Hello, I'm Paola, 25 years old, and I currently live with my boyfriend Javier, who is also 25. We've been together for three years, and we've been living together for one year now. Everything's going well, and as of today, we're still having crazy sex. Javier's cock is perfect for a passionate night, 16 cm long and slightly thin. I always manage to come with the right movements when I'm on top of him. I should continue the story... In my prep and university days, I had an ex-boyfriend named Ricardo, who we were together for three years. We remained friends after breaking up, and he would occasionally visit me at work. One Wednesday, Ricardo came to the office, and it was a shock because I didn't understand why he was there. He told me he was working as an accountant and that my boss was one of his clients, so we'd be seeing each other often. What a small world! My boss asked me to set up a date with him, and when I agreed, he asked where I was going. I said home, and he asked if he could take me there, since he had a car. I was indecisive but accepted. We got in the car, and he drove me to my place. On the way, I asked how things were going, and he told me about his job and that he lived alone. I asked if there were any girls around, and he said not yet. Then he asked, Why? Jealous? His comment made me laugh, and I said it wasn't just curiosity. When we got to my place, he asked if we could ever take a coffee together to revive our friendship. I told him I'd think about it, and then went inside. And that's where Javier was waiting. What gave me a kiss and asked about my day, everything like a normal day. At night Ricardo sent me a message and asked if we could go out on Saturday, I didn't have plans for Saturday but maybe my boyfriend wouldn't like the idea since he knows him and doesn't like my memories with him very much, but I wanted to see him to see what he's been up to and do something on Saturday and not get bored, so I accepted and said I'd tell a little white lie that I was going out with my friends, he agreed and said he would also go out with his cousin and arrive a bit late, so there wouldn't be a problem. Already on Saturday, Ricardo arranged for us to meet at a square where we would take a coffee and chat, I dressed up in a dress and did myself up more than usual, it wasn't because of any bad intention, I just wanted to look nice to surprise him, already went and found him there, he was wearing something informal but still looked very good. I greeted him and we entered a quite nice cafe that was also a type of bar, we sat at the bar and ordered a coffee. We started talking, and he told me about his work and life in more detail, and then I talked about mine, which included my boyfriend, already passed the hours and with the topic in conversation, he asked how my relationship with him was, and I said everything was perfect, we loved each other and both followed a perfect order at home. He asked Is it better than me? The question confused me because I didn't understand why he was asking but without wanting to offend him, I said You had your ways of making me happy and he has his, so I can't answer that and he asked directly Does he make you happy in bed? I quickly spat out a What?! and while laughing, he took a sip of his coffee, What kind of question is this? He said it wasn't anything bad and I said it was something that didn't matter to him, but he said it was just to get closer and play around in the conversation. I just said yes, if I was satisfied sexually, and he asked again Does he do it better than me? Again I responded a bit haughtily Why do you ask those questions? He quickly said I'm only curious because being your ex gives me a thrill I said again You had yours and he has his and he retorted That doesn't mean anything, tell me, if I thought about how to answer the question, I remembered having sex with my boyfriend, but when I remembered being with Ricardo in bed, all I remembered was that I really had a very yummy cock, 17 cm long and as wide as it was making me very happy at that time, remembering that at the cafe made me shiver and think indecently of Ricardo, and also bothered me that the answer would be in his favor, so I said my boyfriend did better than him, Ricardo surprised said Seriously?! And I said surely Yes he looked a bit confused and said after a small silence How long is it? I said a little offended That's enough already and he told me he remembered how turned on I was with his penis that surprised him that my boyfriend would be better, even remembering that I liked taking pictures of him because I loved it, I said a little seriously Well, he's better, and stop remembering things you shouldn't Ricardo apologized and changed the subject, but started to divert it again when we talked about women and said he hadn't had sex in a while and said something that made me think indecently again and even shiver and was If... my eggs are very loaded and I hope to empty them someday jajaja simply imagined it and my mind imagined what wasn't, I said Mm well, I hope you do, I said not knowing how to respond, hours later we left the plaza and walked through a park and he told me to sit down on a bench that was in the middle of this one, very few people passed by and we started talking again, and asked if I had ever missed him, I replied that after ending our relationship I missed him quite a bit but got over it soon, and he said if I had missed him quite a bit for a long time, and again brought up the indecent topic saying We were really screwing a lot because I was so desperate that it was hard to stop fucking and the truth is that for me too it was hard to stop fucking often, and I said Well, it's sad and asked again Is your boyfriend really better than me? I said a little fed up Yes... why? Ricardo looked around both sides and when he saw there wasn't much people nearby said It's hard for me to believe he's better than this then unzipped his pants and showed off his somewhat flaccid cock, automatically I said Nonono what are you doing they'll see it and he replied No one can see us and when I looked at his flaccid cock it made a knot in my throat and chest that made me want to touch it but I resisted and got annoyed and said What's wrong with you Ricardo? He quickly hid his penis and apologized, saying he remembered our time as lovers and couldn't help but think about how we used to screw and how hot it was when he was with me, he stood up quickly and said please don't bother me, I said I deserved respect from my relationship, he said they were okay and after an uncomfortable silence I said take me home, he accepted. On the way we were very quiet, maybe because I was annoyed but only thinking about how hot it made me to see his cock, I thought we can screw, nothing will happen, that was my thought, thinking about him and what we used to do made me really hot all over. Approaching my house made me desperate, I thought he would leave and regret it, my desire to screw was stronger than doing things right so... I didn't care. We arrived, opened my door, and when he was about to leave, I turned around to look at him and planted a very desperate kiss on him, he obviously let himself go and also came over to me, started touching his package and he quickly unzipped his pants, jumping his cock into my stomach, I didn't care about my boyfriend or our relationship, This will only be something for a moment and that's it I thought. He was still kissing me and I only had to touch his thick penis to make him happy, it cost me to accept but I really missed him, while with one arm he hugged me and with the other he touched my cock, he took me by the hips and led me to the sofa, where he turned around and sat down, with his hands indicating that I should kneel, so I did. I remained kneeling in front of his erect cock and my mouth was watering, he was masturbating until the tip of his cock started to drool, he only said Suck it and a little uncertainly, I approached my mouth and started licking it, already with this his cock was very hard, I took it with both hands and licked what was sticking out of his head, he stretched his arms on the sofa and threw his head back, making me know that he was enjoying himself, I put my whole head in my mouth and played with my tongue, he moaned very tasty and with his hand he started indicating certain movements to me, my lips went down more and more, I felt like it was getting closer to the bottom of my throat, with a push, he made me choke and let out a big moan that got me wet. I stood up, took off my sneakers and immediately took off my pants, obviously he finished taking off my underwear, my vagina with its short hair was exposed, and he passed his fingers through it, feeling that tasty tingling. He pulled me towards him and placed me on top of him on the sofa, I got wet with his saliva and passed his fingers several times, the caresses along with my fluids made me feel a very exciting tingling in my vagina, I was already soaked, so much that I saw the threads between his fingers from all his wet hands, then I saw how he started licking his fingers eating all my fluids and seeing that made me very hot. With my boyfriend it has always been quite painful for many things because he never gave me any signs that he liked very morbid things, we have never gone beyond normal, so I can't even think of sitting on his face for fear of him thinking I'm weird, but when I saw my ex licking everything that comes out of me, it awakened my morbo. It was until He took his cock and started rubbing my head against the head of his penis, giving me electric shocks very richly, I didn't remember how tasty it was to structure a cock but definitely became even more morbid, you could hear the sloppy sound of his cock against my vagina until he stopped, but I could feel the tip of his penis in my vagina, I started to lower slowly by instinct and heat, and felt like his head touched my vaginal walls, it would have passed and started feeling the veins of his trunk, it was incredibly delicious delight, even made my eyes go blank. I went down more and more and didn't feel the end of his cock, but I felt the top of my vagina, that's when I started moving up and down again and everything was a new delight to feel his cock rubbing inside me, really filling and expanding me. He took me by the waist and started lowering and raising with speed, feeling like his cock opened me up more and more, I felt that tasty feeling that made me cry out loud and moan loudly. He pulled off his shirt and I noticed a sexy torso even more than how I remembered it, with my hands touching his pectoral and abdominal muscles while I rode his tasty penis, I took off my blouse and bra and hugged his head putting my breasts in his face here, already recharged by him, started moving quickly my hips and ass, fucking his delicious penis, but still having control, felt like his cock was making me feel the orgasm near, Aaah Aah... what yummy cock is drinking He took hold of my ass only saying You drink your date kept fucking his cock with my hip and felt the twisting sensation of my orgasm getting more noticeable, gave me some good cock hits in my G spot that I felt like I was going to pee all my eggs and cock, Ah ayyy I'm going to pee, Keep going keep going he rubbed me all over until I felt my orgasm at its peak and felt like I got hit with that tremendous sensation when he took hold of my hips, pulled out his cock and launched A huge splash of water in my stomach Ayyyyy love that's so tasty, so strong it made something splash out onto my tits, with her momma she put her fingers inside me and started moving them really fast, stimulating and making me feel like I was twisting again What a slut you are, I thought he would make me come again but I got up and he put me on all fours over the sofa, I was dripping wet, soaking the whole sofa and his cock was full of my creamy flow, he put me with my face against the sofa showing him everything, and I didn't think before opening it with my hands, I was so horny, and I heard and felt like a huge spit in my ear making me jump a little, suddenly I felt her tongue licking me all over my ass, making me feel something new and so tasty, she moved her tongue from my anus to my vagina in a movement, I lost control so quickly when he started convincing me that being unfaithful to my boyfriend with my ex was one of the best things I could have done. He settled down and pointed his head at my vagina and started giving it really hard, you could even hear the slapping sound of my ass against him, in this position I felt more clearly all his anaconda inside me, coming and going, he had me in ecstasy, making me moan like never before with my boyfriend, when he would stop to take a breath, I would push my ass back onto him, What yummy ass you have, I've been dreaming about them, Uf uf ah ah ten for sure that I'll miss your cock baby. He took his cock out of me and turned me over, making me open all my legs, he positioned himself in the middle and above me, hugging me around the neck and said Now if you drink I took his cock and put it inside me, and started violating me so deliciously with everything, I felt the force of his arms and body all over me, but never stopped feeling like his cock was hitting me from the inside, I was getting really desperate that I could feel his agitated sigh, I was giving it to him so savagely, moaning so sexy, it seemed like he was exercising, Uf uf uf uf Aaaaah ah my She was only saying That's so tasty male and I felt like she was using me for her pleasure. Again, I felt like she wanted to make me come, I felt those rich touches inside that were making me orgasm, I hugged her and without thinking much started digging my nails into her back to resist a bit but it was all in vain, Ah love me are you going to make me come again drink, I'm also going to come uf uf, Yes please don't stop don't stop don't stop don't stop ayyyyy you're a god love, Uuuy how yummy you feel inside Pao, I feel the same way about you until the end don't stop name all love, she took me by the neck with her hands and started killing me so tasty and when I felt my orgasm, I lost myself in an ecstasy of richness that even when I was choking I noticed like my vision got blurry but I felt like I was being drained completely, I felt my body coming and going with her pumps until I noticed like you were shouting loud and inside I felt your cum boiling up and when you pulled out your cock and stopped hanging me, I felt that blow of ecstasy that made me come at least 10 seconds more, I twisted around like a fish out of water, Aaaahhh how tasty love how tasty, I saw your cock dripping and when I passed my hand over my vagina, I felt everything wet and all your semen bursting out in heaps from me, he got up and looked quite exhausted and his torso was still quite sweaty that it could even shine through the light, and like I wasn't falling in love with your cock but still looking like a vivora. I soaked the whole couch, and I had to take a shower so I said Better matured, don't know what time my boyfriend will arrive, But I'm sweating, That's not my problem, bathe at home, he started getting dressed but I had my smile on my face because of how happy I was with the fuck, and I said Hey, What?, I wish it would happen again but I don't know, When you feel like it, I'll be there for sure, I already miss how it feels to fuck with you, Do better jeje, he finished getting dressed and said Sorry about your relationship... but I won't deny that I loved fucking with you again Don't worry... I liked it too, even though I don't like that I liked it, When you want, I'll be here, opened the door and left. Immediately I felt very bad, but couldn't do anything after thinking about how good it was, I was confused, took my towels and went to shower, and noticed how on the sofa there were remnants of Ricardo's semen, I got scared because my boyfriend would notice... but I calmed down and approached, with my finger picked up one of the drips that fell and smelled it, filled me with morbidness the smell and rose so quickly that I tried it, tasted it and swallowed it, thought, next time I'd like to try his semen, but my guilt told me I couldn't keep thinking about another encounter, but very deep down knew I would fuck him again. I showered and came out in a towel, already late and my boyfriend wasn't arriving, put on some worn-out clothes to be comfortable and went to clean up the sofa a bit, the crime scene didn't disappear much so I just decided to put a sheet over it, hiding it very well. Ten minutes later my boyfriend arrived and greeted me with a kiss, I happily greeted him and he seemed confused, asked What's wrong? A little nervous, Aren't you upset that you're late?, how could I be worried about what he might have done worse than what I had just done, Not at all, were you with your cousin no?, then nothing happens, drink, he equally confused went to sleep, and I brushed my teeth and got into bed, my phone rang and when I checked it was Ricardo with a message that said, I really enjoyed seeing you today, I had a great time, followed by this he said, Look, I've showered And sent me the next photo:
A lump formed in my throat and I turned off my phone, but less than a second later I turned it back on just to admire all his cockiness, 'It's a damn shame' I thought. After a while of not knowing what to say, I only wrote 'Haha goodnight', and before turning off my phone again, I saw that photo again, I had a strong urge to take him in my hand and do everything with him, after a great effort, I managed to turn off my phone and sleep. The next morning, my boyfriend got up and went to the kitchen to have breakfast without saying anything to me, but when I reviewed my phone, there was already a message from Ricardo, when I opened it, there was a message of 'Good Morning' And the following photo:
My eyes sparkled again, I had the urge to lick the screen. I thought maybe all those photos would affect me and my relationship, but I love taking a peek at them every now and then just to fantasize, it was more exciting for me to know that fantasy could be real, so he sent me more photos in the following days, which I couldn't resist just looking, I needed to grab him, lick him, suck him, put it in, touch it, among other things, so without any resistance I told him I saw him in a nearby hotel, that I needed to see him, he was delighted and said he'd meet me there, now I just need to come up with an excuse to get out of seeing my boyfriend.

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