Como Cambió Mí Vida: Capítulo 19

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Capítulo 19: Por Fin Flo.
Llegué a casa con una sensación rara, el hecho de desear a Paula hacía sentirme como un traidor, pero recordarla me excitaba, por tanto solo deseaba llegar a casa para follarme a mis parientes, como aún era día domingo podía hacerlo con la que quisiera y me aceptara en su cama, pues era uno de los día que tenía total libertad.
El bus se detuvo a dos cuadras de casa, por lo que durante la caminata seguí pensando en cual elegiría para descargar toda mi lujuria acumulada durante el fin de semana, no sabía si alguna de mis chicas estaría dispuesta a ser seducida pensando en que el lunes todos debíamos cumplir con nuestras obligaciones temprano, pero igual llegué en el mayor silencio posible como si fuera un tigre al acecho de su presa.
Casi al entrar a casa miré la hora en mi móvil, eran cerca de las 21:30, tal vez algo tarde, pero siempre estaban mi tía Dani o mamá que eran muy receptivas a mis desenfrenados deseos, así y todo primero pensé en Ani e Isa.
Cosa extraña la casa estaba a oscuras, entré con cautela púes no es usual que ni siquiera la luz de la entrada estuviese encendida, solo sentí un murmullo lejano que venía del fondo de la casa, pensé que algo malo había sucedido en mi ausencia, pero la verdad es que me encontré con todas reunidas en el comedor conversando animadamente, solo que habían olvidado que yo llegaría a esa hora. De repente me sentí un poco ¿olvidado?, por primera vez estaba descubriendo que ellas no vivían con su pensamiento solo centrado en mi.
Mamá Julia: Hola mi amor ¿cómo te fue con el imbécil de tu padre?
Isa: Hola hermanito, ¿cómo te fue?
Hola Claudito dijeron casi al unísono Dani, Ani y Flo..
Claudio: Hola chicas, bien, sobreviví sin problemas…jejeje
Mamá Julia: ¿Cómo te trató la furcia?
Claudio: Bien mamá, es una buena chica.
Isa: ¿¡Buena!?
Claudio: Sí, el malo de la película indudablemente es papá.
Ani: ¿Pero cómo es la furcia?
Claudio: Además de simpática, está muy pero muy “buena”, claro que no tan linda de cara como ustedes.
Flo: Te pasaste de la raya, ahora también te quieres follar a la amante de tu padre.
Claudio: Nadie ha dicho que la quiero follar, solo intento ser objetivo.
Dani: Olvidémonos de la furcia y del imbécil. ¿Cómo estás tú?
Claudio: Muy bien, eso sí muy caliente, tanto que quiero follar, ¿alguna voluntaria?
Ani: Yo, yo quiero, saltó levantando la mano anticipándose a todas.
Isa: Jajaja, si se te nota, jajaja
Bueno vamos a acostarnos le dije tomándola de la mano entre las risas y puyas de las otras
Ani estaba tan excitada que apenas entramos en el cuarto que comparte con Isa me estrechó contra la puerta besándome y apretujándome, debo decir que ella siempre es como intensa en todo y ahora no era la excepción. Sentía su maravilloso cuerpo como si quisiera ser parte de mí, su fogosidad traspasaba mi piel. Le comencé a amasar su culito, podía sentir sus bragas bajo la tela de la falda, el tener esa sensación de que sus tesoros están a solo a dos capas de tela me prendía cada segundo más y más, por lo que subí mis manos dibujando su silueta hasta llegar a los laterales de sus tetas, noté que estaban libres de sujetador y que sus pezones estaban erizados y se notaban al simple tacto de lo duro que los tenía.
Veo que las tienes libres.
Mmm, sí estaban esperándote…
Le subí su blusa y comencé a masajearlas, notando como los pezones que ya se habían endurecido con mis caricias estaban un poco más hinchados que lo de costumbre, pero no le tomé mucha importancia, pasando a meterlos en mi boca para dar cuenta de tan delicioso manjar, luego bajé mi mano a su entrepiernas, su abultado monte de Venus estaba caliente y suave al tacto, puse mi mano bajo las bragas.... ¡también le chorreaba el coñito!, ahora solo suspiraba y me decía que la tocara más profundo. Con un poco mas de fuerza corrí sus húmedas braguitas a un lado y comencé a “dedearla”, su rajita y el interior del coñito, estaban llenos de flujo o como diría un chef, “a punto caramelo”. Ella suspiraba y me daba besitos en la oreja y cuello, pronto sus caricias pasaron a mi verga para liberarla. Cuando sentí que ambos estábamos casi delirando de calientes, la tomé del culo con ambas manos y levantándola le metí mi hinchada verga en su mojado coño, ella soltó un gemido de satisfacción.
Uhmmm, no sabes lo que deseaba que me la metieras.
Claudio: Y tú no sabes lo que deseaba metértela.
Ani: Ahh, que bueno que coincidimos.
Cansado de sostenerla, la llevé en vilos a su cama y aún no sé como la deposité en ella si sacarle mi verga, luego comencé a follarla manteniendo sus piernas en mis hombros, mientras le amasaba las tetas, de pronto comencé a boquear, claro anuncio de que estaba próximo a correrme, ella me pedía que aguantara un poco pues estaba por correrse también, intenté con todo mi auto control y desviando mis pensamientos a temas menos agradables. Lo conseguí por muy poco, finalmente llegamos a tiempo para que nos corriéramos juntos, inundando el precioso coño con mi simiente. Cuando aún Ani estaba recuperándose de su tremendo orgasmo, me pidió que me tendiera a su lado en la cama y mientras me acariciaba el pecho, tomó mi aún menguada verga y la comenzó a pajear para estimularme otra vez, uso sus tetas, su boca y sus manos. 
Estábamos en eso cuando entró al cuarto Isa que venía a acostarse, ella sin siquiera inmutarse comenzó a desnudarse como si no existiéramos, pero por mi parte la sola visión de mi Elfa del Bosque, contribuyó a que mi alicaída verga que estaba siendo estimulada por Ani se levantara nuevamente, ante lo cual ella dijo:
Eres un degenerado voyerista, yo te pajeo y ella con solo empelotarse te excita.
Claudio: Pero va a ser a ti a la que le daré una segunda follada.
Ani: Mmm en ese caso rómpeme el culo mientras me tocas mi botoncito corazón.
Así fue, tomé a Ani colocándola en cuatro patas para cumplir con lo solicitado. En eso Isa se nos acercó juntando saliva en su boca. Me mira en forma pícara y con una sonrisa de oreja a oreja, la dejó caer en el precioso orto de Ani sin dejar fijar sus ojos azules de los míos, al terminar ya no solo sonríe, besándome profundamente.
Debo confesar que mi hermanita nuevamente me sorprendía, había dejado de ser la tímida chica de hace solo pocos meses. Yo por mi parte también lubriqué mi verga y sin más trámite se la metí a Ani, sin violencia pero sin mucho miramiento.
Ahora Ani gemía como gatita mientras ella misma se “dedeaba” su coñito. La comencé a culear con calma, quería sentir como ese anito arrugado y estrecho se iba amoldando a mi verga, el ver su preciosa anatomía me incitaba a acariciarle sus blancos cachetes, tersos, duros y perfectos. Isa se acostó mirándonos por última vez, luego tomó un libro de medicina y se puso a leer mientras yo y su prima seguíamos en faena… era raro, pero así fue. No sé cuánto tiempo seguí en esa deliciosa faena, pero pronto Ani anunciaba que llegó a un orgasmo, al escuchar y sentir sus reacciones me corrí ya sin fuerzas, por lo que una vez que pude me tendí a su lado y sin darnos cuenta nos dormimos hasta el otro día.
Me levanté silenciosamente para ir a la ducha mientras Ani dormía, pero cuando estaba entrando al baño una mano me detuvo y me giré, era Isa, ahora Isa buscó mi boca y me besó profundamente, llevándome al interior. Sin demora me dijo que quería mi compañía para duchamos juntos (según ella para ahorrar agua). Pese a no ser su turno el lunes, hicimos el amor bajo la tibieza del agua que mojaba nuestros cuerpos. Mi hermana la diosa no me hablaba, solo disfrutaba que yo la poseyera con suavidad y delicadeza; agradecía con besos que la acariciara por todas partes. Creo que la recorrí entera con mis manos, hasta que nos corrimos como burros, para luego jabonarnos entre caricias y sin más fuerzas salimos de la prolongada ducha, secándonos mutuamente para regresar al cuarto donde una Ani que nos esperaba impaciente. Me reí por su cara larga que demostraba unos celos disfrazados de mal humor por nuestra demora, ya que estábamos algo atrasados para ir a desayunar y salir clases después. 
En efecto el desayuno fue muy apurado, pese a las puyas de Flo y continuas quejas de Ani, logramos salir casi a tiempo, como ya era costumbre me senté en medio de las dos hermanitas las que apenas se hablaban (Ani pese a la apasionada noche de amor estaba molesta o preocupada por algo). No quise preguntar los motivos y me puse a cavilar en mis propios asuntos, cuando estaba distraído pensando en mis temas escolares y otras cosas Flo se gira y me besa apasionadamente, respondí casi por inercia, la verdad es que me sorprendió tanto a mí como a su hermana.
¿Y eso?
Flo: Te amo y quiero ser tuya.
Una algarabía salió de las bocas de Ani, Isa y Mamá Julia.
Claudio: ¿Pero que te…?
Flo: Simple el no tenerte cerca este fin de semana causó una tremenda pena y eso me convenció que tu eres mi hombre.
Claudio: Maravilloso mi amor, yo seré tu hombre y tu mi mujer…
Ani: Una de tus mujeres…
Isa: Sí, no debes ser egoísta…
Flo: Sí, está claro que Claudio es y será el hombre de todas.
Mamá Julia: Amén.
Como de costumbre nos bajamos y entramos al colegio saludando a los conocidos, asistiendo a clases en forma normal, pero durante los recreos conversé con Flo todo tipo de detalles de nuestra relación, tanto que mi compañera y amiga Ainhoa no tuvo espacio en mi atención más allá de coordinarnos para hacer un trabajo que acordamos hacer el miércoles por la tarde en su casa. Ni siquiera Ani se nos unió para hacer nuestras habituales charlas, tampoco jugué futbol o compartí con el resto de mis nuevos amigos, toda mi atención era para Flo.
Finalmente quedamos que el Viernes ella sería mía y que para lo cual saldríamos de casa para que el resto de las parientes no se inmiscuyeran en lo nuestro, pues conociéndolas con lo calientes y fogosas que son podrían estar tentadas a participar en tan especial y delicada ocasión, pese a que le dije que ellas para estas cosas son muy consideradas. Por la tarde, llegué a hacer mis deberes y tareas, mientras Flo conversaba con Ani cosas de chicas e intercambiaban experiencias. A eso de las siete de la tarde recibí un llamado de papá, el que me dijo:
Papá: Claudito, te llamaba para decirte que el fin de semana próximo no estaré en casa.
Claudio: No hay problema papá, feliz me quedo en mi casa.
Papá: No, de todas formas quiero que vengas a mi casa.
Claudio: Pero papá para que voy a ir si no estarás.
Papá: Mira Claudito, pese a que no te lo debiera decir; te lo diré. En primer lugar, no quiero que en el tiempo que me corresponde a mí estés con tu mamá, y en segundo lugar, quiero que acompañes a Paula que se aburre aquí sola ya que no tiene ningún pariente en esta ciudad.
Claudio: Si así lo quieres, no tengo problema.
Cuando cenamos se lo comenté a mamá, cosa que la enfureció de sobremanera, pues eso solo demostraba lo egoísta que era su cuasi ex marido, todas las otras hicieron comentarios referentes a lo espantosamente egoísta y malicioso que era papá, con la excepción de Isa que simplemente dijo:
Fóllate a la furcia de papá, así aprenderá a no ser como es.
Mamá Julia: Pero Isa ¿cómo se va a follar a la amante de tu padre?.
Isa: Fácil, igual que nos ha follado a todas y pronto se follará a Flo, Claudio es lo más cercano a Casanova que conozco.
Dani: Sí, jajaja, así tu ex recibirá un castigo con la misma moneda que te pagó tus años de sacrificio.
Aní: Sí fóllala y después nos cuentas…
Flo: Mejor graba un video para que la veamos ensartada por ti.
Mamá Julia: Sí Isa tiene razón, debes follarla y no sabes cuánto disfrutaré si me la muestras ensartada, jajaja.
Pese a lo alucinante que parecía la conversación, todo lo que mis mujeres decían ya era algo que tenía decidido desde antes, pues desde que vi a Paula la deseaba, ya que debo reconocer que papá tenía buen gusto en mujeres y parecía que no le faltaban chicas que follar, por lo que tendría un fin de semana morboso y sorprendente.
Por la noche me acosté con tía Dani, la cual me esperaba expectante en su habitación, al verla no pude contener mi excitación, estaba “vestida para matar”, tenía puestas medias de encaje, tanga transparente que enseñaba la rajita del coño y sujetador a juego mostrando con su reveladora transparencia los pezones. El conjunto apenas contenía sus curvas, las que rebasaban las fronteras de los bellos aditamentos, como si los hubiese comprado ex profeso para que así lucieran sus mayores atractivos sexuales. Sin mediar palabras me desvestí con celeridad y me metí a la cama comenzando a literalmente comerla vestida, le daba mordisquitos en los cachetes del redondo culo, en sus tetas, en la tripita, en las piernas, en otras palabras donde pudiera; además mis manos acompañaban los mordisquitos con caricias profundas llenas de fogosidad, cuando ya no pude más le bajé las bragas y ella abrió las piernas mirándome con una cara de guarra traga pollas indescriptible. Al momento de envergarla soltó un gritito de placer que me encendió aún más y comencé a darle una feroz follada, no sé cuanto rato estuvimos hasta que nos corrimos, quedando agotados pero felices. Así pasamos parte de la noche, la follé dos veces más antes de quedarnos dormidos de cansancio.
Al desayuno, el comentario general es que tía Dani se veía como si la juerga hubiese sido apoteósica, pero indudablemente se le veía feliz y satisfecha. Mamá a la que le tocaba el turno de este día martes se relamía de deseos y hacía comentarios a lo menos subidos de tono, la verdad es que nunca creí que mamá fuese tan mal hablada y provocativa. 
Ese día martes pasó igual que el anterior, conversé con mis chicas en la escuela, incluyendo a Ainhoa, estudié, hice atletismo en la tarde, o sea lo usual. Después de salir de clases y luego al regresar a casa, me encontré con mamá que había vuelto temprano de la empresa, me dio la impresión que su tempranera llegada fue para que la follara largo y tendido con ella y así fue, no alcancé a guardar los libros cuando ya la tenía comiéndome la verga, dada tanta ansiedad, la comencé a follar en la sala mientras las otras parientes iban llegando y nos saludaban deseándole parabienes a ella, primero fueron Ani y Flo que llegaron de su práctica de “cheerleadersMy mother came after that, then Aunt Dani and finally Isa, not cutting her hair even for a moment, including when Isa kissed me while she was getting her ass licked. I fucked my mom all over the place! Wednesday was similar to Tuesday, with the difference being that I worked at Ainhoa's house, who was already flirting shamelessly with me in front of her mother, but nothing happened, and we agreed to finish work on Saturday morning before going home to dad. In the afternoon, I screwed Ani, fulfilling my duty and established role. Thursday was more of the same, clearly with Isa, who arrived early from university, I must admit that she is an oasis of sweetness and soft caresses after so many hot bitches like my other relatives, with her I really relax and do what I want, not necessarily what others demand. Finally, Friday arrived, the day I was supposed to fulfill one of my greatest desires, totally deflowering Flo, I woke up and showered with Isa and Ani, who snuck into the shower, I don't know how we managed it, despite being cramped, I screwed both of them, but since we did it during our turn in the bathroom, we didn't get held up much, so we arrived on time for breakfast with all the other relatives. Flo looked more beautiful than ever, she came over and kissed me passionately before saying: How did you sleep, heart? Claudio: I slept well, and you?. Flo: Very well, a bit nervous... but definitely very well. Aunt Dani: Congratulations to both of them, today will be a great day for my Florence. Flo: Thank you, mom. Claudio: Thanks, aunt. At school everything went well, despite being nervous (unbelievable, isn't it?), because I didn't want to disappoint Florence, perhaps that's why, as they say, I avoided seeing the bride before the wedding. Throughout the day and until the end of classes, I only saw her at dismissal. Surprisingly, my mother and Aunt Dani were waiting for us at the school gate, my mom took Ani away, and the other one took us to a hotel. luxury that was left in an elegant sector of the city, which surprised us. Flo: Mom, what are we doing here? Aunt Dani: I'm leaving you here, let's pretend to be passengers, I'll stay in one room and you two will stay in another, even though theoretically we would all be staying together, but that's what we'll change. Claudio: But what a great idea, aunt Dani doesn't know how much I appreciate it. Aunt Dani: Look, heart, let everything be because the first night of my daughter is perfect, then you can give me a thank-you fuck in which you leave me so stupid from all the fucking, haha. We enter as a family, aunt Dani signed the register for both of us, then we were taken to adjacent rooms, first to the supposed room of them and then to mine, after a few minutes we cleared up the situation and settled in as it should be. Contrary to what anyone would expect, we didn't start fucking or anything like that, instead we enjoyed the bed, the great TV and all sorts of nonsense, including a pillow fight (because we're still teenagers), then Flo wanted to shower and change without being seen, which I respect, so I went to play with aunt Dani, she received me well but refused to participate in a sex session, since it was her daughter's day. Near 19:00, already hungry, she sent us to dinner at our expense while she went to the hotel spa for a massage, telling us: Well, my kids, enjoy your dinner and everything else, I'll stay here, see you at breakfast around 09:30, then we'll leave before noon. Flo: Thanks, mom, until breakfast. We entered with Flo into our room to change and put on the right clothes for the occasion, but only after entering she hangs onto my neck and kisses me with passionate tenderness, I respond and start getting excited by lowering my hands to her ass so many times possessed by me, but she stops me and says Let's shower, let's eat and then We fucked. But I desire your heart... Maybe we can calm down some of our desires in the shower, jejeje. Claudio: Okay, it's fine... We undress, I must confess that I don't get tired of seeing how beautiful Florence is, let's go to the shower and resume the caresses, my passion surges between the agitated breathing of my love who lets herself be touched by my anxious hands although she doesn't let me touch her cock, as she starts to resist, I start to caress her anus which already at this point was molding perfectly to my cock. Flo: You're a bad guy... Do you want to screw me! Claudio: Mmm yes, I won't lie to you. Flo: Wait a bit, don't rush what will soon be reality. Claudio: Because I've been waiting so long that I'm already crazy with desire for you. I kept caressing Flo in the shower but we didn't go any further, of course my balls were swollen with semen ready to come out. Once dry, we got dressed in what our mothers had left in the luggage we brought, the combinations of locks were well studied, my Flo looked beautiful in a youthful dress that highlighted her lovely figure without showing much more than was convenient, I wore simple gray pants with an ad hoc shirt and a blue sports jacket, neither very elegant nor very sloppy, when we were ready, we went to dinner at the restaurant Aunt Dani had reserved, it was a very warm atmosphere ideal for romance. We dined calmly, of course without wine or champagne which we simulated with some sodas, we didn't want to overfill our stomachs so the reduced rations from the kitchen were fine, although she wanted dessert, I was impatient to get what we came for, we got up from the table content but nervous, especially her (they'll say ridiculous, since I had already given her my cock). On the way back, we walked hand in hand the three blocks that separated us from the hotel, everything was perfect, after taking the elevator to the room Flo changed into a romantically delicate to an adventurous one, giving me kisses and caressing my anatomical floor by floor, so much that a couple of mature men didn't just feel uneasy, but one told me to wait until we got to the room. In the fourth, my girl showed unusual anxiety, so much that I had to calm her down, because if she kept going like this, we wouldn't enjoy the special night. Calm heart, let me guide you and we'll enjoy it, I said. Flo: I don't want there to be disappointments, I've seen you with the others and you... Claudio: The others treat them as they desire after having a previous experience, just like I do to you now, there's a world of difference from the first time to how we do it now. Flo: Yes, you're right, forgive me. Claudio: There's nothing to forgive, close your eyes and let yourself be carried away by your instincts and my caresses, that's all. I approached her and gave her a tender and soft kiss, she looked at me and with two tears in her eyes hugged me. I continued treating her gently and again told her to let herself go, that together we would learn to love each other. My hands dedicated themselves to caressing her gently, gestures that she began to repeat, finally calming down, without her realizing how it had happened. I took off her dress, which slid smoothly to the floor, Flo with a smile said: You're a magician, I didn't notice you have me undressed. I'm not a magician, you've cast a spell on me. Florence tended to advance faster than she wanted, but couldn't erase her previous experiences with me, so we continued in a battle of kisses, where our tongues didn't give each other quarter and her hands already explored my cock with avidity, so much that I was almost completely naked after just a few minutes, and I still hadn't taken off her bra and panties. We sat on the bed to take off my shoes, I started touching her legs, she sighed with the slightest touch of my fingers, so I started moving my hand slowly to excite her, when I was about to reach her virgin cunt... She was returning slowly, she took my cock and pulled it a little as if wanting me to finally put it in her last virgin stronghold. Before her persistence, I couldn't take it anymore and put one hand on one of her buttocks, Flo has a sensational ass, I ran my fingers over her ass hundreds of times and I have to say that I don't get tired of it, it's firm, big and the ass is perfect and molds to my cock like a glove, but I controlled myself and went back to the vicinity of her pussy, when I touched it for the first time at night, she moaned giving something like a jump that surprised me. She was hot, I knew because her vaginal fluid was wetting my hand as I ran her panties aside and already circulated without brakes over the prominent mound of Venus that showed she had been carefully depilated. I put a finger in the entrance of her vagina exploring further than I had ever reached before, she jumped again, which excited me even more; since I hadn't thought how sensitive it was to my caresses, finally it was giving what it had been waiting for a long time. I opened her legs and went down to eat her pussy despite her insisting that I penetrate her, but if I did it too fast or rough, the magic of her first time would break, as quickly as I would come between her legs. Mmmm, what tasty pussy. Flo: Take off your panties and put it in... Claudio: Calm down, I'll do it, don't you like it? Flo: Mmm, yes my love... that's tasty, but I want you inside, don't be bad. Claudio: Mmm... calm down heart, I'll get there. Flo: Claudio, don't you understand... I want to be yours once and for all. She was very excited and I started kissing her from the pussy up to the neck, passing through her navel and breasts, which I liberated from the bra. When doing this, I put my hands on her breasts, it was wonderful, despite having felt them previously, touching them and feeling how firm, hard and big they are drove me crazy. Now she was hugging me very tightly, didn't want to let go of me, and was releasing small sighs in my ear that made me even more excited still. Do you like it? It's just the beginning. Flo: Yes, my love While I was kissing her breasts, I took her hand and put it on my cock. My Flo started moving it up and down, feeling her hand on my cock, almost making me come but I held back because I had to deflower her, flood her with my cum, possess the long-desired virgin pussy. I stood up and pulled off her panties, she helped by lifting her precious ass and smilingly handed me her hand, but I stopped for a moment and started caressing her exposed pussy, this made her go wild, squeezing her legs and trapping my hand, seeking an orgasm but it wasn't just about making her come, I had to be completely hers. I put myself between her legs, she lifted her ass so I could shove in quickly, she was totally possessed by desire and lust, the only thing she wanted was to feel more pleasure, so I didn't make her suffer anymore and slowly started pushing in. She was incredibly wet, it was clear that her desire was very great, I asked: Do you like it my love? Mmm, yes, yes, keep going, it feels so tasty. Ahh...ay uhm At one moment I felt something impeding my advance, it was just a brief instant where I saw a slight gesture of pain within her passion, I had fulfilled our desire. Florencia was no longer a virgin, I continued with a soft in-out that according to her confession was a mix of passion, pleasure, and pain, until we both came in a sea of caresses, sighs, moans, and pleasure. During the night we made love again, where she gave me her adoring pussy and exciting ass once more, now I could say Flo was completely mine, despite having given me part of herself before, now undoubtedly she was mine and I was her man. By morning barely after dawn we made love again, now the pain had subsided quite a bit and she very enthusiastically took me to the ecstasy of orgasm with her sweetness, we enjoyed the excellent bed at the hotel, played around in it for a while. We felt happy, then an hour before we met Aunt Dani, we went together to the bathroom and in the shower she slammed me against the wall and almost had sex with me (I thought for a moment that I had unleashed a demon). Given her impetus and desire to fuck me, I started thinking that the other girls she had deflowered didn't have the opportunity to have a honeymoon night and be calmly with me, and suddenly I started imagining what it would be like to have a honeymoon night with them. When I finally freed myself from her caresses and kisses, we quickly got dressed since there were only ten minutes left before meeting Aunt Dani's agreement, so we rushed out of the room in the direction of the breakfast location. We entered the salon holding hands very hurriedly, Aunt Dani was sitting facing the entrance, her face showing joy mixed with complicity, during a fantastic American-style breakfast, Aunt Dani interrogated us in detail, despite the shame of her daughter who didn't want to talk about the details of her deflowering. Fortunately, our table was in a secluded corner from the other patrons who didn't find out about the wonderful night we had. To counter the interrogation, I asked Aunt Dani how she spent her time at the Spa and that night, the only thing we knew about her is that the massage was fantastic and she spent the night watching movies in her room, but when we got up she said: Kids, can I ask you a favor... Flo: Of course, mom. Claudio: What would it be, stepmom? Aunt Dani: I'd like to see you make love and then have Claudio give me a little affection, that sounds better. Flo: Well, mom, just for all the effort you put into this wonderful night. Claudio: Well, Aunt Dani, whatever Flo says Finally, I can tell you that I had sex with Flo again while her mother watched us and masturbated, the thrill I always felt in Those situations had me very excited, so I soon managed to get Flo a great orgasm, while Aunt Dani was having hers almost silently. After our wild goodbye at the hotel, Flo was packing her bags, and I was lounging around, so I approached Dani who was helping her and started caressing her lustfully, and she let herself be done, Flo looked at me in a hard-to-describe way, it was a mix of mischief with a reproachful face, but I didn't make a big deal out of it and literally benefited from her mother's presence in front of her, which didn't take long to climax. Aunt Dani, nervous, tried to apologize for what we had done in front of the girlfriend, but the truth is that I was the one responsible for everything, of course I didn't want her jealousy to ruin our relationship, so later I did the same thing to her while her mother was trying to close the suitcases and check the rooms to make sure nothing was left behind, we went down to the hotel lobby just a few minutes before checkout time. We left the hotel, arrived home, while the girls were interrogating the youngest in the harem, meanwhile I was packing my suitcase to go to my father's house, I had mixed feelings, on one hand I didn't want to go because it meant leaving Flo and the other girls behind, but being alone with Paula got me going, I was in that state when: Dad: Hi, Claudio. Claudio: Yes, dad. Dad: Good to see you, I wanted to tell you not to come to my house today. Claudio: As you say, dad, did something happen? Dad: Look, Paula doesn't feel well according to the phone call and isn't up for taking care of you unless I'm there. Claudio: Okay, dad, no problem, hope she gets better soon, goodbye. Dad: Thanks, goodbye. The weekend topic had been solved on its own, now I could stay home and enjoy my girls without a problem, since the military wouldn't be back until the next weekend... But when I was about to tell the girls the news something in my mind stopped me, I thought I had to go see Paula no matter what. I owed it to the girls, especially my mother and why not, also my brother and me. F**king her would be a nice revenge for what my father made us suffer, so I didn't tell them, deciding to leave home anyway. At departure time they were a bit sad but I told them I'd make it up to them when I got back. To be continued...

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