No dejes de pasar por mi mejor post
No te vas a arrepentir
Las cosas como son, siempre me encantó el sexo, me encantaron las vergas, probé muchas, demasiadas, y puedo decir que para mí 'si' importa el tamaño, y soy una convencida de que aquellas dicen que el tamaño no importa, es porque son unas falsas, o nunca probaron una buena pija.
Por suerte la naturaleza había sido generosa conmigo, buenas tetas, buenas piernas, buenas proporciones y un culo perfecto, envidiable, mi mejor arma. Es cierto, tal vez de rostro no sea muy bonita pero mis curvas de sirena alcanzaban con creces para tener a los hombres a mis pies.
Y en mis días de adolescencia hice demasiadas locuras, siempre me gustó tomarme esas fotos de puta, casi desnuda y subirla a mis perfiles y compartirlas con chicos, me sabía linda y me excitaba que me lo dijeran.
No tenía novios como mis amigas, yo tenía amantes ocasionales y a todos los llamaba por apodos, 'amor', 'bicho', 'corazón' y otros que surgieran, había tantos abejorros tras la reina que solo confundía nombres y solo generaba problemas.
Había pasado los veinte cuando mi reputación distaba demasiado de ser al menos prolija, mujer fácil de llevar a la cama y mi sexualidad estaba en boca de muchos, solteros, casados, divorciados, jóvenes y no tanto, por placer y hasta por dinero.
Pero claro, toda esa vida que llevaba le pagaba de lleno a papá y a mamá, única hija. Ellos sufrían en silencio mi vida indiscreta y no les agradaba saber que su niña era una putita, en especial a papá quien tenía una reputación que mantener, que había conseguido con esfuerzo y dedicación y yo en un abrir y cerrar de ojos la había hecho añicos.
Estaba llegando a los treinta y aún vivía con ellos, solo me gustaba coger y en algún punto todo fue demasiado.
A la vieja usanza, como en otras épocas, mi padre me presentó un 'candidato' como lo llamaba, un tipo de cuarenta años, elegante, con muy buen pasar económico, yo lo veía muy mayor pero el tipo tenía dinero y podría darme la tranquilidad económica a un futuro cercano. Creo que fue como un negocio de partes, mis padres limpiaban el apellido familiar, yo me aseguraba una vida rodeada de billetes, y Andrés, mi futuro esposo se quedaba con una joven que jamás lo hubiera mirado de no ser por el tamaño de sus bolsillos.
Nos casamos, pude sentir la envidia en carne propia, 'no hay puta sin suerte' decían por ahí, pero hice oídos sordos a la chusma del barrio.
Andrés era un tipo de negocios y todo llevó a que me aburriera rápidamente de mi vida marital, ir al gimnasio a hacer pesas y fitness todos los días no era demasiado, quería llenar mi tiempo con algo más, quería hacer algo por mi cuenta, tener mi propia vida y empecé a buscar empleo por medio de viejos conocidos.
Así, golpeando puertas y más puertas llegue a 'Víctor Lewandoski e hijos'
Era una empresa familiar, el viejo Víctor había llegado al país de su Polonia natal y de la nada había hecho un imperio, noté que la estructura de la empresa era muy vertical, el viejo tenía su percepción de las cosas, la mano dura, férrea y la división de poderes y jerarquías.
Los puestos gerenciales estaban en la parte superior, en la planta alta donde podía verse toda la nave de producción, puestos reservados únicamente para la familia, eso era más importante que la capacidad, me sonó muy retro, pero eran las reglas
Cuando yo llegué a la empresa, el viejo ya pasaba los ochenta años y estaba casi retirado, solo muy de vez en cuando iba de visita para asegurarse que todo estuviera bien, al fin y al cabo, esa era 'su' empresa, era 'su' vida. Comprendí con rapidez que sus tres hijos estaban ahora al mando y que el viejo los había criado pensando en el futuro, y admito que el tipo había sido inteligente y visionario y era evidente que esté presente era consecuencia de su obrar en el pasado. Pero, sus tres hijos eran argentinos, otra generación, nunca habían pasado miserias, y obviamente no eran lo mismo, y era evidente que el puesto de secretaria gerencial solo lo había obtenido solo por un tema, por puta.
Pablo, de cuarenta y dos años, el mayor de los tres, ingeniero, ocupaba la oficina del ala izquierda, él manejaba todo el gerenciamiento de la producción, él decía que se hacía y que no se hacía, que máquinas de compraban, cuales se vendían, era quien tenía el ojo puesto en los camiones cargados de productos que salían por el portón este de la planta.
Estaba casado en esos días, pero supe que era su tercera pareja estable, era un tipo parco, discreto y quienes los conocían decían que era el que más se parecía a su padre, receloso y desconfiado por naturaleza.
Marcelo, de cuarenta, usaba la oficina central, su área era recursos humanos, y de la manera en que su hermano mayor manejaba la producción, él manejaba al personal, sueldos, recompensas, despidos, beneficios y toda esa parte del trato persona a persona, él fue quien me contrató y en esos primeros encuentros noté como me miraba y que mi cuerpo le interesaba más que mis palabras. Divorciado y mujeriego incurable, le gustaban todas según decían y no dejaba escapar a ninguna, un hombre peligroso, te envolvía con palabras y si lo dejabas hablar estabas en peligro.
A la derecha, Joaquín, el menor de los tres, casi mi edad, treinta y tres, era el contador, el que llevaba los números, las finanzas, el puente entre sus dos hermanos mayores, y quien en verdad tenía el control de la empresa, siempre vestía impecable, elegante, y era el más llamativo, por su perfil de hombre, por su inteligencia y por ser el único que portaba unos hermosos ojos azules.
Al igual que Marcelo, estaba divorciado, aunque él no cargaba con la fama de 'Don Juan'. Era también el más extrovertido y jocoso de los tres, pero sabía mejor que nadie guardar secretos cuando era conveniente, un lobo con piel de cordero.
Y ahí estaba yo, a un lado, la secretaria gerencial, pronto comprendí cómo funcionaba ese triunvirato y también vi que el viejo Lewandoski había sido un estratega espectacular, sus tres hijos eran su creación, y todo había salido como él lo había imaginado, una maquinaria de tres engranajes que trabajaban en sintonía.
My life those days was a pile of changes, now I was a married woman faithful to my husband, with a decent job, learning many new things, attending three bosses and earning a small spot.
Only one topic remained, deep down, I was still a repressed slut and missed the craziness of times past and my cohabitation with the three brothers made it intriguing and dangerous, especially with Marcelo, who tried to eat me up every opportunity he had, although Joaquín was the one who kept me awake. Anyway, I knew how to play the game and knew how a woman should dress to drive men crazy, knew how to talk, gesticulate, move my body, knew how to act silly to play my cards, I was an expert and knew how everything would end if I kept looking for it.
Generally, I arrived late at work, they didn't give me the gym hours with the labor ones, and were licenses that only allowed me, none of the other employees would have tolerated such a slip-up.
And everything seemed fine, but not always would I buy my bosses off with smiles, one morning Marcelo called me privately, and to my surprise, I found out it was Joaquín who was stirring up the topic, saying it wasn't right and they were setting a bad example for the rest of the employees, Marcelo told me that, honestly, he wasn't wrong and proposed discussing some intermediate point.
That's how things went, every morning, early I'd go to the gym, then to the company and could use the managerial bathroom to wash up, and then work, and had to stay late to make up for lost time in the morning.
Things worked out, not having to go home to shower meant gaining more than an hour, honestly, the manager's bathroom was bigger than my own house, they cleaned it every day and it always smelled perfumed.
And that's how everything went until what happened, because the three brothers saw me every morning freshly bathed, perfumed, ' Sexy dressed and I noticed how one by one they were eating me with their gaze, as the hints became more and more evident, as everything was preparing for them to take me, and really, I wanted them to. With my husband Andrés, things were going well, he was oblivious to it all, but I had never been a woman of just one man, and the lack of cock was killing me.
One morning like any other, I arrived at the office, it was hot, I was sweating, wearing high-waisted pants and a tight top, Marcelo was out of town for personal reasons and Joaquín didn't usually arrive early, only Pablo was busy with daily problems, I greeted him and told him I would go take my usual shower, he looked up and stared at me with wolf eyes, it was his lucky day.
I went to the bathroom and discreetly left the door slightly ajar, pretending it was an oversight on my part, I undressed, it had been a week since my husband didn't take me and I couldn't take it anymore, I turned on the warm water and let it run over my face, body, put shampoo in my hair, closed my eyes and let myself be carried away by the sound of the running water and the steam that moistened my pores.
When I opened them again, Pablo was looking at me from the door, a surprise or not so much, I didn't mind him seeing me completely naked, on the contrary, I gave him a smile, it excited me to feel desired, he just dropped his clothes and closed the door behind him, that's when the best part came, he had terrible cock! like the ones I liked! thick, big-headed, and full of veins!
He came over to my side and slipped under the water, like an octopus clinging to my tits, ass, and kissed me deeply, I let myself be carried away, Pablo was eating me with kisses and the best part was feeling that sense of freedom, of being a slut, of anyone, liberating myself from the chains of fidelity that were oppressing me, becoming myself again.
When Pablo hinted that 'I was a slut', that he was really hot for me and I wanted him to suck me, it didn't bother me, on the contrary, it was a compliment.
I fell to my knees, his cock was enormous, appetizing, I started sucking it with pleasure, very tasty, very hot, he was looking at me from above and I tried to return his gaze, but the raindrops stuck to my face.
It was all very hot, his enormous cock filled my small mouth, his glans was soft and spongy, I was getting crazy with pleasure and started masturbating my pussy under the water, he told me I was a slut and that disarmed me, because I felt so slutty, so alive.
Pablo suddenly pulled his cock out of my mouth and kept my head at a prudent distance, I knew what he would do, only he masturbated with force and his warm cum shot onto my face, a stream, another, and another, I had to close my eyes because his juices got into them and I just started laughing because he wouldn't stop cumming on my face, more and more, until there was nothing left.
Pablo had covered my entire face with semen, even my hair, the water kept sticking and making a sticker, I couldn't open my eyes, and I felt very slutty for letting him do what he wanted to do.
When I finally recovered and washed my face with soap, I could see that Pablo was already doing something else, finishing up and looking like his usual boss self again, it bothered me a bit because I was still hot and wanted cock, but I could understand how things were.
That night I got even with my husband, only Andrés was there and I didn't hesitate to take the opportunity
There would be a before and after, every time Pablo looked at me, I remembered what had happened under the water, and if those looks were suggestive before, now they burned.
It had barely been a week, this time I was surprised because the door was closed, Marcelo searched for what his brother had found, surely Pablo had opened his mouth and Marcelo was a predator who smelled the blood of the prey with great ease.
When I saw him, I responded with the same slutty face he had responded to my brother and let him fill his view with my naked body while the soapy water ran over my skin.
He also undressed and I saw he had an enormous cock, it seemed like brothers were well-made in factory settings.
Marcelo chose another path, didn't talk much, only came to take his part, made me turn around and put my hands on the wall, make my ass point to his side, just got me all in one go, ripping a scream from me, because it was too big for me even.
He started taking me, more and more, and with each push he would bring me up onto my toes, killing me, although I didn't want to do it, my moans turned into contained screams.
My hands tried in vain to grasp the ceramics while he took me wildly, caused me a lot of pleasure pushing deep into my pussy, felt desires to fill me with cum, which wouldn't take long to happen, felt him explode inside me and it was an overwhelming feeling of joy.
When he had finished, like his brother didn't pay much attention to my person, it was obvious I was just 'holes to satisfy his pleasure' and he didn't bother at all, because in the end for me it was the same, only mattered my pleasure, feeling slutty and well-fucked, feeling desired, feeling irresistible, they were 'pigs with eyes', nothing more.
I remember when Marcelo left me alone, even my legs were still trembling and I sat on the floor under the warm water, masturbated like a teenager, putting my fingers deep into my sex, with the excitement of having his cum still hot inside me.
The days went by and I only had one goal, Joaquín, the youngest brother, who liked me most and couldn't seduce yet. well, that day was a bit complicated with work issues, I could play with the three brothers, it was noticeable how they looked at me, I knew they were stopping their cock and wanted to ram me against a wall, I laughed inside, it was my game and I liked playing it. Despite everything, hours passed, and daily problems kept my bosses busy, at some point, Joaquín came to me for some papers and like who doesn't want the thing, I threw them away. Andres isn't in town for a few days, abstinence has me bad, I have crazy desires... At the last hour, it seemed I was resigning myself, feeling that so many preparations and indirects would fall flat, my thong was soaked, my pussy was boiling from imagining situations that wouldn't happen, in the midst of desire and frustration, Joaquín called me to his office. I entered, he was sitting at his desk, but I couldn't close the door, Marcelo was behind me and did it for me, I couldn't see him and felt surprised. They left it clear what a slut I was, and told me they were going to give me my due. Joaquín asked me to come closer to his side, where he was sitting while Marcelo leaned against the strong oak door. I moved my hips, told him provocatively that I was hot and needed cock. The younger brother made me lean my breast against his desk, my ass towards his side, I felt him lift my skirt and move my thong aside, I shuddered when his fingers invaded my pussy, opening the way for what I finally wanted, his cock. He started to take me with force, deep, very deep, making me feel like 'the great man he was', my sight took me to the other end, to the door, where Marcelo watched what was happening, it was very hot, I hated his observer role, I liked them looking at me as I came and the cock I received from behind drove me crazy. I grasped some papers on the desk with force, I couldn't, I couldn't maintain visual contact with the middle brother, I just let myself go and enjoyed the orgasms that started arriving one after another.
I lost track of time and space, Joaquín put me in front of him and broke my mouth with a kiss, lifted me up in the air under my thighs, grabbed me with my arms around his neck and let me fall to penetrate me again, my God, it was enormous and hurt me deeply, I tried to avoid it but he kept taking advantage of my own weight, letting me fall and breaking me, screaming from pain, but a sweet pain that drove me crazy, begging him not to stop, that I desired him, that I loved his huge cock, that I was his slut and would do anything.
In the whirlwind of lust, I lost sight of Marcelo and it was his own brother who made me notice that he was waiting for me naked with his hard sex, semi-seated on the desk.
Joaquín took me to his side, I ended up facing him and understood the game, let me fall slowly so he could stick it in my ass, oh! It hurt, but it was double pleasure, one brother from the front, another from behind, trapped between those males, with their hands tracing my skin, my tits, alternating between them, delivered, exhausted, reminded me of my teenage years when I used to delight in doing these crazy things with the boys from the neighborhood.
It's just that double penetrations excited me a lot, being the center of the sandwich, feeling like they were filling me up and exactly, bending my own pleasure.
When they got tired of giving it to me on both sides, they let me go back to the floor, one cock in each hand, to masturbate and suck them, alternating between them, knowing that those men would soon cum in my mouth excited me too much and I wanted to touch my clitoris to keep having orgasms. Joaquín came first, he knew he wanted to see how it was done, but I was selfish, just wanted to suck him off and swallow all his juices, so I did, his bitterness invaded my throat and his warm nectar made me fill with pleasure. Then it was Marcelo, same story, only yes, already a bit more relaxed, I only opened my mouth for him to finish his work and they to satisfy their view, his semen slowly filling my tongue as I saw the pleasure in their eyes and little by little leaving them cum on my mouth and down my throat.
Things would change in the future, from secretary I became the slut of the Lewandoski brothers, everything seemed to be getting out of control, they would take me two at a time, sometimes we'd bathe together with all four of us and I'd pass from hand to hand, brother by brother, sometimes I'd just go from office to office, one after another, and at some point it was all too much.
Marcelo turned out to be the worst of the three, a sadistic lover of anal sex, he would only call me to give him a blow job and I couldn't get away from all that dope, I loved pleasing them, making them do with me what they wanted.
I'd come home destroyed, unable to handle the three of them, it hurt so much my pussy and had my ass so dilated that even gave me shame having sex with my own husband, no longer desired, just wanted to rest.
Things started unraveling, rumors, gossip, not being able to keep quiet, from one side to the other, the privileges of the secretary, the hours, it was a secret whispered around what was happening, everyone commented in the company and if nobody could prove it, everyone saw me as the slut of the place, everyone knew.
The rumors reached the ears of Pablo's wife, the eldest, she waited for me one afternoon and scolded me, making a scene that only hastened things.
Also, the rumors reached the ears of old Victor, who despite his years still maintained a certain control over the company, and his authoritarianism put respect to paternal authority first. He forced the situation with his three sons, scolding them like they were little.
The situation cost me my job to start with, and my marriage to Andrés to end, to be honest, my My relationship with him was a lie, it was just a convenient state that my father had once thought up so they wouldn't see his daughter as she always was, just another slut. Today has passed the time, I didn't know more about my bosses and lovers, especially Marcelo called me many times 'to have fun', but I already closed that stage of my life, we only chat occasionally, my ex rebuilt his life with a woman I knew was his mistress during our days of cohabitation, and I am what I always wanted to be, I gathered enough money and prefer to live alone, loving cocks on occasion, without attachments, without commitments. If you liked the story, you can write me at with title SECRETOS BAJO EL AGUA.
No te vas a arrepentir
Las cosas como son, siempre me encantó el sexo, me encantaron las vergas, probé muchas, demasiadas, y puedo decir que para mí 'si' importa el tamaño, y soy una convencida de que aquellas dicen que el tamaño no importa, es porque son unas falsas, o nunca probaron una buena pija.
Por suerte la naturaleza había sido generosa conmigo, buenas tetas, buenas piernas, buenas proporciones y un culo perfecto, envidiable, mi mejor arma. Es cierto, tal vez de rostro no sea muy bonita pero mis curvas de sirena alcanzaban con creces para tener a los hombres a mis pies.
Y en mis días de adolescencia hice demasiadas locuras, siempre me gustó tomarme esas fotos de puta, casi desnuda y subirla a mis perfiles y compartirlas con chicos, me sabía linda y me excitaba que me lo dijeran.
No tenía novios como mis amigas, yo tenía amantes ocasionales y a todos los llamaba por apodos, 'amor', 'bicho', 'corazón' y otros que surgieran, había tantos abejorros tras la reina que solo confundía nombres y solo generaba problemas.
Había pasado los veinte cuando mi reputación distaba demasiado de ser al menos prolija, mujer fácil de llevar a la cama y mi sexualidad estaba en boca de muchos, solteros, casados, divorciados, jóvenes y no tanto, por placer y hasta por dinero.
Pero claro, toda esa vida que llevaba le pagaba de lleno a papá y a mamá, única hija. Ellos sufrían en silencio mi vida indiscreta y no les agradaba saber que su niña era una putita, en especial a papá quien tenía una reputación que mantener, que había conseguido con esfuerzo y dedicación y yo en un abrir y cerrar de ojos la había hecho añicos.
Estaba llegando a los treinta y aún vivía con ellos, solo me gustaba coger y en algún punto todo fue demasiado.
A la vieja usanza, como en otras épocas, mi padre me presentó un 'candidato' como lo llamaba, un tipo de cuarenta años, elegante, con muy buen pasar económico, yo lo veía muy mayor pero el tipo tenía dinero y podría darme la tranquilidad económica a un futuro cercano. Creo que fue como un negocio de partes, mis padres limpiaban el apellido familiar, yo me aseguraba una vida rodeada de billetes, y Andrés, mi futuro esposo se quedaba con una joven que jamás lo hubiera mirado de no ser por el tamaño de sus bolsillos.
Nos casamos, pude sentir la envidia en carne propia, 'no hay puta sin suerte' decían por ahí, pero hice oídos sordos a la chusma del barrio.
Andrés era un tipo de negocios y todo llevó a que me aburriera rápidamente de mi vida marital, ir al gimnasio a hacer pesas y fitness todos los días no era demasiado, quería llenar mi tiempo con algo más, quería hacer algo por mi cuenta, tener mi propia vida y empecé a buscar empleo por medio de viejos conocidos.
Así, golpeando puertas y más puertas llegue a 'Víctor Lewandoski e hijos'
Era una empresa familiar, el viejo Víctor había llegado al país de su Polonia natal y de la nada había hecho un imperio, noté que la estructura de la empresa era muy vertical, el viejo tenía su percepción de las cosas, la mano dura, férrea y la división de poderes y jerarquías.
Los puestos gerenciales estaban en la parte superior, en la planta alta donde podía verse toda la nave de producción, puestos reservados únicamente para la familia, eso era más importante que la capacidad, me sonó muy retro, pero eran las reglas
Cuando yo llegué a la empresa, el viejo ya pasaba los ochenta años y estaba casi retirado, solo muy de vez en cuando iba de visita para asegurarse que todo estuviera bien, al fin y al cabo, esa era 'su' empresa, era 'su' vida. Comprendí con rapidez que sus tres hijos estaban ahora al mando y que el viejo los había criado pensando en el futuro, y admito que el tipo había sido inteligente y visionario y era evidente que esté presente era consecuencia de su obrar en el pasado. Pero, sus tres hijos eran argentinos, otra generación, nunca habían pasado miserias, y obviamente no eran lo mismo, y era evidente que el puesto de secretaria gerencial solo lo había obtenido solo por un tema, por puta.
Pablo, de cuarenta y dos años, el mayor de los tres, ingeniero, ocupaba la oficina del ala izquierda, él manejaba todo el gerenciamiento de la producción, él decía que se hacía y que no se hacía, que máquinas de compraban, cuales se vendían, era quien tenía el ojo puesto en los camiones cargados de productos que salían por el portón este de la planta.
Estaba casado en esos días, pero supe que era su tercera pareja estable, era un tipo parco, discreto y quienes los conocían decían que era el que más se parecía a su padre, receloso y desconfiado por naturaleza.
Marcelo, de cuarenta, usaba la oficina central, su área era recursos humanos, y de la manera en que su hermano mayor manejaba la producción, él manejaba al personal, sueldos, recompensas, despidos, beneficios y toda esa parte del trato persona a persona, él fue quien me contrató y en esos primeros encuentros noté como me miraba y que mi cuerpo le interesaba más que mis palabras. Divorciado y mujeriego incurable, le gustaban todas según decían y no dejaba escapar a ninguna, un hombre peligroso, te envolvía con palabras y si lo dejabas hablar estabas en peligro.
A la derecha, Joaquín, el menor de los tres, casi mi edad, treinta y tres, era el contador, el que llevaba los números, las finanzas, el puente entre sus dos hermanos mayores, y quien en verdad tenía el control de la empresa, siempre vestía impecable, elegante, y era el más llamativo, por su perfil de hombre, por su inteligencia y por ser el único que portaba unos hermosos ojos azules.
Al igual que Marcelo, estaba divorciado, aunque él no cargaba con la fama de 'Don Juan'. Era también el más extrovertido y jocoso de los tres, pero sabía mejor que nadie guardar secretos cuando era conveniente, un lobo con piel de cordero.
Y ahí estaba yo, a un lado, la secretaria gerencial, pronto comprendí cómo funcionaba ese triunvirato y también vi que el viejo Lewandoski había sido un estratega espectacular, sus tres hijos eran su creación, y todo había salido como él lo había imaginado, una maquinaria de tres engranajes que trabajaban en sintonía.
My life those days was a pile of changes, now I was a married woman faithful to my husband, with a decent job, learning many new things, attending three bosses and earning a small spot.
Only one topic remained, deep down, I was still a repressed slut and missed the craziness of times past and my cohabitation with the three brothers made it intriguing and dangerous, especially with Marcelo, who tried to eat me up every opportunity he had, although Joaquín was the one who kept me awake. Anyway, I knew how to play the game and knew how a woman should dress to drive men crazy, knew how to talk, gesticulate, move my body, knew how to act silly to play my cards, I was an expert and knew how everything would end if I kept looking for it.
Generally, I arrived late at work, they didn't give me the gym hours with the labor ones, and were licenses that only allowed me, none of the other employees would have tolerated such a slip-up.
And everything seemed fine, but not always would I buy my bosses off with smiles, one morning Marcelo called me privately, and to my surprise, I found out it was Joaquín who was stirring up the topic, saying it wasn't right and they were setting a bad example for the rest of the employees, Marcelo told me that, honestly, he wasn't wrong and proposed discussing some intermediate point.
That's how things went, every morning, early I'd go to the gym, then to the company and could use the managerial bathroom to wash up, and then work, and had to stay late to make up for lost time in the morning.
Things worked out, not having to go home to shower meant gaining more than an hour, honestly, the manager's bathroom was bigger than my own house, they cleaned it every day and it always smelled perfumed.
And that's how everything went until what happened, because the three brothers saw me every morning freshly bathed, perfumed, ' Sexy dressed and I noticed how one by one they were eating me with their gaze, as the hints became more and more evident, as everything was preparing for them to take me, and really, I wanted them to. With my husband Andrés, things were going well, he was oblivious to it all, but I had never been a woman of just one man, and the lack of cock was killing me.
One morning like any other, I arrived at the office, it was hot, I was sweating, wearing high-waisted pants and a tight top, Marcelo was out of town for personal reasons and Joaquín didn't usually arrive early, only Pablo was busy with daily problems, I greeted him and told him I would go take my usual shower, he looked up and stared at me with wolf eyes, it was his lucky day.
I went to the bathroom and discreetly left the door slightly ajar, pretending it was an oversight on my part, I undressed, it had been a week since my husband didn't take me and I couldn't take it anymore, I turned on the warm water and let it run over my face, body, put shampoo in my hair, closed my eyes and let myself be carried away by the sound of the running water and the steam that moistened my pores.
When I opened them again, Pablo was looking at me from the door, a surprise or not so much, I didn't mind him seeing me completely naked, on the contrary, I gave him a smile, it excited me to feel desired, he just dropped his clothes and closed the door behind him, that's when the best part came, he had terrible cock! like the ones I liked! thick, big-headed, and full of veins!
He came over to my side and slipped under the water, like an octopus clinging to my tits, ass, and kissed me deeply, I let myself be carried away, Pablo was eating me with kisses and the best part was feeling that sense of freedom, of being a slut, of anyone, liberating myself from the chains of fidelity that were oppressing me, becoming myself again.
When Pablo hinted that 'I was a slut', that he was really hot for me and I wanted him to suck me, it didn't bother me, on the contrary, it was a compliment.
I fell to my knees, his cock was enormous, appetizing, I started sucking it with pleasure, very tasty, very hot, he was looking at me from above and I tried to return his gaze, but the raindrops stuck to my face.
It was all very hot, his enormous cock filled my small mouth, his glans was soft and spongy, I was getting crazy with pleasure and started masturbating my pussy under the water, he told me I was a slut and that disarmed me, because I felt so slutty, so alive.
Pablo suddenly pulled his cock out of my mouth and kept my head at a prudent distance, I knew what he would do, only he masturbated with force and his warm cum shot onto my face, a stream, another, and another, I had to close my eyes because his juices got into them and I just started laughing because he wouldn't stop cumming on my face, more and more, until there was nothing left.
Pablo had covered my entire face with semen, even my hair, the water kept sticking and making a sticker, I couldn't open my eyes, and I felt very slutty for letting him do what he wanted to do.
When I finally recovered and washed my face with soap, I could see that Pablo was already doing something else, finishing up and looking like his usual boss self again, it bothered me a bit because I was still hot and wanted cock, but I could understand how things were.
That night I got even with my husband, only Andrés was there and I didn't hesitate to take the opportunity
There would be a before and after, every time Pablo looked at me, I remembered what had happened under the water, and if those looks were suggestive before, now they burned.
It had barely been a week, this time I was surprised because the door was closed, Marcelo searched for what his brother had found, surely Pablo had opened his mouth and Marcelo was a predator who smelled the blood of the prey with great ease.
When I saw him, I responded with the same slutty face he had responded to my brother and let him fill his view with my naked body while the soapy water ran over my skin.
He also undressed and I saw he had an enormous cock, it seemed like brothers were well-made in factory settings.
Marcelo chose another path, didn't talk much, only came to take his part, made me turn around and put my hands on the wall, make my ass point to his side, just got me all in one go, ripping a scream from me, because it was too big for me even.
He started taking me, more and more, and with each push he would bring me up onto my toes, killing me, although I didn't want to do it, my moans turned into contained screams.
My hands tried in vain to grasp the ceramics while he took me wildly, caused me a lot of pleasure pushing deep into my pussy, felt desires to fill me with cum, which wouldn't take long to happen, felt him explode inside me and it was an overwhelming feeling of joy.
When he had finished, like his brother didn't pay much attention to my person, it was obvious I was just 'holes to satisfy his pleasure' and he didn't bother at all, because in the end for me it was the same, only mattered my pleasure, feeling slutty and well-fucked, feeling desired, feeling irresistible, they were 'pigs with eyes', nothing more.
I remember when Marcelo left me alone, even my legs were still trembling and I sat on the floor under the warm water, masturbated like a teenager, putting my fingers deep into my sex, with the excitement of having his cum still hot inside me.
The days went by and I only had one goal, Joaquín, the youngest brother, who liked me most and couldn't seduce yet. well, that day was a bit complicated with work issues, I could play with the three brothers, it was noticeable how they looked at me, I knew they were stopping their cock and wanted to ram me against a wall, I laughed inside, it was my game and I liked playing it. Despite everything, hours passed, and daily problems kept my bosses busy, at some point, Joaquín came to me for some papers and like who doesn't want the thing, I threw them away. Andres isn't in town for a few days, abstinence has me bad, I have crazy desires... At the last hour, it seemed I was resigning myself, feeling that so many preparations and indirects would fall flat, my thong was soaked, my pussy was boiling from imagining situations that wouldn't happen, in the midst of desire and frustration, Joaquín called me to his office. I entered, he was sitting at his desk, but I couldn't close the door, Marcelo was behind me and did it for me, I couldn't see him and felt surprised. They left it clear what a slut I was, and told me they were going to give me my due. Joaquín asked me to come closer to his side, where he was sitting while Marcelo leaned against the strong oak door. I moved my hips, told him provocatively that I was hot and needed cock. The younger brother made me lean my breast against his desk, my ass towards his side, I felt him lift my skirt and move my thong aside, I shuddered when his fingers invaded my pussy, opening the way for what I finally wanted, his cock. He started to take me with force, deep, very deep, making me feel like 'the great man he was', my sight took me to the other end, to the door, where Marcelo watched what was happening, it was very hot, I hated his observer role, I liked them looking at me as I came and the cock I received from behind drove me crazy. I grasped some papers on the desk with force, I couldn't, I couldn't maintain visual contact with the middle brother, I just let myself go and enjoyed the orgasms that started arriving one after another.
I lost track of time and space, Joaquín put me in front of him and broke my mouth with a kiss, lifted me up in the air under my thighs, grabbed me with my arms around his neck and let me fall to penetrate me again, my God, it was enormous and hurt me deeply, I tried to avoid it but he kept taking advantage of my own weight, letting me fall and breaking me, screaming from pain, but a sweet pain that drove me crazy, begging him not to stop, that I desired him, that I loved his huge cock, that I was his slut and would do anything.
In the whirlwind of lust, I lost sight of Marcelo and it was his own brother who made me notice that he was waiting for me naked with his hard sex, semi-seated on the desk.
Joaquín took me to his side, I ended up facing him and understood the game, let me fall slowly so he could stick it in my ass, oh! It hurt, but it was double pleasure, one brother from the front, another from behind, trapped between those males, with their hands tracing my skin, my tits, alternating between them, delivered, exhausted, reminded me of my teenage years when I used to delight in doing these crazy things with the boys from the neighborhood.
It's just that double penetrations excited me a lot, being the center of the sandwich, feeling like they were filling me up and exactly, bending my own pleasure.
When they got tired of giving it to me on both sides, they let me go back to the floor, one cock in each hand, to masturbate and suck them, alternating between them, knowing that those men would soon cum in my mouth excited me too much and I wanted to touch my clitoris to keep having orgasms. Joaquín came first, he knew he wanted to see how it was done, but I was selfish, just wanted to suck him off and swallow all his juices, so I did, his bitterness invaded my throat and his warm nectar made me fill with pleasure. Then it was Marcelo, same story, only yes, already a bit more relaxed, I only opened my mouth for him to finish his work and they to satisfy their view, his semen slowly filling my tongue as I saw the pleasure in their eyes and little by little leaving them cum on my mouth and down my throat.
Things would change in the future, from secretary I became the slut of the Lewandoski brothers, everything seemed to be getting out of control, they would take me two at a time, sometimes we'd bathe together with all four of us and I'd pass from hand to hand, brother by brother, sometimes I'd just go from office to office, one after another, and at some point it was all too much.
Marcelo turned out to be the worst of the three, a sadistic lover of anal sex, he would only call me to give him a blow job and I couldn't get away from all that dope, I loved pleasing them, making them do with me what they wanted.
I'd come home destroyed, unable to handle the three of them, it hurt so much my pussy and had my ass so dilated that even gave me shame having sex with my own husband, no longer desired, just wanted to rest.
Things started unraveling, rumors, gossip, not being able to keep quiet, from one side to the other, the privileges of the secretary, the hours, it was a secret whispered around what was happening, everyone commented in the company and if nobody could prove it, everyone saw me as the slut of the place, everyone knew.
The rumors reached the ears of Pablo's wife, the eldest, she waited for me one afternoon and scolded me, making a scene that only hastened things.
Also, the rumors reached the ears of old Victor, who despite his years still maintained a certain control over the company, and his authoritarianism put respect to paternal authority first. He forced the situation with his three sons, scolding them like they were little.
The situation cost me my job to start with, and my marriage to Andrés to end, to be honest, my My relationship with him was a lie, it was just a convenient state that my father had once thought up so they wouldn't see his daughter as she always was, just another slut. Today has passed the time, I didn't know more about my bosses and lovers, especially Marcelo called me many times 'to have fun', but I already closed that stage of my life, we only chat occasionally, my ex rebuilt his life with a woman I knew was his mistress during our days of cohabitation, and I am what I always wanted to be, I gathered enough money and prefer to live alone, loving cocks on occasion, without attachments, without commitments. If you liked the story, you can write me at with title SECRETOS BAJO EL AGUA.
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