No dejes de pasar por mi mejor post
No te vas a arrepentir!
Cinco años atrás, María Julia se estaba jubilando, demasiados años para la pobre vieja que ya no soportaba seguir trabajando.
Diego, mi esposo y yo nos vimos en la tarea de seleccionar una nueva persona que oficiara de mucama, cama adentro. Así llegó Mabel a nuestro hogar, una joven que conocía hace un tiempo puesto que había servido en nuestra empresa.
A propósito, Diego y yo, además de ser marido y mujer somos socios, dueños de una empresa que empezó como un pequeño negocio familiar y que rápidamente creció como una flor de primavera.
Tenemos mucho peso sobre los hombros, hay que tomar muchas decisiones, a mano firme, suele ser muy agobiante, siempre dando órdenes, siempre resolviendo problemas, no había lugar para relajarse.
Mabel se amoldó a nuestras necesidades, como el chofer, como el jardinero, gente afín a nosotros, quienes hacían las cosas por nosotros. Era una chica mucho más joven que nosotros, de estatura mediana, tez morena y unas gruesas cejas que resaltaban en su rostro y le quedaban muy bonitas, haciendo de ellas un rasgo personal. Nuestra chica de servicios ostentaba unos grandes pechos y unas caderas salientes hacia los lados, era respetuosa, callada y trabajadora.
Diego le imponía usar esos uniformes típicos, negros a media pierna, con delantal blanco, para él era muy importante mantener la distancia con el personal y dejar en claro la diferencia de clases, decía que no debían mezclar las cosas y que el exceso de confianza era la puntada para iniciar conflictos, el tiempo le daría la razón…
Lo acompañaba en esta idea mientras él estaba presente, pero cuando no estaba, lo cierto es que empecé a intimar los diálogos con ella, a ceder mi espacio e invadir el suyo, éramos las únicas mujeres en un caserón impresionante, además, no hacía más de lo que había hecho en su momento con María Julia.
Siempre manteniendo las distancias, cada una en su rol, lo cierto es que inconscientemente noté lo bonita que se hacía a mis ojos, el traje me parecía sexi y las medias de nylon negras le daban un toque distintivo, sin darme cuenta me fui haciendo permeable a ella, a sus sentimientos, a sus problemas, a su forma de pensar, a su juventud, poco a poco Mabel se fue ganando mi confianza y fue tomando una posición central en la escena.
El primer llamado de atención llegaría tiempo después, había regresado a casa al atardecer, mi esposo había quedado en la empresa con algunas actividades pendientes, el silencio sepulcral del hogar me produjo escalofríos, encendí la luz, la soledad no era buena compañera, algunos leves ruidos provenían del piso superior, como agua cayendo. Subí con sigilo las escaleras, con los zapatos en la mano para no hacer ruido, la luz de nuestro cuarto estaba encendida, me acerqué casi tratando de no respirar, hasta llegar a la puerta de nuestro baño, el que era reservado solo para mi esposo y para mí, ella estaba de espaldas por lo que no podía verme, era un abuso de confianza, pero solo me quedé observando en silencio…
Nuestro jacuzzi estaba lleno de agua, Mabel sumergida en él, desde mi punto de observación veía su cabellera renegrida y mojada, la silueta de su cuerpo tapada por agua jabonosa, sus pechos sobresaliendo como dos montañas y su mano derecha acariciando con frenesí su clítoris, en medio de jadeos y gemidos, no supe que hacer, que decir, el cuadro me produjo una terrible excitación, sentí mis pezones duros bajo el sostén y mi entrepierna humedecerse, mi clítoris latía como una luz de emergencia enviándome señales a mi cerebro que parecían decir ‘tócame’ ‘tócame’.
No sé porque lo hice, sin tener total conciencia me había puesto en cuclillas, abriendo mis piernas, no podía dejar de observar, corrí mi bombacha y al tiempo que ella se masturbaba yo también lo hacía, sus gemidos lastimaban mis oídos y cuando ella se acababa yo también lo hacía, ella gritaba y yo me mordía para no hacerlo…
Mabel se dejó caer bajo el agua y yo recobrando el aliento bajé tan rápido como pude, encendí el equipo de música como para decirle ‘hola! estoy en casa’ y darle tiempo a que borrara sus huellas.
Me serví una copa de vino y me senté en el sillón a reflexionar, mis dedos tenían olor a mí, era una locura, sea como fuere estábamos cada vez más conectadas, no sabía porque, las mujeres nunca habían estado en mi universo, y no era cualquier mujer, solo era esa mujer…
Poco a poco nuestras miradas se hicieron cómplices, nuestras sonrisas nos conectaban en secreto, no había mucho más, no había palabras entre nosotras, no sabía cómo explicarlo, pero de alguna manera sabía que algo pasaba.
Esa noche había dormido mal, me levanté con un terrible dolor de cuello, salí de mi cama, solo estaba en tanga, así que ajusté mi largo camisón, paseé por el baño y bajé a desayunar, Diego roncaba plácidamente.
Mabel me vio llegar moviendo mi cuello de un lado a otro, molesta, me sirvió el desayuno, me senté, se acercó a mis espaldas y me susurró al oído:
Quieres que te de unos masajes?
Sentí un escalofrío recorriendo mi piel, era la primera vez que me tuteaba, y este sería el último obstáculo a vencer, asentí con una sonrisa.
Pronto las tibias manos de Mabel acariciaban mi cuello, dulcemente, suavemente, alternando entre sus manos, sus dedos, o presionando con sus pulgares, dejé caer levemente el camisón desnudando un poco mi espalda, cerré los ojos, me dejé llevar, sus manos pasaron por mi nuca, por mis hombros, estaba entregada, siguieron por mi garganta, por la parte superior de mi pecho, la dejé hacer, fue bajando lentamente, coló la mano bajo el camisón, aspiré profundo, deseaba que no parara pero no sabía si realmente lo haría, siguió bajando, al fin sus yemas llegaron a mis senos, me relajé, me gustaba, su tacto femenino acariciaba con esmero mis tetas, mis pezones, uno a cada lado, su voz dulce llegó a mi oído:
Do you like it? Do you want me to keep going?
The silence and my agitated breathing was the only response, her right hand continued to slowly descend, down my stomach, over my navel, finally touching the elastic of my panties, I opened my legs, she kept advancing, her index and major fingers grasped my clitoris, it was madness, I was masturbating violently, squeezing my left nipple, I loved it, but suddenly my husband's shoes thundered on the upper floor, on the stairs!, we separated instantly, I quickly got dressed, put away my bare breasts, crossed my legs, and recovered the pause in my breathing, he didn't notice anything, but I felt like a burning ember...
After that morning, we became more and more intimate, in front of Diego and the rest of the people we continued to treat each other as you, but it was only a matter of time before what had to happen would happen...
My husband had left for business trips, market expansion issues, for a few days everything fell on my shoulders, it became too heavy, too many obligations, too much stress, I was about to break under the pressure, on the third day, when I got home, all I wanted was for the world to bury me, Mabel looked at me like she never had before and asked:
Sonia, do you ever not want to leave that armor behind? You spend your life making decisions and giving orders, and if everything were different? And if you only let go?
I shrugged my shoulders, resigned, someone will take the helm and I'll only be able to enjoy the ride, impossible...
Mabel seemed to have calculated everything, she took my hand and said:
Come, let me do it, for once let me take control...
I let myself be led, we went up the stairs, holding hands, I felt disturbed, we went to her room, it had been a long time since I'd entered it, she asked me to relax, took a large towel, and tied my eyes with it, removed my Italian outfit, my skirt, my shoes, my stockings, my blouse, my bra, and finally... my knickers, I felt naked and defenseless, intrigued and nervous, his hands released my hair
As, as you are beautiful…
His lips surprised me when they collided with mine, I reacted defensively, logical, never having been with another woman before, but it kept coming back, I surrendered, we kissed, we caressed each other, I felt my heart beating strongly, my clitoris seemed to explode between my legs, my vagina flooded with juices, excitement ran through my veins…
He made me lie down on his bed, I felt the sound of his footsteps moving away and then returning to me, later a bottle opening and a menthol-scented aroma filling the air, his hands moistened with exquisite oil began to massage my body, along its length and width, my feet, my hands, my legs, my arms, my back, my chest, my booty, my waist, centimeter by centimeter I surrendered to her, I relaxed, lost my willpower, his fingers made special efforts only to surround my most sensitive areas, bordering my nipples but not touching them, bordering my vagina but not touching it, bordering my sphincter but not touching it…
But I couldn't control myself, despite feeling pleasantly oiled and massaged like a goddess, the urges of control returned to me, I took off the blindfold, I couldn't submit, so Mabel upped the ante, went to the headboard and brought out a thin fashion belt, passed the buckle and tied it around my neck, pulling more than was advisable
Enough, slut! You've got me tired with your orders!
It was too crazy, the roles had changed, he made me kneel on the floor, went back to the headboard, searched among his things, pulled out a huge double vibrator with two giant cocks, looked at me perversely, with a large adhesive base that took care of adjusting it to the wall, the weight of the toy caused it to come loose twice, so he made an effort to secure it, when finally both cocks of the toy were suspended, he dedicated himself to me, who was still Arched, she returned with the aphrodisiac oil, only now she was starting to play with her fingers on my pussy and my asshole, I understood what she was proposing, the idea drove me crazy…
Mabel made me slowly retreat until I reached the double toy waiting for me, then she pointed one at each hole, the one in my pussy entered without resistance, but the other slid out, so it took a few more minutes to dilate my ass. Finally, I felt both enter, what madness, I couldn't help but moan, she made me retreat further and further until they almost completely filled me up to the bottom.
The combination of feeling one caress my uterus entrance and the other dilating my sphincter drove me crazy, she ordered: Give it to me, foxy, I want to come watching you come!
My employee undressed, took off her socks and thong, leaving her almost bare breasts and clean vagina visible to my eyes, sat on the bed edge, opened her legs wide giving me a close-up of her beautiful sex, began to caress her large breasts and ring at the same time.
I was so hot, I started moving with fury, back and forth, again and again, not addicted to this type of toys, but this went beyond my concepts, Mabel looked at me and masturbated with me, I did the same, bringing one hand to my clitoris, the wide toys dislocated my holes and possessed orgasms began to flow from my being…
Mabel then took a chair to sit near my face, lifted one leg onto the bed and the other onto the wall, completely open before my eyes, took the belt still on my neck to drag me towards her, as I advanced the toys came out of my holes leaving me totally dilated, she drew closer and closer, I felt her strong womanly aroma.
Give it to me! Suck it all! T-shirt, her sex opened up to me, I stopped at her clitoris, her vagina seemed wide and deep, as I licked it too I was masturbating, she was so sexy...
My knees started to get numb, I went up a bit, licked her nipples, a little more, crossed my legs with hers, pussy against pussy, humidity against humidity, clitoris against clitoris, use the word: pussy against use the word: pussy... The evening caught us off guard, moaning, screaming, silencing our screams, kisses against kisses, orgasms against orgasms until we collapsed, exhausted...
It would be the first of many more relationships as I was discovering myself as a bisexual woman, since I still loved good sex that my husband gave me.
But unfortunately, it wasn't so good, little by little we started to notice missing things at home, valuable things, money, objects that remained hidden and Mabel's trust made her talk too much...
What an idiot I was! I took too long to see reality, she had found a weak spot in me and was only using me, taking advantage of a situation I couldn't avoid, and she had a card up her sleeve, what could I say? How would I accuse her? Simply tell Diego that I couldn't keep my mouth shut during my sex afternoons with her? Obviously the move was perfect, it was a labyrinth with no exit...
We decided to give her a good sum of money as compensation, now we have another employee, my lesbian madness went with her, the woman who played with my feelings...
No te vas a arrepentir!
Cinco años atrás, María Julia se estaba jubilando, demasiados años para la pobre vieja que ya no soportaba seguir trabajando.
Diego, mi esposo y yo nos vimos en la tarea de seleccionar una nueva persona que oficiara de mucama, cama adentro. Así llegó Mabel a nuestro hogar, una joven que conocía hace un tiempo puesto que había servido en nuestra empresa.
A propósito, Diego y yo, además de ser marido y mujer somos socios, dueños de una empresa que empezó como un pequeño negocio familiar y que rápidamente creció como una flor de primavera.
Tenemos mucho peso sobre los hombros, hay que tomar muchas decisiones, a mano firme, suele ser muy agobiante, siempre dando órdenes, siempre resolviendo problemas, no había lugar para relajarse.
Mabel se amoldó a nuestras necesidades, como el chofer, como el jardinero, gente afín a nosotros, quienes hacían las cosas por nosotros. Era una chica mucho más joven que nosotros, de estatura mediana, tez morena y unas gruesas cejas que resaltaban en su rostro y le quedaban muy bonitas, haciendo de ellas un rasgo personal. Nuestra chica de servicios ostentaba unos grandes pechos y unas caderas salientes hacia los lados, era respetuosa, callada y trabajadora.
Diego le imponía usar esos uniformes típicos, negros a media pierna, con delantal blanco, para él era muy importante mantener la distancia con el personal y dejar en claro la diferencia de clases, decía que no debían mezclar las cosas y que el exceso de confianza era la puntada para iniciar conflictos, el tiempo le daría la razón…
Lo acompañaba en esta idea mientras él estaba presente, pero cuando no estaba, lo cierto es que empecé a intimar los diálogos con ella, a ceder mi espacio e invadir el suyo, éramos las únicas mujeres en un caserón impresionante, además, no hacía más de lo que había hecho en su momento con María Julia.
Siempre manteniendo las distancias, cada una en su rol, lo cierto es que inconscientemente noté lo bonita que se hacía a mis ojos, el traje me parecía sexi y las medias de nylon negras le daban un toque distintivo, sin darme cuenta me fui haciendo permeable a ella, a sus sentimientos, a sus problemas, a su forma de pensar, a su juventud, poco a poco Mabel se fue ganando mi confianza y fue tomando una posición central en la escena.
El primer llamado de atención llegaría tiempo después, había regresado a casa al atardecer, mi esposo había quedado en la empresa con algunas actividades pendientes, el silencio sepulcral del hogar me produjo escalofríos, encendí la luz, la soledad no era buena compañera, algunos leves ruidos provenían del piso superior, como agua cayendo. Subí con sigilo las escaleras, con los zapatos en la mano para no hacer ruido, la luz de nuestro cuarto estaba encendida, me acerqué casi tratando de no respirar, hasta llegar a la puerta de nuestro baño, el que era reservado solo para mi esposo y para mí, ella estaba de espaldas por lo que no podía verme, era un abuso de confianza, pero solo me quedé observando en silencio…
Nuestro jacuzzi estaba lleno de agua, Mabel sumergida en él, desde mi punto de observación veía su cabellera renegrida y mojada, la silueta de su cuerpo tapada por agua jabonosa, sus pechos sobresaliendo como dos montañas y su mano derecha acariciando con frenesí su clítoris, en medio de jadeos y gemidos, no supe que hacer, que decir, el cuadro me produjo una terrible excitación, sentí mis pezones duros bajo el sostén y mi entrepierna humedecerse, mi clítoris latía como una luz de emergencia enviándome señales a mi cerebro que parecían decir ‘tócame’ ‘tócame’.
No sé porque lo hice, sin tener total conciencia me había puesto en cuclillas, abriendo mis piernas, no podía dejar de observar, corrí mi bombacha y al tiempo que ella se masturbaba yo también lo hacía, sus gemidos lastimaban mis oídos y cuando ella se acababa yo también lo hacía, ella gritaba y yo me mordía para no hacerlo…
Mabel se dejó caer bajo el agua y yo recobrando el aliento bajé tan rápido como pude, encendí el equipo de música como para decirle ‘hola! estoy en casa’ y darle tiempo a que borrara sus huellas.
Me serví una copa de vino y me senté en el sillón a reflexionar, mis dedos tenían olor a mí, era una locura, sea como fuere estábamos cada vez más conectadas, no sabía porque, las mujeres nunca habían estado en mi universo, y no era cualquier mujer, solo era esa mujer…
Poco a poco nuestras miradas se hicieron cómplices, nuestras sonrisas nos conectaban en secreto, no había mucho más, no había palabras entre nosotras, no sabía cómo explicarlo, pero de alguna manera sabía que algo pasaba.
Esa noche había dormido mal, me levanté con un terrible dolor de cuello, salí de mi cama, solo estaba en tanga, así que ajusté mi largo camisón, paseé por el baño y bajé a desayunar, Diego roncaba plácidamente.
Mabel me vio llegar moviendo mi cuello de un lado a otro, molesta, me sirvió el desayuno, me senté, se acercó a mis espaldas y me susurró al oído:
Quieres que te de unos masajes?
Sentí un escalofrío recorriendo mi piel, era la primera vez que me tuteaba, y este sería el último obstáculo a vencer, asentí con una sonrisa.
Pronto las tibias manos de Mabel acariciaban mi cuello, dulcemente, suavemente, alternando entre sus manos, sus dedos, o presionando con sus pulgares, dejé caer levemente el camisón desnudando un poco mi espalda, cerré los ojos, me dejé llevar, sus manos pasaron por mi nuca, por mis hombros, estaba entregada, siguieron por mi garganta, por la parte superior de mi pecho, la dejé hacer, fue bajando lentamente, coló la mano bajo el camisón, aspiré profundo, deseaba que no parara pero no sabía si realmente lo haría, siguió bajando, al fin sus yemas llegaron a mis senos, me relajé, me gustaba, su tacto femenino acariciaba con esmero mis tetas, mis pezones, uno a cada lado, su voz dulce llegó a mi oído:
Do you like it? Do you want me to keep going?
The silence and my agitated breathing was the only response, her right hand continued to slowly descend, down my stomach, over my navel, finally touching the elastic of my panties, I opened my legs, she kept advancing, her index and major fingers grasped my clitoris, it was madness, I was masturbating violently, squeezing my left nipple, I loved it, but suddenly my husband's shoes thundered on the upper floor, on the stairs!, we separated instantly, I quickly got dressed, put away my bare breasts, crossed my legs, and recovered the pause in my breathing, he didn't notice anything, but I felt like a burning ember...
After that morning, we became more and more intimate, in front of Diego and the rest of the people we continued to treat each other as you, but it was only a matter of time before what had to happen would happen...
My husband had left for business trips, market expansion issues, for a few days everything fell on my shoulders, it became too heavy, too many obligations, too much stress, I was about to break under the pressure, on the third day, when I got home, all I wanted was for the world to bury me, Mabel looked at me like she never had before and asked:
Sonia, do you ever not want to leave that armor behind? You spend your life making decisions and giving orders, and if everything were different? And if you only let go?
I shrugged my shoulders, resigned, someone will take the helm and I'll only be able to enjoy the ride, impossible...
Mabel seemed to have calculated everything, she took my hand and said:
Come, let me do it, for once let me take control...
I let myself be led, we went up the stairs, holding hands, I felt disturbed, we went to her room, it had been a long time since I'd entered it, she asked me to relax, took a large towel, and tied my eyes with it, removed my Italian outfit, my skirt, my shoes, my stockings, my blouse, my bra, and finally... my knickers, I felt naked and defenseless, intrigued and nervous, his hands released my hair
As, as you are beautiful…
His lips surprised me when they collided with mine, I reacted defensively, logical, never having been with another woman before, but it kept coming back, I surrendered, we kissed, we caressed each other, I felt my heart beating strongly, my clitoris seemed to explode between my legs, my vagina flooded with juices, excitement ran through my veins…
He made me lie down on his bed, I felt the sound of his footsteps moving away and then returning to me, later a bottle opening and a menthol-scented aroma filling the air, his hands moistened with exquisite oil began to massage my body, along its length and width, my feet, my hands, my legs, my arms, my back, my chest, my booty, my waist, centimeter by centimeter I surrendered to her, I relaxed, lost my willpower, his fingers made special efforts only to surround my most sensitive areas, bordering my nipples but not touching them, bordering my vagina but not touching it, bordering my sphincter but not touching it…
But I couldn't control myself, despite feeling pleasantly oiled and massaged like a goddess, the urges of control returned to me, I took off the blindfold, I couldn't submit, so Mabel upped the ante, went to the headboard and brought out a thin fashion belt, passed the buckle and tied it around my neck, pulling more than was advisable
Enough, slut! You've got me tired with your orders!
It was too crazy, the roles had changed, he made me kneel on the floor, went back to the headboard, searched among his things, pulled out a huge double vibrator with two giant cocks, looked at me perversely, with a large adhesive base that took care of adjusting it to the wall, the weight of the toy caused it to come loose twice, so he made an effort to secure it, when finally both cocks of the toy were suspended, he dedicated himself to me, who was still Arched, she returned with the aphrodisiac oil, only now she was starting to play with her fingers on my pussy and my asshole, I understood what she was proposing, the idea drove me crazy…
Mabel made me slowly retreat until I reached the double toy waiting for me, then she pointed one at each hole, the one in my pussy entered without resistance, but the other slid out, so it took a few more minutes to dilate my ass. Finally, I felt both enter, what madness, I couldn't help but moan, she made me retreat further and further until they almost completely filled me up to the bottom.
The combination of feeling one caress my uterus entrance and the other dilating my sphincter drove me crazy, she ordered: Give it to me, foxy, I want to come watching you come!
My employee undressed, took off her socks and thong, leaving her almost bare breasts and clean vagina visible to my eyes, sat on the bed edge, opened her legs wide giving me a close-up of her beautiful sex, began to caress her large breasts and ring at the same time.
I was so hot, I started moving with fury, back and forth, again and again, not addicted to this type of toys, but this went beyond my concepts, Mabel looked at me and masturbated with me, I did the same, bringing one hand to my clitoris, the wide toys dislocated my holes and possessed orgasms began to flow from my being…
Mabel then took a chair to sit near my face, lifted one leg onto the bed and the other onto the wall, completely open before my eyes, took the belt still on my neck to drag me towards her, as I advanced the toys came out of my holes leaving me totally dilated, she drew closer and closer, I felt her strong womanly aroma.
Give it to me! Suck it all! T-shirt, her sex opened up to me, I stopped at her clitoris, her vagina seemed wide and deep, as I licked it too I was masturbating, she was so sexy...
My knees started to get numb, I went up a bit, licked her nipples, a little more, crossed my legs with hers, pussy against pussy, humidity against humidity, clitoris against clitoris, use the word: pussy against use the word: pussy... The evening caught us off guard, moaning, screaming, silencing our screams, kisses against kisses, orgasms against orgasms until we collapsed, exhausted...
It would be the first of many more relationships as I was discovering myself as a bisexual woman, since I still loved good sex that my husband gave me.
But unfortunately, it wasn't so good, little by little we started to notice missing things at home, valuable things, money, objects that remained hidden and Mabel's trust made her talk too much...
What an idiot I was! I took too long to see reality, she had found a weak spot in me and was only using me, taking advantage of a situation I couldn't avoid, and she had a card up her sleeve, what could I say? How would I accuse her? Simply tell Diego that I couldn't keep my mouth shut during my sex afternoons with her? Obviously the move was perfect, it was a labyrinth with no exit...
We decided to give her a good sum of money as compensation, now we have another employee, my lesbian madness went with her, the woman who played with my feelings...
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