El reportaje - parte 2 de 2

No dejes de pasar por mi mejor post


No te vas a arrepentir!

Ella se levantó y fue a calentar una segunda pava para seguir con los mates, aproveché ese lapso para repasar todo mentalmente, para tranquilizarme un poco puesto que toda su historia me excitaba bastante y me costaba mantenerme en eje, Lulú volvió a mi lado

Él fue quien te cogió por primera vez?
No, el nunca llego a cogerme, fue raro, pero a los doce comencé a chuparle la pija y solo quería mamársela y tragar cuanta leche como podía, me fui perfeccionando con el tiempo hasta convertirme en una profesional, aprendí demasiadas cosas! - aseveró con una visible excitación -.
Y que pasó?
Le chupé la verga muchos meses, hasta mis quince años, él ya había crecido y noté que poco a poco comenzaba a poner distancia entre nosotros, no entendía que pasaba, pero se mostraba frío y cada vez me frecuentaba menos. Al tiempo entendí el motivo, el me presentó a su novia, una rubia preciosa que tenía unos pechos enormes, y me rogó que mantuviéramos en secreto lo nuestro.
Debe haber sido muy duro para ti…
Y… me sentí despechada, abandonada, usada, me di cuenta que tenía un enamoramiento con Carlos y de un día al otro rompía mi corazón, llegué a odiarlo por eso… Por un lado hice que mi mamá pagara mis primeros implantes en los pechos, quería ser mejor que su novia, apenas tenía quince, una locura, y mamá como dije, con dinero tapaba su falta de amor. Eran más grandes que las que luzco actualmente…
Vaya, apenas pudo imaginarlo (como comentara, los pechos siliconados de Lulú resaltaban sobre el resto de su cuerpo)
Si, por otro, ya había aprendido como cuidarme, y empecé a coger como nunca, con uno, con otro, con cualquiera, una vez que sentí penetrada mi argolla, ya no pude parar…
Me permites pasar al baño?

Tantos mates habían colmado mi vejiga, y necesitaba parar porque estaba caliente, sentía duros los pezones y mi concha estaba inundada, me enjuagué la cara y volví a mi silla

Bien, me decías que empezaste a coger como perra, correcto?
Correcto, empecé a recuperar el tiempo perdido, aunque siempre mi punto débil era chupar pijas, en la mayoría de los casos les pedía o les pido a mis hombres que me acaben en la boca…
Tanto te gusta el semen?
Más de lo que imaginas…
Cambiando de tema, que es lo que más le gusta a los hombres de tu cuerpo, y que es lo que ti más te gusta?

Lulú se paró y caminó como modelo, girando sobre sí misma para que la observara por completo, entonces repreguntó

Que te llama a ti la atención?
Mmmm… los pechos…
Correcto, llaman la atención, cierto, pero hoy en día, con implantes todo es posible. Los hombres suelen halagarme mucho la cola, aunque si me preguntas a mi lo que más me gusta de mi cuerpo es mi pancita chata…

Lulú tenía un abdomen plano y perfecto, sin un gramo de grasa, por cierto envidiable, en toda su extensión y en ese momento me odié a mí misma al recordar mi propia grasita. Es esa corta exposición física que hizo, reparé nuevamente en el tatuaje de la enorme boa

Me impresiona tu tatuaje de la boa, cuanto trabajo! por qué te lo hiciste?
Por qué? me encantan las serpientes, la mayoría de las mujeres sienten repulsión, pero a mí me fascinan, me parece fálico…
Veo que tienes algunos más…
Si, - dijo ella y procedió a darme una completa descripción -

Este que ves acá es muy triste, es en recuerdo a una amiga que murió en un accidente de autos – podía leerse bajo su brazo izquierdo el nombre Carina, con una cruz cristiana y una fecha en números romanos.

Este otro es un pequeño tribal, fue el primero, nada en especial – mostrando su nuca bajo la cabellera.

Las flores en mi pie, otro que solo me gustó, nada muy particular que digamos – mostrando unas flores recorriendo su empeine subiendo por la pantorrilla como enredadera.

Este es un poco osado, son las huellas de una pequeña gatita que supe tener tiempo atrás – en este punto Lulú me había sorprendido, mientras narraba con asombrosa naturalidad ante alguien que recién conocía como yo, se había levantado el top dejando uno de sus enormes pechos al descubierto, me quedé mirándola como tonta por la exageración de su tamaño, y la singular aureola que rodeaba su pezón, efectivamente en la parte interna tenía tatuadas unas pisaditas como si una gatita hubiera pasado por allí

Y este es el mejor, me lo hice en recuerdo a un chico del cual no te daré detalles… - si lo anterior me había sorprendido esto no era menos, había bajado el short por delante enganchándolo con su pulgar, tirando incluso la tanga, hasta descubrir su pubis al borde del clítoris, sonde naturalmente debía haber bellos íntimos, solo había unos labios rojos marcados.

Eso es todo?
Si, al menos por ahora…
Cuéntame, noté que estás depilada, siempre lo haces?
Siempre, un poco por mi trabajo, otro poco por placer, un consejo entre mujeres, pruébalo, verás que a los chicos les gusta…

No dije nada, no tenía por qué entrar en detalles porque era ‘su’ reportaje, pero por cierto yo también estaba depilada en ese momento. El tiempo se escapaba como arena entre los dedos y tenía aun demasiadas preguntas por hacer

El reportaje - parte 2 de 2What was the craziest thing you did in sex? Puff, several things, but there's something that marked my life if you want me to tell. Yes, please. Well, it was when I turned 18, unfortunately for me, I had already slept with many guys, and I already had the nickname 'easy girl', a stigma that stays with you for life. Well, I had gone out dancing with a group of friends, I have to say I was pretty drunk, they started joking about giving me away as a gift on my next birthday, and joke goes joke comes, a little seriously, a little in jest, I told them that the day I turned 18, I would suck their cock and swallow each guy's cum who came to greet me... And knowing you love sucking cocks, I imagine that... No, wait, don't imagine... because I was willing to do it, never back down from a promise. What happened is that these bastards took care of spreading the news like gunpowder, I was talking about a few, but I swear I had never seen so many men together in my life... And did you fulfill your promise? At first, everything went well, I sat down and started sucking cocks, one after another, and one after another ended up in my mouth, 'great!' I said, the dream of my life, cum and more cum passing through my throat, but it was too much, soon I got tired and started feeling like I was stuffed, you know? It came a point where only guys would come and finish in my mouth and I wouldn't even have time to swallow one before another came, I remember they were laughing at me and I started feeling terrible, having nausea, with my stomach full, plus the first ones already came back for seconds... And how did it end? When everyone left, I thought I was going to die, everything was spinning and I felt so disgusted that just imagining a cock made me nauseous, I swore I would never swallow cum again in my life, but well, two days later I was already recovered and broke the oath... Both of us laughed complicitly, the drinks had gone cold, the bills were left to one side passing to collaborate with the painful image that gave the whole place, Lulú went to get her cigarettes, where I discreetly took advantage of observing the perfection of her body, especially her ass, which led to my next question after she offered me a cigarette and we both started blowing smoke

Recién te observé, que tiny ass parada que tienes, cuéntame, ya la entregaste?

Mmmm… cuéntame tu primero y después yo te cuento…

No, no, this is my reportage and I ask – I replied as if trying to get out of the topic

Ja! ja! it's not necessary for you to answer, the red fire on your cheeks says more than what you want to say…

Lulú had discovered me, but she quickly diffused the situation by caressing my knee with a smile on her lips

Don't worry, I don't understand why there are still so many prejudices about it. I'll tell you something that nobody, or almost nobody knows, because at the time I also felt ashamed. Do you remember what I told you about my cousin, who sucked his cock for some years? Well, that wasn't all. After a while, he seemed to get tired of my blowjobs and started making insinuations to take me, convinced me to show him my pussy and I couldn't stop the situation either, but I was inexperienced and had a problem that paralyzed me, fear of getting pregnant

And then your cousin...

Yes, he 'suggested' there was an alternative way for both of us to benefit, I didn't believe it much, but I let him do it, at first it hurt quite a bit and my delivery took longer than you imagine, but with time and effort everything can be achieved. Carlos had the privilege of being the first to make me booty, and in the same way that I liked sucking his cock, he liked giving it to me by the ass, those were very good times

It's curious, what you last experienced was with your vagina – I reflected out loud –

Yes, but don't forget that I took care of recovering the lost time…

We both laughed again in complicity

enfiestado? Yes, sometimes, in truth 'they have enfiestado me', the first time I was with some guys, three of them, friends for convenience because they only wanted to screw me, we started drinking, smoking, and as it usually happens to me, I don't get along well with alcohol, one thing leads to another, jokes that aren't so funny, and I ended up in bed with all three at the same time, imagine what happened, they did it to me for the first time all at once! I don't know if it was the way she told me things, the content, words, situations or whatever, but by that point I had a terrible fever and I would have launched myself at the first guy who crossed my path, Lulú had put my hair on fire and I was already asking out of curiosity more than being a 'professional' Another question, and women? Have you also slept with women? With some, not many, but it's not that I'm lesbian or bisexual, nothing to do with it, it's just like a game, curiosity, an alternative, but please note in capital letters when you write my story 'A LULU LE GUSTA CHUPAR cocks' And what do you look for in a woman to attract you? Many things – he replied quickly – I don't know, that she smells good, like you, that she looks good, like you, that she shows intelligence and receptivity, like you, that she is beautiful, like you, that she has a tender gaze, like you… Lulú spoke firmly, and her face was too serious at the moment, she looked me straight in the eye and started to make me uncomfortable because I couldn't tell if it was just a word game or if she was really insinuating something more than a simple report, I retreated by instinct onto the back of the chair trying to put distance and sought to close the topic Ok, it's late and I have enough material to build the story, the last questions, tell me what is best and worst in your sexual life. Well, I don't regret anything And I lived my life the best I could, I think it's better to have encouraged myself to try everything, I think that everything anyone imagines, I encouraged myself to practice... And the worst? Being such an easy woman, not being able to say no, not even having precautions with so many diseases circulating, I don't know... but above all, being treated like a slut, because prostitutes are those who have sex for money, I didn't charge a peso, I am sex for pleasure...

That was the end of the interview, I thanked Lulú for her time and sincerity, I tried to leave some pesos but she refused to accept it, as I said, I tried to be as faithful as possible to her words in her story that I finally left in my recycling bin, I didn't know anything else about her.

Only one thorn remains stuck, the seductive way she spoke to me, I never knew how to distinguish between imagination and reality, and I've had erotic dreams with her, in which I do things I don't think I can realize, whatever it is, Lulú got trapped in my sex.

Your opinion on this report, write me with title 'THE REPORT' at dulces.placeres@live.com

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