My Cousin My Torment Chapter 11

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Capítulo11 Omay Nora los puentes de plata
Efectivamente debí regresar en bus, afortunadamente no era tarde y por este día no tenía nada importante que estudiar o hacer, por lo que me lo tomé con calma, y me fui sentado mirando el paisaje mientras pensaba en lo que estaba viviendo.
Lo único que me tenía algo preocupado era que mi vida “sentimental”, no estaba para nada en calma, si bien estaba seguro que mi primita tenía parte de mi corazón y creo que yo parte del de ella, el tener sexo con Coté y con Nora me hacía dudar de esos sentimientos… ¿es normal follar con otras chicas mientras hay una que te encanta? ... ¡sé que no es normal follar con una chica en presencia de la que uno ama!, pero ¿por qué ella no explota y manda a la mierda a Nora? …
¿Fer me querrá como yo creo que me quiere? … ¿qué haré con Nora?... La verdad es que en el viaje no logré ninguna conclusión, pero dicen que hay dos tipos de problemas, los que se solucionan solos y los que no tienen solución, jajaja… el tiempo dirá de cuál de ellos estoy viviendo.
Volví a casa yme encontré con la sorpresa que los abuelos y Fer estaban viendo una película del cable en su cuarto, los saludé y Oma me invitó a unirme a ellos y pese a que tenía algo de hambre, acepté con gusto; me tendí en la orilla de la cama al lado de Oma.
Como los cuatro ocupábamos la totalidad de la cama, tuve que abrazar a Oma para no caerme,jajaja… como sea nos acomodamos lo mejor que pudimos, pero yo permanecí con el brazo pasando por sobre Oma, de tal forma que mis dedos tocaban el brazo de Fer que estaba en medio de los abuelos… en eso sentí como unos dedos de Fer rozaban los míos y luego los entrelazaban… que les puedo decir fue super tierno.
La película fue muy entretenida, pese a que el final casi me hace llorar y eso que yo no lloro ni con Lassie siendo devorado por lobos o Flipper atacado por un tiburón; por si a alguno le interesa, se llamaba “No se aceptan devoluciones” y es mexicana.
Estaba pensando en eso cuando de pronto Oma se incorpora y podría apostar que se dio cuenta de que Fer y yo teníamos nuestros dedos entrelazados, pero no hizo ningún comentario.
Oma: Bueno niños vamos a cenar, tú también Federico
Abuelo: Ya voy vieja, ya voy…
Cenamos como de costumbre, Fer me miraba en forma extraña, pero por más que intentab ainterpretar su mirada, no sabía interpretarla. Finalmente, todos nos fuimos ala cama, pues la universidad no perdona a los dormilones.
Cuando ya estaba con pijama de pronto Fer entró intempestivamente a mi cuarto, cerrando rápidamente.
Yo: ¿Qué haces?
Fer: Te tengo que decir algo.
Yo: ¿No puede esperar a mañana?, los abuelos aún están dando vueltas
Fer: Te quiero….
Yo: Yo también, pero debes ir a acostarte….
Fer: ¿No me entendiste?
Yo: Sí claro, me quieres como todos nos queremos en la familia….
Fer: No pardillo, te quiero como hombre…
Yo: Y yo te quiero a ti como mujer, le contesté…
Fer: ¡Ufff! Que alivio, jejeje dijo y se colgó a mi cuello besándome
Fue un beso tierno y bastante prolongado, el problema es que los abuelos aún estaban deambulando por ahí y no teníamos ninguna explicación que fuera posible de dar.
 I: You should leave...
Fer: Why?
I: The grandparents...
Fer: Calm down, we were just coordinating for tomorrow, haha
I: Both of us in pajamas in my room with the door closed... they're old, not stupid!
Fer: You and your fears, I'm leaving...
I: Yes, you should leave, I said and gave him a slap on the ass when he turned around
Fer: You're a shameless, exploitative scoundrel...
I: Learned from the best, haha
Finally, he got out of the room and the grandparents didn't notice, or at least that's what I think . Then I went to bed and as it's almost a tradition more than a habit, I had a magnificent masturbation in honor of Fer and Nora... well, and with the recurrent support of Coté... haha. As you'll see, my fantasies are overflowing with the three crazy harpies surrounding me... yes!, including Coté, who is no longer the innocent and beautiful one I thought she was, so yes, I included her too, haha I woke up as usual in my schedule the next day, was about to enter the shower when Fer suddenly enters unexpectedly, almost gave me a cardiac syncope, since I didn't expect it... I: Hey Fer! Fer: I'm so hot, get out of the way I: But Oma is still awake… Fer: Yes, but that's not why I'm going to pee, haha... get in the shower, pronto. I: Okay, but you know not to pull the toilet chain. Fer: With one condition… I: Let's go out... Fer: Only if you give me a kiss.... I: You're crazy! Oma can tell what's going on… Fer: Give me a kiss and I'll leave, she said when she was already getting up from the toilet. I: Okay, I said peeking my head around the curtain. She kissed me with unusual passion, but it seemed like she was playing with me, oh no, it's that manipulative Fer again! ... the fun Fer, confident Fer, carefree Fer who was messing with my life and making me lose control of my life in a strange way. Even though I stopped myself from peeing, I made the superhuman effort not to pee, the truth is I didn't want Fer to get that small victory by provoking me. We breakfasted together and Oma, as if it were a habit, prepared something for us to take away and insisted that we leave in Fer's car, so I didn't want to be impolite and accepted 'something submissive'... well, she is my only living grandmother and gives us affection too. Moreover, Fercomo as usual handed me the keys so I could drive while calling Nora and Coté to tell them we'd go looking for them, hmm this surprised me. Honestly, my cousin is crazy and plotting something! We recognized Coté and then Nora, Fer greeted us with pretended affection or so it seemed, and when we were already heading to the uni, he turned around in his seat and told us: Guys, I've decided to take a step forward in my relationship with Claudio, so I'm no longer available to fuck with you... Nora: You're a freak, what do you say, Claudito? Me: Fer, we don't have anything and you haven't authorized me to decide if I can fuck someone or not. Coté: And I've taken a step forward with Claudio, now we're friends, so your nonsense doesn't reach me. Fer: Come on Coté, almost half the university knows that you still screw your ex, don't come at me with lies. Nora: Yes Coté, when the little prick screws you it's too noticeable, hahaha. Anyway Fer, as long as he isn't officially my boyfriend, I'll keep fucking him until I'm left with no pussy. Fer: And what about Claudio? Me: Fer knows that I love her, that I'd like to have something serious with her, but we're cousins... Nora: But would you fuck Fer? Coté: But stay away from Nora, they're cousin siblings. Nora: It's obvious, but both of them desire each other, it shows in their eyes when they look at each other, hahaha Me: Enough crazy talk, I'll know what and when I want to do something, including the act of fucking. Thanks to God we made it to uni, because the chit-chat that the three of us were having in the car had me going crazy, even left them arguing while I went to class where I met Rorro and started talking about anything until the professor came with Coté. The morning passed quickly and I abstained from getting involved with those harpies, I wanted to be calm. At lunchtime I hid in an area where people who smoke marijuana gather, including one who knows me and greeted me strangely, asking me since when I smoked it, to which I replied that I didn't do it, I was just escaping my shadows, at which he laughed and told me: If I were in your place, I wouldn't escape from my shadows, haha. In the afternoon, at the coordinated departure time with Fer, I headed to the car and found the surprise that the three of them were waiting for me, leaning against it, looking like they were chatting enthusiastically, or so it seemed to me from a distance. I: Come on, they can go up now, I said, activating the remote control for the doors
Nora: Oh, hellhound, where did you hide?
I: I didn't hide, it's strange that no one saw me, I said, lying shamelessly.
Luckily, the three of them behaved quite well until we left Nora, who threw her head against my window and kissed me passionately, putting her tongue in my tonsils at least, to say the least, the truth is that it was too much passion, then she went to the other two girls and pulled out their tongues, finally saying goodbye laughing. The reaction of the other two didn't take long to manifest itself, they at least said I was a foxy Promiscuous or something like that, but I noticed it wasn't with anger or very noticeable annoyance. The scene repeated with Coté and Fer laughed telling her it was another poorly taught foxy, the truth is that the three of us were playing with me... it's madness! Or not? Finally we arrived at the building parking lot and Fer kissed me just like the other two crazies, then looked at me and said: What's the point? Me: They're crazy, I'm not anyone's trophy or judge and this is an absurd competition. Fer: You don't know anything, haha. We walk a little and Fer stops in front of the wine cellar door, which accelerated my heart and while she opened the door, I already felt burning inside, so barely did we get in that I hugged her and kissed on my own initiative... soon I started caressing her body tracing with my hands every curve of my wicked harpy until she said...  Paremospardillo, I can't take it anymore, let's go home. I: We could stay a bit longer… Fer: No, I really can't anymore... please. I: You're really not making sense, you provoke me, make me interested, do things no one else would and then regret it. Fer: I don't understand either, the truth is maybe it's better if you stay with Nora. I: I couldn't believe you'd say that… Fer: Let's go home, she suddenly started crying. I: The grandparents will think I did something to you if they see you crying. Fer: You already have. After that, she got out of the bodega and walked ahead of me, taking advantage of my being in the bodega to take the elevator and get ahead of me. As soon as I entered, Oma scolded me for making her daughter cry, even though I tried to explain I was innocent, then the grandfather also scolded me, so I got angry and took a taxi and went home to Coté's place which was the closest.  Side note: But what a surprise, what happened to your cousin's fur?
I: How do you know something happened with my cousin?
Side note: What could it be that makes you appear out of nowhere like this?
I: It could have been something with Nora...
Side note: No, she's only here to keep you happy, I don't think she'd do anything bad to you.
I: That's true, I just can't understand Fer!, he teases me and teases me and when I get upset, he escapes from the ring
Side note: Some women are like that, haha, let's take a coffee and chat... Come see who we're with here!
Bea: ¡Alpesado de tu novio!? She said loudly from her room
Side note: No!...
Bea: Ahh good!
I: It seems your boyfriend isn't doing well, haha
Side note: That's just between them, even when there is something to it, haha
Bea:¡Claudito!... What a surprise!
I: Hi Bea, it's great that I'm not Coté's boyfriend, haha
We managed to chat for a few words and as if we had invoked the devil, her boyfriend appeared. The boy was quite handsome, with blue eyes, when he entered he was surprised to see me in Coté's department and with an air of sufficiency asked: Boyfriend: Are you who?
Bea: My new boyfriend said it to him, lying shamelessly
Coté: Yes, Bea brought him here to introduce us, his name is Alonso
I: Hello, I said, shaking hands
Boyfriend: Hello, he said, leaving my hand stretched out
Bea: Let's go to my room and leave them alone so they can get bored.
Bea took my hand and led me to her room, and among laughs sat me on her bed, sitting astride above my legs. I: But Bea, what do you intend?
Bea: Taking advantage of the occasion, haha, besides avenging Coté, haha
I: Are you sure?
Bea: Count on it, besides it's been a while since we didn't do it, haha
I: But Coté and his boyfriend...
Bea: Sorry for Coté, as for him, may he rot!
I: You can't be that bad....
Bea: He is, he's a weird bug that does psychological bullying.
I: Seriously?
Bea: Yes but my friend doesn't want to understand... it's a shame you left her for him, otherwise we would have been happy the three of us, haha
A new surprise in my life and what a surprise, my ex-girlfriend with a type who is utterly despicable... Bea didn't let me think much when she was already on top of me, caressing me with passion and undressing me quickly, so much that I helped her so she wouldn't rip my clothes, since I couldn't get home naked like Adam, haha. Then I helped her and the very condemned one laid me down in bed, made me a delicious cock food, afterwards she asked me with a slut face to eat her wet and decorated little dick. The truth is that I didn't make her wait, while eating her pussy Bea was crying out in pleasure without any restraint, so much that at one moment I felt strong blows on the bedroom door and through it we heard the voice of the 'newbie' telling us. Hey guys be a little more discreet, we can't talk here. Bea was laughing and biting her lip while pressing my face against her mound of Venus, the truth is that besides the impression it also made me laugh, even though I regretted it for Coté's sake, the truth is that I found it incredible that she would have preferred him to me because honestly I was a bit more charming without being the life of the party. After an opportune interruption of the 'noviete', I resumed our encounter giving her kisses down my neck while my hands drew her silhouette with unusual passion. She was caressing me with equal fervor and quietly laughing as she told me what she wanted to do, especially because she was burning after I had eaten her out. Now Bea was all passion, almost unbridled, reminding me of every minute that Coté was alone just steps away from us with the stupid boyfriend... I: Do you want me to put it in?
Bea: Yes, I haven't thought about her since the last time you put it in me, I want you to put it in again.
I: Then guide it, because the poor thing is crooked, haha.
Bea: Yes, haha, well, said taking my cock in her hands
She was sucking and playing with her nipples with passion, while she moaned and tried to get my cock into her pussy... but her uncontrollable pleasure and desire prevented her from doing a good job. Of course, with great persistence, she kept trying until she managed to impale herself on my buddy, letting out a barely contained groan. We started a quick in-and-out... Bea was panting hard, trying to take air faster and faster, which along with her moans announced her imminent orgasm, suddenly began to scream wildly:  Bea: Give it to me hard, I'm coming... give it to me deep inside, I'm coming!!!!!
Yo: Not so loud, Coté and his girlfriend might hear us.
Bea: Let them hear it, she's missing out by being with the heavy guy.
Yo: Listen, your friend and my ex are hearing you.
Bea: She's a fool who should leave the lead weight alone, but better for me that she does, mmmm¡ahh! .... I'm coming... I'm coming!!!
Bea had an enormous and incredible orgasm just steps away from my Ex and his girlfriend, jejeje; she collapsed on top of me without letting go of my cock. We stayed quiet until we started giving each other caresses, waiting for her to recover from her orgasm. We were in that state when the exit door slammed shut with sudden violence. Bea: Must be a newbie that got angry as usual
Me: Do you think so?
Bea: Of course, he's an idiot... now we can keep going and scream whatever we want
Me: But Coté?
Bea: I didn't say no when you made her scream, haha
Me: That's true, haha
Bea took my friend with great initiative and opening her legs almost demanded me to penetrate her. This girl really loved cock, I could admire her depilated and adorned pussy again... it was juicy, showing her deep desire, so I started penetrating her slowly while she adjusted herself...
We didn't notice when the door of my room opened, only realized it when a shadow interrupted the window light, looked up and saw Coté looking at us, the luxurious feeling I felt seeing her with eyes of desire made me deepen my thrusts, thinking how magical it would be to fuck both of them... with each push I wanted to reach until I hit my balls on Bea... I: Are you okay? I asked Bea while looking at Coté out of the corner of my eye.
Bea: Yes, it's very good, she answered in a low voice this time.
I: Do you like seeing Coté?
Coté: I'd rather you tear me apart... pussy...
Bea: And what about him?
Coté: He's an idiot, he got kicked out because of the scandal he caused when you two were fucking.
Bea: Yes, it's a shame... do you want to fuck?
Coté: Yes, I said so...
I continued with the meeting and pulled her while kissing and exchanging our tongues, feeling like my trembling flesh was vibrating, just like a volcano before an eruption, I felt her hard tits adorned with piercing giving against my chest, I wanted to get inside her skin to feel that energy about to explode... Bea shuddered in each attack, it made me crazy, I only wanted to be part of her, soon I felt a nascent trembling announcing another orgasm... In that moment Coté put his hand on Bea's tits and a finger in the anus of her friend... At that instant I heard Bea's screams as she came... Likewise, I was also at the edge of collapse, so I pumped with force twice more and exploded... while starting my orgasm I put a hand on Coté's pussy, the triangle was made, I came like never before, damn it with Bea, she was a wild beast! Bea: It would be marvelous, she said between sighs and muffled moans as she threw herself onto me almost fainting
Coté: Now I'll eat that little friend of mine who's seasoned, haha
I: You're a cow Coté, hehehe
Coté: I learned it from you, hehehe
Coté went for my little friend and sucked, licked, and cleaned it while Bea and I stayed embracing trying to recover. After Coté finished her job she lay down beside me and began rubbing her tits on my face, undoubtedly wanting her share of cock, but I was still recovering after the monumental ejaculation I had with Bea. I did what I could until later, after a while and with the help of her soft caresses, I started to gradually get turned on, began to explore her body with my mouth, kissing and licking all her exuberant voluptuousness, I kissed and licked her exquisite ass, her prominent Mount of Venus, her breasts crowned by beautiful pink nipples, her face her eyes... all of her, from time to time glancing at Bea who hadn't stopped looking. Coté by suparte me caressed with passionate tenderness, tried to suck my cock again, which was already waking up from its lethargy, got on top of me and helped by one of her hands put it in her pussy quickly during the entire trip towards her interior, looked at me in the eyes and said: Side: Do you like Bea's cock as much as I do? Bea: Mmm maybe, haha. She started riding me with ferocity while I took turns caressing her breasts and her incredible ass, Uhmmm! what pleasure it was to possess that well-fucked body, provoking men's passions... each of its pores exuded lust, it was like seeing Goddess Aphrodite personified in Coté, every now and then she would glance at her friend with a hint of invitation. Bea got in and started massaging Coté's tits at the same time as me, then gave Coté a juicy kiss and accompanied one of my hands on Coté's ass.Coté, for her part, moaned and enjoyed the anal and tit caresses administered by four hands, while I was riding her to her own pleasure. Suddenly she started bucking and screaming loudly announcing that she was coming, the truth is that I didn't get a chance to come again because suddenly she collapsed onto my chest, not giving me the opportunity to come again, so I laid her down on the bed next to Bea and started jerking off to come on her tits. Bea: What are you doing dirty?
Yo: I'm going to come on her tits
Coté: You're a pig, haha
Bea: Mmm yes it's dirty... will it reach for four tits?
Yo: I think so, hehehe
Coté: Yes, I don't get grossed out by my boyfriend's cum.
Bea: Way to go, slutty!
Yo: Las zorritas!, I almost said before they cut me off from coming on their tits.
It wasn't much, but it reached for the four tits... then the very pigs turned around to suck each other's tits seasoned with my cum... the plastic picture was all a rush, so much that while they were doing it, I made out with both of them in the ass just because I was so horny. We continued with the erotic games, even they ate each other's pussy mutually in a precious sixty-nine, which after a while revived my buddy and couldn't resist his charms, so I immediately placed them on all fours with their booties pointed at the edge of the bed, I stood at the edge, licked their nipples inserting my two index fingers. When I thought it was opportune, I inserted my cock first to one side while Bea continued exploring with my fingers until they could reach. I started to cum for my own pleasure, then I changed positions and put it in Bea's ass while continuing to play with Coté's ass... never had I done it like that before nor they, but they let themselves be screwed alternately with lust, so much that they kissed and caressed each other as much as possible... I don't know if I was doing it right, but I think I was, because Bea was purring, moaning and groaning like never before, and as for Coté, undoubtedly she was enjoying herself, since she was screaming: What's tasty, damemás... fast, give me more fast. I: Whatever you want, Ufff!, what a waste of ass! I said looking at her magnificent Booty. Again I swapped with Bea on the other side, even though she didn't want to, but I was trying to be fair, something Bea appreciated while looking at me with a feverish face that reflected something like desire... the truth is I can't specify it, I just think she would have wanted to get fucked while her friend watched. Bea: Keep going...keep going...- keep going and I'll come! Give it to me hard, she said while she was 'dedicating' her clitoris with one hand.

Me: I'll screw you until your bum breaks, slutty.

Bea: Shut up! ... break my ass Ahhh!

Once I came like a mare I changed again and started giving it to Coté wildly in order to fill that magnificent ass with all the cum that could still be left in my body, until suddenly I heard Coté telling me: I'm coming heart I'm coming... I rush to the maximum exploding in a new orgasm, pouring out what was left of my cum on the delicious ass, finally leaving me without strength for anything else. The three of us exhausted rest for a good while, talk about university, about how we had fun until we went to shower together With some difficulty we three entered the shower, not stopping to caress each other my little foxes would do everything possible to shower together... it was as if they wanted to learn our bodies by heart, it was in that moment that I asked: Did you like it?
Bea: I loved Claudio.
Coté: I also loved him, but I want to make it clear that we're just friends.
Bea: Friends with advantages haha.
I: Well, we're friends with an advantage.
We leave the club without any other intention than taking a refreshment and then each one of us goes to study, they at home and I... didn't know yet! I got on my motorcycle and went to a literary café, ordered a soda with pastries and settled in to study and read what was ahead. A very horny girl was the one who served me, I was tempted to go in with her, but you already had enough problems not to look for others. At closing time, I had to get out of there, it was late, almost nine o'clock, so I didn't have any other alternative than going home. Obviously, Grandpa reprimanded me as soon as I entered and sent me to my room, fortunately Oma intervened calming him down and then brought me a sandwich to my room so I wouldn't go to bed hungry. Despite having been a good day, I slept peacefully until near midnight when someone was moving to wake me up, of course it was Fer who was sitting on my bed and then kissing me with sweetness, before which I let myself go, but immediately afterwards I said: You're crazy, first you make me mad at the grandparents and then you come to kiss me... Fer: Sorry Claudito, I don't know what to do... Me: Don't bother me anymore or stop being indecisive. Then I kissed her and taking one of her soft tits, I caressed it with passion, she let herself go until I said... Matured to get close, the grandparents sleep lightly and little... tomorrow will be another day. Fer; Am I perdonada? Me: Yes, you've been had. Slept like a lion, I don't know if it was the effect of the kiss or that I'd screwed until exhaustion, the good thing is that I rested. The next day I woke up very early so I went for a 25-minute trot in a nearby park, which served to clear all my worries, only that I couldn't stop thinking about Fer and Nora... What would happen if I stayed with Fer?... What would happen if I stayed with Nora?, the truth is that the scenarios that emerged didn't please me much, since having one of them didn't guarantee having the other... But somehow even when I was completely lost for Fer, Nora wasn't indifferent to me, she was like Fer's counterpart, the one who maintained balance.... everything led me to want to have both. But in this world it was forbidden, even being alone with Fer wasn't very accepted. I arrived from mitrote still within the hour for the shower, upon entering I greeted Oma who was already busy preparing breakfast for us, I went taking off my sweatpants and when seeing Fer I smiled and almost passed by her, like she did to me... but I stopped and thought of making her suffer, haha... as I was sweaty I played at wanting to hug her, she very jovially followed the game making defensive gestures and threatened me with a wooden spoon and other nonsense... Meanwhile Oma, who is an incredible woman, laughed at our game, she has the precise character to be a loving and caring grandmother, despite being a young 62-year-old woman and still conserving much of her beauty, appearing ten years younger... the truth is that I hadn't noticed until now that her genes had replicated in Fer, since they had red hair, clear eyes and voluptuousness that hadn't yet withered away with age... would she have been a young dynamic and captivating woman like Fer? After embracing and kissing both cheeks of an 'ugly FEr', I went to the bathroom and entered the shower as usual, I had to shower with a certain haste to leave at my usual time, so I remembered my years of voluntary military service as a student and accelerated the pace. I left the dormitory crossing paths with Fer in the hallway, she looked at me and made a face I knew from my most tender childhood, it was that 'wicked' face, and without saying a word, she took off her face, gave me a kiss that wasn't like cousins', and then taking advantage of my daze, she grabbed the towel I had around my waist, pulling it away to throw it far away Hey cousin, haha, I see you're happy to see me, haha
Me: But what are you doing? ...
Fer: Let's go, you look really good, like you're worth looking at, haha
Me: Grandma is in the kitchen! …
Fer: I know, I'm going that way, haha
I picked up a towel that was lying near the kitchen door while she was getting ready, reacted quickly to get it, swearing that I'd make her pay, luckily Grandma hadn't looked out and Grandpa was still in bed. Later on, I was ready to leave so I said goodbye to Oma and was going to do it with Fer when I saw that she was standing at the door with her leather jacket in hand smiling.  Fer: I'm done
Yo: Done with what?
Fer: So we can all go
Yo: Who told us to go together?
Oma: Now kids don't fight, they go together and that's it... Have a good day.
Yo: Good Oma...I said resignedly adding you too have a good day.
Fer: Let's go already, goodbye Oma.
We went down to the parking lot where my motorcycle was and honestly, after being forced to take her, I still had the mood for revenge, especially after my beautiful girlfriend had managed to get us to leave together... It seems Fer was trying to take control of me again. I was thinking about that when passing through the storage rooms, it was I who took the initiative and opened our door, dragging Fer inside.  Fer: We have to go, or we'll be late
Yo: Yes, after you pay for your actions
Fer: Me?... What do I have to pay?... You started it
Yo: The thing with the towel and going to Uni
Fer: The thing about Uni is a prize for you, silly, haha and the thing with the towel… just a joke about the disgusting hug you gave me, haha
I didn't say anything and I hugged her, kissing her with passion, also letting my hands roam over her humanity, feeling her tits vibrating along with her heart, taking her wonderful ass, caressing her waist and feeling her mouth drove me crazy... she despite trying to avoid it for a moment quickly let herself be carried away, until without more, I was the one who held back and left her, then I turned around and went back to my bike, she was left a bit perplexed, but later recovered and came after me. We didn't speak for the rest of the way, I thought I had taken the initiative away from her, or at least I thought she still couldn't control my cock. We arrived as usual to uni, fortunately the workshop I was supposed to attend was nearby, but instead Fer had to run, which obviously caught the attention of many guys and even some girls... seeing her run was like a show... until she ran with graceful beauty. During the day I barely saw her, because she was busy with Nora doing their own things... the only one I found was Coté, who behaved like 'a lady' and shared with me and Rorro at the time, just like most of the other recreations we ran into. Afternoon Fer told me she was going with Nora to 'I don't know what' and I went with Rorro to a football party at the faculty, facing off against the electronics guys... unfortunately we lost 5-3, including my own goal from trying to stop one of theirs, as they say in radio broadcasts things about football, around six o'clock we returned with Rorro to his place and I to mine. I entered as usual and when passing through the kitchen I saw a beautiful butt checking something on the lower part of the refrigerator, so with my vengeful mood still not placated, I went and gave Fer... a loud slap. The sound was music to my ears, just like the strong 'Ay!' that Oma!!!... Oma: ¡What was that little moledera kid doing?!
Me: Sorry Oma, it was an identity error, I thought you were Fer
Oma: You know the game of hands is for villains... don't hit your cousin's butt.
Me: Sorry Omalinda, she also makes... jokes
Oma: Hahahaha, well, at least you confused me with my granddaughter, I'll consider it a joke, hahahaha
Me: Yes Oma, she came out as beautiful as you...
Oma: Do you find her beautiful?
Me: Of course, only a blind person could deny...
Oma: Does she eat?
Me: Noooo! She's genuinely pretty, but I don't like it!
Oma: Are you sure?
Me: But Omaplease don't ask that!, obvious I don't like her, she's my cousin!
Oma: Look Claudito, I'm not blind, I'm not stupid and as you well know, the devil knows more about old age than about being a devil!
Me: Oma but you're super young and I repeat, she's my cousin... I can't imagine what you see, but no.
Oma: Just look how you look at her and how she looks at you...
Me: Oma I need to go to the bathroom, permission, then we'll talk.
I said trying to avoid continuing with the conversation that complicated me, but for my bad luck Fer just arrived home from somewhere. She came in with her characteristic hasty entrance, left her backpack on a sofa in the living room and entered the kitchen, greeted Oma with an accelerated hello, and me with a cheek kiss that brushed against my lips, the problem is that my face suddenly became red, to which was added that my cousin told me: I missed you so much that I wanted to go back with you little skirt. Oma: That's not worth it, haha, go to the bathroom little skirt said with some irony. I'll go... Fer: What's up? Oma: Come in, I'll explain, haha, would you like a tea? I didn't hear the rest, but I imagined it, honestly, it's that while in the bathroom doing my physiological necessities, something not urgent but forced by circumstances, they were talking, I wanted to disappear. First my mother and now Oma discovered my feelings, Am I so transparent?... Finished my obramaestra, I couldn't stay in the bathroom forever, so I left directly for my room and locked myself until dinner time, when Fer knocked on the door and peeked in to tell me: Pardillo hour decenar…
I: Okeygracias
Fer: What did you do to Oma?
I: Nothing, why?
Fer: Because last hour she interrogated me about my feelings towards you
I: What did you do?
Fer: You are my favorite cousin and I loved you very much
I: Is that it?
Fer: In a very tight summary, haha... but she suspects something...
I: Do you like me?
Fer: Yes, I like you too, we have to be careful
I: Do you like me?
Fer: Pardillo, at this point I think you know perfectly well.
I: Say it...
Fer: Yes, I like you, are you happy?... let's go to dinner
Dinner was quite difficult for me and I think for Fer too, since even though Grandpa was going through the situation, Oma was looking at us and smiling or something, I on my part tried not to look at Fer and she was trying to be as natural as possible, haha, the truth is we were fried or simply discovered. Finished the dinner we offered ourselves as volunteers to wash the plates and tidy up, which Oma accepted gladly and went with the grandfather to watch the news or whatever he wanted, we looked at each other and without saying a word we kissed like the world was ending in that moment, we were both dying of pleasure when I felt a light coughing fit, it was Oma! Oma. I haven't seen anything, haha, it's just my imagination. I'm going to get a tea, said with irony
Fer: Oma, is...
Oma: I already told you that I haven't seen anything, haha
You: But Oma.
Oma: For a few more hours, what can they tell me that would convince me of the opposite of what I expected and now I've... I won't tell anyone, but they must understand that they're getting themselves into a big mess... while grandfather is still here, they should calm down, because he wouldn't understand
Fer: Yes Oma... you know what you're doing, silly!
You: And what about you?
Fer: But I'm the girl... and you...
You: I'm not the only one responsible... even you are older than me...
Oma: Don't fight over nonsense, you'll have time for this later, a pair of fools...
You: Oma, forgive us!
Oma: You don't need to forgive anyone, sometimes things happen like this, it's not optimal, but it's reality, many won't understand your love, but don't limit yourselves because of that.
Fer: Do you really think so, Oma?
Oma: Yes, but I don't know if grandfather believes it.
Let's wash the dishes, order them and when we were all set to go back to kissing, we didn't kiss again, they weren't passionate or with any sexual intention, I'd say they were tender and even innocent, we stayed some minutes like that until finally we went to study in the living room until around 2230 hours, moment when I definitely had sleep and nothing else entered my mind. Fer stayed a little longer making no design of a circuit! I entered the bathroom, washed my teeth and all the things one does in that process, when suddenly Fer entered and hung from my neck, slamming me against the only wall free of artifacts and kissed me passionately... The truth is that as always he surprised me. I: Hey Fer, we just got surprised by Oma and you're coming here so Grandpa can surprise us.
Fer: Let's go alone for the goodnight kiss, don't be scared, besides Grandpa doesn't bite.
I: To you, it is to me, the truth is I don't know.
Fer: Good little morning, good night
I: Little morning?
Fer: Yes, the truth is yes!...
Now I was the one who kissed her and hugged her between my arms, feeling her warm body stuck to me, which made my buddy wake up despite wanting to sleep.
She undoubtedly felt my cock sticking to her pubis, even with clothes on, so she threw her bum back to get away... but I was already very hot and without more took her precious ass and pulled her closer to me.  Fer: Don't get upset, it's just a kiss
Yo: Is that not little love?
Fer: When you try to scare me... it's just a kiss, haha, I'm going to sleep, dream of me, haha
Yo: Goodnight heart.
It had been a long time since I didn't have wet dreams, I thought they were something from the past, but I woke up totally soaked, fortunately it coincided with the change of sheets and no one surprised me.  At breakfast, as usual, Oma was preparing some delicious eggs with chorizo, pancaliente bought by Grandfather when we were still getting up, coffee with milk and her expectant gaze, the truth is I didn't know what to do, also Fersa found it a bit uncomfortable in front of Oma's attentive gaze Oma: Get undressed...
I: Hi Fer...
Fer: Hello prick...
Oma: How are you feeling?
I: But what about grandfather?
Oma: He is lying down reading the newspaper...
Fer: Oh heart...
I: Hi beautiful, did you dream of me?
Oma: What a bunch of idiots! ... Is there no kiss?
Before that I got up and approached where Fer was sitting and gave her a cute peck, then she did the same and we both looked at Oma Oma: Uhmm, a little better, couple of little boys.
Fer: But you told us we had to be careful not to reveal ourselves to the world
Oma: But not with me, I'm your Oma and I'll always want them
We had breakfast and went out to the uni, we went in Fer's car since it was cloudy with rain and I still didn't have a leather jacket, haha, some day! As always my niece threw the keys for me to drive. Incredible for the first time this semester we arrived on time at uni, so we relaxed and walked in without rushing, along the way we met Nora, who gave me a blow job of 'father and my lord!', before which Fer. Hey Nora, don't treat Claudio like that, he's my boyfriend
Nora:!!Novio!!.... Is it serious?
Fer: Well, something happened, we were surprised by Oma when we kissed in the kitchen and there was nothing left to recognize that we had something.
Nora: Congratulations you two losers, it was already good, haha
I: No understanding, you're taking it too well after what we...
Nora: Fucked, haha.... The truth is that you two are like each other, and as I said, I prefer shared to not having a pardillo…
I: Are you serious about sharing with Fer?
Fer:!!Pardillo!, you should ask me if I let you share with someone.
Nora: At this point, I think he doesn't have many alternatives...
Fer: Why do you say that?
Nora: Simple, if I'm going out with your pardillo, no one will say anything if we go together, because we're friends, they can enjoy each other without complaining or anything... Plus, it's still scary for you to have sex with the pardillo, haha
Fer: Hey, don't say that something someone might hear, although you may be right, but I'm not going to keep having sex with my pardillo, I don't see it well.
Nora: Time will give the reason, especially since your pardillo is very hot
I: !Listen, I'm here!, can I say something...
Nora: Yes, the decision will always be ours, haha
Fer: Sí pardillo, you'll be our man until we get tired of you, haha
I: You two are a pair of manipulative harpies, haha.
Fer: We are, haha, in any case Nora, I'd rather you didn't have sex with Claudio, since in practice I'm his girlfriend, do you understand?
Nora: Yes Fer, I understand... sorry pardillo, it's a shame being so good as you are....
The conversation was taken from an alternate world where girls behave like boys, the truth is that the two harpy girls not only didn't get angry with each other, but their relationship made them stronger and stronger, something I had never seen between girls, it was madness. On the other hand, it couldn't be more flattering for the two most beautiful girls in the university to talk about sharing me, haha In any case it became clear to me that the situation with Fer was more serious than I would have ever suspected and that based on the conclusions I drew from the conversation, I couldn't just screw anyone in the world anymore, so all my efforts had to be focused on Fer. What could I say, the rest of the week was more of the same, me with the urge to screw my harpy and her giving me kisses in secret or touching us on the floor, honestly it was nice, but a few days later I could walk on hot roofs because I was that hot; even when we went out with the grandparents on Friday night to dinner, I stroked her legs under the table until she gave me signs with her sighs that she couldn't go any higher than where she was getting. But I'm not a boy who gives up easily and later we went dancing together, lying to the grandparents by telling them we would meet other boys, but reality was a solo evening, in which I tried by all means to fulfill all my desires for her. I can't deny that I enjoyed her company, as well as her kisses and caresses, without mentioning that the dances were a good excuse to continue my siege on her, taking advantage of all those who allowed us to touch our bodies. She was smiling and flirting with me with innocent tenderness, but I didn't just want the touch and her flirting... Maybe I was misused to other chicks and Fer was different from them, it could be that social and family ties held her back and therefore wouldn't let me in anywhere. The strange thing is that I never saw Fer as a girl who would care about what they'd say, nor did I ever notice that she was a girl who would be held back by rules, or a girl who would get intimidated even when surrounded by men. It's more, she always managed situations where she had to face dogmas, rules, or borders with almost total freedom, as I never saw her limit her affectionate attitudes towards the guys she liked or simply play at letting herself be loved, nor did I ever see her obey completely the rules of her house or mine. I: Fer, I want to make love with you...

Fer: No, Claudito, I'm not sure if I'm ready to do it with you.

I: But I love you and I think you also love me (to be honest, I wasn't even sure about that... let's just say I wasn't sure about anything)

Fer: Yes, I love you too, but I'm not ready for that step...

I: But you're teasing me... I don't know how to put it...

Fer: Hot!, haha

I: Yes, very hot... haha

Fer: If you want it, you'll have to wait, and if you're that hot, you can visit Nora

I: Nora! Are you sure about what you're saying?

Fer: No, but I still can't satisfy your inner fire, sorry... Do you forgive me?

I: Of course, but I'd rather do it with you...

Fer: I know, but I'm not ready yet.

Despite my repeated attempts, the results were the same - nothing more than occasional kisses in secret in the department's cellar, or when we were alone somewhere, even showing off his anatomy naked. After a week of work and studies, the grandparents went out to dinner on Friday and we with Fer to a Karaoke... accompanied by Nora and Rorro (I couldn't believe it, she had invited them), the latter appeared with Coté, who looked like usual Coté... a while later I discovered she had broken up with her boyfriend, who turned out not to be the love of her life and was very relaxed. At the beginning we got along quite well, we sang, danced and joked around 'nice stuff'. In short, everything was in a friendly atmosphere, despite Coté flirting with me disgustingly. Fer would look at me with disdain due to the situation, so I didn't leave it for Nora to kiss her in front of everyone, I did it at Fer's own instigation, and with the intention of making clear to Coté that I was no longer available and even less so if she was accompanied by Rorro. We get back to leave Nora, who insisted that we accompany her for one last drink, something like they say in the countryside: 'the one on the stirrup'. We get off and I noticed that Nora was very happy, could it be the drinks we had? Also, her parents were operating at the clinic as usual and wouldn't appear until midday on this day that was just starting. Nora: Want to take some guys? Fer: A beer Yo: Just one soda, since I'm the designated driver, haha Conversing in the kitchen while preparing sandwiches and drinks, then we went to the living room where the three of us sat on the sofa, apparently everything was peaceful and friendly until crazy Nora says: And how is sex? I: What's with that question?! Nora: It's because I've noticed the sparkle in my friend's eyes, haha Fer: We haven't done it, that simple. Nora: You must be scratching at the doors, haha... And why not Fer? Fer: I'm not ready yet... Nora: But what problem do you have? Fer: Eh! ...I can only tell you this... Nora: You can bring me ice from the refrigerator and take your time. I: But why can't you tell me... Fer: It's because of something... I: But Fer... Nora: Don't know, bring me ice, please... jejeje I: Fine I went to the kitchen, looked for ice, checked the wall calendar, saw the right board, looked at the magnetic decorations on the refrigerator, wasted all the time I could until I heard a come here from Nora. I. Is everything clear?
Nora: Yes, pass the ice and sit down.
I: Then?
Nora: Nothing can be solved, for now I convinced Fer to give you a temporary solution that won't affect his little problem or his wife's debts, haha
Fer: Hey, stop it!
I: Then...
Nora: Fer will have oral sex to calm the beast between your legs, haha
Fer: Hey, this is really bad...
Nora: Do you want him?
Fer: Well, yes, I do...
Nora: But you're not fully ready yet, so my solution is simple and won't affect anything in your fears and everything else... Or not?
Fer: Yes, maybe... well, I think you're right
Nora: Okay, Claudito, sit down here, she said, pointing to the central part of the sofa.
Fer: It's just a little disgusting... the idea of oral sex
Nora: Come on, it's not that terrible, it's like sucking your finger, ah yes, pardillo
I: The truth is I don't know, but I suppose it must be so
Fer: You see he doesn't know...
Nora: Will you let the pardillo go to fuck Coté or another furcia?
Fer: No reason, because I have to get used to the idea
Nora: Let's not think about it... Pardillo, take him out of his enclosure so she can see him...
I: But if he's seen her
Nora: If you're locked up, we can't continue, Capisci!
I: Yes, clear
I took my little one out of its enclosure, the one that came out semi-erect and with expectations to harden quickly. Both looked at it, but neither did anything, so I took it in my hand and started jerking off slowly until there was nothing left to ask Fer I: Do you top me?
Fer: It's that it makes me sick...
Nora: Take one so you get used to it
Fer: I don't's just...
I: Have you never taken one?, I asked incredulously
Fer: Well, the truth is that they do it like this...
Nora: No, she has never taken a cock, tell her the truth Fer, it will be simpler.
Fer: The truth is that I have never taken one...
I: But your husbands...
Fer: They did what I wanted and nothing more...
I: But with those guys who were...don't they?
Nora: Already got you, cock! No!
They didn't understand, Fer had never taken a cock in her hands and apparently hadn't done it in her was incredible!, the muse of many, the popular girl, envied by all and pursued by many...she was more of a cock than me! Nora: Come on Fer! Give it to me, the little piggy is getting cold
Fer: I don't know...
Nora: Look simple, she said taking my cock and gently moving it around, Do you like little piggy?
Me: Yes, I'm excited!, but...
Nora: Come on Fer!, she said taking one of his hands and placing it on my cock
If I was already excited, the contact of Fer's hand was a lash of adrenaline that made my spine and my little friend harden automatically, at the same time as this happened I sighed with emotion Nora: Good. Move your hand. While Nora looked on, Fer began to move his hand, doing it smoothly and not squeezing much, perhaps too smooth...  Fer: Claudito, is that okay or does something bother you, yes?... it's the first time I do this, said while looking at my buddy.

Yo: Can you pull in a bit more and spit?

Fer: Saliva?

Nora: What's wrong with not letting him cum alive woman! ...

Fer: How?

Nora: Look at me, she said, dropping saliva from her mouth onto the head of my cock, then added: Now you lick your hand...

Fer did it, managing to lubricate my cock before restarting the smooth but continuous movement, moving the skin on my cock as Nora was telling him. 

Fer: Is that Nora?
Nora: Yes, like that, you can also leave her head uncovered...
Fer: How?
Nora: Look at the handlebars, like that, she said and ran my entire foreskin back, leaving my glans in all its glory.
The only problem was that by forcing the movement and leaving everything exposed, both hands got tangled up and caused me to hurt... I: Oh... massive
Nora: Sorry little one, heal, heal said giving me a kiss on the tip, then she told Fer, make her also heal heal...
Fer: Hehehe... healed tiny ass of a frog, hehehe, said and kissed the tip of my cock, I thought I was going to die from pleasure
Nora: Hahaha, did it heal?
I: Almost, with one more kiss each, for sure.
Fer kissed my little friend again and then Nora smiling imitated the gesture, had two beauties giving kisses to my little friend and teasing him, I couldn't ask for more... or could I? I: Can you spit more saliva?
Nora: Yes, give him a slap, put more saliva on his hand so it lubricates
Fer spat more saliva in his hand and looked at Nora, who with a smiling face also spat, to go back to teasing my boyfriend.  Fer: Is it now?
Yo: Mmm yes, maybe a little faster.
Fer: Well...
Nora: Not that fast, the little one is good, but like this he's going to run away in seconds... yeah yeah, she said seeing an adequate pace.
Fer continued with the page-turning advised by Nora who was looking at us both astonished and amused by the situation worthy of Ripley; the bold Fer was as wild as I was, but the situation wasn't advancing, so Nora said:  Goodporcupine!... let's see... this isn't advancing much so I'll put it in my mouth! Fer: What will you do? Nora: Whatever you dare, pardilla, if not, we won't advance in classes, that's what I see. You've got everything you need to know about blowjobs... passed Blowjobs I, haha! Nora leaned over me, putting my cock in her mouth even with Fer's hand still on it, which tried to withdraw the hand but Nora prevented it, had her mouth grasping mine and her lips brushing against Fer's fingers and so began to move her head in sync with Fer's movement... At rats Norasacaba my cock's mouth and looked at Fer who was like hypnotizing my buddy, then she went back in, licked my glans and parted the shaft, letting saliva drip that covered Fer's hand.  Fer: Do you like love?
Yo: Yes, of course, it's tremendous…
Nora: Mmm yes and ale is coming out pre-seminal liquid, I'm sure he likes it…
Fer: Doesn't that gross you out?
Nora: It's not delicious, but no, it doesn't gross me out, don't be silly.
Fer: How?
Nora: Put your tongue on the tip of his thing
Fer for the first time acted less indecisive and passed her tongue over the frenulum of my gland until reaching the tip, under Nora's attentive gaze that once removed Fer's head repeated what her friend had done, I swear I almost fainted. Nora: And?
Fer: The truth is not that bad
I: Amazing...
Nora: We're talking about the little prickly flavor, the flavor, haha
I: Can you repeat it?
Nora: Yes, do you want to try again, Fer?
Fer: Of course.
Both of us repeated the lick of my boyfriend and despite Fer wrinkling his nose because there was more pre-seminal liquid, he looked at me happy. It was like I had achieved something I hadn't succeeded in before... Nora opened her mouth again and swallowed my boyfriend as far as she could, for which she removed Fer's hand from the scene, which outside of the scene only managed to kiss me while Nora devoured my boyfriend. I didn't even get to pinch a sleepy Fer's two tits over her clothes and squeeze them with passion, she started moaning like never before, undoubtedly she was hot and I was hearing her so close for the first time... Shortly after Nora got up from her task, I assume it was because she felt Fer's moans and asked: What are you doing? Fer: We were kissing... Me: Yes, and I was also caressing her melons. Nora: Look at the fresh air, me doing the hard work while the little guy is massaging the melons to the little girl... Fer: But Nora! Nora: Nothing more, get that thing in your mouth, it's good enough without fussing around Fer, as if she were facing a professor from her lecture, half-scared or ashamed, leaned over my boyfriend and shoved it in until it could go. Given her experience, this caused him to choke and cough, which forced me to pull out the cock from my mouth, because I didn't want my boyfriend to get hurt After Fer got her mouth off my buddy, he was red from congestion and there were strings of saliva hanging from his lips, I was about to laugh but didn't; Nora did it for me. Nora: If it's a blow job, haha
I: Not all of a sudden, think it's an ice cream
Nora: A hot ice cream, haha
Fer: Okay, I understand now
Fer restarted the kiss trying to think that my boyfriend was an ice cream and he was succeeding, except that sometimes he used a little teeth, which I had to correct since his instructor hadn't noticed I: Be careful with the heart teeth
Fer: Mughbiengg, how's it going?, said with my cock in her mouth
I: Yes heart, it's very tasty... mmm what a delight!
Nora: Don't let him cum in his mouth, she's not ready for that yet
I: I'll leave him...
Suddenly Fer gave one last suck, sucking all he could from my cock, then offered it to Nora.  Fer: It's your turn Nora! I'm all out of steam... Nora, so full of herself with her knowledge, took my cock almost to the point of hitting my pubis, and honestly, it impressed me, I didn't think she could take it all in, then it was slowly coming out, that almost gave me a heart attack, I felt like her blowjob was amazing and we were going at it for a long time and I was about to cum. I: I'm leaving! Fer: Did Nora's actions disgust you that much?! I: Ugh!, what those two did, made me humanly struggle to respond and not get annoyed. Then Nora pulled it out of my mouth completely, looking at me like a pervert with her blue gaze and smiling while spitting a mixture of saliva and pre-seminal fluid through her lips, even though she didn't stop teasing me. Nora: Are you going to stop being a fool?
Yo: Yes! ...I can't take it anymore!
Nora: Where do you want to run?
Fer: How where?
Nora: It could be anywhere, if we were naked it could be on our tits, now I suggest that it be on your face, haha
Fer: On my face?!
Yo Me run, decide quickly...
Nora: It could also be in the mouth
Fer: No, not in the mouth... it makes me sick, let it be on my face. How much comes out?
Nora: Not much, haha, but it will all be yours, haha
I couldn't take it anymore and started running on Fer's face, I could see my come dripping onto her lips, nose, eyes, the ones that barely closed, something in her hair and it would have been more if she hadn't instinctively reacted by blocking with a hand the last thing coming out of my cock, pinching me with some roughness.... Nora was enjoying the show, I had to contain myself again, because when looking at Fer's face that continued with her eyes closed, I remembered so many jokes she made me about closing my eyes. Hey, don't laugh Nora, this little prick got me all over my face and hand.
Nora: You're great, haha, let me help you with that little prick.
Me: Sorry, I hadn't done it in a while...
Nora: Vespardilla because I offered to relieve your Claudito, haha
Acting next Nora started going down on Fer's face with her mouth and tongue, the one who was still raging from my semen in her eyes, then she really slutted up and kissed me, passing through my cum with her tongue. To which Fer said: Oh no, Nora is disgusting. Nora: You should know what your man's got going on, haha. Fer: Now I'm all sweaty and it's not even remotely tasty, ughhh. Yo: Thanks, that hurt me, haha. Next thing Fer still with remnants of my cum on his face took me by the hand, kissed me and ravished everything he could in me, finally saying: Did you like it? Nora: It seems not, haha, I never had a blow job that made me laugh so much. Fer: You must have done many, she said with irony Nora: Only with my boyfriend and your little prick, haha, don't be angry, I'm laughing because I had a great time teaching you how to suck, you should thank me. Yo: I do thank you, Norita. Fer: Well, you're also a good instructor, now I passed Blow Jobs I Nora. Yes, but only with a sufficient grade, you'll have to practice more, my young Padawan, jejeje Yo: Haha, are you now a Jedi master? Fer: And they're teaching me how to handle your laser sword, haha Well, we all went to the bathroom to wash our faces and everyone's mouth, the truth is that I can't lie, my semen tastes horrible and I only hope Fer gets used to my taste, just like I got used to beer when I turned 18. After class, we said goodbye to Nora, who stayed with the most desire, but Fer was tired and I with everything I had expelled couldn't wait in the short term for my boyfriend to get excited again.[/font]

5 comentários - My Cousin My Torment Chapter 11

Joder es la mejor historia que he leído, no quisiera terminar de leerla nunca