No dejes de pasar por mi mejor post
No te vas a arrepentir
Juan Pedro es un gran amigo de la infancia, desde los estudios primarios, de esos ejemplos que dicen ‘si, la amistad entre el hombre y la mujer es posible’, porque siempre nos vimos como amigos, nada más, jamás como hombre y mujer, jamás mezclamos las cosas.
Siempre fui de preferir amigos a amigas, y JuanPe, como lo llamo, es ‘el’ amigo entre mis amigos…
Siempre fue un tanto payaso, bromista, de esos a los que les volteo la cara ante sus ocurrencias, un dulce, y nuestra amistad es tan profunda que hablamos de tetas, culos, conchas y pijas como si nada, ni prejuicios, sin tabúes…
Me rio al recordar, hasta hace algún tiempo, antes que se casara, solía bromear con mis tetas, decía que eran impresionantes y que algún día me las mordería todas…
Eso no nunca pasó de una mera broma, y como adelanté, hace un tiempo que él se casó, nuestra relación se tornó apenas más distante, sabía que debía apartarme un poco para dar lugar a esa relación.
Cuando JuanPe y Aylin – su esposa – se casaron, ambos vinieron a vivir a la casa paterna, ellos edificaron su casa en la planta alta, sobre los techos de la casa de sus padres, por lo cual seguimos siendo tan vecinos como de costumbre, las cosas no cambiaron demasiado en ese aspecto.
Obviamente ellos estaban mucho tiempo juntos, y yo, al ser amiga de él, en poco tiempo congenié con ella y nos hicimos también buenas amigas…
Aylin es una morena de cola envidiable, delgada, más alta que yo, aunque no tiene las tetas que cargo yo…
Decidimos empezar a ir al gimnasio juntas, ella es muy de hacer deportes y un poco me arrastró a su rutina, así fue que de casualidad estrechamos más nuestra amistad, al punto de compartir más tiempo con ella que con él.
Todo esto desembocó en que JuanPe, bromista como siempre, empezara a jugar con las palabras, con propuestas de hacer un trío, el, Aylin y yo, y si bien ambas lo tomábamos a broma, intuí que en el fondo él hablaba en serio y tanteaba nuestras respuestas.
En su ausencia, Aylin y yo hablábamos de su esposo, de mi amigo, y nos reíamos de sus locuras, de sus ideas, porque él era incisivo, nosotras nos mirábamos y claro…. era todo broma… lo era?
Y las cosas se fueron dando, ella fue cambiando, con calzas ajustadísimas, que resaltaban sus pompis, al hacer ejercicios me miraba profundamente, sentía que me seducía, con sus poses, tal vez eran solo mis locas ideas, porque en mi mente no había lugar para mujeres, pero todo se me hacía confuso, que debía hacer? preguntar con el riesgo de hacer el ridículo? omitir, como si nada pasara?
Decidí hablar a solas con mi amigo, JuanPe, solo para aclarar las cosas, para evitar malos entendidos y alejar fantasmas de mi cabeza… y que hizo el? Sacó su celular y empezó a mostrarme fotos del culo de Aylin, fotos eróticas rozando el porno… y yo? Voltee la cara, por tonto… pero esas imágenes… por Dios… acaso me estaba volviendo lesbiana?
Poco tiempo después, mi WhatsApp empezó a recibir esas fotos, yo no sabía que hacer… primero pensé en borrarlas, pero es que… ahhhh!!!, se me hacían tan eróticas que me terminé masturbando con las fotos del culo de Aylin…
Hace unos días, nos encontramos en el gimnasio como de costumbre, las cosas caían de maduras, tenía unas calzas ajustadas y un top diminuto, las miradas hablaban por nosotras, ella empezó nuevamente con las fantasías del trío y que esto y que lo otro, al terminar, me invitó como quien no quiere la cosa a su casa, y yo indirectamente también le dije de acompañarla, así que en fin… antes de darnos cuenta, JuanPe, mi amigo, Aylin su esposa y yo… estábamos en el mismo cuarto…
Aylin le dijo a JuanPe que haríamos las cosas a ‘su manera’, o no haríamos nada, es que ella proponía en principio unos besos entre nosotras y que el solo mirara, y para evitar tentaciones, sacó de entre los cajones unas esposas de esas de policías, y con su complicidad permitió que lo esposara una mano junto a un gran mueble de madera que decoraba la habitación, con la promesa de liberarlo minutos más tarde… esto me pareció erótico, jamás se me había ocurrido ser parte de un show lésbico para mi gran amigo, es más, hasta ese momento, la situación me daba risa…
Cuando él estuvo ‘asegurado’ a un lado, se terminaron mis risas, ella vino por mi y comenzaron los besos, muy lentos, nos encontramos sentadas al borde de la cama, así que iba a ella y la besaba, no imaginan que rico beso, Aylin empezó a calentarse, una lengua tocaba la otra, era como una danza, todo en sincronía, muy caliente, muy rico, comencé a bajar por su cuello, sentía como se aceleraba su respiración y esto me calentó más, era riquísimo, a esa altura noté como en el top de gimnasio se le marcaban los pezones, se veían ricos, parados por la excitación, así que sobre la tela le pase la lengua mirándola a los ojos… ah!!! solo suspiros que cada vez se hicieron más fuertes ...
En ese momento recordé a mi amigo, lo busqué con mi vista, JuanPe miraba engolosinado, como si se tratara de una película en 3D...
Ella se dio cuenta de la situación, entonces me jalo a su cuerpo y me dio tremendo beso que hizo que me mojara, bajo haciendo un camino de besos por mi cuello, se sintió riquísimo, llego a mis tetas y por arriba del sostén deportivo toco mis pezones con sus dedos, los rozo, obvio estaban paradísimos, no podía con la excitación, entonces solo lo quitó, los observó un rato asombrándose por el gran tamaño de ellos, con un poco de envidia, noté que Juanpe por primera vez los veía también, y me dio un poco de pudor por mi amigo, Aylin volvió a sorprenderme pasando su lengua muy lento por mis pezones, se sintió delicioso!!! ... muy lento, rico y delicado, tomo una de mis tetas y luego la otra mientras me miraba a los ojos!!!
Ahhh! I feel so lesbian when remembering this… and it even makes me ashamed to keep going…
She asked me to do the same thing, but in a way that Juanpe could observe in detail how I sucked her nipples, then we settled down, leaving everything that happened within his reach, I took off my top and first touched her breasts, just like I do with mine, massaging them slowly, caressing her nipples delicately, small rich gasps were escaping...
I went for her breasts and licked them so tasty, as if they had jam, I kept going until she got wet and couldn't take it anymore, while looking at each other's eyes, she was enjoying her pleasure...
We only stopped a bit, then she asked her husband
My love... do you like what you see?
Of course, his pants were too tight to hide the erect cock, so it was just a clever question, that was tasty to imagine, I thought he would free himself to join in on the game, but he just said
You'll like it more when you see it...
He reclined on some pillows that decorated the marital bed, then I got on top of her, like on her stomach, I leaned down to kiss her, that was very hot, imagine, my breasts bumping into hers, only feeling the rubbing of our nipples... truly, how much I enjoyed that!!!!
Although much smaller, I could feel them as soft as mine… what a yummy sensation!
I started kissing her neck, going down her abdomen, until I reached the line where the underwear starts, I settled in, opened her legs and playing above that tight lingerie, I passed my fingers very smoothly and almost touching her pussy... suddenly her breathing accelerated, accompanied by very faint gasps... I settled in better and just on her pussy gave a kiss, just to make her want a bit more, it worked because her body was getting restless and twisting like possessed...
Damn... because of her I was getting too wet!!!
Then yes, I took off the stockings, and the first thing I saw was a leopard's tailless, the same one that reminded me of the photos my friend had shown me, coincidence? Who knows...
Only that now it was wet, very wet, I ran my fingers over it and took them to my mouth, that was hot, she just looked and JuanPe was mesmerized... I got down again and my face was in front of her pussy, shaved like in another photo, another coincidence? It was very tasty, only mine, I pulled the tailless off without taking it off, just made it slide and rubbed it with a finger very slowly, tracing all her wet slit, took my finger to my mouth, she just let out small moans and said
Don't be a slut and do it...
I don't know why that excites me and so I went ahead and sucked it very tasty, opened her legs wide and only with my tongue cleaned up her juices, her woman's flavor was different from mine, but it became very tasty to me, I traced her slit, caressed her clitoris, at one point she was getting very wet, so I had to clean all those juices and when I finished went to her mouth and kissed her, how hot she was!
I got down again to finish what was left of mine, never imagined sucking a... but... the devil... she was very excited, moaning very slightly and complaining about the pleasure, put two fingers in her pussy and with my tongue kept giving her pleasure until it finally ended in my mouth...
I turned my gaze to JuanPe, with his free hand he had undone his pants to his knees and was masturbating while watching what was happening, I laughed and perceived his impotence, but honestly we had left him in second place, now only the heat of both... she sat up and fell on top of me on the bed, started kissing me very tasty, moving her body over mine, put her tits in my mouth for me to lick them a bit, while kissing me, under one hand and started touching me through my stockings, which I couldn't resist and like a spring opened my legs, she kept going, put her hand inside and... It started to masturbate kissing me even... ahhhh! ... shit...
My head was turned to the side, looking fixedly at Juenpe, participating in my pleasure, his wife's slut made me come with her fingers, kissing me, I only moaned from pleasure...
She took out her hand and brought her fingers to my lips, asked me to open my mouth and put them in so that I could clean them, so that I could lick my juices, then she kissed me, it was delicious!!!
Then she started to go down, kissing my tits, squeezing them, it was rich, passed through my abdomen and took off my pants, observed my small black tail, flooded, realized the situation and laughed, then asked:
What excites you more? Do I touch you or is your husband watching us?
Slut... I only replied:
Suck my pussy...
She went down, did the same thing I had done to her, just ran the tailless and did it, caressed my clitoris, played with it, caressed me well tasty with her tongue, until I started feeling rich, and moved, moaned, bit my lips, she put two or three fingers in my pussy and masturbated without stopping to caress my clitoris... She masturbated like I do alone and couldn't take it anymore, ended up in her mouth...
I think you'll suspect what was happening at this point, that JuanPe's planned trio would only remain in his fantasy, because somehow it had turned into a meeting between two women under the attentive gaze of my friend...
But Aylin had something more in mind... she said suddenly while looking for something in her drawers:
I want you to give me anal pleasure! - while handing me a thick dildo...
And added:
JuanPe loves seeing things in my ass, give him pleasure, give her pleasure...
JuanPe's eyes were like a kid who is being given a bag of candies, Aylin settled into four, giving her husband front row seats again, I started to pass my tongue over his anus, giving him pleasure, very slow and soft, just warming it up... Sucking his bum seemed very tasty to me until he ordered again: Do you want it? I want my husband to see how you give it to me in the ass, my ass that is only for him, now it will be yours too...
I didn't wait for him to repeat it, I just put the dildo in, his ass gave way easily despite its thickness, he let me put it in, she gave some stronger moans, she liked how I moved it twisting it, she managed to look at her husband straight in the eye, I just kept going with mine until he told me he couldn't take it anymore, that he should do it faster and finally had a tasty orgasm, a tasty and hot orgasm...
I took out the toy, separated his buttocks so JuanPe could see how his sphincter was all open, how everything excited me...
She settled in and kissed me again but this time, for the first time, she directed her attention to JuanPe, my friend, her husband, it was evident that he was about to cum at any moment if we kept touching, so she just went up to him and I saw him sucking his cock right there on that table, her lips closed like clamps on his member and it became very tasty when he filled her mouth with semen...
Aylin came back to me, positioning herself above me, her head about ten centimeters above mine, gently squeezed my cheeks with her fingers making me open my mouth, then in front of JuanPe's incredulous gaze she just let the cum fall from her mouth into mine, as if aiming for a target... it was something so filthy that I got wet again...
Then she kissed me like reclaiming hers and I returned the thick and bitter liquid to her mouth, we shared it once diluting it with our saliva until she let me swallow it with a complicit laugh...
No doubt JuanPe was the most harmed in all this, there was no second chance when my heat levels dropped and I relived everything that had happened, I just felt ashamed, very ashamed, something similar happens to Aylin, we've talked about it, almost can't look at each other without blushing, because for us, only It was a lovely experience, trying something different... And my poor friend, still insists on it, for him it's easier, he is a man... I think it's time he takes responsibility, I caught his wife or she caught me, it was just delicious... If you liked it, you can write to me with the title 'YOUR WIFE' at
No te vas a arrepentir
Juan Pedro es un gran amigo de la infancia, desde los estudios primarios, de esos ejemplos que dicen ‘si, la amistad entre el hombre y la mujer es posible’, porque siempre nos vimos como amigos, nada más, jamás como hombre y mujer, jamás mezclamos las cosas.
Siempre fui de preferir amigos a amigas, y JuanPe, como lo llamo, es ‘el’ amigo entre mis amigos…
Siempre fue un tanto payaso, bromista, de esos a los que les volteo la cara ante sus ocurrencias, un dulce, y nuestra amistad es tan profunda que hablamos de tetas, culos, conchas y pijas como si nada, ni prejuicios, sin tabúes…
Me rio al recordar, hasta hace algún tiempo, antes que se casara, solía bromear con mis tetas, decía que eran impresionantes y que algún día me las mordería todas…
Eso no nunca pasó de una mera broma, y como adelanté, hace un tiempo que él se casó, nuestra relación se tornó apenas más distante, sabía que debía apartarme un poco para dar lugar a esa relación.
Cuando JuanPe y Aylin – su esposa – se casaron, ambos vinieron a vivir a la casa paterna, ellos edificaron su casa en la planta alta, sobre los techos de la casa de sus padres, por lo cual seguimos siendo tan vecinos como de costumbre, las cosas no cambiaron demasiado en ese aspecto.
Obviamente ellos estaban mucho tiempo juntos, y yo, al ser amiga de él, en poco tiempo congenié con ella y nos hicimos también buenas amigas…
Aylin es una morena de cola envidiable, delgada, más alta que yo, aunque no tiene las tetas que cargo yo…
Decidimos empezar a ir al gimnasio juntas, ella es muy de hacer deportes y un poco me arrastró a su rutina, así fue que de casualidad estrechamos más nuestra amistad, al punto de compartir más tiempo con ella que con él.
Todo esto desembocó en que JuanPe, bromista como siempre, empezara a jugar con las palabras, con propuestas de hacer un trío, el, Aylin y yo, y si bien ambas lo tomábamos a broma, intuí que en el fondo él hablaba en serio y tanteaba nuestras respuestas.
En su ausencia, Aylin y yo hablábamos de su esposo, de mi amigo, y nos reíamos de sus locuras, de sus ideas, porque él era incisivo, nosotras nos mirábamos y claro…. era todo broma… lo era?
Y las cosas se fueron dando, ella fue cambiando, con calzas ajustadísimas, que resaltaban sus pompis, al hacer ejercicios me miraba profundamente, sentía que me seducía, con sus poses, tal vez eran solo mis locas ideas, porque en mi mente no había lugar para mujeres, pero todo se me hacía confuso, que debía hacer? preguntar con el riesgo de hacer el ridículo? omitir, como si nada pasara?
Decidí hablar a solas con mi amigo, JuanPe, solo para aclarar las cosas, para evitar malos entendidos y alejar fantasmas de mi cabeza… y que hizo el? Sacó su celular y empezó a mostrarme fotos del culo de Aylin, fotos eróticas rozando el porno… y yo? Voltee la cara, por tonto… pero esas imágenes… por Dios… acaso me estaba volviendo lesbiana?
Poco tiempo después, mi WhatsApp empezó a recibir esas fotos, yo no sabía que hacer… primero pensé en borrarlas, pero es que… ahhhh!!!, se me hacían tan eróticas que me terminé masturbando con las fotos del culo de Aylin…
Hace unos días, nos encontramos en el gimnasio como de costumbre, las cosas caían de maduras, tenía unas calzas ajustadas y un top diminuto, las miradas hablaban por nosotras, ella empezó nuevamente con las fantasías del trío y que esto y que lo otro, al terminar, me invitó como quien no quiere la cosa a su casa, y yo indirectamente también le dije de acompañarla, así que en fin… antes de darnos cuenta, JuanPe, mi amigo, Aylin su esposa y yo… estábamos en el mismo cuarto…
Aylin le dijo a JuanPe que haríamos las cosas a ‘su manera’, o no haríamos nada, es que ella proponía en principio unos besos entre nosotras y que el solo mirara, y para evitar tentaciones, sacó de entre los cajones unas esposas de esas de policías, y con su complicidad permitió que lo esposara una mano junto a un gran mueble de madera que decoraba la habitación, con la promesa de liberarlo minutos más tarde… esto me pareció erótico, jamás se me había ocurrido ser parte de un show lésbico para mi gran amigo, es más, hasta ese momento, la situación me daba risa…
Cuando él estuvo ‘asegurado’ a un lado, se terminaron mis risas, ella vino por mi y comenzaron los besos, muy lentos, nos encontramos sentadas al borde de la cama, así que iba a ella y la besaba, no imaginan que rico beso, Aylin empezó a calentarse, una lengua tocaba la otra, era como una danza, todo en sincronía, muy caliente, muy rico, comencé a bajar por su cuello, sentía como se aceleraba su respiración y esto me calentó más, era riquísimo, a esa altura noté como en el top de gimnasio se le marcaban los pezones, se veían ricos, parados por la excitación, así que sobre la tela le pase la lengua mirándola a los ojos… ah!!! solo suspiros que cada vez se hicieron más fuertes ...
En ese momento recordé a mi amigo, lo busqué con mi vista, JuanPe miraba engolosinado, como si se tratara de una película en 3D...
Ella se dio cuenta de la situación, entonces me jalo a su cuerpo y me dio tremendo beso que hizo que me mojara, bajo haciendo un camino de besos por mi cuello, se sintió riquísimo, llego a mis tetas y por arriba del sostén deportivo toco mis pezones con sus dedos, los rozo, obvio estaban paradísimos, no podía con la excitación, entonces solo lo quitó, los observó un rato asombrándose por el gran tamaño de ellos, con un poco de envidia, noté que Juanpe por primera vez los veía también, y me dio un poco de pudor por mi amigo, Aylin volvió a sorprenderme pasando su lengua muy lento por mis pezones, se sintió delicioso!!! ... muy lento, rico y delicado, tomo una de mis tetas y luego la otra mientras me miraba a los ojos!!!

She asked me to do the same thing, but in a way that Juanpe could observe in detail how I sucked her nipples, then we settled down, leaving everything that happened within his reach, I took off my top and first touched her breasts, just like I do with mine, massaging them slowly, caressing her nipples delicately, small rich gasps were escaping...
I went for her breasts and licked them so tasty, as if they had jam, I kept going until she got wet and couldn't take it anymore, while looking at each other's eyes, she was enjoying her pleasure...
We only stopped a bit, then she asked her husband
My love... do you like what you see?
Of course, his pants were too tight to hide the erect cock, so it was just a clever question, that was tasty to imagine, I thought he would free himself to join in on the game, but he just said
You'll like it more when you see it...
He reclined on some pillows that decorated the marital bed, then I got on top of her, like on her stomach, I leaned down to kiss her, that was very hot, imagine, my breasts bumping into hers, only feeling the rubbing of our nipples... truly, how much I enjoyed that!!!!
Although much smaller, I could feel them as soft as mine… what a yummy sensation!
I started kissing her neck, going down her abdomen, until I reached the line where the underwear starts, I settled in, opened her legs and playing above that tight lingerie, I passed my fingers very smoothly and almost touching her pussy... suddenly her breathing accelerated, accompanied by very faint gasps... I settled in better and just on her pussy gave a kiss, just to make her want a bit more, it worked because her body was getting restless and twisting like possessed...
Damn... because of her I was getting too wet!!!
Then yes, I took off the stockings, and the first thing I saw was a leopard's tailless, the same one that reminded me of the photos my friend had shown me, coincidence? Who knows...
Only that now it was wet, very wet, I ran my fingers over it and took them to my mouth, that was hot, she just looked and JuanPe was mesmerized... I got down again and my face was in front of her pussy, shaved like in another photo, another coincidence? It was very tasty, only mine, I pulled the tailless off without taking it off, just made it slide and rubbed it with a finger very slowly, tracing all her wet slit, took my finger to my mouth, she just let out small moans and said
Don't be a slut and do it...
I don't know why that excites me and so I went ahead and sucked it very tasty, opened her legs wide and only with my tongue cleaned up her juices, her woman's flavor was different from mine, but it became very tasty to me, I traced her slit, caressed her clitoris, at one point she was getting very wet, so I had to clean all those juices and when I finished went to her mouth and kissed her, how hot she was!
I got down again to finish what was left of mine, never imagined sucking a... but... the devil... she was very excited, moaning very slightly and complaining about the pleasure, put two fingers in her pussy and with my tongue kept giving her pleasure until it finally ended in my mouth...
I turned my gaze to JuanPe, with his free hand he had undone his pants to his knees and was masturbating while watching what was happening, I laughed and perceived his impotence, but honestly we had left him in second place, now only the heat of both... she sat up and fell on top of me on the bed, started kissing me very tasty, moving her body over mine, put her tits in my mouth for me to lick them a bit, while kissing me, under one hand and started touching me through my stockings, which I couldn't resist and like a spring opened my legs, she kept going, put her hand inside and... It started to masturbate kissing me even... ahhhh! ... shit...
My head was turned to the side, looking fixedly at Juenpe, participating in my pleasure, his wife's slut made me come with her fingers, kissing me, I only moaned from pleasure...
She took out her hand and brought her fingers to my lips, asked me to open my mouth and put them in so that I could clean them, so that I could lick my juices, then she kissed me, it was delicious!!!
Then she started to go down, kissing my tits, squeezing them, it was rich, passed through my abdomen and took off my pants, observed my small black tail, flooded, realized the situation and laughed, then asked:
What excites you more? Do I touch you or is your husband watching us?
Slut... I only replied:
Suck my pussy...
She went down, did the same thing I had done to her, just ran the tailless and did it, caressed my clitoris, played with it, caressed me well tasty with her tongue, until I started feeling rich, and moved, moaned, bit my lips, she put two or three fingers in my pussy and masturbated without stopping to caress my clitoris... She masturbated like I do alone and couldn't take it anymore, ended up in her mouth...
I think you'll suspect what was happening at this point, that JuanPe's planned trio would only remain in his fantasy, because somehow it had turned into a meeting between two women under the attentive gaze of my friend...
But Aylin had something more in mind... she said suddenly while looking for something in her drawers:
I want you to give me anal pleasure! - while handing me a thick dildo...
And added:
JuanPe loves seeing things in my ass, give him pleasure, give her pleasure...
JuanPe's eyes were like a kid who is being given a bag of candies, Aylin settled into four, giving her husband front row seats again, I started to pass my tongue over his anus, giving him pleasure, very slow and soft, just warming it up... Sucking his bum seemed very tasty to me until he ordered again: Do you want it? I want my husband to see how you give it to me in the ass, my ass that is only for him, now it will be yours too...
I didn't wait for him to repeat it, I just put the dildo in, his ass gave way easily despite its thickness, he let me put it in, she gave some stronger moans, she liked how I moved it twisting it, she managed to look at her husband straight in the eye, I just kept going with mine until he told me he couldn't take it anymore, that he should do it faster and finally had a tasty orgasm, a tasty and hot orgasm...
I took out the toy, separated his buttocks so JuanPe could see how his sphincter was all open, how everything excited me...
She settled in and kissed me again but this time, for the first time, she directed her attention to JuanPe, my friend, her husband, it was evident that he was about to cum at any moment if we kept touching, so she just went up to him and I saw him sucking his cock right there on that table, her lips closed like clamps on his member and it became very tasty when he filled her mouth with semen...
Aylin came back to me, positioning herself above me, her head about ten centimeters above mine, gently squeezed my cheeks with her fingers making me open my mouth, then in front of JuanPe's incredulous gaze she just let the cum fall from her mouth into mine, as if aiming for a target... it was something so filthy that I got wet again...
Then she kissed me like reclaiming hers and I returned the thick and bitter liquid to her mouth, we shared it once diluting it with our saliva until she let me swallow it with a complicit laugh...
No doubt JuanPe was the most harmed in all this, there was no second chance when my heat levels dropped and I relived everything that had happened, I just felt ashamed, very ashamed, something similar happens to Aylin, we've talked about it, almost can't look at each other without blushing, because for us, only It was a lovely experience, trying something different... And my poor friend, still insists on it, for him it's easier, he is a man... I think it's time he takes responsibility, I caught his wife or she caught me, it was just delicious... If you liked it, you can write to me with the title 'YOUR WIFE' at
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