I left by closing a date for the next day. I knew that having to wait until it was time to be at Mrs. Karen's house alone and at least be able to contemplate that delicious ass would be quite long. The day passed normally, although my desire for the hour to arrive was considerable, during the day whenever I could I would make myself up in her honor, I really wanted to try out that body. I got up early the next morning to put on the most attractive thing I could consider at the time. Who is a woman of any age who doesn't like perfume? All of them do, at the appointed hour, go down to knock on her door and tell her I'm ready. So I did it, I was surprised to see her receive me with her typical leggings and casual top. She was definitely just woken up from sleep. I made a comment that if she liked, she could come back later and let her rest, but she interrupted me taking my arm and pulling me inside without finishing. A little more awake, she explained that first she would check the shower, as she wanted to bathe. Something basically easy to fix. A small leak and change of packing in one of the handles. It was very clear, I tried to concentrate on what she was saying and avoid imagining giving her a blow job. I prepared to enter the bathroom with my backpack to start. She told me she would wake up a bit more from sleep. She asked me to let her know when I finished. As I mentioned, it was something quick. I finished and called out from inside. Ready Mrs! K: already son? You didn't take long. Are you like that for everything? Hope not... When I heard her voice respond and approach quickly. She, my delirium, was standing at the door, with a black bra with straps, quite loose, showing off her beautiful white skin and those veins standing out on her delicious breasts. The lycra of which I suppose I had already fallen in love with by the desire to take it off. I replied that yes... if you like checking? She got into the bathroom and I review the handles. Oh son! It's perfect. Many thanks. I hug her without warning, giving her a kiss on the mouth and my arms crossed around her neck. She just continued smiling and looking at me. I knew that was the opportunity but it was so fast that I froze. My dream was becoming reality and I wasn't reacting. She stepped back asking for an apology and turned to leave. I crouched down to pick up my suitcase and left the bathroom. With a strong tone, she told me to continue in the kitchen, that she would take a shower. I replied: yes, no problem ma'am. At that moment, directing myself to the kitchen, I hated myself. I had just had that opportunity right in front of me that I so desired and I had let it slip away. Really annoyed, I arrived at the door, slapping my backpack and stretching out my hands to open the door below. I knew it was easy like in the bathroom and wouldn't take much time to repair. So I gave up and stood there thinking. How would she react if now I'm the one who rushes at her? I heard the door close, I couldn't let that opportunity pass and I won't lie, I hesitated. My cock being away from her was hard as a rock. I grabbed it imagining how she'd take off that white bra and suddenly I said to myself, it's now or never. I went straight to the bathroom, fearing the door might be locked but it wasn't. I took the doorknob and opened the door with delicacy. I had uncertainty about how she would react when crossing that line that in some way she already had done. Oh! After so much time finally. The slender and low body of that lady with white skin. I touched her back and oh God, what a butt! I bit my lips touching her again. Doubting whether to enter out of shame and fear. I heard a slight... will you stay there son?....
2 comentários - My fantasy for milfs. 4