Tips for not having a bad time part 1 (for beginners and not so much) Hello colleagues... I'll be brief, there are things to keep in mind if you're looking to have a good time with an escort girl (the definition can vary). In a meeting always money will be spent depending on each one how much they think they'll spend. You pay for the girls' time, you're not buying them. Use of condom at all times. Be careful with girls who have multiple publications with different names. Different names or phone number is a sign of bad service. If you have doubts about a new girl from which nothing is known, it's better to pay for the 30-minute service. There are false publications about the departments, don't enter if the girl doesn't even show her face. Although she says she's a VIP girl, it doesn't mean she gives good service. Confirm if the service is by hour or participation (ejaculation). Enjoying more passing the hour with free participation. Ask if the service is with kisses or without... that depends on everyone's taste (pinches or full kisses). A kiss barely seen means she says the truth about the service part. It's important never to assume things, always ask. I hope it helps, and remember to share your experiences, even if they're brief, everything adds up!!

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6 comentários - Don't Have a Bad Time with an Escort
Pd. Las verdaderas V.I.P son además de hermosas (no solo en fotos), difíciles (caras) y ni en pedo te dejan sin forro...