Clarisa 1

            Clarisa.First Part.

Ahaha... Clarisa!!... Clarisa!! I've arrived!... Where are you?
Oh boy, my sister is... sure she's asleep.

I'm going upstairs to the top floor, the flat is a duplex, her room is messy, but I don't see her. She'll be in the bathroom, for sure.
The bathroom door is closed, I knock with my knuckles and there's no response. Must have fallen asleep. I knock harder... Still getting no response. This is worrying me. I'm pounding with force. Silence. No doubt about it... I step back, take the handle and slam my shoulder against the bathroom door. The lock flies off in pieces...
Clarisa is in the bathroom, fainted, red water, a light thread of blood sliding from her wrist. A cutter on the bathroom floor.

A shiver runs down my back.

– Clarissa, sweetheart, talk to me, say something! Please... don't die... You not!

With a tourniquet to prevent it from bleeding further... I take her out, as best I can, fuck you another towel, I cover her body with it, while trying to dry her off, I carry her in my arms to her bedroom, leave her on the bed and check, at the carotid artery, that her heart is still beating, although very weakly...I observe some bruises on her face.
I'm running after my mobile, I call 112 and explain the situation...
Only about 15 minutes after they ring the doorbell to my floor, I go down to open it, two orderlies come up with a suitcase and a stretcher... Everything happened very quickly. My sister still hasn't regained consciousness. After some tests, they ask me if I know her blood group.

—Yes, we're brothers, we're both O Rh negative!

Put yourself on standby, we're going to perform a blood transfusion on your sister.
After making the preparations they supply me with my own blood, hold me down on the stretcher and take us to the ambulance connected by catheters.
I accompany her in the vehicle to the hospital's emergency room where they stitched up her arm wound; after relevant blood transfusion and various tests, they transferred her to a room.

I would let myself star with her, waiting for her to regain consciousness.

A knot was choking my throat. I remembered...

Three years ago we went through a traumatic situation. We lost our parents in a traffic accident. The drunk driver who ran a red light was, unfortunately, a classic case. Clarisa was fourteen, I was eighteen. Because of my majority age, I could take care of her and we were allowed to keep living together.
Since then I have dedicated myself to her with devotion. Taking care of her, trying to make her forget the misfortune as much as possible, so she would forget the tragedy... We had managed to overcome the trauma... And now this... I don't understand, yesterday I was happy. At 18 years old, I was celebrating having passed the course with excellent grades. She wants to study computer science, just like me.
Caressed his man between mine, so soft, so delicate... what could have dragged her to commit that atrocity? If we had already overcome the painful loss of our ancestors...

A nurse entered and broke the thread of my thoughts; she told me to go out into the corridor. A doctor wanted to talk to me. She was holding a folder in her hand.

Is that his brother? — He asked with a firm voice.

Yes, we lived alone, our parents died in a traffic accident a few years ago and I took care of her. I can't explain why she did this.
I couldn't take it anymore and burst into tears...
Calm down, it's already passed, she's out of danger and may be able to give you some indication of what happened... Her sister was brutally attacked... She presents hematomas and lesions in different parts of her body, especially on the breasts, buttocks, thighs, back... anus and vagina; besides those that can be observed on her face. I cannot ensure if it was with her consent or not. Only she will be able to clarify. But you must be very patient. Maybe this is the reason for the suicide attempt; almost certainly she has been violated and that has triggered... In short; we have performed a test to determine that she has not been infected with HIV and has been negative in all modes, so she should repeat it within two weeks and three months later. Additionally, we need your authorization to administer her the morning-after pill to avoid unwanted pregnancies. Apart from this, I have the duty to inform the authorities...

What the doctor told me left me frozen. When I took her out of the bathtub, I didn't notice her body, I hadn't seen her naked since I was five or six years old and it embarrassed me to have her in my arms like that. I covered her with a bath towel, then called for emergency services and quickly wrapped her in a sheet. That's how she was when the paramedics arrived.

I entered the room again, sat down beside her and squeezed her hand between mine. And I cried... Much... With my head bowed, I couldn't see that she was opening her eyes. Only when she slipped out of my hands and stroked my hair did I become aware that I had woken up. We looked at each other, I leaned in to kiss her forehead and slid two tears down her cheeks. She had her right arm immobilized with an IV in her vein, but with her left hand she was drawing me towards her. We both cried, embracing with her free hand, I didn't want to hurt her and only caressed her ear and kissed her.

Forgive me, Carlos. It's been horrible; I couldn't take it and that's why... Oh my God! What have I done...?!

---Calm down, sweetie, you'll be fine and we'll keep going forward together, just like always... I love you, at your side, just like always... But don't give me those scares again... Do you want to leave me alone? You know that I love you more than anything in the world and if you leave me...I'll follow you...

–No, please Carlos! I swear I won't do it again. I didn't think about the harm I was causing you, I only thought about my pain.

They've told me that the police are going to come and take your statement about what happened to you.

NO! Please, Carlos, no! I don't want to remember anything! I want to forget!

Have you been raped? Who was it? I asked.

Can't you see?! I'll denounce them, even if they lock them up in jail, they'll end up getting out and coming after us. I can't prove anything and they have their parents and friends who will cover for them and nothing bad will happen to them and I'll have to see them every day at school... I don't want you to get hurt. It doesn't matter to me anymore. It would have been better if you had let me die... She broke down crying with an anxiety that barely allowed her to breathe.

At that moment, reflected in one of the devices, a movement caught my attention behind me. I turned around. A woman, in her early thirties, standing at the door, was looking at us and nodding her head.

He stepped ahead, got up on his feet, in front of her and held out his hand.

—Hello, my name is Lara, I'm the police officer in charge of taking a statement from your... sister?

—Yes, she's my sister and she must have found out why she tried to commit suicide.

Yes, being taken advantage of is more frequent than it seems. Clarissa, do you not call yourself? Why don't you tell me what they've done to you? — Addressing my sister.

What's the point of it? I've seen on the news what happens to women who report violations. In the end, they're left like whores and the rapists are free, laughing at them and their families. No, I'm not going to report! Others have done it before and nothing happened... Leave me alone!

He turned around, giving us his back and refusing to keep talking. The female police officer made me sign out so I could leave... Already in the hallway.

Look, I understand that now the aggression is recent and she refuses to talk. But, as he says, there have been some problems of this type at that institute. Unfortunately we are tied up hands and feet. Without denunciations, without proof, we can't do anything. Just like her sister says, there was a complaint last year. However the accused presented witnesses that made the accusation unviable. Besides, they're old dogs. They rarely leave tracks, DNA, nothing. And if besides, like Clarisa's case, they wash themselves, take a bath, shower... Eliminate possible evidence that could incriminate them. On the other hand, as a woman, I understand the need to wash oneself to counteract the disgust caused by the aggression they have suffered.

I understand but I must respect my sister's will... We won't file a complaint... For now. Later on, if she considers it opportune... We'll see what we do.

What's the big deal about reporting it? — Asked inquisitively.

I don't think I'll have problems saying that, after the loss of our parents, depression led me to sink into sadness, trying to find the solution by ending my life.

And the injuries? How do I explain them?

Since how can they explain, she fell down the stairs, sadness and pain led her to commit that madness of suicide attempt. But it won't happen again, I'm in charge of that. I won't leave her alone until I'm sure she's totally recovered. — I said firmly.

—Isn't he thinking of taking the law into his own hands? That's very dangerous and could get him arrested, leaving his sister alone and helpless... — Said Agent Lara.

Can you answer my question? — I asked for it.

Tell me...

Who are you with? — I looked fixedly at his eyes and couldn't keep my gaze.

I'll only try to avoid something that could harm them... If you need me... Call me, don't bother. I'll try to help you by all legal means at my disposal... — He gave me a card with his name, charge, address, email and phone number.

Thanks Lara, you've been very kind...

We gave each other a handshake in which I could perceive sincerity.

I came back again with my sister.

What did you tell the police, Carlos?

Don't worry, Clarisa, there won't be an accusation. But this isn't going to go on like that.

—You scare me, Carlos, what do you think you're going to do?

—Nothing now, darling, nothing...

We spent the night under observation. The next day, in the morning, the psychiatrist from the center visited us, as required by protocol, since it was an attempt at suicide. He made me get out into the corridor and talked to Clarisa for over an hour. When I left, he took me to a quiet spot and told me he thought there was no risk of relapse. I agreed and also took responsibility for what happened. Shortly after, the doctor who treated her gave me some instructions on how to treat the wounds and hematomas, discharged her, and let me take her home.

I prepared the meal and we accounted for it, although I had to force her a little since Clarissa didn't want to eat, but I convinced her that she needed to replenish her strength quickly.

Three days had passed. My sister was recovering quickly, yet still maintained a rictus of sadness on her face. She applied ointments to the bruises, curing her ecchymoses... As she did so, she would look at me with love. I perceived the embarrassment that overwhelmed me as I massaged her bare body and encouraged me with affectionate words.

Clari, love, I'm thinking we should leave for the beach house. From there, I can keep working and we can take a bit of sun, rest. I think it's only...

Yes, Carlos, it will be like vacations. But I have to pick up the title and the border... — After that phrase his face turned pale, he looked at me fixedly and began to tremble... — No, I can't go back to the institute, they'll be there... Nooo.

His reaction annoyed me.

Hey, you don't have to go to school. I've planned something that will avoid it, but you'll have to help me... Will you do it?

I had barely finished speaking when the doorbell of the floor rang out. Her face of terror worried me. She was vocalizing... NO... without pronouncing it. I welcomed her into my arms and managed to calm her down.

I have to answer, we don't know who it could be...

Unplug the device:

—Hello... Clarissa? — It was a female voice. I looked at my sister who shook her head...

Who are you? I asked.

I'm Celia, a friend of Clarissa's. Is she here?... Who are you?

I'm your stepbrother, come up.

But is your sister here?

Yes, come up, tea-bro.

Clarisa scrubbed her face with her hands and denied with head movements. A little later they rang the doorbell and I opened it. I found myself facing a tiny, thin, blonde girl with an angelic face... I supposed she would be around my sister's age, although she seemed more childish.

He entered and when he saw Clarisa they hugged crying. Let them calm down...

Good, can you explain what's happening?

She was with me when... - A sob interrupted my sister.

—Oh, so you too...? — I asked.

No, they meddled with me for later, tied and gagged me, when they were with Clarisa, they saw someone approaching and ran away. She untied me, I helped her get dressed and we came here. Then she told me to leave, that everything had already ended... everything... — They looked at each other with tenderness.

—And everything ends... for her. He tried to commit suicide...

—What?! This will be true! Clarisa, my life... What would I do without you?

A shiver ran down my back.

Are you two? Are you there?

–Yes, Carlos. We wanted each other, we discovered it two years ago... that was the reason those creeps raped me and almost her. They caught us kissing in a corridor of the institute, attacked us, and dragged us to the room where they kept the gym mats. There were three, they tied us up and gagged us... ah... – A painful sob interrupted my sister's explanation.

They hugged each other. Celia was caressing her hair, they started kissing with affection on the lips. It didn't matter to them that I was in front of them. The truth is that it only worried me about the atrocity they had committed against them.

I wrapped them with my arms. I kissed my sister's forehead. Celia rested her little head on my chest. Clarisa was on my shoulder.

Keep going, what else happened. I need to know everything. Those guys won't leave quietly... They're going to pay for this very dearly...

Hey, Carlos! That's why I didn't want you to get mixed up with them. They're pigs and they have money, power... They control the drugs that move around in the neighborhood, at school... They're very dangerous.

Sweetheart, you can be calm. I won't put myself in danger... But something has occurred to me that... Clarisa, you're dead. — The faces of the two reflected horror. — Celia, you don't know that Celia has committed suicide. You'll be very sad at the title collection, but you won't say anything to anyone. Try not to be alone at any moment. Don't make your parents worry and when you get back home tell them you've been invited to a beach vacation with another friend... Is it possible?

Yes, of course, my parents are leaving on a cruise and didn't know who to leave with. I'll talk to Maria José so she can cover for me.

Continue with what happened.

This time Celia was the one who wrote the description of the events.

They tied me up and bit me to make sure I wouldn't scream; I was paralyzed, terrified; they threw Clarisa onto the cushions they had scattered on the floor, ripped her clothes off. She was defending herself, but there were three of them and they were stronger. They punched, kicked, pinched, even biting her breasts and buttocks... I saw everything without being able to do anything, waiting for them to finish with her so she could be with me again. They put on condoms. Nacho directed, telling each one what to do. I saw how... they were penetrating her one after another... — I couldn't keep going, it was suffocating. — I saw blood, didn't know where from, but for an instant I saw her anus... What horror! And I there, like a spectator, motionless, waiting for my turn... One of their suspects was bleeding from a bite... — She couldn't go on. They hugged each other again and the convulsive sobs wouldn't let them continue.

I let them calm down.

---Why aren't you taking Celia to your room, Clarisa? You can both rest for a bit and calm down. I won't bother you.

The two girls went up to the top floor, where the bedrooms are. They were embracing, kissing, and tenderly caressing each other. I couldn't help but get excited, my eyes welled up with tears.

I searched for the phone number of the institute and called.

—Hello, good evenings, I need to speak with the director.

A female voice told me to wait a moment. A short while later, another male voice responded.
Tell me...

—Good afternoon, I'm the brother of one of your students, Carlos. She was Clarissa...
How did he say it? Was it? Has something happened?

Unfortunately yes. She's no longer with us. I was calling to ask her to do me the favor of informing her colleagues when she hands over the titles and border that she will no longer be with them. Also, to send the title and border to my sister's file address, please.

Yes sir, as you wish! What a misfortune! I feel very sorry for your loss.


The day of the title delivery arrived. Celia, accompanied by her parents, attended the ceremony. When collecting her title, she did it between tears. I was observing everything and filming the attendees from a secluded spot. The director informed us of his passing and said a few words in memory of Clarissa. When he mentioned my sister, I observed an unusual movement among some boys in the front row. They looked at each other strangely and I could photograph their faces. They also looked at Celia with a furrowed brow. I didn't need more.

As he was leaving, already on the street, one of them approached my sister's friend, who was left alone by her parents' oversight and whispered something in her ear. She got scared. She searched for her father's coat, they boarded a car and drove off. I followed that creep. He was alone. He approached a group of boys from the institute, handed them some paper sheets and they gave him money in return. Discreetly, I recorded the whole operation.

After giving it a few spins the subject left and I followed him, I suppose until his home. Already I had some data.

When I got home I found Clarisa and her friend very excited, scared.

—What's wrong with you, Celia? Who was it that approached you and what did they say to you?

Was you there, have you seen it?

Everything, little one... everything. What did I do to you?

It was Nacho, he told me that if I leave the language I'm dead... And I'm dead, but of fear.

Don't worry about it. It's not such a big deal. Have you talked to your parents about going to the beach?

Yes, you know I'm coming, even if nowhere. They're leaving tomorrow for the cruise and right now they only think about that. I haven't brought my suitcase and I'll stay with you guys.

Great! Dinner time. We'll sleep here tonight and leave early tomorrow morning. Clarisa, also pack your suitcase, I'll do mine.

The two girls entered my sister's bedroom. As I passed by, I saw the door slightly open and couldn't help but look. They were lying very close together. Hugging each other, dressed. They were caressing their cheeks and hair, kissing tenderly, looking at each other... I got emotional.

Although I didn't like driving, I had it. The car was new. The insurance company made it easy for me after my parents' accident. I used it little, only in special situations... How is it?

The little house by the beach, four hours away by car, was in a residential area with a common pool. We hadn't been there since the previous year's disaster. We had to put in a lot of effort to leave it clean. We ate a seafood paella at a nearby restaurant bar where we used to go with our parents. The memories were painful, but after a few glasses of good wine and good food, they started to fade away.

I told them to go to the beach, it was going to be a good day and... My sister burst into tears. I hugged her...

What's wrong with you, sweetheart?

Celia was looking at me, she came closer, licked my mouth...

She still has scars and they look very ugly. — Said Celia

The truth is that I hadn't worried about the marks left by the pigs that had violated her. Celia undressed Clarisa in secret and before me appeared the bruises, which still hadn't disappeared, with signs of teeth on them, on the buttocks, thighs, back, belly, and breasts. I didn't want to think about other more sensitive areas. We couldn't control our anger, clenched our fists and my nails dug into the palm of my hands. A burning heat was scorching my chest and tears were coming to my eyes. I wanted to get away before the girls could see how I felt. From the hallway, I said:

What you can do is go up to the rooftop and take some sun there. Nobody can see you and you'll be more relaxed.

—Okay Carlos, we'll do that. —Celia pointed.

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