No dejes de pasar por mi mejor post
No te vas a arrepentir!
Quien en su vida no tiene una historia de hotel? creo que todos vivimos anécdotas y a nadie le llamaría mucho la atención lo que sucede en un cuarto, entre cuatro paredes.
Ahora bien, que pasa cuando existen historias que van mas lejos de lo tradicional, cuando se roza lo bizarro, lo extremo, lo prohibido, lo que muchos fantasean en realizar, pero son contados los que llegan a vivirlo?
A lo largo de HISTORIAS DE HOTEL, recorreremos diez vivencias diferentes, vivencias de personas que se animaron a ser contadas, sentados frente a frente con quien escribe, yo solo tomé esas historias para llevarlas a un papel.
Te invito a recorrer estas diez HISTORIAS DE HOTEL
I had already taken three coffees and had extinguished eight half-smoked cigars in the empty cups, I'm someone who gives too much importance to time and every second is worth gold. Martin arrived late by 50 minutes and quickly excused himself, trying to justify it with a complicated life tied to many schedules. I let him pass but could notice that my next interviewee was an irresponsible type, so I called him, and deduced that what had happened to me wasn't an exception, it was his habit, which would be confirmed after the conversation and understanding how his life revolved around his wife, Jade, whom he called without problems, his personal prostitute. I noticed that in a metaphorical sense, Martin was to Jade what the moon is to the earth, always tied to her, always revolving around her, always depending on her, and she dragging him along with her will. I ordered a new coffee and one for him, sat down in the chair and prepared to listenI would set the beginning of my story when I was turning thirty-four, the day Mariza, my wife, asked me for a divorce. This was a punch in the gut for me, even though our relationship as a couple wasn't perfect, we didn't get along like dog and slut. She always told me I was immature, that I acted foolishly, and that she needed someone who could keep up with her, and I swear I tried but it seems to her it was never enough.
It also influenced the fact that this divorce would be my second failure in life since Alicia, my first wife, had abandoned me years ago for similar reasons, repeating patterns.
However, my separation from my second wife would be different; in this case, it wouldn't just be dividing economic issues. Mariza had given me two daughters then, and the conflict took on other dimensions.
We had many discussions in court trying to agree on visitation lawyers through, the situation worked at first but I noticed she was slowly turning the girls against me, and I'd discover the woman who shared my bed as the worst of my enemies.
The situation went from bad to worse; she was solvent, I was immature, and she used her influence to hit me where it hurt most, my daughters.
The situation went slowly, step by step, but I felt like in the blink of an eye I was left without them. The little ones only started to hate me, the agreed-upon visits stopped being fulfilled, I became a stranger and convinced justice that I was a bad influence for them, me, their father, and soon I was left with empty hands, and if something was missing Marisa went away from the city, to live somewhere else, to rebuild her family with someone who could keep up with her.
It was tough, in the solitude of my life I only talked to my thoughts, asking myself over and over what I was doing wrong, and never had answers. I started drinking without realizing it, like something normal opening one beer after another and entered a Depressive spiral and I fell flat. The problem is that I didn't realize it, for me everything was fine and I kept being the same old charming guy, but Rogelio, a great friend, from his perspective could see what was really happening. He was like my improvised psychologist, endless coffee talks we would stay until past midnight in some city tavern and among many things we talked about at some point he suggested that I needed a 'friend', some woman who would take away all the craziness, just for a good hour, just to pass the time. Rogelio was like they say 'a street type', a bachelor with a girls-available agenda. We started as a game because honestly I didn't want to know anything about paid chicks, he only took out his cell phone so I could see his personal collection. I couldn't help but fix my gaze on Jade, a massive blonde, very sensual, very slutty, I think it was love at first sight, just couldn't stop looking at that artistic photo, she was standing with her long legs stretched out, over yummy high-heeled white boots, with stockings of the same color fitting well above her thighs, her bare back looked perfect in dimensions, with her completely shaved sex, she was curved forward, how to explain it, her head was tilted up and her long hair reached the floor. I pointed her out to my friend, she was the chosen one, he would look at that photo and not want to see another, she was my Eve in paradise. Rogelio made a face on his mouth, a mischievous smile, told me Jade was very good in bed and that for my money she would do whatever I wanted her to do. I contacted Jade through the web, we chatted a bit, it was quick, I told her to come over to my place, but for her own safety she said only at hotels, didn't make visits to unknown places, neither did she have a private apartment, explained that she had a small child and maintained her profession outside of her family. We arranged the 'friend'. rate and we agreed to meet a couple of days later. It's funny, but after cutting off the chat with her I was left staring at her photos like a lovesick fool.
It was all crazy in my head, Jade was a high-level prostitute who would only be with me for money, but I lived those previous moments as if I were going to cross paths with the woman of my life, I felt overwhelmed by her extreme beauty, I was lost for her.
I remember taking a bath, shaving, perfuming myself like never before, looking for my best clothes and even buying a bouquet of roses, I wanted to impress her and leave the best impression of me, I knew that my two failed marriages made me a vulnerable man in front of women, I had fear of failure and only tried to make everything perfect.
She was waiting for me at an agreed-upon corner, wearing normal clothes, didn't need to sell herself like anyone else, I remember her face remaining hidden under a large umbrella that protected her from the heavy rain falling at that moment and the water on my car's windshield creating a halo of mystery in that first encounter.
She got in on my right side, her pants were wet from the thighs down, and her feet wrapped in golden sandals looked completely soaked. She greeted me with a kiss on the cheek and I perceived her yummy voice for the first time while my sense of smell was filled with a sweet perfume.
They'll say I'm an idiot, but at that moment, in that first face-to-face, I knew I would fall at her feet, I knew I would fall in love with her, a premonition, whatever it is, I just knew...
I took the bouquet of roses from the back seat and offered it to her, Jade got emotional, I noticed her eyes taking on that special sparkle of contained tears and as she herself said before the surprise, 'no one gives flowers to a slut'.
Honestly, there was also the gray part of the first encounter, in the bouquet I had left tied the envelope with the agreed-upon bills, bills that she counted one by one, the payment was upfront and Her attitude was a bit like killing that initial surprise, but I understood perfectly that she was working and at that moment I was just one more. Then we went to a nice hotel on the outskirts of the city, the torrential rain and incessant lightning on the horizon invited an intimate day and everything became exquisite.
And we arrived at the room, I had a contained erection since the moment he got into the car, despite which, I tried to be a gentleman and offered if she wanted something, Jade, on her part, showed gratitude, but while starting to undress told me that I had paid for an hour and that I should make better use of my time.
I understood her response, I was with a slut, what else could I expect? However, surely because the words sounded so hard, she tried to correct herself, explaining that I liked her well, and it wasn't because of what I had paid, but because she had to go pick up her son from her friend's place, and she was running out of time.
Jade was completely naked, reclined on the bed, I felt paralyzed by her beauty and only stayed looking at her, the perfection of her curves, her face, her eyes, her hair, her breasts, her hips, her legs. She saw that I seemed not to react and let out a contained laugh, asking if I wasn't the wolf and she the defenseless little red riding hood.
I only rushed over to her, my kisses sought her lips, my hands explored her valleys, her mountains, all the geography of her body, I put my fingers in her sea and tasted the flavor of her salt, her moans sweetened my ears and I couldn't resist licking her rich breasts, I went down her belly and got lost between her legs.
I dedicated myself to licking her pussy, completely shaved, extremely juicy, it was exquisite, lamp-like, appetizing. I passed through her extremely dilated sphincter, which made me very hot. I returned to lick her clitoris, which was big and hard like a pearl, I squeezed it gently between my lips, giving her pleasure, while caressing her rich breasts with my hands, the perfection of her curves, playing with her rich nipples between my fingers, looking from my position at her face, tilted, with her eyes closed, losing contained moans between her plump lips. Jade contracted and seemed to explode in that instant, I'll never know if I really made her come or if it was just an acting job she used to do with every man who paid for her services. In the blink of an eye we had changed positions, she was a doe and without giving me time to react she had already attached herself to my cock, perfect even though I didn't notice how in the first suck she had put a condom on me with her mouth. She only sucked it perfectly, again and again, sucking and sucking, deep and deep, like no one had done before, her tongue on my glans was exquisite, I intuited that it wouldn't last long if I let her continue so I pulled her off my side to start screwing her. I opened her legs and went over her, putting myself in completely, sliding into her interior, taking control of the game Jade opened up for me and only let herself be screwed, deep, deeper and with her movements accompanying my thrusts. Without stopping to screw her, I ran once more through the landscape of her body and on that run I passed by her bum, it was full of her vaginal fluids and my index and major fingers tried to insert themselves into a nearly null resistance from her dilated anus. But then she stopped the game and warned me to stop what I was trying to do, anal sex wasn't part of the deal or the agreed-upon tariff and that's why she put a piece of ice in the heat I felt inside. We kept playing, I put her on all fours and my eyes focused on her enormous buttocks, perfect, precious and once again my gaze naturally went to that enormous crater that made me irresistible. This time, fearing another negative reaction from her part, I confessed that I wanted to give it to her in the ass, that I couldn't resist going on like this. I thought she would yield, error, she turned down my request again and to finish with my demands she made me sit on the bed and did the same at my side, I noticed Jade was annoyed with me so I preferred not to discuss it, only pulled out the condom and started masturbating myself very slowly with one of her hands, leaving my glans exposed, and delaying my ejaculation. With her free hand, she caressed my neck and gave me deep tongue kisses, very erotic and hot.
I felt it coming, and she sensed it, only making her movements slower each time, until almost not moving her hand at all, and I just spat out semen like an animal, what a mess, Jade was unique...
We looked at the clock, only forty-five minutes had passed, but for me it felt like an eternity. She glanced at the hour, looked at me, then at the floor, where there were long marks of cum, looked back at me, laughed, and noticing she had my full attention, got down on her hands and knees, and as if she was a cat, pulled out her tongue and went passing the tip over all the lines of my juices, once and again and again, it was so sexy, and I was just watching what she did. Jade was playing her game, delayed the remaining fifteen minutes by cleaning up the floor with her tongue, lips, contouring herself, pulling out her ass, a scene that was too crazy, precious, perfect, and achieved what she wanted, I had another terrible erection, blind like a bull, all I wanted to do was screw her, but of course, she made me see that my time was up. She was a damn perverse one, only playing so I would come back for her, only sowing to be able to reap, and I felt enchanted by that woman...
From then on, Jade would stab into my neurons like a dagger, every night I thought of her, every night I masturbated thinking of her, and I felt the need to go back to counting on her services. This time I would go for everything, pay her price, and that formidable booty would be mine, I would give myself the pleasure of doing it from behind, and I got very excited, knowing it wasn't the first time, nor would it be the last, that Booty had a price for whoever could pay it, and when I thought I was closing my story with her, I realized I was just starting. That woman became an addiction to me and was like a drug, the more I had of her, the more I wanted, and I said... account that I was crazy, I was falling in love with that prostitute. In some coffee chat, my old friend Rogelio told me I looked better, happier, and he brought up Jade, I told him I was going crazy, that I was seeing the woman behind the prostitute, and I wanted to invite her to my house for dinner, a walk, I wanted to know her son, things were changing, and so many more things... Rogelio listened without believing what he heard, he replied it was madness, Jade was just anyone and always would be, even he had slept with her, and knew many others who had taken her to bed, think about what they would say about our relationship, acquaintances, friends... Honestly never mattered to me what Rogelio or anyone else thought, I kept going ahead with my relationship, if it could even be called a relationship, because Jade always charged per minute she gave me, but finally accepted coming to my house, and I met her son, and things only got better until we decided to live together under the same roof. We had to agree on some things, she would keep doing what she was doing, definitely Jade liked being a slut, and couldn't change that about herself, if in the end that's how I'd known her. The little Eugenio, her son, seems like my own son, it's funny when she goes out to work, I stay with him, I'm the father he never had, I take him to school, bathe him, pamper him, give him love, that love I had reserved for my daughters and which by destiny's things I can no longer give them. And one more thing, Jade is an excellent lover, at night she tells me about the craziness she did with guys on occasion, like how she sucked their cock, or how they took her, or how they gave her a rim job, I love listening to her, it gets me going and we end up rolling around in bed, the best part is that she doesn't charge for sex anymore, well, sometimes she does...The interview had ended, interrupted by the furious ringtone of Martino's cell phone. He spoke briefly, in a low voice, as if trying to have a private conversation in front of a third party.
After cutting off, we finished tying up some loose ends that were left in the story, dispelled some doubts so that the story would be as real as possible and not write my history about his history.
Minutes later, a small white car with pearlized paint pulled up near the local, visible from the side window. A very beautiful blonde woman got out, wearing a combined dress with a knee-length skirt, very feminine indeed, making her look very attractive by highlighting her curves.
She opened the back door and a small demon jumped out from inside, a prince around seven or eight years old, as red-haired as the woman, with his hair like wires scattered everywhere, restless and jumping. Martino observed the scene along with me, and a smile returned to his lips.
They entered the local and came straight to our meeting, little Eugenio hugged the person who was finishing telling part of their life story to me, and he returned the hug saying 'how are you champion?'
Then he introduced me to Jade, as he called her, 'his personal prostitute', she apologized for sounding impolite, in truth she had a scheduled appointment and was running late.If you liked the story, you can write me with title HOTEL STORIES to
No te vas a arrepentir!
Quien en su vida no tiene una historia de hotel? creo que todos vivimos anécdotas y a nadie le llamaría mucho la atención lo que sucede en un cuarto, entre cuatro paredes.
Ahora bien, que pasa cuando existen historias que van mas lejos de lo tradicional, cuando se roza lo bizarro, lo extremo, lo prohibido, lo que muchos fantasean en realizar, pero son contados los que llegan a vivirlo?
A lo largo de HISTORIAS DE HOTEL, recorreremos diez vivencias diferentes, vivencias de personas que se animaron a ser contadas, sentados frente a frente con quien escribe, yo solo tomé esas historias para llevarlas a un papel.
Te invito a recorrer estas diez HISTORIAS DE HOTEL
I had already taken three coffees and had extinguished eight half-smoked cigars in the empty cups, I'm someone who gives too much importance to time and every second is worth gold. Martin arrived late by 50 minutes and quickly excused himself, trying to justify it with a complicated life tied to many schedules. I let him pass but could notice that my next interviewee was an irresponsible type, so I called him, and deduced that what had happened to me wasn't an exception, it was his habit, which would be confirmed after the conversation and understanding how his life revolved around his wife, Jade, whom he called without problems, his personal prostitute. I noticed that in a metaphorical sense, Martin was to Jade what the moon is to the earth, always tied to her, always revolving around her, always depending on her, and she dragging him along with her will. I ordered a new coffee and one for him, sat down in the chair and prepared to listenI would set the beginning of my story when I was turning thirty-four, the day Mariza, my wife, asked me for a divorce. This was a punch in the gut for me, even though our relationship as a couple wasn't perfect, we didn't get along like dog and slut. She always told me I was immature, that I acted foolishly, and that she needed someone who could keep up with her, and I swear I tried but it seems to her it was never enough.
It also influenced the fact that this divorce would be my second failure in life since Alicia, my first wife, had abandoned me years ago for similar reasons, repeating patterns.
However, my separation from my second wife would be different; in this case, it wouldn't just be dividing economic issues. Mariza had given me two daughters then, and the conflict took on other dimensions.
We had many discussions in court trying to agree on visitation lawyers through, the situation worked at first but I noticed she was slowly turning the girls against me, and I'd discover the woman who shared my bed as the worst of my enemies.
The situation went from bad to worse; she was solvent, I was immature, and she used her influence to hit me where it hurt most, my daughters.
The situation went slowly, step by step, but I felt like in the blink of an eye I was left without them. The little ones only started to hate me, the agreed-upon visits stopped being fulfilled, I became a stranger and convinced justice that I was a bad influence for them, me, their father, and soon I was left with empty hands, and if something was missing Marisa went away from the city, to live somewhere else, to rebuild her family with someone who could keep up with her.
It was tough, in the solitude of my life I only talked to my thoughts, asking myself over and over what I was doing wrong, and never had answers. I started drinking without realizing it, like something normal opening one beer after another and entered a Depressive spiral and I fell flat. The problem is that I didn't realize it, for me everything was fine and I kept being the same old charming guy, but Rogelio, a great friend, from his perspective could see what was really happening. He was like my improvised psychologist, endless coffee talks we would stay until past midnight in some city tavern and among many things we talked about at some point he suggested that I needed a 'friend', some woman who would take away all the craziness, just for a good hour, just to pass the time. Rogelio was like they say 'a street type', a bachelor with a girls-available agenda. We started as a game because honestly I didn't want to know anything about paid chicks, he only took out his cell phone so I could see his personal collection. I couldn't help but fix my gaze on Jade, a massive blonde, very sensual, very slutty, I think it was love at first sight, just couldn't stop looking at that artistic photo, she was standing with her long legs stretched out, over yummy high-heeled white boots, with stockings of the same color fitting well above her thighs, her bare back looked perfect in dimensions, with her completely shaved sex, she was curved forward, how to explain it, her head was tilted up and her long hair reached the floor. I pointed her out to my friend, she was the chosen one, he would look at that photo and not want to see another, she was my Eve in paradise. Rogelio made a face on his mouth, a mischievous smile, told me Jade was very good in bed and that for my money she would do whatever I wanted her to do. I contacted Jade through the web, we chatted a bit, it was quick, I told her to come over to my place, but for her own safety she said only at hotels, didn't make visits to unknown places, neither did she have a private apartment, explained that she had a small child and maintained her profession outside of her family. We arranged the 'friend'. rate and we agreed to meet a couple of days later. It's funny, but after cutting off the chat with her I was left staring at her photos like a lovesick fool.
It was all crazy in my head, Jade was a high-level prostitute who would only be with me for money, but I lived those previous moments as if I were going to cross paths with the woman of my life, I felt overwhelmed by her extreme beauty, I was lost for her.
I remember taking a bath, shaving, perfuming myself like never before, looking for my best clothes and even buying a bouquet of roses, I wanted to impress her and leave the best impression of me, I knew that my two failed marriages made me a vulnerable man in front of women, I had fear of failure and only tried to make everything perfect.
She was waiting for me at an agreed-upon corner, wearing normal clothes, didn't need to sell herself like anyone else, I remember her face remaining hidden under a large umbrella that protected her from the heavy rain falling at that moment and the water on my car's windshield creating a halo of mystery in that first encounter.
She got in on my right side, her pants were wet from the thighs down, and her feet wrapped in golden sandals looked completely soaked. She greeted me with a kiss on the cheek and I perceived her yummy voice for the first time while my sense of smell was filled with a sweet perfume.
They'll say I'm an idiot, but at that moment, in that first face-to-face, I knew I would fall at her feet, I knew I would fall in love with her, a premonition, whatever it is, I just knew...
I took the bouquet of roses from the back seat and offered it to her, Jade got emotional, I noticed her eyes taking on that special sparkle of contained tears and as she herself said before the surprise, 'no one gives flowers to a slut'.
Honestly, there was also the gray part of the first encounter, in the bouquet I had left tied the envelope with the agreed-upon bills, bills that she counted one by one, the payment was upfront and Her attitude was a bit like killing that initial surprise, but I understood perfectly that she was working and at that moment I was just one more. Then we went to a nice hotel on the outskirts of the city, the torrential rain and incessant lightning on the horizon invited an intimate day and everything became exquisite.

I understood her response, I was with a slut, what else could I expect? However, surely because the words sounded so hard, she tried to correct herself, explaining that I liked her well, and it wasn't because of what I had paid, but because she had to go pick up her son from her friend's place, and she was running out of time.
Jade was completely naked, reclined on the bed, I felt paralyzed by her beauty and only stayed looking at her, the perfection of her curves, her face, her eyes, her hair, her breasts, her hips, her legs. She saw that I seemed not to react and let out a contained laugh, asking if I wasn't the wolf and she the defenseless little red riding hood.
I only rushed over to her, my kisses sought her lips, my hands explored her valleys, her mountains, all the geography of her body, I put my fingers in her sea and tasted the flavor of her salt, her moans sweetened my ears and I couldn't resist licking her rich breasts, I went down her belly and got lost between her legs.
I dedicated myself to licking her pussy, completely shaved, extremely juicy, it was exquisite, lamp-like, appetizing. I passed through her extremely dilated sphincter, which made me very hot. I returned to lick her clitoris, which was big and hard like a pearl, I squeezed it gently between my lips, giving her pleasure, while caressing her rich breasts with my hands, the perfection of her curves, playing with her rich nipples between my fingers, looking from my position at her face, tilted, with her eyes closed, losing contained moans between her plump lips. Jade contracted and seemed to explode in that instant, I'll never know if I really made her come or if it was just an acting job she used to do with every man who paid for her services. In the blink of an eye we had changed positions, she was a doe and without giving me time to react she had already attached herself to my cock, perfect even though I didn't notice how in the first suck she had put a condom on me with her mouth. She only sucked it perfectly, again and again, sucking and sucking, deep and deep, like no one had done before, her tongue on my glans was exquisite, I intuited that it wouldn't last long if I let her continue so I pulled her off my side to start screwing her. I opened her legs and went over her, putting myself in completely, sliding into her interior, taking control of the game Jade opened up for me and only let herself be screwed, deep, deeper and with her movements accompanying my thrusts. Without stopping to screw her, I ran once more through the landscape of her body and on that run I passed by her bum, it was full of her vaginal fluids and my index and major fingers tried to insert themselves into a nearly null resistance from her dilated anus. But then she stopped the game and warned me to stop what I was trying to do, anal sex wasn't part of the deal or the agreed-upon tariff and that's why she put a piece of ice in the heat I felt inside. We kept playing, I put her on all fours and my eyes focused on her enormous buttocks, perfect, precious and once again my gaze naturally went to that enormous crater that made me irresistible. This time, fearing another negative reaction from her part, I confessed that I wanted to give it to her in the ass, that I couldn't resist going on like this. I thought she would yield, error, she turned down my request again and to finish with my demands she made me sit on the bed and did the same at my side, I noticed Jade was annoyed with me so I preferred not to discuss it, only pulled out the condom and started masturbating myself very slowly with one of her hands, leaving my glans exposed, and delaying my ejaculation. With her free hand, she caressed my neck and gave me deep tongue kisses, very erotic and hot.
I felt it coming, and she sensed it, only making her movements slower each time, until almost not moving her hand at all, and I just spat out semen like an animal, what a mess, Jade was unique...
We looked at the clock, only forty-five minutes had passed, but for me it felt like an eternity. She glanced at the hour, looked at me, then at the floor, where there were long marks of cum, looked back at me, laughed, and noticing she had my full attention, got down on her hands and knees, and as if she was a cat, pulled out her tongue and went passing the tip over all the lines of my juices, once and again and again, it was so sexy, and I was just watching what she did. Jade was playing her game, delayed the remaining fifteen minutes by cleaning up the floor with her tongue, lips, contouring herself, pulling out her ass, a scene that was too crazy, precious, perfect, and achieved what she wanted, I had another terrible erection, blind like a bull, all I wanted to do was screw her, but of course, she made me see that my time was up. She was a damn perverse one, only playing so I would come back for her, only sowing to be able to reap, and I felt enchanted by that woman...
From then on, Jade would stab into my neurons like a dagger, every night I thought of her, every night I masturbated thinking of her, and I felt the need to go back to counting on her services. This time I would go for everything, pay her price, and that formidable booty would be mine, I would give myself the pleasure of doing it from behind, and I got very excited, knowing it wasn't the first time, nor would it be the last, that Booty had a price for whoever could pay it, and when I thought I was closing my story with her, I realized I was just starting. That woman became an addiction to me and was like a drug, the more I had of her, the more I wanted, and I said... account that I was crazy, I was falling in love with that prostitute. In some coffee chat, my old friend Rogelio told me I looked better, happier, and he brought up Jade, I told him I was going crazy, that I was seeing the woman behind the prostitute, and I wanted to invite her to my house for dinner, a walk, I wanted to know her son, things were changing, and so many more things... Rogelio listened without believing what he heard, he replied it was madness, Jade was just anyone and always would be, even he had slept with her, and knew many others who had taken her to bed, think about what they would say about our relationship, acquaintances, friends... Honestly never mattered to me what Rogelio or anyone else thought, I kept going ahead with my relationship, if it could even be called a relationship, because Jade always charged per minute she gave me, but finally accepted coming to my house, and I met her son, and things only got better until we decided to live together under the same roof. We had to agree on some things, she would keep doing what she was doing, definitely Jade liked being a slut, and couldn't change that about herself, if in the end that's how I'd known her. The little Eugenio, her son, seems like my own son, it's funny when she goes out to work, I stay with him, I'm the father he never had, I take him to school, bathe him, pamper him, give him love, that love I had reserved for my daughters and which by destiny's things I can no longer give them. And one more thing, Jade is an excellent lover, at night she tells me about the craziness she did with guys on occasion, like how she sucked their cock, or how they took her, or how they gave her a rim job, I love listening to her, it gets me going and we end up rolling around in bed, the best part is that she doesn't charge for sex anymore, well, sometimes she does...The interview had ended, interrupted by the furious ringtone of Martino's cell phone. He spoke briefly, in a low voice, as if trying to have a private conversation in front of a third party.
After cutting off, we finished tying up some loose ends that were left in the story, dispelled some doubts so that the story would be as real as possible and not write my history about his history.
Minutes later, a small white car with pearlized paint pulled up near the local, visible from the side window. A very beautiful blonde woman got out, wearing a combined dress with a knee-length skirt, very feminine indeed, making her look very attractive by highlighting her curves.
She opened the back door and a small demon jumped out from inside, a prince around seven or eight years old, as red-haired as the woman, with his hair like wires scattered everywhere, restless and jumping. Martino observed the scene along with me, and a smile returned to his lips.
They entered the local and came straight to our meeting, little Eugenio hugged the person who was finishing telling part of their life story to me, and he returned the hug saying 'how are you champion?'
Then he introduced me to Jade, as he called her, 'his personal prostitute', she apologized for sounding impolite, in truth she had a scheduled appointment and was running late.If you liked the story, you can write me with title HOTEL STORIES to
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