My girlfriend, my best friend and I: our first trio

With Sofi, my girlfriend, we've been going out together for more than 5 years. Both of us are 28 years old. We started our sexual life practically together. Although we didn't debut with each other, we didn't have too much previous experience.

As good beginners, our sexuality developed over time. We started with simple penetration and added new elements as the years went by. One day she started giving me blowjobs, we incorporated massages, some anal play, and erotic phrases, anal games (both in her and in me), etc. In short, nothing that can't be imagined: we were progressively liberating ourselves together.

As with any new experience, at some point it becomes normal and starts to bore. At one moment, I realized we were like in a permanent search for new things. The search was intensified when she got drunk: there her true sexual self would come out and everything was incredible. Few things warmed me up more than seeing her in a state of wild abandon by the cock.

In my intimacy, I never stopped masturbating. When we were calm, I'd watch porn videos. During periods of greater heat, I'd get really into it with her in slut mode. The number of wanks I've dedicated to her is unimaginable. Threesomes, infidelities, lesbianism, she with her boss forced, everything, everything and more than you can imagine.

At a certain point, maybe more due to my desires and wanks than anything else, I started noticing certain comments and actions from her in front of my best friend César that bordered on provocation. She usually did it in a joking tone. It didn't bother me to retort and have her tell me it was a joke and leave me looking like an outcast. But it seemed it wasn't just coincidence. César, don't be bitter, stay and then we'll take you ourselves. PUM. Sofi, in 1 second, blew up all the mice I had been incubating for months, and at the same time left my cock hard as a rock.

César looked at me, obviously. I gave him the typical eyebrow and shoulder gesture, like saying and if she says so....

I'm writing this while working and I swear that in this moment my cock is getting hard again just like that day.

I went down to open up for those leaving, going crazy like a madman. I confess that I even got a little turned on by the cock in the elevator. When I arrived back at the department, perhaps due to skepticism, I thought I would find out it was all a misunderstanding and she just invited him to stay to keep scolding together or criticizing one of those who had left.

But hopes were renewed when I entered the house again: I saw them both sitting on the couch, close but not stuck. Sofi was talking nonstop to him, and every 5 seconds or so would put her hand on his knee.

At that moment, as a strategy for them to keep going up their heat, but mostly to take advantage of the tremendous erection I had before the illusion burst, I went to the bathroom to give myself a wank. If I tell you I was more than 30 seconds, it's too much. I blew my load on the toilet.

When I came back, after washing well, with cold neurons and skepticism reigning, I found another tremendous surprise that made me hard again: they were talking explicitly about sex. He was describing how he screwed the cuties he lifted in the clubs, and she was asking him. I sat down beside her, hugging her tightly. She had her back to me on the couch and her right hand fixed on him and his leg.My girlfriend, my best friend and I: our first trioA moment from the conversation put my head spinning, got my cum up to the brain: César: 'I went at it with that girl I met last Saturday for almost an hour and a half' Sofi: 'What a daughter of a slut, how nice you get caught like that'. Ready. Forget it. The TV turned off there. I took the courage I was missing and told myself: it's today or never. As a strategy, I thought it would be good to generate hot contact with her. While they were talking, I went slowly lowering my hand from the shoulder down to the Booty. Left my hand resting for a couple of minutes. She wasn't paying attention to me. Once I had my hand on the Booty, I started moving it towards the knee. Then, slowly, I brought it up until I reached the crotch. There, I started moving it, making a cycle of knee-crotch-knee-crotch. As the minutes went by, I extended the journey and with my thick finger rubbed her pussy. She kept talking. At one point, I realized I was starting to get hot. I looked at her eyes and saw she was blinking prolongedly. The ecstasy reached its peak when I saw her suddenly start biting her lower lip with a look of pleasure. I WAS ALREADY ABOUT TO COME WITHOUT TOUCHING HER. My friend, in the meantime, kept looking at us while continuing to talk. He adjusted himself to sit back on the couch while my girlfriend continued to touch his leg. It was already noticeable that he had a hard cock too. And in a brief moment of silence from the conversation, the second great moment of the night occurred. My girlfriend turned her head and started going crazy with me. She stuck her tongue all the way to the back of my mouth like she never had before. Even got on top.girlfriendI opened my eyes and saw my friend looking at us. Neither of us could believe it. We didn't make any gestures, we understood everything. We were still uncomfortable, but I think we both decided to let her do what she wanted.

We kept going. At one point, she lowered her other hand (she never stopped touching César's leg), and started touching my cock. Then she started rubbing it. It felt hot, and she started moaning. I put my hand in too, like crazy. She was going wild! SHE WAS MOANING AND HER FINGERS HADN'T EVEN STARTED PLAYING YET!

At that moment, I wondered how César would get into the mix with us. He started rubbing his cock a bit while looking at us, she realized because she kept her hand on him and probably felt the movement. I think he even made sure she felt it.

I didn't see how to make him join in. It wasn't necessary.

Seconds later, Sofi got up from me, looked at César, and with a mega slut tone said:

Take off your pants if you want

PUFF! I was done for. I wanted her to eat my cock. Sofi undid my pants and boxer, and started eating me well, really going at it.

At one point, she turned her head to look at César, who had already taken off his clothes and was jerking off while looking at us. She looked at him with a slut face, biting her lip.

Out of nowhere, she pulled the hand that was resting on César's knee, moved her short and thong to one side, and started putting two fingers in my pussy while still rubbing me with the other hand. I came and ripped off my shirt and bra while being touched.storyThen the two of us got on top of each other. SHE WAS HOT LIKE A VOLCANO, AND WE BOTH HAD THE COCK READY TO BLOW. When I thought I had reached the maximum heat in my life, I heard that... -“Come here, you big stud, get closer because it's not coming”- she told César. And my life changed forever.If you excuse me, I'm going to the office bathroom to take care of myself. I can't take it anymore. If you want to know how the night went on, write me down below and tell me how hot you are right now. If you send me pictures and motivate me, I'll keep telling the story tomorrow. I accept photos of shells, tits, nipples, whatever you want. With Sofi, we'll definitely dedicate one to you.

28 comentários - My girlfriend, my best friend and I: our first trio

Jojojojo que linda experiencia!! Esperamos el resto de la historia! (Las fotos son reales?)
Ya se va a ir viendo durante la marcha
terrible relato!!!! me gustaría hacer algo parecido
SOS el que va a seguir el legado de @cornudoafull.
Me quedé re manija con el relato. Tu novia es un infierno de puta hermosa. Adelante, maestro...
nooooooooo hdp°!! no podes cortarla ahi al relato! segui contandola q me dejaste la chota asi!!

Que HDMIL me dejaste con las bolas llenas de leche... sos terrible ... quede con la pija dura en la mano ...
Tremendorelato hermosa nena te dejo diez puntos
Me dejaste la pija re dura, muy buena tu historia pero la cortaste en la mejor parte ...
Eres un boludo yo no presto a nadie mi mujer. Por último con una mina más no un hombre creó que tu eres gay
chjaco +1
como me quede manija de una segunda parte lpm hace 4 meses que la estoy esperando
Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuufffffff que lindo momento!! Para cuando la segunda parte???????
Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuufffffff que lindo momento!! Para cuando la segunda parte???????
este relato nunca fue real no? no tiene sentido dejarlo ahi
hay que vivirlo para saber lo bueno y caliente que es ese proceso, especialmente la primera vez.