el amarre 2


I thought I was no longer going to care about it. I thought Mariela had convinced me of everything she was telling me. But there I was, just like a month earlier, equally stunned, equally overwhelmed by the events, and with my heart racing again at the same pace as Matanga's gallop, taking my girlfriend by the hind legs and pounding her on the bed over and over and over...

—Ahhh... Ahhh... Ahhh... Oh God, it's so thick... Ohhh, it's so thick...

—Mariela, you said you didn't orgasm...

—No, my love, I don't... ohhhhh...

—Corn, stop being a jerk and open her up a little down there, I want to bury myself in her completely.

Matanga's little piece of Alce Viejo, where he executed the wives and girlfriends, was just as dirty, disordered, and dark as it had been the first time we went. And the thickness and hardness of the zambo's cock were just as consistent as that time...

—It's okay, don Matanga...

—I'm coming, you're a whore... I've been pumping non-stop for twenty minutes now...

The mere idea of seeing the old man's trunk inflating and deflating to fill my girlfriend with cum made me shudder.

—Please, don Matanga... Does it have to be inside?

Mariela turned towards me with her face disfigured and her hair sweaty, cutting off her face in a mocking grimace.

—it's so the knot will come out better, my love...

—and speaking of coming... —added the old son of a slut —. Here I'll come all over you...

I turned back to my girlfriend and took her hands, putting my face against hers. If anything reminded me of the first session, it was that the knot became more effective if at the moment of cumming inside the woman, her lover kissed her.

The old turd pumped hard, violently, and this shook Mariela's body like a maraca. The kiss was impossible. Then she took my cheeks in her hands and pressed her face against mine, and we gave each other a kiss in the middle of a strong and incessant jerk of her head, caused by the thrusts.

—Ahhhhhhh... Matanga—. Ahhhhhh… fag, I'm giving it to you all... —I felt my girlfriend's tongue in my mouth and my heart racing like she was kissing me for the first time—. How do you cum, fag... Ahhh...! I didn't understand why the old man had to treat my girlfriend or me with such disrespect; granted that it was necessary for the ritual, although I wasn't sure. Maybe because of that and not anything else did my little one get so hard, in plain sight since both my girlfriend and I were supposed to stay naked. —Oh, my love, how are you... —Mariela panted, smiling at me almost maliciously with her eyes a bit glassy, while the old man was pushing her from behind, depositing the last drops of cum on her. Although it was already weak, the pumping still moved her, and she took my little one in her fingers—index and thumb—as if it were an earthworm. —The amarre is taking effect... This was the first time in my life that Mariela touched my cock. Well, any woman, actually. And it was while an old Zambo was pumping me and filling her pussy with cum. I think that somehow marked our relationship, because it wasn't the last time it happened. The old man pulled out his long and wide dick and deposited it on my girlfriend's booty, which was still standing on tiptoes and leaning forward on her forearms. His dick was shiny from my girlfriend's fluids, but didn't stand out much because my girlfriend's skin was equally so, due to her own sweat. Matanga took a second and puffed out exhausted, satisfied. He raised his head and shouted into the air: —Totooo...! —Again calling out to the neighbor, just like last month. It had seemed strange to me on the first day that suddenly a guy who had nothing to do with the situation would come and grab my girlfriend like that, without anyone saying anything... so I tried a timid opposition. —But why are you calling your neighbor, Mr. Matanga? There's no need for that... The metallic door of the house next door hit the frame, and footsteps... dragged by the fat guy trampling the floor.
It's to seal the tie better, horn... he said with disdain, and gave my girlfriend a slap on the right cheek of her perfect bum.
Ahhh...! Mariela gasped short, trying to stifle the gesture.
I observed better and the shine over my girlfriend's booty became more evident because her skin turned like chicken.
What a good ass you have, girl, we're going to do it some day...
Another slap made my girlfriend's skin stand on end and forced her to bury her face in her arms so I wouldn't hear her murmurs of excitement.
Whatever you want, Mr. Matanga...
My girlfriend's docility infuriated me, but my little one getting harder contradicted me, so I stayed quiet.
The door to Matanga's house creaked open and Toto, the unpleasant fat neighbor, said:
Where is that tasty little guy? I want to stretch him again!
He looked in through the door with a satisfied smile, wearing a Boca jersey with Vinos Maravilla propaganda, which cut off at the midriff of his paunchy belly, a three-day beard, and the dirt from burning weeds or something.
Matanga was already getting out of bed, my girlfriend remained booty up, ready for another penetration.
Come on, horn, you owe me... Matanga invited me as he did last month. Toto took off his soccer pants and put one knee on the bed to climb up behind my girlfriend. The mattress creaked and sank.
No, Mr. Matanga, I stood firm with uncertain security, dividing my gaze between the Zambo and the fat guy who was already positioning himself with both knees behind Mariela.
I'm staying with my girlfriend, I don't want this unknown gentleman to take advantage of her more than he should for the tie.
Maybe he thought the previous slaps had made me fearful, or maybe it didn't matter after he'd gotten his hands on my girlfriend. Matanga shrugged and crossed the curtain that served as a door to the room, leaving me alone. With Toto and my girlfriend. —Are you sure you want to stay, my love? —Do you prefer I leave? —No, I like it when you stay watching how they make me... how they make me at the tie! I was standing next to her, but kneeling on the bed, so besides seeing her face, I also saw all the way in the back the tremendous fat sausage that Toto pulled out. I had seen it the previous month, when I was leaving, but now it was different, I had it right in front of me, hardening as he fondled my girlfriend's buttocks with lust. He took it with one hand and strangled it to gain more rigidity, aiming for the cave. And I saw him push it forward with all his weight. —Ooohhh God... —Mariela groaned. —Are you okay? —I asked. She grabbed my hands while the fat guy began to bury the glans inside, gaining depth. —This tie is treating us so well, my love… —Some sweat droplets appeared on her forehead—. I already feel our love much deeper... Ahhhhhh... The unpleasant fat guy started to give it slowly and slowly. From my position, I had my girlfriend's face stuck to me, her slender and harmonious body moving away and the Booty dying behind, pushed down again and again with each thrust. I looked up and Toto was smiling sarcastically, not letting go of her for a second. However, something bothered him briefly between her legs. He put his hand in and pulled out Mariela's champagne thong. He smiled again and threw it at my face. The underwear fell onto the entwined hands of my girlfriend and me. She smiled with a certain electric charge in her gaze. —My love... Ahhhhh... —The pumping started to get a bit more intense—. The thong that was so... Ahhhhh... bothering you, Uhhh... It didn't seem like sarcasm from his part, rather marking the great irony of our last month. Or of my month. Because barely two or three weeks before, that same thong had been the cause of a big argument and the first time I got angry with her and all This matter of the tie-in. And no, not because Matanga or his dirty neighbor would have taken it and screwed it once a month for a year.

My anger, my tantrum, my complaint was about her and her new attitudes.

It was a week after having had the first session with Matanga. We went for a walk in Alce Viejo's city center and when crossing through the display window of a women's clothing store, she fell in love with a very particular set of lingerie consisting of a champagne-colored handkerchief with a print and a thong made of the same fabric - which simulated silk - making a match, tiny as she had never used it. She made me buy it for her, something I did first with pleasure but at the moment of paying, I remembered that there was still much time before I could wear it, and on top of that they were going to screw me again in less than a month with that tie-in story.

The truth is that the handkerchief was used as a bra and top, although it wasn't revealing, the fabric was so thin that it marked her nipples as if she weren't wearing anything, and for worse the thong got stuck in her butt and made her look like the sexiest woman on the planet. Or slut, I don't know.

I had seen her put it on in front of the mirror, right in front of me. After the first tie-in session, where Matanga screwed me with an incline included, Mariela unexpectedly began to let me see her in lingerie. I suppose because she had already seen me naked while they were screwing her in the ritual, and there was no longer a reason to keep her intimacy private. Still, she made it clear that until we reached our anniversary, we weren't going to have sex; she didn't want to ruin the moment. It was strange, because she told me so after remembering - and asking each other - why Matanga made his neighbor Toto screw her too.

Anyway, having seen her naked made her relax her privacy with me, and then I started seeing her very often when she changed clothes. Very often. It was as if she enjoyed being seen undressing and changing clothes by me. interior, never allowing myself to touch her. That afternoon wasn't the first time I saw her dressing after a shower, but it was the first time I noticed that every time we went to some meeting where there were other men, her underwear was much more provocative, sexy, almost like a slut, when she came out with just me. Don't misunderstand, she didn't show her underwear or behave inappropriately at those gatherings. The sexy underwear was underneath tight pants, a skirt, or a dress. But she didn't use that kind of intimate clothing when she knew she'd only be going out with me and no one else. Why? It was strange and I told her so. And I think I deserved a just reprimand.

—What an idiot you can be sometimes, Guampablo. Are you complaining about underwear nobody's going to see? Seriously? You're the ultimate paranoid!

It was true, but...

—That thong in your booty never gets used when we go out alone.
—And what if I never take off my clothes in front of anyone? What's wrong with you?

It was true, but it was also true that she wore sexy underwear every time we went out with my friends (who had seen her many times before we started dating), and yet she never did when it was just the two of us.

—Can't you ever wear it sometimes when you're going out with your boyfriend? I scolded, jealous of something unknown.
She looked at me as if I were crazy.

—To go to the river? It's uncomfortable. Or to visit my parents, it shows off and they'll think I'm a slut.
At that moment I realized she was right and apologized. But a few days later I figured out that then she knew that sexy underwear, in one way or another, stood out noticeably under what she wore and made her look like a slut to anyone who looked at her. The uncertainty got to me and the next time we went for a walk by the river I started complaining again: finally she put on her sexiest thong, the one she always wore when we hung out with my friends or other men, and over it she put leggings well fitted into her ass that made her look like an object to be gazed at anyone. It was worse. I think he did it on purpose. I was walking with her hand in hand, feeling the eyes of everyone in the world penetrating my girlfriend's ass as palpably as I felt Toto penetrating her again now. It wasn't just that the thong showed off well, the leggings themselves were slipping into the entire crack of her ass and undressing her even though she was dressed.

The guys we crossed on our way to the river, rougher types from poorer neighborhoods who lived near the edges, always looked at her like an object, staring at her marked pussy without the slightest shame, right in front of me, not caring about my presence or my girlfriend's possible complaints, which she didn't seem to notice anyway.

It was humiliating. For some reason it reminded me of our first bondage session, when Matanga took me out of the little room and Toto settled behind my girlfriend to screw her with impunity. It felt similar: another man available on Mariela's body and me standing next to him unable to do anything.

Never before had something like this happened. Or maybe I had just never noticed. Was I paranoid, as she said? Well, like not being so. Because the days that followed that afternoon when Matanga and Toto screwed my girlfriend (or as Mariela always corrects me: when they made us do the bondage) were some of the worst tortures I suffered in my life. Due to the anguish of what happened. Due to the confusion about how well she took it. And due to the uncertainty about how everything would continue with that whole thing.

And I'm not talking about the bondage itself, that was clearer than water: for a year, once a month, Matanga had to reaffirm the spell until the couple's union became firm and forever. The problem was the day-to-day until the next month. For example, we had agreed not to tell anyone, it wasn't a question of everyone finding out that those disgusting old men had screwed me, and one of them would continue to screw me. But She was so happy and radiant with the tie, and I know her well enough to know she's quite loose-lipped, so I started fearing she'd comment on it around here.

Uncertainty began at the second week when Iván, one of my friends who had hooked up with my girlfriend before she started going out with me, told me as if it were nothing while looking at Mariela's black short shorts as she bent down to tie her boots.

—So you took her to get tied up by old Matanga...”—She looked back at the ass of my girlfriend and smiled. I turned red like a pepper.—After that, our relationship will be more united than ever, he teased.

—Mariela, you told me you weren't going to say anything!

Mariela finished tying her shoes and stood up. She was wearing a super short jean skirt, not particularly sexy, but she had put on a scarf as a halter and all my friends were already aware of her nipples. It was like she had skin covered in thin fabric. She took off the smile and came over to me, embracing me over the shoulders.

—And I didn't say anything, stupid, since you know I never lie.

Iván cleared his throat and glanced at my girlfriend's breasts.

—Her aunt told her mother about it, and Luís told me, he said.

Luís was another one of my friends who used to hook up with my girlfriend before she started going out with me.

—If Luís knows, they all know... I said, referring to our group of friends.

—It's fine, Guampablo, aunt won't go around saying that the two old men got her, it's not a bunch of nonsense.

I thought it didn't matter. If you took your girlfriend or wife to get tied up by Matanga, everyone in Alce Viejo knew part of the spell was getting her laid. Without used, the tie wasn't effective, they said.

—How 'two old men'? Iván asked surprised.

And Mariela explained simply and humbly, as if she were giving directions to a novice to get to the center:

—She called a neighbor to help him. While Guampablo was paying Matanga, the neighbor...— It was good, it kept giving for the ritual of binding... —My love!—I was scandalized by her sincerity. With each piece of information she provided, I felt more humiliated. —Did two old guys instead of one get you impaled? Mariela scolded him: —Oh, Iván, always the same ordinary! You say it like it's something dirty... We went to strengthen our union with Guampi, these things work that way, they've been done since forever in town. Yes, they had been done since forever. The son of a slut from Matanga used to come and fuck the girlfriends and wives of Alce Viejo since time immemorial, and on top of it all with the consent of the cuckolds... and subsequent payment in pesos. We were all at the ruins of what had once been a drive-in theater, between walls painted with graffiti of a thousand colors, made by other kids from town. Mariela let me go and went to lean against one of the walls, took off her bra that was decently covering her, lifted one of her knees and posed sexy for a photo my friend Iván took with his cell phone. And then I couldn't take it anymore and left with an improvised excuse. Mariela wasn't stupid, she realized something was up and came after me to see what it was. —Everyone knows you made me cuck! Everyone! And if they don't know yet, they'll find out in a week or two. —They're not cuckolds, my love. —You got caught by two guys... —You know they're not cuckolds... What do you care what your friends think? They're idiots, that's why I stayed with you. —You tell me they're not cuckolds but in a month Matanga will go back to screwing you... And then again, and so on for a year... —But it's not sex. You know it's not sex, I do it for us, so we can be better and united forever... The impotence of knowing that all my friends would find out that Matanga and Toto had been screwing Mariela for a year made me shudder. —Seriously...—I stammered.—Don't you do it because you enjoy it? She hugged me, kissed me, held me back, and made me return to my friends, bearing the knowledge that I would be screwing Mariela all year long with a

A mule with horse cock fame, and maybe also a greasy fat one. Mariela kept me calm for the following days, despite not stopping from wearing very short clothes or tight pants that drew her naked, and she swore it was for me. Until my insecurities returned just the day before the second encounter with Matanga, that is, until the day of the second fuck.

—From the 'refresher' of the tie-up —she always corrected me, as if scolding me with annoyance—. It's so our relationship stays well tied up.

Sometimes I thought her word choices weren't innocent. Mariela wasn't an innocent girl. She was jovial and distracted. But not innocent. The worst part was that those types of failures, which seemed more daring each time, made me hard as iron. Like also remembering her submission or indifference when the neighbor of Matanga entered into action on the first evening. We hadn't talked much about this all month, almost as if it had never happened; but a day before returning to the slaughterhouse to get fucked again, I wanted to make some things clear. Because although the episode stopped me, her actions infuriated me much more.

—What are we going to do if the old witch calls the fat dirty one of his neighbor back?
—I don't know, my love, I don't think he'll call anyone...
—Did you think it was okay what he did? Matanga didn't warn us.
—I don't know, Guampi. He took me by surprise as much as you. I let him do it because I imagine it's part of the ritual.
—Did your aunt also get taken between two?
—Oh, I forgot to ask my aunt.
—Didn't you think it was abuse?
—I don't know... I didn't think about it... I mean, she was just as fat and long as Matanga, so I suppose it can't be that bad... Did you think it was that bad?
—Of course! He called from nowhere and took you like a piece of meat... He didn't even recite the ritual or anything, he's a jerk! Not even a greeting. He just entered and nailed me like a brothel slut.
—And why did you go with Matanga without saying anything? —Yo... Yoeeemmm... —I had let it go so simply and with such an alien tone that it cut off my indignation and I automatically felt absurdly defeated, as if in a war I had gone with a handful of missiles and she had won me over with a sling—. It was just surprising to me —I improvised—, I thought it was because of the ritual.

Mariela looked at me without any expression, studying my reaction.

—I too.

What do you want me to say? Now, while Toto's pig is taking her by the two buttocks and pounding her pussy with fury, swinging my girlfriend like a fan in the fence of a stadium on a match day, I realized that deep down, or perhaps not so deep, I longed for Matanga to yell at the neighbor, just after catching my little love. While the fat slob was burying his cock up to the balls, without caring about my presence or the little body enjoying itself and seemed like it was going to break between her hands, I realized that I had been waiting all month for this moment: knowing if once a month they were going to take me once or twice by two thick cocks like those of the previous month.

—Look at the face of your slut girlfriend, horn... —I obeyed. Amidst the chaos of bodies and the fat man's movement towards my girlfriend's ass and waist, I suddenly saw her, and saw her achined face suffering from pleasure due to the cock filling her with meat—. Is she enjoying it, horn? Does she like the cock of this fatty pig?

The son of a slut didn't stop pounding her hard, breathing already through his mouth like a locomotive. The fap-fap of the flesh in the middle was intense and real, and Mariela's body was agitating like a branch of a tree in the midst of a tropical storm. I saw my girlfriend's face, she still had her eyes closed but now she was biting her lips.

—Toto is asking if you're enjoying it... —I said like an idiot.

Mariela seemed to wake up from her lethargy, opened her eyes and murmured between her teeth.

—N-no... Ahhhh... no, my love... Ahhhhh... Ahhhhh... —and closed them again the eyes. I made Toto do it with his head to yes, that my girlfriend was enjoying under her yoke. To my surprise, it didn't seem to matter. He went back to staring at the penetration, at the buttocks, at caressing his waist while not stopping from pumping her. Suddenly my girlfriend agitated even more, took me by the shoulders, opened her eyes and mouth and began to groan and drool something. It dripped onto my face, head... --Guampa, I need you here --roared, and took my head strongly, lifted it up and her breasts ended up on my face. And she started to moan like never before. --Ahhhhhhhhhh... Sssííííííííí... I didn't know for sure if she was finishing. I supposed so but didn't want to accept it. --My love, are you okay? Is this an effect of the tie? --Ahhhhhhhh... Yes, cuck, yes... Ahhhhhhhh... It's the effect of the amareeeeeehhh... Left cuck alone. Having my girlfriend's breasts on my face was the only thing that mattered to me, although Toto was pumping her with so much fury that it cost me to keep them on my face. --Well, horn, do it like that and I'll screw her deeper. And he screwed elevating just a little bit over what he was screwing. I don't know what he did, but Mariela opened her eyes, screamed louder and while the fat son of a slut was pounding her with everything against the bed, my girlfriend took me by the face, and the agonized moan of the second orgasm threw me inside the kiss. --Ahhhhhhhhh... --ended kissing me. And the fat one didn't want to be less. --I'm also going to finish, slut . The collision of flesh became shrapnel. Suddenly Toto lifted his face and smiled at me. I'll make you a son, stupid horn. It's going to fit in your horn. And he started filling her up with cum like the previous month. And just like Matanga a little while before. Mariela was still looking for my kiss where the cum was, and Toto had stopped pumping to send deep thrusts, as if he were dying in each penetration. And with each jet of cum that left inside my girlfriend, he sent dedications. --I'm leaving her stretched out for tomorrow, horn... and I'm leaving it Inflated for nine months inside... Mariela released me from the kiss, the neck, everything about me, and sank between her arms, against the mattress. —Could you...—I heard her murmur. —Are you okay, my love? Are you okay? —I'm full. —Horn!—Matanga's shout was heard from the other side of the torn curtain that served as a door. Why do these two sons of a slut never miss an opportunity to call me horn or cuck?—Are you going to come and pay or not? Mariela looked at me in silence, with all her hair stuck together by sweat on her face. Toto disengaged and my girlfriend's entire body slid back as if the cock that filled her had deflated and her body returned to its original position. The dirty fat man stood up and immediately pulled his head out of the cock. A creamy and dense drop fell onto the tabled little girl's pollerita that Mariela had thrown on the floor at some point. —Go, my love—she suggested, and I obediently put on my clothes like that and crossed the curtain. A minute later we were sitting at the table, the old Zambo counting bills with parsimony, when Toto came out of the room. First her big belly appeared, naked, and she crossed the door. Luckily she had put on short pants and a Boca jersey hanging over her neck. —See you later, Matanga—she greeted, as if she had gone to water the plants in the garden and her task was already done. And out she went. I was absorbed by the whole situation. From inside the room, the creaking of the bed could be heard. Mariela would be getting up. —Stay there, little girl—Matanga demanded with authority, still counting bills. The creaking of the bed rolled back in. —I'm going to reinforce your wife again. You know it's important for the tie and that. Stay here, I won't make it too long but I'll reinforce her until her balls. I saw him get up from the chair, put the bills in a drawer of the sideboard, and arrange his cock over his loose underwear. And open the dirty curtain to go and screw my Girlfriend for the second time in the afternoon. -- Yes, Mr. Matanga.

♠ -- End -- ♠

el amarre 2

4 comentários - el amarre 2

Y pensar que hay gente estúpida que creen en eso de los amarres Jajajajaja. Y si paso de verdad esta historia, el hombre termina siendo el cornudo más ingenuo de la historia. Da pena
que estupides tan grande, si es real es el pendejo mas grande de la historia ojala y la preñe para que aprenda el cagon ese
😄😁😆 increíble cuánto imbécil hay en el mundo, creyendo que es un amarre y en 9 meses te "amarra" con la cría que no es tuyo, que estúpido de verdad, mejor váyase del pueblo, no diga nada y déjala sola con la barriga 😄😁