Taquero, perico. That's how Manuel was. He supported me firmly, feeling his zipper explode. He was applying pressure. My nipples were hardening, rhythmic. It wasn't long before he would put it in, sweet the frill, my peach bleeding waiting for the charge. I had a mattress on the floor, and on the projector, Citizen Kane mixed with Coca Sarli. I could see her reflected in his worked torso. Why was he looking for me so much that barely divided myself between work at the photocopier and long days of exploration with all kinds of drugs? He offered me a line, which were two, which were six. He always took double. I could have charged him, beyond souvenirs in the form of smokeable flowers and some other gestures that made him my favorite. At that time, I was obsessed with sexual work. I read books, listened to testimonials, I was passionate about imagining myself in a taco needle and expensive lingerie. Scort, slut, slut, Bermuda triangle. How I always got lost in my thoughts, and the few times I was close, I didn't dare. Cunt of shit. I go back to him. He put a ring on that squeezed his cock. All the blood there and perpetually stopped. I always liked it when they gave it to me four ways. And he delighted. I ended up on my back, on my tits, on my face, in my mouth. We got together more often. Always for the same thing. We started watching porn on the screen. Always trios of women. Clitorises, penetration, overflow. I liked it quite a bit, my fantasy is that they would put it in me and fill me with bills. Do you fulfill my fantasy?
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