No dejes de pasar por mi mejor post
No te vas a arrepentir!
Mi error fue tratar de cambiarla, estaba seguro que podría hacerlo, pero me equivoqué…
Había conocido a Tiffany en un burdel de poca monta, ella hacía un show de strep, bailaba en el caño sensualmente, siempre se llevaba todos los aplausos y demasiados billetes que juntaba solo por desnudarse. Después, bueno, algunos clientes podían llevarla a la cama por dinero.
Así la conocí, así tuvimos nuestro primer encuentro sexual que pagué con gusto.
Era cliente de ese lugar, solía ir al menos una vez al mes, para dejar mis tensiones de lado, recuerdo que la primera vez que la vi me impactó con su figura, con su forma de bailar.
Después de probar la droga de su sexo tuve la necesidad de volver al lugar, con más frecuencia, esperando su número, cada vez más pendiente, sin darme cuenta me enamoré de ella como un tonto, sabía que no iba por buen camino, pero no podía evitarlo…
Tiffany era una muñeca teñida a rubio casi blanco, con un corte desprolijo apenas pasando sus orejas, con unos sensuales ojos color miel y una boca pecaminosa, de un cuerpo espectacular, de pechos enormes y perfectos que al tacto pude comprobar que eran naturales, de exageradas caderas y largas piernas, su andar era intimidante, el movimiento de su cuerpo, sus poses eróticas, su sexo desnudo, los hombres aullaban cuando estaba en el escenario, era única…
Me enamoré de ella, completa, no le hubiera cambiado nada, ni sus brazos tatuados, ni esos ganchos colgando en sus pezones, ni ese piercing que lucía en su clítoris, ni su intimidad depilada, ni su look salvaje, nada, nada de nada…
Y si les cuento lo que era en la cama necesitaría un relato exclusivo para entrar en detalles…
Poco a poco mis pagas por sexo habían cambiado a pagas por charlas, creo que ella se acostumbró a mí, pero nunca se enamoró. Quise arrancarla de ese antro, de hecho lo hice, pero ella siempre me advertía que no iba a funcionar, que tarde ó temprano me iba a lastimar, que no era mujer para vivir en cautiverio, que no me sería fiel, y no sé cuantos ‘peros’ mas´…
Pero como buen capricorniano, duro como una cabra agache la cabeza y seguí hacia adelante, hasta conseguir lo que quería.
Evelyn era su verdadero nombre, a mi gusto mucho más bonito que el seudónimo que usaba, al tiempo hicimos un viaje para olvidar su pasado y establecernos en mi casa, en la verde pradera.
Aunque aparentaba mucho menos, ella rondaba los treinta en ese entonces, y la verdad es que yo le llevaba bastantes años. Esta situación se hacía un tanto molesta porque muchas veces pensaban que éramos padre e hija, como que me sacaba de quicio. Además su figura, su forma de ser, su sensualidad atraía a los hombres como la miel a las abejas, me obstinaba en apartarlos de su camino y más de una vez estuve a punto de agarrarme a golpes de puños con algún desconocido que trataba de cruzar la raya. Lo que no me daba cuenta es que no era culpa de él, ni mía, era culpa de ella…
Sus salidas a solas eran pronunciadas, sus charlas telefónicas con extraños se hacían rutinarias, sabía que me engañaba, siempre me lo había advertido, solo que yo no quería ver la realidad…
Una tarde tendría la primera prueba en vivo y en directo, tocaron la puerta y al otro lado estaba el señor Pereyra, un viejo conocido mío al que le debía una importante suma de dinero, la cual había convenido saldar en cuotas mensuales.
La realidad es que yo me estaba atrasando con el pago por el tonto hecho de priorizar otros gastos superfluos, empezó la discusión cuando Pereyra descubrió que no iba a llevarse un centavo de mi parte ese día, el ambiente fue tomando temperatura y fue subiendo el tono de la disputa al punto de llamar la atención de Evelyn que se acercó a escuchar lo que sucedía
Well, if you let me, I can collaborate... What are you referring to? – the third one inquired –
Good... I could do something in exchange... a favor... if that would help us forget this month...
She was looking at me, waiting for my approval or rejection, initially I opposed fiercely but Pereyra didn't take his eyes off her, I didn't find many arguments to refuse, probably that would be my sin, allowing him to cross that line, letting him think I would share it, giving him the idea she had a freedom I hadn't signed.
Pereyra slowly unbuttoned his pants, Evelyn took one of the cushions on the armchair to put at her feet, finally, in front of my resigned gaze, she knelt down, putting her hands on the hips of the turncoat's suit.
The last thing I remember was Pereyra's face of pleasure, my wife's blonde hair with that suggestive movement of in and out, and the sounds of forced breathing while doing what she was doing.
I went to the kitchen, made myself a bitter coffee, and just waited with my gaze fixed on the clock on the wall.
Ready! debt paid...
It was her words when she came to my side, I asked her to adjust a bit since her lipstick was smeared and some dry semen was stuck at the corner of her mouth.
I assume things worked better for a while than I thought, that blowjob that had stuck was like pouring gasoline on the fire...
Time later, I would be surprised again, she told me she'd go out to dinner with her old friends, I had asked her to take care and not go back to those escapades, I knew her too well.
Late at night, I ate alone and then went up to the top floor, to the bedroom to watch a movie in bed, but as always happened, I fell asleep to my dreams...
Some noises suddenly startled me, I thought some thief had entered, I sat up quietly, the noises I heard told me that my Whoever seemed to moan was my beloved, it would have been a small surprise when I peeked in, at mid-staircase, an unknown person was with Evelyn, he, from his position, couldn't see me, she was facing away from the wall, with her legs open and her feet resting on the railing that limited the staircase, he was holding her by the thighs, taking her without mercy, they were dressed, their high heels, nylon stockings, raised skirt, semi-covered breasts, this excited me, the unusual situation was that I couldn't hold back and masturbated watching them, Evelyn noticed my presence and her eyes fixed on my face while the other took her, her moans became stronger, only to provoke me...
When they finished and dismissed their occasional lover, she came into the room, next to me, she put my hand on her underwear, it was wet, sticky, and full of semen, I went crazy, we made love like never before...
That was our situation, a bit crazy, I wanted her to stop being unfaithful, but at the same time I liked her way of being, I noticed that every time she surprised me in these attitudes, passion returned to our bed.
I remember Sunday, August 12th, it had been my mother-in-law's birthday, after lunch we went back home and were going to have sex, we were in the previous moments when they called me urgently from the clinic, a patient was about to give birth and needed my presence, my damn profession didn't have days or hours, so I had to leave her alone, and I knew she was very hot...
The situation complicated, and what seemed like a normal delivery turned into a cesarean, I called Evelyn to tell her not to wait for me, that I would be late.
On my return, the first thing that caught my attention was seeing a luxurious car at my house door, the snow accumulated on the body made me think it had been there for some time, I started suspecting, I entered as usual, but when I opened the door my eyes received an impactful image... I'm frozen and stunned, next to the fireplace, on the carpet is my wife with two guys, she's screaming, laughing, and crying at the same time, she's in the middle like a sandwich, I notice that the two men are behind her, sticking it to her holes.
I leave the key on the table, try not to disturb them, they don't even notice my presence, it's as if I'm a ghost, I go upstairs and throw myself onto the bed.
I hear her screams from the room, this time they're not funny, I just feel anger, more seconds pass and I get angrier.
Suddenly silence, everything ends, I hear the car engine start up, I look out the window and see it disappear into the night.
Minutes later Evelyn enters the room, in a purple mini-skirt so short that it looks like a slutty gift, she stumbles from her drunkenness, laughs, and tries to get closer to the bed, falls onto me, exhausted, just wants to sleep, I'm furious, the smell of alcohol is unbearable, I sit up and practically force her to get on all fours, she protests, incoherent, lost, I lift that skirt to observe, her anus is open like a spring flower, inflamed, dripping cum that mixes with another load from her pussy...
I pull out my hard cock and bury it in her ass until the end, she tries to wriggle free, but I won't let her, I hate her...
As I'm giving it to her to release my anger, she tries to avoid it, saying it hurts, that's enough, no... right in the middle of her protests, she says: No Peter, no... my husband is going to arrive at any moment...
I'm not Peter, nor do I know who Peter is, obviously, I didn't know who was getting screwed...
I left all my cum on what they had already left there, barely pulled out and she threw herself forward to start snoring peacefully, her naked ass exhausted from sex...
The next day we had a chat, I tried to reorganize many things, but I knew that her promised corrections would be just... Lies about lies...
I recognized that I had changed my attitude towards her, but I didn't believe anything anymore...
Two months later, the fact of her apparent change was revealing itself to me, I was paying attention to her movements and every now and then rummaging through her things looking for some sign, something unusual, something turbid, perhaps I had grown accustomed to that slut and perhaps I no longer wanted a saint by my side.
But Evelyn wouldn't change, I knew it when I found that pendrive among her things, I rushed to the computer to see what was on it, obviously I found many photos of her naked and some recent videos, I took one at random...
I don't know where it was or who was filming, there was only a short shot of her face sucking cocks, too many cocks. Evelyn was surrounded by strangers and always had one or two dildos in her mouth, they treated her like a slut and she liked it, the curious thing is that I was masturbating while watching what I saw.
At the end, I notice someone putting something in her mouth, like clips binding both palates, I see it's a device that opens when you turn a handle, like a mechanical slut, which causes her to open her mouth and not be able to close it, trapping her jaws, she looks somewhat uncomfortable, barely able to move her tongue...
Someone inserts a cock into her mouth, starts unloading his cum in her, Evelyn looks complicated, as if she can't breathe, swallows with difficulty, and so they seem to torture her, more cocks arrive in her mouth, one, another, another, her tongue gets lost among abundant white liquid filling her, I count fifteen finished in her mouth, I can't believe it, I go back to watching the video, confirming amazed how my wife swallows all that amount of cum, she has no alternative, she looks suffocated, almost asphyxiated, some hands hold her head so she can't spit it out, only option, swallow it, swallow it until the last drop...
I'm covering the whole floor in mess... there's no cure for this illness... With Evelyn, I remembered the night I met her, when she was Tiffany, and I really tried to find in each girl at the place a new Tiffany, but none were like her. I was a foolish lover who only found refuge in that woman.
After a few hours, I left the place to go to an old tavern, a dark place, to get drunk to the rhythm of a guitar crying out the chords of a sad blues...
I'm finishing up the story, writing this in my notebook under a palm tree on the beach with the sound of the sea. We're taking some days off. Evelyn captures all the gazes, I don't tire of gazing at her. She's wearing a silver dental floss swimsuit, I told her that as soon as she bent over you could see the huge brown ring on her ass escaping from the string in the middle, it didn't bother her, she just shrugged like resigned.
A while ago she went to the sea, when she came back to my side the wet mesh fabric clung to her body so much I could feel the piercing drawn on her clitoris and the rings on her nipples. She told me she was going for a walk for a bit.
I saw her walking away, shaking her almost naked body, her bronzed skin adorned with thousands of salty water droplets. It's been an hour since she left, I don't know where she is or what she's doing, but I can imagine...
If you enjoyed the story and are over 18, you can write me at with the title 'EVELYN'
No te vas a arrepentir!
Mi error fue tratar de cambiarla, estaba seguro que podría hacerlo, pero me equivoqué…
Había conocido a Tiffany en un burdel de poca monta, ella hacía un show de strep, bailaba en el caño sensualmente, siempre se llevaba todos los aplausos y demasiados billetes que juntaba solo por desnudarse. Después, bueno, algunos clientes podían llevarla a la cama por dinero.
Así la conocí, así tuvimos nuestro primer encuentro sexual que pagué con gusto.
Era cliente de ese lugar, solía ir al menos una vez al mes, para dejar mis tensiones de lado, recuerdo que la primera vez que la vi me impactó con su figura, con su forma de bailar.
Después de probar la droga de su sexo tuve la necesidad de volver al lugar, con más frecuencia, esperando su número, cada vez más pendiente, sin darme cuenta me enamoré de ella como un tonto, sabía que no iba por buen camino, pero no podía evitarlo…
Tiffany era una muñeca teñida a rubio casi blanco, con un corte desprolijo apenas pasando sus orejas, con unos sensuales ojos color miel y una boca pecaminosa, de un cuerpo espectacular, de pechos enormes y perfectos que al tacto pude comprobar que eran naturales, de exageradas caderas y largas piernas, su andar era intimidante, el movimiento de su cuerpo, sus poses eróticas, su sexo desnudo, los hombres aullaban cuando estaba en el escenario, era única…
Me enamoré de ella, completa, no le hubiera cambiado nada, ni sus brazos tatuados, ni esos ganchos colgando en sus pezones, ni ese piercing que lucía en su clítoris, ni su intimidad depilada, ni su look salvaje, nada, nada de nada…
Y si les cuento lo que era en la cama necesitaría un relato exclusivo para entrar en detalles…
Poco a poco mis pagas por sexo habían cambiado a pagas por charlas, creo que ella se acostumbró a mí, pero nunca se enamoró. Quise arrancarla de ese antro, de hecho lo hice, pero ella siempre me advertía que no iba a funcionar, que tarde ó temprano me iba a lastimar, que no era mujer para vivir en cautiverio, que no me sería fiel, y no sé cuantos ‘peros’ mas´…
Pero como buen capricorniano, duro como una cabra agache la cabeza y seguí hacia adelante, hasta conseguir lo que quería.
Evelyn era su verdadero nombre, a mi gusto mucho más bonito que el seudónimo que usaba, al tiempo hicimos un viaje para olvidar su pasado y establecernos en mi casa, en la verde pradera.
Aunque aparentaba mucho menos, ella rondaba los treinta en ese entonces, y la verdad es que yo le llevaba bastantes años. Esta situación se hacía un tanto molesta porque muchas veces pensaban que éramos padre e hija, como que me sacaba de quicio. Además su figura, su forma de ser, su sensualidad atraía a los hombres como la miel a las abejas, me obstinaba en apartarlos de su camino y más de una vez estuve a punto de agarrarme a golpes de puños con algún desconocido que trataba de cruzar la raya. Lo que no me daba cuenta es que no era culpa de él, ni mía, era culpa de ella…
Sus salidas a solas eran pronunciadas, sus charlas telefónicas con extraños se hacían rutinarias, sabía que me engañaba, siempre me lo había advertido, solo que yo no quería ver la realidad…
Una tarde tendría la primera prueba en vivo y en directo, tocaron la puerta y al otro lado estaba el señor Pereyra, un viejo conocido mío al que le debía una importante suma de dinero, la cual había convenido saldar en cuotas mensuales.
La realidad es que yo me estaba atrasando con el pago por el tonto hecho de priorizar otros gastos superfluos, empezó la discusión cuando Pereyra descubrió que no iba a llevarse un centavo de mi parte ese día, el ambiente fue tomando temperatura y fue subiendo el tono de la disputa al punto de llamar la atención de Evelyn que se acercó a escuchar lo que sucedía
Well, if you let me, I can collaborate... What are you referring to? – the third one inquired –
Good... I could do something in exchange... a favor... if that would help us forget this month...
She was looking at me, waiting for my approval or rejection, initially I opposed fiercely but Pereyra didn't take his eyes off her, I didn't find many arguments to refuse, probably that would be my sin, allowing him to cross that line, letting him think I would share it, giving him the idea she had a freedom I hadn't signed.
Pereyra slowly unbuttoned his pants, Evelyn took one of the cushions on the armchair to put at her feet, finally, in front of my resigned gaze, she knelt down, putting her hands on the hips of the turncoat's suit.
The last thing I remember was Pereyra's face of pleasure, my wife's blonde hair with that suggestive movement of in and out, and the sounds of forced breathing while doing what she was doing.
I went to the kitchen, made myself a bitter coffee, and just waited with my gaze fixed on the clock on the wall.
Ready! debt paid...
It was her words when she came to my side, I asked her to adjust a bit since her lipstick was smeared and some dry semen was stuck at the corner of her mouth.
I assume things worked better for a while than I thought, that blowjob that had stuck was like pouring gasoline on the fire...
Time later, I would be surprised again, she told me she'd go out to dinner with her old friends, I had asked her to take care and not go back to those escapades, I knew her too well.
Late at night, I ate alone and then went up to the top floor, to the bedroom to watch a movie in bed, but as always happened, I fell asleep to my dreams...
Some noises suddenly startled me, I thought some thief had entered, I sat up quietly, the noises I heard told me that my Whoever seemed to moan was my beloved, it would have been a small surprise when I peeked in, at mid-staircase, an unknown person was with Evelyn, he, from his position, couldn't see me, she was facing away from the wall, with her legs open and her feet resting on the railing that limited the staircase, he was holding her by the thighs, taking her without mercy, they were dressed, their high heels, nylon stockings, raised skirt, semi-covered breasts, this excited me, the unusual situation was that I couldn't hold back and masturbated watching them, Evelyn noticed my presence and her eyes fixed on my face while the other took her, her moans became stronger, only to provoke me...
When they finished and dismissed their occasional lover, she came into the room, next to me, she put my hand on her underwear, it was wet, sticky, and full of semen, I went crazy, we made love like never before...
That was our situation, a bit crazy, I wanted her to stop being unfaithful, but at the same time I liked her way of being, I noticed that every time she surprised me in these attitudes, passion returned to our bed.
I remember Sunday, August 12th, it had been my mother-in-law's birthday, after lunch we went back home and were going to have sex, we were in the previous moments when they called me urgently from the clinic, a patient was about to give birth and needed my presence, my damn profession didn't have days or hours, so I had to leave her alone, and I knew she was very hot...
The situation complicated, and what seemed like a normal delivery turned into a cesarean, I called Evelyn to tell her not to wait for me, that I would be late.
On my return, the first thing that caught my attention was seeing a luxurious car at my house door, the snow accumulated on the body made me think it had been there for some time, I started suspecting, I entered as usual, but when I opened the door my eyes received an impactful image... I'm frozen and stunned, next to the fireplace, on the carpet is my wife with two guys, she's screaming, laughing, and crying at the same time, she's in the middle like a sandwich, I notice that the two men are behind her, sticking it to her holes.
I leave the key on the table, try not to disturb them, they don't even notice my presence, it's as if I'm a ghost, I go upstairs and throw myself onto the bed.
I hear her screams from the room, this time they're not funny, I just feel anger, more seconds pass and I get angrier.
Suddenly silence, everything ends, I hear the car engine start up, I look out the window and see it disappear into the night.
Minutes later Evelyn enters the room, in a purple mini-skirt so short that it looks like a slutty gift, she stumbles from her drunkenness, laughs, and tries to get closer to the bed, falls onto me, exhausted, just wants to sleep, I'm furious, the smell of alcohol is unbearable, I sit up and practically force her to get on all fours, she protests, incoherent, lost, I lift that skirt to observe, her anus is open like a spring flower, inflamed, dripping cum that mixes with another load from her pussy...
I pull out my hard cock and bury it in her ass until the end, she tries to wriggle free, but I won't let her, I hate her...
As I'm giving it to her to release my anger, she tries to avoid it, saying it hurts, that's enough, no... right in the middle of her protests, she says: No Peter, no... my husband is going to arrive at any moment...
I'm not Peter, nor do I know who Peter is, obviously, I didn't know who was getting screwed...
I left all my cum on what they had already left there, barely pulled out and she threw herself forward to start snoring peacefully, her naked ass exhausted from sex...
The next day we had a chat, I tried to reorganize many things, but I knew that her promised corrections would be just... Lies about lies...
I recognized that I had changed my attitude towards her, but I didn't believe anything anymore...
Two months later, the fact of her apparent change was revealing itself to me, I was paying attention to her movements and every now and then rummaging through her things looking for some sign, something unusual, something turbid, perhaps I had grown accustomed to that slut and perhaps I no longer wanted a saint by my side.
But Evelyn wouldn't change, I knew it when I found that pendrive among her things, I rushed to the computer to see what was on it, obviously I found many photos of her naked and some recent videos, I took one at random...
I don't know where it was or who was filming, there was only a short shot of her face sucking cocks, too many cocks. Evelyn was surrounded by strangers and always had one or two dildos in her mouth, they treated her like a slut and she liked it, the curious thing is that I was masturbating while watching what I saw.
At the end, I notice someone putting something in her mouth, like clips binding both palates, I see it's a device that opens when you turn a handle, like a mechanical slut, which causes her to open her mouth and not be able to close it, trapping her jaws, she looks somewhat uncomfortable, barely able to move her tongue...
Someone inserts a cock into her mouth, starts unloading his cum in her, Evelyn looks complicated, as if she can't breathe, swallows with difficulty, and so they seem to torture her, more cocks arrive in her mouth, one, another, another, her tongue gets lost among abundant white liquid filling her, I count fifteen finished in her mouth, I can't believe it, I go back to watching the video, confirming amazed how my wife swallows all that amount of cum, she has no alternative, she looks suffocated, almost asphyxiated, some hands hold her head so she can't spit it out, only option, swallow it, swallow it until the last drop...
I'm covering the whole floor in mess... there's no cure for this illness... With Evelyn, I remembered the night I met her, when she was Tiffany, and I really tried to find in each girl at the place a new Tiffany, but none were like her. I was a foolish lover who only found refuge in that woman.
After a few hours, I left the place to go to an old tavern, a dark place, to get drunk to the rhythm of a guitar crying out the chords of a sad blues...
I'm finishing up the story, writing this in my notebook under a palm tree on the beach with the sound of the sea. We're taking some days off. Evelyn captures all the gazes, I don't tire of gazing at her. She's wearing a silver dental floss swimsuit, I told her that as soon as she bent over you could see the huge brown ring on her ass escaping from the string in the middle, it didn't bother her, she just shrugged like resigned.
A while ago she went to the sea, when she came back to my side the wet mesh fabric clung to her body so much I could feel the piercing drawn on her clitoris and the rings on her nipples. She told me she was going for a walk for a bit.
I saw her walking away, shaking her almost naked body, her bronzed skin adorned with thousands of salty water droplets. It's been an hour since she left, I don't know where she is or what she's doing, but I can imagine...
If you enjoyed the story and are over 18, you can write me at with the title 'EVELYN'
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