
No dejes de pasar por mi mejor post

No te vas a arrepentir!


Bianca había entrado en plena adolescencia con sus quince años y ya se desarrollaba como una hermosa mujer, me había pasado en altura, unos quince centímetros, tan esbelta, tan rubia, tan hermosa, tan joven…

Me recordaba demasiado a su padre, tenía su misma estampa y su mismo ímpetu.

No tenía mucho que ver conmigo físicamente a pesar de haberla parido, es que soy tirando a petisa y de curvas más marcadas, más pechos, más caderas, piernas macizas y cortas.

Había convivido con su padre algunos años, terminamos la relación cuando ella era pequeña y si bien Bianca y su papá se ven a menudo, el conmigo casi no tiene trato.

Luego de nuestra ruptura no volví a formar pareja estable, creo que puse todos mis sentidos en mi hija lo que me llevó inconscientemente a no dar lugar al amor, apenas encuentros pasajeros, como hombres casuales, pero no mucho más, sexo si, amor no.

Y todo lo bueno que había vivido con mi niña, pronto empezaría a transformarse en una cruel competencia.

No sé cómo pasó, seguramente Bianca se fijaba demasiado en mí, con su locura adolescente a flor de piel quería llevarse el mundo por delante, y yo fui la primera persona a la que quería derrotar, tal vez yo, a pesar de solo tener treinta y tres envidiaba esa juventud, esa belleza, esa inocencia perdida…

No nos llevábamos del todo bien, parecíamos no coincidir en nada y siempre discutíamos por todo, creo que en verdad la discusión era por el solo hecho de ganar la pulseada.

Me molestaba que no me dejara controlarla, que le fijara horarios, que estuviera pendiente de ella, decía que la asfixiaba y necesitaba su espacio, pero lo cierto es que era una mosca muerta que subsistía por el dinero que le daba su papá o su mamá. Ella también se molestaba conmigo por la forma en que me vestía, decía que estaba fuera de edad para algunas prendas, eso me enfurecía, mocosa, quien era para juzgarme?

Era cosa habitual que vinieran a casa amigas y algunos amigos, para hacer cosas del colegio o divertirse, le permitía que pasara todo el tiempo que quisiera en su cuarto con las chicas, pero a los chicos los mantenía a raya, siempre con el ojo vigilante.

Fabricio era uno de los chicos que llamaba mi atención, un joven bien parecido, con rostro de ángel y sonrisa de demonio, alto, de cabello crespo, se mostraba locuaz y extrovertido.

Sentía una pecaminosa atracción física hacia ese mocoso, y además por su forma de ser, en alguna oportunidad cruzábamos la mirada y mientras todos me veían como la mamá de Bianca, él lo hacía como un hombre lo hace con una mujer, con ese no sé qué que eriza la piel, podía notarlo, y me incomodaba placenteramente.

Algo que había notado en mi control de madre escuchando las conversaciones, es que a Fabricio, cuando él no estaba lo llamaban ‘255’, eso me intrigaba mucho, 255 no es un apodo convencional, así que una tarde estando Bianca con dos amigas pregunté con la inocencia de quien desconoce las cosas:

-Chicas, una pregunta, a Fabricio, por qué lo llaman 255?

No respondieron, se miraron entre ellas en complicidad, el brillo resaltó en sus ojos y se rieron casi a carcajadas, como quien descubre un travesura comprendí que no era la pregunta adecuada, el tono rojizo se apoderó de las mejillas de Bianca, en inequívoca señal de vergüenza, sus gestos me dejaron ver que había secreto en todo esto, por lo que cambié de tema como no dando importancia al asunto, sin embargo, alcancé a escuchar murmullos picarescos a mis espaldas.

Por la noche, mientras cenábamos, estando sola con Bianca, luego de unos rodeos volví a la carga:

-Qué pasó esta tarde?
-Con qué mamá? – dijo tratando no entender mi pregunta
-Vamos, no te hagas… que es eso de 255?
-Mamá… - dijo bajando la mirada con un dejo de vergüenza…
-Vamos… puedes confiar en mi… seré una tumba…
-Me da vergüenza…

Después de tirar varios misiles contra su defensa al fin mi hija soltó el rollo

-Bueno… dicen las malas lenguas que los chicos hicieron una competencia… tú sabes… querían saber quién tenía el miembro más grande… y… dicen que Fabricio ganó por mucho, largo 25 cm., ancho 5 cm., de ahí 255, pero que se yo… son habladurías…

Solté una carcajada para aflojar la tensión del momento, sabía cuándo levantar el pie del acelerador, cambié de tema y di por terminado el asunto.

Pero íntimamente se produjo un click en mi cerebro, siempre tuve una debilidad por los penes enormes, y si algo le faltaba a ese mocoso para convertirse en un cóctel mortal, era saber lo que ahora sabía, solo estaba segura de una cosa, no sabía cómo ni cuándo, pero Fabricio sería mío, cueste lo que cueste…

Y no pasaría mucho tiempo hasta tener la oportunidad…

En un episodio confuso supe de un desencuentro entre los chicos, casi por casualidad, Fabricio pasaría por casa por Bianca, pero Bianca no estaría en todo el día.

Era el momento, ahora o nunca, fui al baño, depilé mis entrepiernas para verme femenina, acomodé mis cabellos, me puse perfume, fui por la ropa de mi hija, busqué uno de sus trajes de baño, ella tiene la cuarta parte de busto que yo, así que mis pechos casi no cabían en ese sostén dorado que hace un tiempo le había regalado, luego a mi pieza, una tanga negra que podía usarse como traje de baño, tan pequeña que se perdía entre mis grandes cachetes, dejando mi culo a la vista, apenas las tiras que cruzaban por las caderas quedaban visibles. Tomé una manta, bronceador, una bata y fui al patio a tomar sol, la trampa estaba puesta.

Poco después sonó el timbre, abrí como casual, con la bata, Fabricio estaba al otro lado, lucía una musculosa celeste y un pantalón deportivo a las rodillas

-Hola señora, está Bianca?
-Hola Fabricio, me temo que no, pero pasá a esperarla, no tardará mucho en venir – cosa que yo sabía que no era cierta.
-Mejor si la llamo, no quiero molestar…
-Vení, no voy a comerte! – apuré tomándolo de la mano e intentando evitar que se comunicara con ella

Fabricio pasó no muy convencido, le alcancé una silla y un refresco de limonada, entonces le dije:

-Estaba tomando sol, no te molesta no?
-No, está bien…


I let my bra fall off, the boy's eyes seemed to pop out of their sockets, shocked and unable to believe what they were seeing, I subtly reclined on my stomach, pointing at him with my almost naked ass, released the strap behind me, pressing my breasts against the floor as if it was all very casual.

I continued my relentless attack, Fabricio looked nervous, sweat dripped down his forehead, he was just a 15-year-old boy, I said:

-Will you help me? Could you put some bronzer on my back because I can't reach?

He approached timidly, applied some cream to my back and started spreading it, I said:

-While you're at it, could you put some on my legs and booty too?

I think he understood that would be his lucky day, didn't waste much time on my legs, instead felt his hands grasping my buttocks, his sexual caresses made me wet all over, I turned a bit and looked at him fixedly in the eyes and asked:

-Fabricio, why do they call you 255?

He lowered his gaze to his crotch, where I followed to notice a pronounced erection, then taking control of the situation he stood up, pulled down his pants to his knees along with his underwear, proudly asserting

-That's why, ma'am, see? Pure meat for hungry women...

I approached him without saying a word, like a nymphomaniac grabbed and started sucking it, my weakness, enormous cocks, was beautiful, thick, hard, young, he remained motionless only observing me, the only sound being the noises of my mouth sucking like a slut, my hands caressing his beautiful testicles, soft, I used my tongue to circle his pink gland, to wipe it with saliva, to choke on it, every now and then pulling it out to contemplate it under the sun's light, tracing its contours centimeter by centimeter, I was on my knees, like adoring that piece of meat that took me straight to hell.

I got up and rushed him to the bedroom leaving thong on the way and smiling like he was undressing with haste because of fear of missing the opportunity.

I made him sit at the edge of the bed, opening his legs, I stood next to him, my breasts were at the height of his face, took his hands and placed them on them. Fabricio started caressing them, dazed, lost, as if gone from reality, I sensed he couldn't believe what was happening.

-Do you like them? I bet you've never had tits like these in your hands.

Fabricio only shook his head without losing sight of my nipples for a moment, like a child playing with candies, just caressing them in circles and clumsily squeezing the dark buttons while I observed the scene passively, I approached him bringing his face against them, shaking my back to hit him with the movements of my tits, from side to side, at that moment I was hot enough for the teenager to penetrate me, his cock remained enormous and stiff, then I said:

-Give it to me, guy, bury all that cock!

He sat up lifting me in the air, passing his arms under my legs, he circled around my neck with mine and brought me against one of the walls of the room, imprisoning me and leaving me exposed, with an unusual madness I felt his flesh opening a path through mine like a dagger cutting my intimacy, filling me completely until it destroyed my uterus, I produced a cry by instinct, closed my eyes and sought his lips with mine, he was moving frenetically thrusting his thick rod deep into me, provoking intense pain but that pleasant pain one wants to repeat forever, making me scream rhythmically in short and strident sounds:

-Ahhh! ahhh! ahhh! ahhh! ahhh! ahhh! ahhh!

It was all that felt like in the room, the guy seemed a raging bull, he had me with force although the bronzer I had applied before made me slip between sus fingers, because it kept me standing with his beautiful cock, then he asked: -Do you like it? Does my cock really please you? The way he treated me with respect while only making me feel worse made the intensity of the orgasms I gave him increase. -Yes!!! Ahhh! Come on! Ahhh! Don't stop... I felt it coming, his cock got even harder inside me, I just surrendered to pleasure, it contracted, squeezed me with force, and his warm cum burst into my sex as my right hand caressed my clitoris, making me come along with him... Fabricio got off visibly agitated and exhausted, his legs trembled, and he sat back down on the bed's edge, his cock began to relax, so I started caressing it to keep him in the game, not going to let him finish yet. In his gaze, I could see the innocence of a teenager overwhelmed by the experience of a veteran like me, then I whispered almost: -Do you know I like it? -No, ma'am, I don't know... -I'm half degenerate... I'd love for you to do my tiny ass and finish everything in the mouth... My words had an immediate effect, his shaft was ready again, I got down on all fours and prepared my tight bum enough to receive such a sword. Fabricio settled behind me, supported his tip, and began pushing, his youth prevented him from managing the times and he attacked with fury, making me hurt, I had to teach him how to do it, slowly my sphincter relaxed and slowly I started eating his 25 cm of meat, it seemed like it was going to kill me, he moved in and out, squeezing me around my waist, with my ass in front of his eyes, my moans had changed, now they were low and prolonged, constant... -Mmmmmmmmm… mmmmmmmmm… mmmmmmmmm… mmmmmmmmm… We moved in sync, I was completely filled, suddenly he pulled out his cock, I thought it was over but discovered he was only looking at my bum, then I asked:... -And the baby? how do I have a bum? Almost with a laugh, she replied -
Lady, it reminds me of a pool cannon... -Mmmm… that's tasty! You're bad, you like opening everything up to me? -Yes, I love it... -I think I won't be able to sit down for a few days... -
Then if he came onto my face, I think my words sounded too convincing, I settled in well, he was masturbating with madness, I helped him with one of my hands, he was just centimeters from my lips, suddenly a white liquid began to come out slowly at the tip, I got excited, then it seemed to take pressure and shot a jet, and another, and another, the semen hit my cheeks, nose, lips, running along its own cock reaching my hand, soon everything around me was stained white, I put him in my mouth, his honey-like flavor filled me, I savored his exquisite aroma, the taste of gods, I bowed down on my knees before... -
Fabricio seemed to have ended the day, but I wanted to keep playing, couldn't lose time, had to keep him in the ring, I went to one of my drawers and took out one of my comforters, one as big as the cock itself of my young lover, he looked at me silently, opened my legs and put it all the way into my pussy until the end, pulled it out to lick it, it was impregnated in my own juices and the cum I had left behind, it was exquisite, went back deep into my pussy. -
To be honest, more than pleasure for me, I was looking to give him pleasure, knew that a man couldn't resist seeing a woman behaving like a slut, while continuing to provoke him, I went back to caressing his cock to make it rigid again little by little. -
I got on top of him taking an active position, opened my legs even with the dildo in my pussy and settled slowly putting his cock into my ass that now entered without any difficulty, then I rode him wildly like trying to tame a runaway horse, he was screaming, I was screaming, both holes were filled, I felt him coming... Again, now it was my ass that received all its cum.

I wanted to keep going, Fabricio begged for mercy, he was exhausted, and Bianca's return time was approaching, so I shouldn't take any unnecessary risks.

We washed ourselves a bit, especially me, who had cum all over my body, my holes were sweetly sore, little by little we regained our composure.

I resumed the dialogue...

-It will be our secret
-As you say, ma'am...
-Can I ask you something?
-Yes, of course...
-Tell me how that competition was
-Competition? What competition?
-You know, when they called you 255...
-I don't know what they told you, ma'am, it must have been Bianca...
-If so... – I asked confused, then he sat down beside me and said

-Look, ma'am, don't take it badly and listen quietly to what I'm going to tell you, Bianca and I have had sex for a while now, just sex, nothing formal. She's only with me because... you already know, she was looking for the same thing you were looking for in my...

He then took his phone and after showing me some photos, he showed me what I didn't want to see: my daughter's face next to his enormous cock, with a measuring tape in her hand. Then he continued defensively:

-I'm warning you, these are your ideas, not mine... You know, if you permit me, I've always wondered who that slut was and now I've finally found out...

I remained mute, speechless, unsure what to do, trapped in my thoughts evaluating the next move, I made Fabricio swear that Bianca would never find out about what happened between us, which he accepted with a complicit smile.

Time passed, I know 255 is still screwing my daughter, but she doesn't know anything and neither does she, as for me, I try to be a slut every day with him, I have to be better than my daughter, I don't think I'll lose that cock for anything in the world...

Write me under the title 'Competition' at

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