, that degenerate was still looking at her, but only because his friend had left. I went to give the order, and in that instant, Nacho appeared wearing a black leather pants, boots, white shirt, and also a leather jacket in black.
Nacho - And how's everything going, Guillermo? -
Me - Everything's fine, boss -
Just as I was about to say it, I felt a scream from a woman, which also sounded like a slap. It was that fat guy who had made a pass at my mother.
Nacho - Leave it, I'll take care of it - she said angrily and decisively
He went over there, grabbed the fat guy's right arm and pulled him out into the street, then kicked him in the face with a Cobra Kai-style kick, breaking his nose. Humiliated, he left. Nacho came back inside and asked my mom if she was okay, just as her order had arrived, so I brought it to her, but Nacho stopped me.
Nacho - Let me take care of it - he said with a certain smile - and bring me a double APA -
Me - Are you going to sit down with her? - I asked with a certain fear, since I didn't want anyone to know she was my mother. I don't know why
I left them alone for a bit and they talked, it was noticeable that my mom had gotten over the bad taste with that degenerate, so I approached Nacho and handed him a beer.
I left it there and asked - Are you okay? - referring to her
Nacho - Guillermo doesn't address clients - he said, calling me out -
Vanesa - If I'm fine, thank you for asking - she said, winking at me, as if for some reason she didn't want anyone to know our relationship.
I spent a bit of time and they ordered more beers. At that moment, my mom got up to go to the bathroom, which I used to intercept her and ask her what had happened with that guy.
Me - What's going on with that fat guy? - I said without anyone hearing me or at least not loudly
Vanesa - She stopped and invited me over to her house, and I just managed to get away and she put her hand in my ass, ah there I screamed and hit her, just as Mary's heroine appeared and dragged him out by the heels -
Me - If it's a genius, my boss has it figured out - and I said with pride - this incredible street - Vanesa - if you don't talk, I didn't tell him he was my son to expose him like the mother of the waiter got her butt touched -
I - if better so ma -
Vanesa - good I'm going to the bathroom and keep talking it's a sign this guy - I left thinking that it wasn't bad for my mom to be friends with my boss. So I hit my head and she went to the bathroom.
Then she came out and sat back down with Nacho, who was watching to make sure everything was going well in the bar, served his beers and let him go
******************* third-person narrative *******************
Vanesa and Mery kept talking very amicably while I watched how her local was doing, which transmitted tranquility since it's an excellent spot according to her.
Nacho - so you're a single mom? - asked to continue the conversation pending
Vanesa - yes, after that son of a slut tricked me with the baker, I got rid of him and he never appeared again so we live well and don't get along - said almost escaping the name of her son that could make Mery realize it was about the waiter
Nacho - some men are sons of whores who make us look bad, just like we also suffer because of them -
Vanesa - and you why do you say so? -
Nacho - I asked a loan from the bank to renovate the house and the bar, but my ex went off with the money and the previous waiter - referring to his ex who had been joint owners of the bar.
Vanesa - if you told me they were both owners of this bar, but I didn't imagine that -
Nacho - so that's why I came to live here, would you be my girlfriend now? - asked bluntly.
Vanesa - no, but being sincere, I'd fuck you like it comes - her response without anesthesia
Nacho - look at you, your son knows -
Vanesa - he doesn't cause me any problem, look I'll tell you the other day a man arrived at the hotel, well-dressed and with a good vibe so we ate in an elegant restaurant, and I didn't get hot so I went to his room in the morning before going home and I put her in his bed, she started sucking me, the gentleman was well-shod eh-
Nacho – don't go on, it's better –
Vanesa – hahaaha and you should have some encounters with a client who comes here –
Nacho – if we say so – and I blushed
Vanesa - I'm Nacho, and never something strong happens, like a strong assault with injuries or something similar – ask to know if there was ever a moment when the life of his son was in danger.
Nacho – yes but it was a long time ago, look I was just going to see my old folks at Mardel, Guillermo wasn't there yet, the boy who attended you, and two guys came in and even got into the department where they were bringing up the staff that was there at the moment, well a girl screamed from fear and the guy fired. He hit the wall for her to shut up luckily she took it and never again by luck something bad happened –
Vanesa – aaaah what horror, I mean you have your apartment upstairs and just can go down to the bar –
Nacho – yes just at the door between the two bathrooms there's a staircase that goes up where I live –
We remain silent for a few minutes until Nacho invites Vanesa to his department so she can see the hole in the wall that he suffered in that same assault. Which Vanesa accepts.
************first-person narrative************
I see my mom and Nacho getting up from their table, I think mom must be leaving until Mery comes to the bar to ask for her house key.
Do you- is this girl staying? –
Nacho – worry about your work better Guillermo, and if you invite her to the depa, pass me 2 beers over there - pointing out which ones, I obeyed his order and already with his keys he says
Nacho – anything happens, eh, I'll be late a bit - said with mischief
Alberto- you have a new friend - it was the bartender who knew her all my life thought she was his boyfriend or he was screwing her because she's gay and her boyfriend is the other waiter.
He went to the door that leads to the department with the key until mom disappeared. thirdperson****************** Already in the Mery department, he shows her the hole that I left the bullet of that criminal who assaulted his bar some time ago. Vanesa – look at those kids from a slut who are eh- Nacho – but luckily no one was hurt and it didn't happen again- They kept talking like old friends with the snacks Nacho brought from the bar, just as they finished the beers and Vanesa was getting ready to leave- Vanesa – good, I'm going, how much do I owe you- she said and started to get up- Nacho – no invitation from the house, but stay a little longer, I have a wiki that's going to love you- and he served her another drink- They kept talking for a while until Nacho surprised Vanesa by having the guard come down and give her a kiss on the mouth. Vanesa produced immediate rejection, but Nacho grabbed her face hard and kissed her again, his tongue until her throat- Vanesa – stop it, stop it- Nacho – what's wrong, relax a bit- Vanesa – no, I'm leaving- she stopped to leave and when she did, he made her too- Nacho – don't go, you're not going to leave me like that- and points to the bulge forming in his pants- He takes her belt and starts kissing her desperately, their tongues fighting inside each other's mouth.******************personal story ************************************************************ While I was still serving tables, I started thinking about what my mom would be doing with Nacho or rather already knew they could be doing because Nacho is a Don Juan who always takes some client upstairs to get her, remember when a couple came and Nacho wouldn't stop looking at the girl even though her boyfriend went to the bathroom to talk to her, which didn't take him 5 minutes to convince her to go upstairs with him. When her boyfriend came out, he was looking for her everywhere and when I asked him what happened, I didn't know how to answer him. So I told him she had gone to the bathroom and when his girlfriend came out of the ladies' room, I waited at the door for her to come out. I went up to the second floor of the bar what is his department and when I opened the door this late was lying on the living room table sucking her pussy, she realized my presence and warned Nacho, he turned around and looked at me asking what I wanted
I - the girlfriend's boyfriend is waiting for her -
Nacho - make up something -
I - I already did, I told her I was in the bathroom and waiting for her at the door -
Nacho - tell her you left because you're messed up - he ordered a girl like she was giving an order and so it was done
He made a sign for me to leave them alone and I went downstairs, which I didn't know was my boyfriend's place
Alberto - how should one be screwing that mare - murmured in my ear referring to what was happening between my mother and my boss -
Which doesn't surprise me, my mother is single and I know she's a loose bombshell
*******************************************third-person account*************************************
Vanesa had already given herself over to passion. With her camper on the floor and her sweater on the armchair, she was receiving kisses and chupones on her left breast outside of Nacho's corset.
Nacho - what yummy tits Vanesa, a delicious treat has - while separating his face one meter away and licking her tits through the corset both
He lifted her breasts so that her nipples would be close to his mouth and she could also taste them, which made him pass his tongue. I mean he was sucking her tits.
Vanesa - mmmmmm mmmmmmm - while with her right hand touching the bulge of his pants
Nacho left her a little free to take off her sweater and remera, where she showed and existed even more with her fibrous abdomen all marked and she unbuttoned her corset to leave her breasts even freer
He went back at it on them and started kissing them with great passion, biting and passing his tongue like a dog with a bone.
Vanesa - aaaaahhh aaaahhh aaaaaayay keep going, keep going - while raising her arms and placing it behind the never, and this continued to pass his tongue over her nipples making them like foam rubber. Then after some time he was already daring to bite them decided to give it a turn staying behind her supporting her and making her feel the terrible cock that would eat her out soon. I supported her breasts on her back and she put her Booty on the package. Nacho was bringing his hands and unbuttoned her pants and introduced his right hand into the thong searching for her vagina while his left hand continued to touch and squeeze her nipples, she rounded her ass over the cock that was imprisoned in that pantaloon. Vanessa – aaaaammmmm keep going pussy keep going – and began kissing his neck and ear. Nacho – do you like big breasts yeah beautiful – and pinched her nipple again. Then after a good while she was still lying on his cock making an erotic dance moving her ass from side to side and placing her hands in each corner of the pantaloon, it started to come out along with her thong, what a spectacle of Street left him completely bare. Now he unbuttoned his pants and brought them down to his ankles, she sat on the couch grabbed his 23 cm cock all venous. He passed his tongue over the red glans then began to suck it, introducing it into her mouth moving his head in a circular motion and bobbing up and down like crazy at one moment Nacho stopped grabs his own cock and hits it against one of his lover's breasts, and with the other hand grabs her head lifts his cock and makes Vanesa come towards his cock that she sucks for a good while. Already on her knees in front of the tip of the meat lance introduces it moving her head helped by the hands pushing towards his penis producing that he swallows until halfway down the cock and holding her head starts to make gagging motions. Vanessa – aaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggg aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggooooohhhhh – Nacho – aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaasssss yes yes yes – Already alone when she pulls it out she kisses and sucks the glans, lifts her cock and sucks with passion her eggs. From front to back in a mechanical way she made her a phenomenal blow job. Nacho - aaaaaajjjj aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh I'm going to put you in my top five of the best cunts that entered here - Vanessa - aaaaajjajajaj aaaaaaaaaoooooggg glliiuuuuuu gluuuuup - That made her hotter and now she was also making her a constant masturbation, then after a good while Nacho lifts her up and puts her to bed, leaving her legs open so that he can now suck her. He approaches her or rather her pussy with her legs lifted in the air, held by the parallel bars. He starts giving tongue kisses to her vagina and then slowly like a arrowhead touches the clitoris and licks it slowly, which stimulates her much more than she was...
Already it was inevitable, I didn't even want to go and see what was happening. How many times did I see women from his department coming down, exhausted and sore after having a night or a few hours of passion with Nacho. Like that one time when Alberto asked me to bring him a coffee with toast and Nacho's companion, who that time was the food inspector, wanted to get us and Nacho convinced her or rather bribed her, but not with money if not with... and that was a fat ass, but nothing made her disgusted, nor could I even imagine what was happening up there since the bar was full of people.
After some time Nacho was lying in his armchair, holding Vanesa's waist as she didn't stop riding his cock and feeling the famous plaf plaf plaf plaf and knocking her tits together. Vanessa - aaaaaahhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh mmmmmmmm aaaaaaaaaah - while with her hands making pressure on the... breasts of his male. Nacho - ooooooohhhhh yes slutty if very pretty aaaaooooo mm- Nacho also went up and down supelvi while she held onto the left handrest of the armchair with her right hand.
Vanesa – aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyassssssssssiiiiissssssiiiii –
Nacho was pinching her nipple again and fondling her tits.
It was hypnotic how those tits moved up and down.
She put her hands on the armrest of the chair, offering her juicy nipples for Nacho to delight in, probing them with his mouth.
This made him have almost half a tit in his mouth while he licked her nipple and cupped her ass cheeks with his hands, causing her pussy to get more excited.
And it was there that he put his index finger in her anus while continuing the constant penetrations.
Vanesa – aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ooaooooooooooooooooohhh –
Nacho – good now get on all fours –
Vanesa – why? –
Nacho – and what's it going to be –
She already knew what was missing, so she did it. Nacho started slowly burying his cock inside her anus, spat in it to lubricate it, and began to push it in slowly and smoothly.
Vanesa – aaaaaaammm eeeeemmm –
Nacho – here we go, get ready –
Vanesa – okay –
Nacho – 1 2 3 –
Vanesa – aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-
After burying her, the famous shaking began without stopping. His balls were hitting Vanesa's ass cheeks. He was helping to push it in by pushing himself towards her, holding onto her shoulders. And so they continued all night.
*******************************************first-person account********************************
If I got up and went to the door and listened to my mother's moans, but who would I judge her? So I just went home after finishing work with Luis and Alberto, while they took care of closing the bar. My mother appeared in the afternoon, I don't know what she said, but I didn't give a damn and our life continued as usual the next day when I go to work. As always does it, Nacho never comments on his misdeeds. Fin
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