Por jugar a ser infiel, termine siendo el cornudo del barrio

Hello. Today I'm going to tell you about the adventures of my wife's slut. This started shortly after the birth of our first child. A year later, with all the responsibilities that came with the new family member, sex took a backseat. It was then that each of us sought satisfaction on their own. Until that moment, I thought it was me, the hairy guy, silver-backed, potato-loader... the only thing I loaded was beautiful and large horns.

Well, at the same time, I was going out with a girl I had met on Face. She was dating a boy 10 years younger than me (I'm six years older than my wife) who she had met on Face too. At first, I didn't suspect anything until it became more obvious. My dignity as a man was at stake.

On her birthday, she went to the Institute where she was studying for her degree. I went to look for her without telling her. The school told me she hadn't shown up that day. My head was spinning with anger and excitement. I couldn't stop thinking if my suspicions were valid. When I finally calmed down, I called her, but she didn't answer until the third time, when I heard her voice apologizing for not warning me.

I asked her why she hadn't warned me (I still hadn't told her that I had gone to look for her) and she said she had left the Institute and gone out with a friend. (Typical of her to bring up the friend). I told her not to come late and to give my regards to the friend, and then I heard laughter in the background.

I got home feeling excited and sad or upset. About an hour later, she came back. She didn't want to kiss me, and when we did kiss, it tasted half-salty. I don't know why, but that made me think that she had sucked her boyfriend's cock (I later found out he was her friend's cum). That was the official day of my cuckolding role.

For more than two years and a half, he was her boyfriend and I was her cuckholding husband. Of everything, after we separated he told me about it. With time, we started going out again and I accepted being the third one because the first one was her official boyfriend more than anything. Already they all knew his friends and with him they went to all the places where we used to go with her. The number of times I went to a pizzeria or bar and even the clients laughed at my terrible horns. The waiters or same employees of the place.

My cuck level was and still is the highest... Many anecdotes to tell that don't fit in a single story

Until the next story...

Leave comments if you liked it. Thanks

6 comentários - Por jugar a ser infiel, termine siendo el cornudo del barrio

Ufff yo la hubiera revisado!! El olor a otro macho en su concha debe ser sublime
Tengo más para contar. Se hacía muy largo en estos días subiré otra parte del relato.
yavas20 +1
Muy bueno van puntos continúa contando como fue el día en que te confesó que eres cornudo lo corroboraste revisando?!?
Kjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj 😂 DOMADO!!!