No dejes de pasar por mi mejor post
No te vas a arrepentir!
Cuando conocí a Gretel supe del primer momento que las cosas no serían fáciles, era perfecta por donde la mirase y su hermosura no se comparaba con la de ninguna otra, dueña de proporciones anatómicas casi perfectas, cada cosa en su lugar, no había nada que quitar, nada que agregar. Sus angelicales cabellos levemente enrulados contrastaban con la diablura de sus ojos, negros, profundos, perversos, sus labios parecían pintados a mano por un artista del lienzo, y al contemplar su rostro solo encontraba excitación.
Su cuerpo encarnaba a la perfección en esos dibujos de heroínas de comics, tan increíbles, tan sensuales.
Me enamoré perdidamente de ella y aun hoy en día no alcanzo a comprender que es lo que ella vio en mí para enamorarse de un tonto como yo…
Pero no solo su perfección física me sedujo, porque con el tiempo la belleza inexorablemente se escurre como agua entre los dedos, Gretel resultó ser mejor que nadie en la cama, mejor por mucho de cuanta mujer me había acostado anteriormente, desinhibida, perra, sabiendo disfrutar como ninguna de su condición de mujer, y sabiendo cómo ninguna como llevar a un hombre al borde de la locura, una hembra apasionada, incansable, viciosa y lujuriosa.
Y desde el día en que empezamos a salir estuve consiente de que no era el único hombre que se acostaba con ella, a pesar que una y otra vez me jurara su amor incondicional yo sabía que me engañaba y que siempre me engañaría, sencillamente lo llevaba en sus genes. Por un tiempo me funcionó jugar a ‘no saberlo’, negando una realidad por demás evidente. Incluso cerraba mis oídos a la voz baja de la chusma y al consejo sano de amigos, ‘cornudo’ no me era una palabra fácil de asimilar.
Ella jugaba al gato y al ratón conmigo, no me confirmaba sus infidelidades, pero tampoco las negaba, me evadía cada vez que tocaba el tema.
Pasados unos años y con mis cuernos más que evidentes busqué un plan B, le pagaría con la misma moneda, así que también me anduve revolcando con mujerzuelas solo para provocar su ego, pero para mí desgracia en no mucho tiempo comprobaría que parecía inmune a lo mal que yo me portara.
Pero yo no era así, sufría en silencio y a veces lloraba por los rincones, al menos me conformaba tener una parte de ella, Gretel decía una y otra vez que era todo para ella, pero no obraba en consecuencia y yo me transformé en un tonto, en su perro faldero, su imán era tan potente que no podía apartarme de ella, sencillamente prefería compartirla a perderla…
Pasamos varios años así, llegando a los treinta Gretel se ponía más hermosa y yo estaba cuesta abajo, tenía un poco de barriga, estaba perdiendo el cabello y ya había asimilado que estuviera con cuanto tipo quisiera, mientras también estuviera conmigo.
Una noche después de cenar nos enganchamos con una película, casualmente trataba de una mujer infiel que se divertía con cuanto tipo quería, y como su celoso marido la perseguía a escondidas y la observaba como se encamaba con extraños, el fin de la historia no viene al caso, lo que sí importa es que a medida que avanzaba la película Gretel se fue acurrucando cada vez más contra mi cuerpo y en algún momento sugirió muy por encima, como buscando mi reacción si me gustaría verla mientras estaba con otro tipo, yo fui cortante con la respuesta, pero esa noche sin decir nada los dos estuvimos explosivos como pocas veces lo habíamos estado y fue evidente que nuestros cuerpos dijeron cosa que nuestros labios callaron.
Poco a poco la idea fue tomando forma en mis pensamientos, una mezcla de humillante dolor y desconocido placer, ella cada tanto volvía a la carga con indirectas, dejándome ver que la excitaba la idea de que la viera coger con otro tipo y para ser honesto, tal vez de esa manera los cuernos ya no dolerían tanto…
Y llegaría la primera vez…
Hacía unos meses un par de muchachos de nuestra edad, en sociedad, habían abierto un gimnasio a unas de cuadras de casa donde Gretel se había anotado, era lo que sabía por lo que ella me había contado, no le di mucha importancia al tema, ya sabía cómo era…
Pero una tarde tuve que volver antes de lo previsto a casa, ella no me esperaba, y yo no me esperaba encontrar lo que encontré… la música se escuchaba desde lejos, abrí la puerta y ahí estaban ellos, mi esposa tenía unas calzas negras y brillosas con una malla enteriza de gimnasia, amarillo fuerte, de esas que se meten en el culo resaltando la perfección de sus curvas, con sus tetas marcadas y saltonas, una vincha del mismo tono en su frente, el tipo con una amplia musculosa marcando un tórax exageradamente musculoso, ambos transpirados en demasía, se respiraba calor en el ambiente, ella tomó la palabra viniendo a mi lado
-Cariño! Llegaste temprano! me hubieras avisado! espero no te moleste pero hace un tiempo decidí tener personal trainer, el gimnasio estaba muy plomo y hay demasiada gente, iba a decírtelo!...
-Y el quien es? – dije cortándola en seco ya que mi esposa estaba lanzando una catarata imparable de palabras
-Perdón, soy Marcelo… - terceo el tipo extendiéndome su mano derecha.
Hablamos un rato más, en realidad ellos hablaban y yo escuchaba, pude sentirlo, pude adivinarlo, ese hijo de puta se la cogía, se cogía a la puta de mi esposa…
Poco tiempo después conocí a Gustavo, el otro tipo que también le daba clases, el otro que seguramente también se la cogía...
Gretel una vez más se saldría con la suya, insistió con su idea y me perforó el cerebro, e hizo lo mismo con Marcelo y con Gustavo, al fin nos encontramos en casa los cuatro y disfrutamos la cena.
Mientras compartíamos la comida y hablaba con esos tipo que pronto se cogerían a mi amada, volvieron a atravesarme esos sentimientos como la noche de la película, esa mezcla de humillante dolor y desconocido placer, que de alguna manera me provocaban una rara excitación, porque una cosa era imaginarlo y otra diferente consumarlo y el momento llegaba, estaba al alcance de mi mano.
Pude notar que los tipos también tenían algo de nerviosismo, seguramente incómodos por la situación, imaginé que no debería ser fácil solo desnudarse y coger mientras un extraño te observa, casualmente Gretel parecía la más locuaz y desinhibida por la situación que lejos pasaba de ser una situación normal.
After dessert, she asked us three men for permission to get a bit more comfortable, I saw her disappear from my view as she entered our bedroom, minutes later she appeared like a cheap slut, mounted on high heels and almost naked, with an incredible fuchsia thong lost in her sex, with her huge ass exposed, barely covered by a transparent baby doll under which the perfection of her breasts was drawn.
I had an immediate erection, seeing her, feeling them, my wife walked by, flaunting like Foxy, shaking her hips from side to side, came over me and pressed hard on my cock, giving me the sweetest kiss I'd ever gotten before abandoning me and going to sit on Gustavo's lap, whom she started kissing passionately in the mouth, deep, very deep, the guy's hands began to grope her, touching her skin, her tits, her ass, then it was over Marcelo for him to do exactly the same with him, for me everything was strange, new, erotic...
She always took the initiative and said
- Guys, let's go to the room, I want to screw...
She went ahead, I behind everyone, they undressed and she waited expectantly, and I remained silent on the side.
Like a good slut, because that's what I felt, she knelt down between the guys, in the middle, took their cocks with one hand each and after masturbating them for a few seconds, managed to achieve a perfect erection, my wife then started kissing them, sucking them, from left to right, like in the best porn movie I could see her tongue getting lost between the two glans that she brought together to savor at the same time, it cost me to believe what I was seeing, lost in bitter satisfaction, she wasn't just a woman, she was MY woman!
Then she let them penetrate her mouth as they pleased, Gretel still kneeling brought one hand to her breasts and the other to her vagina, running the thong to one side, I saw her masturbating with Frenzy of her clitoris burying it at the same time as his fingers in its hollow, her plump ring perfectly depilated stood out in the dimness of the room.
De pronto she was dragged onto the bed, completely undressed, Marcelo got lost between her open legs to eat her pussy while at the same time squeezing her tits with his strong hands, Gustavo on the side played dragging his cock across my beloved's face, lips, nose, cheeks, mouth, she was totally surrendered, jading like a slut, I thought I'd realize that I wasn't present anymore, but suddenly she said:
-Do you like it? Do you like being cuck? Do you like seeing other guys screw your wife?
And to be honest, I did, so I just nodded with my head, with a terrible erection under my pants, they changed positions and Gustavo started screwing her, she shuddered as she was penetrated and her cries were silenced by the other cock entering her mouth.
The three of us enjoyed it in front of my passive gaze, they screwed her in every position imaginable, pussy, mouth, gave her some, her cries filled the room with pleasure and I couldn't believe I was somehow enjoying it, Gustavo had her surrendered on all fours, then I said:
-I want you to take it up the ass...
And didn't need to repeat it, he lubricated and started trying out the other hole, Gretel didn't even flinch, in fact, seemed to receive my request with benevolence and settled into a receptive position. Soon there was no hole left unused, Marcelo also tried her ass and everything happened in a frenzied orgy without pause, where only screams, purrs, and cries of my slut wife could be heard, somehow I felt an unknown pleasure for me, an abnormal excitement, with an uncontrollable desire to undress and join the game, to fill this slut up through all holes... briefly I would check that Gretel would surpass all imaginable barriers, she was riding Marcelo and sucking his cock while Gustavo's beautiful ass rose and fell within a meter of where I was, her pussy was completely eating the other guy's cock as he in turn caressed all her buttocks, then the other one came from behind, the one below stopped her for a few seconds and Gustavo began to try his luck in her ass, my wife said no, not on both sides, they were degenerates, but in that way I understood their thoughts saying 'yes, I'll kill them if they don't...'
Soon she was eating one cock through her pussy and another through her ass, both at the same time, dilating it, enjoying it, drunk with madness and pleasure, I felt like my heart was about to explode, burst out of my mouth...
But there was still more... Gustavo only pulled his cock out of her ass and started forcing himself into her pussy, not caring that the place was occupied by Marcelo's sex, they barely took a few seconds to give each other head through her pussy at the same time, it was evident that this wasn't the first time they had done it, everything seemed too coordinated to be casual...
They changed again, she started riding Gustavo, filling his pussy with the personal trainer's cock, the other one went back to her mouth, from where I was standing I could see her sphincter now empty and open like a pornographic slut...
It wouldn't be long before they finished, the moans told me how they were filling her pussy with cum, she was braying when Gustavo filled her cave, Marcelo would take her by surprise since she seemed too concentrated on what was happening inside her sex, like a high-pressure hose, the white liquid splashed on her face and suddenly buried itself in her mouth until I lost sight of it, leaving all her cum inside Gretel who savored it with great pleasure...
When the storm passed and everything returned to its gentle... The sensation of calm that filled the air was rare, Marcelo and Gustavo seemed somewhat intimidated, as if they had caught my wife in my own nostrils. She was radiating light on her side, with a pleasure that needed to be screamed out loud, looking at me with sin in her eyes, silently passing her index finger over her cheek covered in semen, enjoying the last drops. I was about to explode, so I took the initiative while they were getting dressed and said politely...
Gentlemen, thank you very much, but now I invite you to leave if it doesn't bother you, I'd like to have sex with my wife...
I hurriedly bid them farewell with a handshake, as if saying it's all fine and rushed back to the bedroom, undressing on the way. I threw myself onto the bed like a tiger pounces on a gazelle, violating Gretel like never before, with an unprecedented madness in me, unknown, sliding my cock into her pussy, which was wet, lubricated, full of semen... I lost it, put my hand in her ass, if not for the fat finger, I would have put my entire fist in there. And her mouth... her mouth had the bitter taste of Marcelo's cum, didn't matter to me, they were forbidden kisses, Eva's mouth after tasting the apple, I didn't take long to cum, once, and again, and again, we kept going until dawn...
That first time would be the first of many, today it's our standard of life, I like it, I love being a conscious cuck...
If you're over 18, I'd like to know your opinion about this story. Write me with title 'CONSCIENTE COCKHOLD' at
No te vas a arrepentir!
Cuando conocí a Gretel supe del primer momento que las cosas no serían fáciles, era perfecta por donde la mirase y su hermosura no se comparaba con la de ninguna otra, dueña de proporciones anatómicas casi perfectas, cada cosa en su lugar, no había nada que quitar, nada que agregar. Sus angelicales cabellos levemente enrulados contrastaban con la diablura de sus ojos, negros, profundos, perversos, sus labios parecían pintados a mano por un artista del lienzo, y al contemplar su rostro solo encontraba excitación.
Su cuerpo encarnaba a la perfección en esos dibujos de heroínas de comics, tan increíbles, tan sensuales.
Me enamoré perdidamente de ella y aun hoy en día no alcanzo a comprender que es lo que ella vio en mí para enamorarse de un tonto como yo…
Pero no solo su perfección física me sedujo, porque con el tiempo la belleza inexorablemente se escurre como agua entre los dedos, Gretel resultó ser mejor que nadie en la cama, mejor por mucho de cuanta mujer me había acostado anteriormente, desinhibida, perra, sabiendo disfrutar como ninguna de su condición de mujer, y sabiendo cómo ninguna como llevar a un hombre al borde de la locura, una hembra apasionada, incansable, viciosa y lujuriosa.
Y desde el día en que empezamos a salir estuve consiente de que no era el único hombre que se acostaba con ella, a pesar que una y otra vez me jurara su amor incondicional yo sabía que me engañaba y que siempre me engañaría, sencillamente lo llevaba en sus genes. Por un tiempo me funcionó jugar a ‘no saberlo’, negando una realidad por demás evidente. Incluso cerraba mis oídos a la voz baja de la chusma y al consejo sano de amigos, ‘cornudo’ no me era una palabra fácil de asimilar.
Ella jugaba al gato y al ratón conmigo, no me confirmaba sus infidelidades, pero tampoco las negaba, me evadía cada vez que tocaba el tema.
Pasados unos años y con mis cuernos más que evidentes busqué un plan B, le pagaría con la misma moneda, así que también me anduve revolcando con mujerzuelas solo para provocar su ego, pero para mí desgracia en no mucho tiempo comprobaría que parecía inmune a lo mal que yo me portara.
Pero yo no era así, sufría en silencio y a veces lloraba por los rincones, al menos me conformaba tener una parte de ella, Gretel decía una y otra vez que era todo para ella, pero no obraba en consecuencia y yo me transformé en un tonto, en su perro faldero, su imán era tan potente que no podía apartarme de ella, sencillamente prefería compartirla a perderla…
Pasamos varios años así, llegando a los treinta Gretel se ponía más hermosa y yo estaba cuesta abajo, tenía un poco de barriga, estaba perdiendo el cabello y ya había asimilado que estuviera con cuanto tipo quisiera, mientras también estuviera conmigo.
Una noche después de cenar nos enganchamos con una película, casualmente trataba de una mujer infiel que se divertía con cuanto tipo quería, y como su celoso marido la perseguía a escondidas y la observaba como se encamaba con extraños, el fin de la historia no viene al caso, lo que sí importa es que a medida que avanzaba la película Gretel se fue acurrucando cada vez más contra mi cuerpo y en algún momento sugirió muy por encima, como buscando mi reacción si me gustaría verla mientras estaba con otro tipo, yo fui cortante con la respuesta, pero esa noche sin decir nada los dos estuvimos explosivos como pocas veces lo habíamos estado y fue evidente que nuestros cuerpos dijeron cosa que nuestros labios callaron.
Poco a poco la idea fue tomando forma en mis pensamientos, una mezcla de humillante dolor y desconocido placer, ella cada tanto volvía a la carga con indirectas, dejándome ver que la excitaba la idea de que la viera coger con otro tipo y para ser honesto, tal vez de esa manera los cuernos ya no dolerían tanto…
Y llegaría la primera vez…
Hacía unos meses un par de muchachos de nuestra edad, en sociedad, habían abierto un gimnasio a unas de cuadras de casa donde Gretel se había anotado, era lo que sabía por lo que ella me había contado, no le di mucha importancia al tema, ya sabía cómo era…
Pero una tarde tuve que volver antes de lo previsto a casa, ella no me esperaba, y yo no me esperaba encontrar lo que encontré… la música se escuchaba desde lejos, abrí la puerta y ahí estaban ellos, mi esposa tenía unas calzas negras y brillosas con una malla enteriza de gimnasia, amarillo fuerte, de esas que se meten en el culo resaltando la perfección de sus curvas, con sus tetas marcadas y saltonas, una vincha del mismo tono en su frente, el tipo con una amplia musculosa marcando un tórax exageradamente musculoso, ambos transpirados en demasía, se respiraba calor en el ambiente, ella tomó la palabra viniendo a mi lado
-Cariño! Llegaste temprano! me hubieras avisado! espero no te moleste pero hace un tiempo decidí tener personal trainer, el gimnasio estaba muy plomo y hay demasiada gente, iba a decírtelo!...
-Y el quien es? – dije cortándola en seco ya que mi esposa estaba lanzando una catarata imparable de palabras
-Perdón, soy Marcelo… - terceo el tipo extendiéndome su mano derecha.
Hablamos un rato más, en realidad ellos hablaban y yo escuchaba, pude sentirlo, pude adivinarlo, ese hijo de puta se la cogía, se cogía a la puta de mi esposa…
Poco tiempo después conocí a Gustavo, el otro tipo que también le daba clases, el otro que seguramente también se la cogía...
Gretel una vez más se saldría con la suya, insistió con su idea y me perforó el cerebro, e hizo lo mismo con Marcelo y con Gustavo, al fin nos encontramos en casa los cuatro y disfrutamos la cena.
Mientras compartíamos la comida y hablaba con esos tipo que pronto se cogerían a mi amada, volvieron a atravesarme esos sentimientos como la noche de la película, esa mezcla de humillante dolor y desconocido placer, que de alguna manera me provocaban una rara excitación, porque una cosa era imaginarlo y otra diferente consumarlo y el momento llegaba, estaba al alcance de mi mano.
Pude notar que los tipos también tenían algo de nerviosismo, seguramente incómodos por la situación, imaginé que no debería ser fácil solo desnudarse y coger mientras un extraño te observa, casualmente Gretel parecía la más locuaz y desinhibida por la situación que lejos pasaba de ser una situación normal.
After dessert, she asked us three men for permission to get a bit more comfortable, I saw her disappear from my view as she entered our bedroom, minutes later she appeared like a cheap slut, mounted on high heels and almost naked, with an incredible fuchsia thong lost in her sex, with her huge ass exposed, barely covered by a transparent baby doll under which the perfection of her breasts was drawn.
I had an immediate erection, seeing her, feeling them, my wife walked by, flaunting like Foxy, shaking her hips from side to side, came over me and pressed hard on my cock, giving me the sweetest kiss I'd ever gotten before abandoning me and going to sit on Gustavo's lap, whom she started kissing passionately in the mouth, deep, very deep, the guy's hands began to grope her, touching her skin, her tits, her ass, then it was over Marcelo for him to do exactly the same with him, for me everything was strange, new, erotic...
She always took the initiative and said
- Guys, let's go to the room, I want to screw...
She went ahead, I behind everyone, they undressed and she waited expectantly, and I remained silent on the side.
Like a good slut, because that's what I felt, she knelt down between the guys, in the middle, took their cocks with one hand each and after masturbating them for a few seconds, managed to achieve a perfect erection, my wife then started kissing them, sucking them, from left to right, like in the best porn movie I could see her tongue getting lost between the two glans that she brought together to savor at the same time, it cost me to believe what I was seeing, lost in bitter satisfaction, she wasn't just a woman, she was MY woman!
Then she let them penetrate her mouth as they pleased, Gretel still kneeling brought one hand to her breasts and the other to her vagina, running the thong to one side, I saw her masturbating with Frenzy of her clitoris burying it at the same time as his fingers in its hollow, her plump ring perfectly depilated stood out in the dimness of the room.
De pronto she was dragged onto the bed, completely undressed, Marcelo got lost between her open legs to eat her pussy while at the same time squeezing her tits with his strong hands, Gustavo on the side played dragging his cock across my beloved's face, lips, nose, cheeks, mouth, she was totally surrendered, jading like a slut, I thought I'd realize that I wasn't present anymore, but suddenly she said:
-Do you like it? Do you like being cuck? Do you like seeing other guys screw your wife?
And to be honest, I did, so I just nodded with my head, with a terrible erection under my pants, they changed positions and Gustavo started screwing her, she shuddered as she was penetrated and her cries were silenced by the other cock entering her mouth.
The three of us enjoyed it in front of my passive gaze, they screwed her in every position imaginable, pussy, mouth, gave her some, her cries filled the room with pleasure and I couldn't believe I was somehow enjoying it, Gustavo had her surrendered on all fours, then I said:
-I want you to take it up the ass...
And didn't need to repeat it, he lubricated and started trying out the other hole, Gretel didn't even flinch, in fact, seemed to receive my request with benevolence and settled into a receptive position. Soon there was no hole left unused, Marcelo also tried her ass and everything happened in a frenzied orgy without pause, where only screams, purrs, and cries of my slut wife could be heard, somehow I felt an unknown pleasure for me, an abnormal excitement, with an uncontrollable desire to undress and join the game, to fill this slut up through all holes... briefly I would check that Gretel would surpass all imaginable barriers, she was riding Marcelo and sucking his cock while Gustavo's beautiful ass rose and fell within a meter of where I was, her pussy was completely eating the other guy's cock as he in turn caressed all her buttocks, then the other one came from behind, the one below stopped her for a few seconds and Gustavo began to try his luck in her ass, my wife said no, not on both sides, they were degenerates, but in that way I understood their thoughts saying 'yes, I'll kill them if they don't...'
Soon she was eating one cock through her pussy and another through her ass, both at the same time, dilating it, enjoying it, drunk with madness and pleasure, I felt like my heart was about to explode, burst out of my mouth...
But there was still more... Gustavo only pulled his cock out of her ass and started forcing himself into her pussy, not caring that the place was occupied by Marcelo's sex, they barely took a few seconds to give each other head through her pussy at the same time, it was evident that this wasn't the first time they had done it, everything seemed too coordinated to be casual...
They changed again, she started riding Gustavo, filling his pussy with the personal trainer's cock, the other one went back to her mouth, from where I was standing I could see her sphincter now empty and open like a pornographic slut...
It wouldn't be long before they finished, the moans told me how they were filling her pussy with cum, she was braying when Gustavo filled her cave, Marcelo would take her by surprise since she seemed too concentrated on what was happening inside her sex, like a high-pressure hose, the white liquid splashed on her face and suddenly buried itself in her mouth until I lost sight of it, leaving all her cum inside Gretel who savored it with great pleasure...
When the storm passed and everything returned to its gentle... The sensation of calm that filled the air was rare, Marcelo and Gustavo seemed somewhat intimidated, as if they had caught my wife in my own nostrils. She was radiating light on her side, with a pleasure that needed to be screamed out loud, looking at me with sin in her eyes, silently passing her index finger over her cheek covered in semen, enjoying the last drops. I was about to explode, so I took the initiative while they were getting dressed and said politely...
Gentlemen, thank you very much, but now I invite you to leave if it doesn't bother you, I'd like to have sex with my wife...
I hurriedly bid them farewell with a handshake, as if saying it's all fine and rushed back to the bedroom, undressing on the way. I threw myself onto the bed like a tiger pounces on a gazelle, violating Gretel like never before, with an unprecedented madness in me, unknown, sliding my cock into her pussy, which was wet, lubricated, full of semen... I lost it, put my hand in her ass, if not for the fat finger, I would have put my entire fist in there. And her mouth... her mouth had the bitter taste of Marcelo's cum, didn't matter to me, they were forbidden kisses, Eva's mouth after tasting the apple, I didn't take long to cum, once, and again, and again, we kept going until dawn...
That first time would be the first of many, today it's our standard of life, I like it, I love being a conscious cuck...
If you're over 18, I'd like to know your opinion about this story. Write me with title 'CONSCIENTE COCKHOLD' at
5 comentários - Cornudo conciente
Usted es un afortunado mi amigo, muchas como Gretel no hay
Mi respeto y gratitud a la pareja!!!
Debí haber estudiado para personal trainer