No dejes de pasar por mi mejor post
No te vas a arrepentir!
(PARTE 1 DE 2)
Todo se remonta a mi infancia, cuando mi madre me inscribió en una escuela de patinaje artístico en un modesto club de barrio.
Fue en esos años, cuando una deja de ser niña y empieza a querer ser mujer, nuevas compañeras, nuevas amistades, nuevas aventuras, cuando dejamos las muñecas y empezamos a ver a los chicos con otros ojos.
Entre todas, Morena se transformaría en mi mejor amiga, confidente, esas con las que compartes todos tus secretos, hasta los más íntimos, esos que no le cuentas a tu madre, ni al cura en confesión de domingo.
Una niña alegre, desinteresada, cómplice, una petisa muy bonita.
Ya entrada nuestra adolescencia, empezaron los noviazgos, mi primer beso, la pérdida de mi virginidad, mi primer amor, mi primer desengaño, mis primeros amores, mis primeras lágrimas. También descubriría que Morena había tomado otro camino, a ella le gustaban las chicas, se declaraba lesbiana, un secreto que no muchas sabíamos, en su familia nadie lo sospechaba, y era algo que a ella la avergonzaba sobremanera, pero confiaba en mi ese gusto por otras mujeres.
Una tarde como tantas, habíamos salido de compras de amigas, fuimos a un shopping y paramos en un bar un tanto apartado por un par de cafés y unas facturas.
Hablábamos cosas de mujeres, pero de pronto ella me hizo un juego tan viejo como la humanidad, y pequé de ingenua, empezó a pestañar fingiendo que algo se había metido en su ojo, y me pidió que la ayudara, que viera que tenía, me acerqué lo suficiente para estar a su alcance, solo para que ella se estirara de golpe y me diera un tremendo beso, juntando sus labios con los míos.
Me aparté espantada mirando el entorno, me puse roja de vergüenza, que diablos le pasaba, por qué había hecho eso? Fue cuando me confesó que se había enamorado de mí, fue de repente, de improviso, no sabía que decir, que hacer, como reaccionar, no estaba preparada para eso, ella se rio de mi cara, me dijo que solo la dejara amarme en silencio, así que solo le advertí, podía darle mi amistad, mi cariño, mi comprensión, pero no podía darle amor, lo mío eran los chicos, y me parecía sumamente cruel aventurarla a algo que jamás sucedería.
Y yo la dejé pasar la barrera de ese primer beso, lo confieso, nos enredamos en inocentes aventuras sexuales, me gustó jugar su juego, aunque siempre tuve claro que era solo eso, porque todo estaba claro, yo ponía sexo, pero ella ponía sexo y amor.
Mi placer no iba más lejos que eso, placer, y lo dejaba en claro cada vez que podía, nunca sentiría amor por Morena.
Pasaron algunos años más, ya tenía veinte, nuestros juegos lésbicos siguieron siendo un secreto guardado bajo siete llaves, fue cuando conocí Milton Vargas un chico mayor que yo, que en ese momento estaba recibiéndose de médico, el me impactó a primera vista, un tipo inteligente, de mente avispada, de proporciones justas, de cabellos oscuros y tez morena, donde resaltan dos ojazos cafés que me atraen como un faro atrae a un barco en medio de la noche.
De manos grandes y masculinas, de caminar cansino, con una colita respingada que no puedo evitar pasar por alto, de mirar penetrante y sonrisa peligrosa, ese tipo de hombre al que si le mantienes la mirada es probable que te enrede en su tela araña…
Me enamoré perdidamente de él, mi doctor, mi compañero, mi amante y… mi esposo.
Nos casamos un quince de abril, con una hermosa ceremonia rodeados de parientes, afectos, conocidos, donde no podía faltar Morena, mi mejor amiga, la cómplice de nuestro secreto, el mejor guardado, porque no pude contarle sobre eso a Milton, nunca lo supo, ni lo sabe, ni lo sabrá.
Pasaron algunos años más, y naturalmente los juegos con Morena habían terminado, ahora era una mujer casada y mi vida lógicamente había cambiado, seguimos siendo excelentes amigas, y nos mantuvimos en contacto, aunque mas no sea por un mail, porque cada una siguió su camino en la vida.
Llegados mis treinta, con mi vida amorosa en pleno auge y con la búsqueda de nuestro primer niño, y ya un tanto distanciada de Morena, solo se dio un encuentro…
Ella hacía más de un mes que con insistencia decía que tenía que hablar conmigo, algo importante, algo que no podía esperar, algo que en ese momento no le di mucha importancia, pero hacía rato que no nos veíamos, y dado que Milton viajaría a un congreso médico a Francia, pues quedamos en cenar a solas como en los viejos tiempos.
It was a Saturday the 15th of May, despite being in full autumn it was an unbearable heat, typical of summer, filled with humidity making the sensation on my skin unbearable.
I put on only a blue jean, with a white shirt, shoes of the same tone and my handbag full of all the typical things for women, my phone, car key, fine wine and the dessert I had prepared in the afternoon.
The brunette lived in a charming loft in the best area of the city, she lived alone and her salary was enough to give herself a life of luxury. Away from men, her homosexuality remained taboo, something she would never tell her family.
When I arrived, I rang the doorbell and felt her voice on the other side, allowing me entry, and I walked down the corridor balancing the bottle, dessert and my handbag.
I got into the elevator and in the silence of the place, while going up to her apartment, I only made memories, it had been more than two years since we last saw each other face to face, and we only spoke through WhatsApp, perhaps too much time for two intimate friends.
When she opened the door, she took me by surprise with an eternal and deep hug, kissed my cheek and her eyes got misty trying to hold back tears...
I'm a fool...
She sentenced while trying to prevent her mascara from running. I just observed her in silence, the little one, because brunette barely reached 1.5 meters tall, was standing on black boots up to her knee, with fine heels over 20 centimeters high, I don't know how she didn't kill herself standing there.
She had always been very flirtatious and her beautiful skin looked enviable bronzed, I continued observing in silence, a loose dress, just enough not to suffocate her but at the same time marking her forms, in a furious purple, her pointed nipples were too marked, leaving me guessing that she wasn't wearing a bra. without sleeves, held up by the shoulders with golden chains, she was wearing a choker on her neck with an enormous letter M, her face showed happiness, perfectly made-up, her dark brown hair was gathered in a huge horse's tail, and her ears were adorned with long golden earrings with purple stones, matching the dress.
My brunette friend was slender, had lost weight, it was evident, I supposed she was on some diet, but she looked better than I remembered.
The face of my friend was a toy store, and at that moment, while we were arranging the things she had brought, I perceived that she had other intentions, so I felt the need to tell her...
Hey! don't take it badly, but...
I couldn't find the words to say what I wanted to say without hurting her feelings, but she cut me off, finishing my sentence...
Hey! calm down... don't worry, we're friends, there are no traps at this meeting, I won't eat you, I swear!
When she said this, she raised her right hand, as if giving solemnity to her oath, made me laugh and both of us were laughing like fools.We sat down to dinner, I had prepared a sweet and sour chicken that was ready to be enjoyed, left my wine in the fridge, brought one of her own, said I was her guest and wanted to treat me, so we ate, drank, laughed, talked, remembered our adolescence, our craziness, that kiss she had stolen from me, our secret rollings, told her about my life as a wife, that I no longer took care of myself because I wanted to get pregnant with Milton, about his travels, his profession, she spoke of her work, her life, her loneliness, because she was always alone. And it was then that she looked at me with tears in her eyes...
I think I will always be alone... because I only have eyes for one woman...
At that moment a sepulchral silence covered the place, there were no more laughs or memories, I didn't know what to say and she wasn't stopping looking at me until she put her hand on mine to break the ice...
Well, well... shall we eat dessert?
I nodded my head without ignoring the fact that she had her eyes red from crying again...
We ate the frozen cream she had brought, made small talk, brunette brought a couple of coffees and lit a cigarette, damn vice, I hated how much she smoked, told her so but only smiled without responding, actually responded with another puff as if not giving importance to my complaint.
And well, obviously it was getting late, I had to go home, but we had to wash the dishes, I wouldn't let her do all the cleaning, we headed to the kitchen, she carried the dirty plates and cutlery, I followed behind with the glasses and other things...
It was when something unexpected would happen, something I couldn't imagine, I would discover the reason why brunette insisted on us talking alone...
We hadn't finished washing up yet, when suddenly my friend bent over as if someone had punched her in the stomach, letting out a contained cry of pain, the dirty dishes fell to the floor. breaking into thousands of pieces and barely able to hold on to the table to prevent her from also falling to the floor, almost dropping the things I was carrying I rushed to help her desperate
brunette, brunette!!! What's wrong? don't scare me!!!
You can write to me with the title 'brunette' at
No te vas a arrepentir!
(PARTE 1 DE 2)
Todo se remonta a mi infancia, cuando mi madre me inscribió en una escuela de patinaje artístico en un modesto club de barrio.
Fue en esos años, cuando una deja de ser niña y empieza a querer ser mujer, nuevas compañeras, nuevas amistades, nuevas aventuras, cuando dejamos las muñecas y empezamos a ver a los chicos con otros ojos.
Entre todas, Morena se transformaría en mi mejor amiga, confidente, esas con las que compartes todos tus secretos, hasta los más íntimos, esos que no le cuentas a tu madre, ni al cura en confesión de domingo.
Una niña alegre, desinteresada, cómplice, una petisa muy bonita.
Ya entrada nuestra adolescencia, empezaron los noviazgos, mi primer beso, la pérdida de mi virginidad, mi primer amor, mi primer desengaño, mis primeros amores, mis primeras lágrimas. También descubriría que Morena había tomado otro camino, a ella le gustaban las chicas, se declaraba lesbiana, un secreto que no muchas sabíamos, en su familia nadie lo sospechaba, y era algo que a ella la avergonzaba sobremanera, pero confiaba en mi ese gusto por otras mujeres.
Una tarde como tantas, habíamos salido de compras de amigas, fuimos a un shopping y paramos en un bar un tanto apartado por un par de cafés y unas facturas.
Hablábamos cosas de mujeres, pero de pronto ella me hizo un juego tan viejo como la humanidad, y pequé de ingenua, empezó a pestañar fingiendo que algo se había metido en su ojo, y me pidió que la ayudara, que viera que tenía, me acerqué lo suficiente para estar a su alcance, solo para que ella se estirara de golpe y me diera un tremendo beso, juntando sus labios con los míos.
Me aparté espantada mirando el entorno, me puse roja de vergüenza, que diablos le pasaba, por qué había hecho eso? Fue cuando me confesó que se había enamorado de mí, fue de repente, de improviso, no sabía que decir, que hacer, como reaccionar, no estaba preparada para eso, ella se rio de mi cara, me dijo que solo la dejara amarme en silencio, así que solo le advertí, podía darle mi amistad, mi cariño, mi comprensión, pero no podía darle amor, lo mío eran los chicos, y me parecía sumamente cruel aventurarla a algo que jamás sucedería.
Y yo la dejé pasar la barrera de ese primer beso, lo confieso, nos enredamos en inocentes aventuras sexuales, me gustó jugar su juego, aunque siempre tuve claro que era solo eso, porque todo estaba claro, yo ponía sexo, pero ella ponía sexo y amor.
Mi placer no iba más lejos que eso, placer, y lo dejaba en claro cada vez que podía, nunca sentiría amor por Morena.
Pasaron algunos años más, ya tenía veinte, nuestros juegos lésbicos siguieron siendo un secreto guardado bajo siete llaves, fue cuando conocí Milton Vargas un chico mayor que yo, que en ese momento estaba recibiéndose de médico, el me impactó a primera vista, un tipo inteligente, de mente avispada, de proporciones justas, de cabellos oscuros y tez morena, donde resaltan dos ojazos cafés que me atraen como un faro atrae a un barco en medio de la noche.
De manos grandes y masculinas, de caminar cansino, con una colita respingada que no puedo evitar pasar por alto, de mirar penetrante y sonrisa peligrosa, ese tipo de hombre al que si le mantienes la mirada es probable que te enrede en su tela araña…
Me enamoré perdidamente de él, mi doctor, mi compañero, mi amante y… mi esposo.
Nos casamos un quince de abril, con una hermosa ceremonia rodeados de parientes, afectos, conocidos, donde no podía faltar Morena, mi mejor amiga, la cómplice de nuestro secreto, el mejor guardado, porque no pude contarle sobre eso a Milton, nunca lo supo, ni lo sabe, ni lo sabrá.
Pasaron algunos años más, y naturalmente los juegos con Morena habían terminado, ahora era una mujer casada y mi vida lógicamente había cambiado, seguimos siendo excelentes amigas, y nos mantuvimos en contacto, aunque mas no sea por un mail, porque cada una siguió su camino en la vida.
Llegados mis treinta, con mi vida amorosa en pleno auge y con la búsqueda de nuestro primer niño, y ya un tanto distanciada de Morena, solo se dio un encuentro…
Ella hacía más de un mes que con insistencia decía que tenía que hablar conmigo, algo importante, algo que no podía esperar, algo que en ese momento no le di mucha importancia, pero hacía rato que no nos veíamos, y dado que Milton viajaría a un congreso médico a Francia, pues quedamos en cenar a solas como en los viejos tiempos.
It was a Saturday the 15th of May, despite being in full autumn it was an unbearable heat, typical of summer, filled with humidity making the sensation on my skin unbearable.
I put on only a blue jean, with a white shirt, shoes of the same tone and my handbag full of all the typical things for women, my phone, car key, fine wine and the dessert I had prepared in the afternoon.
The brunette lived in a charming loft in the best area of the city, she lived alone and her salary was enough to give herself a life of luxury. Away from men, her homosexuality remained taboo, something she would never tell her family.
When I arrived, I rang the doorbell and felt her voice on the other side, allowing me entry, and I walked down the corridor balancing the bottle, dessert and my handbag.
I got into the elevator and in the silence of the place, while going up to her apartment, I only made memories, it had been more than two years since we last saw each other face to face, and we only spoke through WhatsApp, perhaps too much time for two intimate friends.
When she opened the door, she took me by surprise with an eternal and deep hug, kissed my cheek and her eyes got misty trying to hold back tears...
I'm a fool...
She sentenced while trying to prevent her mascara from running. I just observed her in silence, the little one, because brunette barely reached 1.5 meters tall, was standing on black boots up to her knee, with fine heels over 20 centimeters high, I don't know how she didn't kill herself standing there.
She had always been very flirtatious and her beautiful skin looked enviable bronzed, I continued observing in silence, a loose dress, just enough not to suffocate her but at the same time marking her forms, in a furious purple, her pointed nipples were too marked, leaving me guessing that she wasn't wearing a bra. without sleeves, held up by the shoulders with golden chains, she was wearing a choker on her neck with an enormous letter M, her face showed happiness, perfectly made-up, her dark brown hair was gathered in a huge horse's tail, and her ears were adorned with long golden earrings with purple stones, matching the dress.
My brunette friend was slender, had lost weight, it was evident, I supposed she was on some diet, but she looked better than I remembered.
The face of my friend was a toy store, and at that moment, while we were arranging the things she had brought, I perceived that she had other intentions, so I felt the need to tell her...
Hey! don't take it badly, but...
I couldn't find the words to say what I wanted to say without hurting her feelings, but she cut me off, finishing my sentence...
Hey! calm down... don't worry, we're friends, there are no traps at this meeting, I won't eat you, I swear!
When she said this, she raised her right hand, as if giving solemnity to her oath, made me laugh and both of us were laughing like fools.We sat down to dinner, I had prepared a sweet and sour chicken that was ready to be enjoyed, left my wine in the fridge, brought one of her own, said I was her guest and wanted to treat me, so we ate, drank, laughed, talked, remembered our adolescence, our craziness, that kiss she had stolen from me, our secret rollings, told her about my life as a wife, that I no longer took care of myself because I wanted to get pregnant with Milton, about his travels, his profession, she spoke of her work, her life, her loneliness, because she was always alone. And it was then that she looked at me with tears in her eyes...
I think I will always be alone... because I only have eyes for one woman...
At that moment a sepulchral silence covered the place, there were no more laughs or memories, I didn't know what to say and she wasn't stopping looking at me until she put her hand on mine to break the ice...
Well, well... shall we eat dessert?
I nodded my head without ignoring the fact that she had her eyes red from crying again...
We ate the frozen cream she had brought, made small talk, brunette brought a couple of coffees and lit a cigarette, damn vice, I hated how much she smoked, told her so but only smiled without responding, actually responded with another puff as if not giving importance to my complaint.
And well, obviously it was getting late, I had to go home, but we had to wash the dishes, I wouldn't let her do all the cleaning, we headed to the kitchen, she carried the dirty plates and cutlery, I followed behind with the glasses and other things...
It was when something unexpected would happen, something I couldn't imagine, I would discover the reason why brunette insisted on us talking alone...
We hadn't finished washing up yet, when suddenly my friend bent over as if someone had punched her in the stomach, letting out a contained cry of pain, the dirty dishes fell to the floor. breaking into thousands of pieces and barely able to hold on to the table to prevent her from also falling to the floor, almost dropping the things I was carrying I rushed to help her desperate
brunette, brunette!!! What's wrong? don't scare me!!!
You can write to me with the title 'brunette' at
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