I Every time I opened my mouth this girl (unless it was to give me incredible oral pleasure) made me fall in love with her foxy attitude a little more. Finally, I was going to get tired of this perfect little ass.
Let's go then.
I gave her some kisses on the thighs and let out her Booty.
When we stopped, we looked at each other in our nakedness, regretful of having separated temporarily.
I- What a divine thing you are, God, you kill me girl.
She celebrated my flattery with a little dance, letting me see her bouncing tits.
María- If you want I'll stay like this naked...
I- How?
María- Yes... Until the car... And there too. ;)
Ufff I bit my lip not to eat her up right then.
I- Come on, little one.
I sent her ahead with a little butt-check. María responded by wagging her Booty.
María- Do that again...
She prepared for another impact.
María- Auuu! How tasty is my life, thanks. Very happy with the attitude of my slutty I gave her another one without asking, leaving my hand on her ass and giving her a couple of squeezes.
I- Now walk so you want to see me.
She started moving like a model, emphasizing the swinging of her hips. The hypnotic bounce of her bare buttocks entertained me enough to make a 10-minute walk last for 10 seconds.
We arrived at the car and I couldn't help but freeze for a moment with the sight of María naked sitting in the passenger seat, delicious like a visual caramel.
We headed towards the apartment and on the way I couldn't help but peek a little at those legs, another little at her pussy or tits, always keeping an eye on our safety but evidencing myself as the degenerate that I was.
María- It's straight ahead, kid...
We laughed.
I- Are you going to blame me for wanting to look a bit with you being so hot?
María- I'm not hot and bold, I'm head master... Look ahead.
After saying that She accommodated herself between my legs, I moved a little to let her in. María - I can't wait to keep playing. And she went back to eating my cock. I - Don't let anyone see you like that. I said, lowering her head onto my cock. The drive from the beach to the apartment didn't take more than 15 minutes with the streets like they were, but even so, the headmaster gave me a few minutes of sucking in the car. When I parked at the entrance of the house, I leaned my head against the backrest to keep enjoying her mouth. María - Let's stay here for a bit... I continued the bobbing. I - I thought you wanted to sit on this... María got off my penis and masturbated it while looking at me. María - You're right - she said, talking to my friend - today you get something very tasty. Quickly she got up and got out of the car, jumping naked into the entrance of the house. I watched her with affection from the driver's seat, and when she finally entered the house, I followed her. Already inside the apartment, I spoke to her in a playful tone. I - Where do you want me? María - You want it down there, mine. She pushed me towards the couch and threw me, then helped me take off my shirt and lowered my pants. She brought her face back to my penis and talked to it. María - This is going to be your life's delight. She gave a kiss and climbed on top of me. María - And you, don't even tell me - this time referring to herself. She took my cock by the trunk and aimed it at the entrance of her cave. Finally, in a long sigh of pleasure, she began to descend, giving me passage through the walls of her pussy. María - Oh God! I - Yes, slut, enjoy it as much as I do... María - As much as you, impossible bold one jajaja... But oh... What a delight. When I got halfway down my trunk, I could feel she wasn't fully dilated yet, then she started jumping on my cock, each of which ended with my cock a little deeper in my pussy. Sent after sent, I was killing myself with pleasure, until her buttocks touched my thighs, making it clear she was... Eating everything... And then she left. I grabbed her by the booty and talked. You're killing me, slutty. I gave her a blow job. María - Ah! It wasn't that lucky, now if you're going to enjoy... And with that, the real ride began. Each jump meant an entire entry and exit of my cock in her entrails, the sensation of her ass bumping against my legs and the rebound of her boobs were a pleasure for the memory, an irresistible pleasure. I - I'm about to cum my life... María - A little more, please... I - I didn't put on a condom... María - Dah! Don't ruin the powder... Well, then it's time for a snack. She got off me and went down to suck. I - I'll return the favor equally divine. I said between gasps. María - More than you're worth... She accelerated her work with her hands and mouth to make me delirious in an indescribable orgasm. I - Aaaaah! How good it is that you suck for God's sake! With cum in her mouth, the gorged girl got up and put her tiny ass on my face again. María - It's your turn... She said between gargles. Eat. II The next morning had a slightly tenser atmosphere than usual around our home. While María wasn't acting out of sorts or anything like that, she seemed a bit distant, wandering around the house fully dressed and only leaving her room to go to the bathroom or pass through the kitchen. I, for my part, was still using the living room for my most comfortable entertainment. Sitting there watching TV as many times before I heard her urging me on from the kitchen shelves. I - I... Did something happen? You seem a bit strange... María - Nothing, why? Maybe it's stress from school... She continued inspecting the reserves, as if she didn't want to give me attention. She didn't say much more and started to walk away. I - Hey! She stopped. I - Come on, don't you want to watch something? María - Nah, I'm not in the mood now... I - Wait! Don't go... Sit down for a second. María - Ugh, what do you want? With reproach she came towards me and sat down. I - Don't tell me nothing is going on because you're You're never like this beautiful... And just after we came... María- Good... It's that I don't know if I was good... Yo- You were perfect my life. ;) I tried to take her hand but she quickly rejected it. María- But see... 'beautiful', 'my life'... One thing is saying it, but it wasn't my intention to get attached... I remained silent, with a ashamed and fixed gaze on the floor. Yo- Nothing's wrong... Seriously, I didn't get attached, but I thought we treated each other like that, I suppose. I lied, I was really crazy about this cutie, but somehow I had to try to save the quarantine. María- Hmm... Well, I won't tell you to stop sucking cock. It seems the trick worked, thank God. María- But it seems like I'll let you calm down for a bit... And that was just once, right? It wasn't the biggest victory but between all of this could have been much worse. Yo- I understand. I said disappointed. Yo- And... Was eating pussy also just once? She glared at me and went to her room. When she got to the door, she turned back to look at me. María- We'll settle that later. ;) She entered her room. Ufff This cutie was crazy, even when I wanted to cool down I couldn't help but get hard just from her words, quarantine was entering a more difficult stage but my optimism remained intact. III The coming days reminded me in some way of the first days of quarantine, when the heat of isolation with a girl 10 points had me masturbating all day long. Unfortunately, reality separated from those charming days when María no longer flaunted her marvelous ass around the house, leaving it up to the Internet and provocative photos that arrived from previous adventures to help my imagination in my self-pleasure sessions. We spent more time in our rooms than usual, sometimes I standing in front of the door to my room, fear preventing my entry... And I liked to believe that sometimes she went through the same thing. Being locked in the room, passing from Facebook to Instagram and back to Facebook with overwhelming boredom, a WhatsApp message entered me. It was from María. Are you presentable? Obviously, she didn't want to fall into another accident like that time. I replied yes and after a minute, she left me be. I waited what seemed like an eternity (although it was probably two or three minutes) and distinguished a shadow in the doorway. That's when María appeared without knocking, holding her phone, and to my surprise and total joy, she returned with her look of slut naked. Yo-Ma... María-Shhh... Take off your pants. She said entering my bed. I didn't make her wait and obeyed her orders. The abruptness of the situation hadn't left my excitement unmarred, so my friend was still flaccid. The touch of her soft fingers helped a lot with my expansion, and in a few moments, she had me masturbating like she did that afternoon on the couch. Yo-Ta prontita... Come on. María-Shhh, I'm not going to suck it. Yo-How not? She started accelerating the rhythm, twisting her wrist with each lift of her hand over my cock. Her free hand rested on my balls and began massaging them in sync with the masturbation. María-I'll just come now. It seemed that contrary to her words, her face desired something more than touching it, the very slutty one bit her lips and even for a moment threatened to give me a blow job. María-I need you fresh because Camila is coming tomorrow and I don't want you walking around like a little boy with your mouth open. Yo-Who's Camila? She stopped masturbating for a second and started manipulating her phone. María-Now my whole phone will be filled with the smell of your cock. She said angrily, but looked at me for a microsecond and smiled. I liked that she distinguished it as my cock. I noticed He slid my finger across the phone like searching for a photo, I assumed it would show a picture of this Camila. She handed me her phone and continued with her work. Incredible, there was no photo on the screen. The phone showed the mythical video of her party friend. Dazed, I stood staring at that pornographic wonder while my partner expertly masturbated me. María - The head mistress is coming tomorrow...
5 comentários - Cuarentena con mi amiga (Parte 5)