This is Camila's story, a very saintly girl who at 19 years old gets engaged to a bigger boy and starts experimenting with her sexual life, discovering many things she never imagined would give her so much pleasure. This story is fiction, however that doesn't mean it isn't based on some real events...
Chapter 10: The Last Lesson
After having given a show to three of my boyfriend's best friends, it seemed like we had reached the maximum level of our sexual apogee. It was then that we had two of the best months of our lives sexually speaking. September and October of that year became nights of great pleasure in which each day we lived a new adventure. We played with toys we bought to stimulate ourselves. We put on old clothes, created new stories or repeated some of our favorites. We touched and kissed each other's entire body, causing us so much pleasure that we didn't need penetration. We called old lovers like Natalia or Gabriel and sought out new people to open up our relationship.
But without a doubt, the shows we put on were excellent. Apparently Lucas, one of my boyfriend's friends, was fascinated with the first show and told Francisco he had no problem watching others if that's what we wanted. It was then that we called him back to receive him in our room and force him to sit in the chair and watch us give each other pleasure with a huge dildo that ended up in my Booty while my boyfriend grabbed me by the pussy.
On another occasion, we dared to provoke a taxi driver who proposed taking a ride so we could have time to do our thing. The problem was that we were so hot that we didn't want to do something short and he ended up braking on a dark street to watch the show from the rearview mirror. The climax came when I rode Francisco from behind and discovered that besides looking, the disgusting guy was also jerking off and helped him cum by telling him in his ear that I wanted to see how he filled the entire steering wheel with cum.
A third show took place on a clear night in a park where we dared to partially undress to do it on a bench in the center of it. Obviously, some people passed by and looked at the situation but none of them felt like staying to watch the show. However, two boys not only appreciated the image of Francisco having me on top of him on the bench but also told me I was the most beautiful girl they had ever seen in their lives, which helped me reach orgasm a few minutes later.
In November we continued our adventures and after experimenting with an anal plug that vibrated and a short paddle that left my booty completely red, we lay down in bed with our chests heaving to enjoy our respective orgasms. It was then when Francisco's sincerity came out and he confessed to me that he still had one more fantasy he wanted to fulfill with me. I think it's the last one, he said, leaving his desire unspoken for a few seconds later after I begged him.
- Are you serious?- I asked him looking at him in the eyes.
- Yes, my love. But if you don't want...-
- Oh Francisco, don't be stupid.- I said laughing.- I've tried on thousands of outfits, we've used hundreds of toys, we've had sex in front of your friends, invited our neighbor to a threesome and yesterday you let me finish on your breasts in the middle of a park! Do you think I'm going to have a problem doing that?!
- You're right, my love!- He said laughing.- You're unique!-
That weekend at the end of November we invited my friend Ailín and her boyfriend Gastón over for dinner. The dinner started calmly, with us four chatting about different things and having a good time with some anecdotes from Gastón who was definitely very entertaining. For dessert we opened two bottles of wine that almost emptied out by the end of the night. Later Francisco brought out a bottle of champagne and we toasted before... filling the cups again started the most interesting conversation of the night.
- Did I tell you about last night? -
Me said Ailín when we both entered the kitchen to take out the dirty plates while Francisco and Gastón were setting the table.
- I did what you told me and we picked up in front of a friend from Gastón's work. Excellent!
Ailín and I had become great friends at university and that friendship had grown over time to the point where we were confidantes with each other. We told each other many things and shared our desires and sexual fantasies to encourage the other to do new things. It was she who told me she had added a girl to the relationship to revive passion, and I returned the favor by telling her how well I had passed the night we picked up with Francisco in front of his friends Lucas, Juan Manuel, and Ezequiel.
- The skinny one didn't say anything, looked at everything from the chair and finally congratulated us on what we had done. -
Ailín finished telling me after summarizing what had happened.
- How good! You're going to enjoy it! -
I replied.
- Wait... Are you...? -
She said but then stopped talking and looked aside to check that our boyfriends were still in the dining room.
- Didn't they invite us so we could see them? -
- Actually, no. -
I said laughing. But I couldn't lie to my friend. In reality, with Francisco, we had planned something else. But, honestly... Now I have doubts if it's what we should be doing.
- What did you plan? -
She asked intrigued.
- And the idea was to spend the night together as four. To enjoy each other's partner while watching our respective partners enjoy themselves in front of us. -
I confessed.
- Maybe they're not interested, though. -
- Seriously, I'm telling you? -
She asked smiling.
- Yes. -
I said shrugging my shoulders.
- Come on. Follow the game. -
She said grabbing me by the hand and took me back to the dining room.- This is going to drive both of them crazy.
We entered the room where Gastón and Francisco were, and Ailín ordered them to sit in two chairs she had placed in front of the armchair. She stopped me in front of her and after our boyfriends settled without understanding, she kissed me. It was direct, simple, but effective. After giving me a kiss for a few seconds, she moved away from me and looked at the boys with their eyes wide open. Then she waited for me to react and when I did, she approached my friend and kissed her, this time making it much more passionate, placing her hands on her neck and pressing her body against mine.
- Ah! What a nice surprise!- Gastón said as my mouth opened and Ailín's tongue entered to play with mine.
She hugged me around the waist and we continued kissing while they watched without being able to believe their eyes. One of Ailín's hands went down to my booty and held it tightly, while I encouraged one of mine to go down to her chest and grab one of her enormous breasts. Despite the initial surprise, I managed to relax and let myself be carried away by my friend's impulsiveness, who was undoubtedly ready for anything.
We leaned back on the armchair, that same armchair that had been the scene of another incredible show, and continued warming up and raising the temperature for our boyfriends. Between kisses and touching, they watched and got comfortable because despite us playing alone, they knew we would invite them to join in at any moment. Ailín opened my legs with her hands, passed her fingers over my thighs until she reached my waist, causing a wave of heat that invaded my entire body. Our lips continued to find each other in increasingly wet kisses and her hands didn't stop touching me.
She took off my sweater and kept going down with her lips to my shoulders, and then I saw our boyfriends for the first time. smiling situation, it was noticeable that she was enjoying herself fully and getting very excited to see us like this. Francisco was more serious, but admired every detail of what was happening and knew he was on fire inside. My friend's mouth reached my breasts and, after unbuttoning the bra, started licking them.
- Do you like love? Do you like these little tits?- She asked her boyfriend after passing her tongue over them, and he immediately said yes.- They're smaller than mine, but very pretty.- He added afterwards, pulling off his shirt to go back to licking my nipples.
- Very pretty.- Gastón agreed, feeling at home.
- And what about you? Do you like my tits?- My friend asked my boyfriend then, unbuttoning her bra.
Francisco said yes, but in a much simpler way. Then she got up from the armchair and walked slowly and sensually over to where he was, kneeling down until she put her breasts in his face. Francisco immediately lifted his hands to grab them, but she chased them away, telling him not to touch them. Despite this, she kept pressing her enormous boobs against my boyfriend's face while I watched the scene, completely surprised. After that, she sat on top of him and the first thing Francisco did was try to get her off him. No problem, Gastón said at that moment, and Ailín passed her arms over my boyfriend's shoulders and kissed him.
I felt that beautiful sensation again, just like the first time Natalia had touched my boyfriend and used him as a sexual object. It really turned me on to see how he was both scared and intrigued by desire, and how Ailín had him in the palm of her hand. Despite Gastón's approval, Francisco didn't dare touch my friend until she grabbed his wrists and led his hands to her booty. At that moment, I looked at my friend's boyfriend and pointed to myself with my index finger for him to come over to me. Now it's my turn to have fun with him.
Gastón was much looser than Francisco and it showed. He settled on top of me and we went recumbent in the armchair until we were comfortably lying down and started kissing wildly. Suddenly, I stopped paying attention to what was happening between my friend and my boyfriend and dedicated myself to enjoying the lips of my new lover, who was undoubtedly completely turned on. His fingers didn't take long to claim my skin, tracing it from top to bottom, and his lips moistened mine at the same time as I felt a beautiful bulge between his legs.
He kept going down with his body until he reached my waist. His tongue took center stage as he passed over every inch of my skin, licking my nipples and navel. He undid my pants and left me in my underwear in seconds, admiring my delicate and tiny thong and smiling at me in approval. You're so pretty! he said, while his girlfriend was still kissing my boyfriend's mouth just a meter away from us. He positioned himself between my legs and I enjoyed the power of his lips.
My friend had told me, she'd described what it felt like, but it was different living it myself. Gastón was excellent. His mouth, lips, tongue, and fingers moved in perfect synchrony, covering my entire body and making me vibrate. His lips kissed my thighs while his fingers penetrated my body. His tongue rose to my clitoris at the same time as his lips brushed against mine. I felt his warm breath on my skin and his hands held me firmly. I was moaning with pleasure, biting my lips and closing my eyes to enjoy it fully.
When I opened them, I was surprised to see that our partners had also advanced. Ailín was kneeling in front of Francisco and holding the well-hard cock of my boyfriend in her hand. She put it in her mouth and started sucking it eagerly, moving her head up and down and licking the tip like If I were a popsicle. At that moment, my boyfriend's eyes opened and our gazes crossed. I loved seeing him enjoy it that way, I felt extremely excited and he felt the same, as his facial expression reflected pure pleasure.
Gastón got up and climbed back up my body to eat me out again. Then he stopped next to me while I was taking off my wet thong and he undressed completely to show me why Ailín always praises him. His cock was enormous, about 20 centimeters long and quite thick. No doubt I couldn't help but take it with my hand and start sucking him off while he finished removing his boxer briefs and walked up to stand in front of my body. I was lying down on the couch so he had to lean forward and suddenly his cock was inside my mouth.
Without a doubt, I had to open it wide enough for it to enter and even then I couldn't fully savor it. It was so big and hard that it didn't fit, but I was sucking it with great enthusiasm at the same time as he enjoyed my mouth. Francisco and Ailín had also switched roles by then, since despite not seeing them, I could hear the moans of pleasure indicating that he was driving her crazy with his mouth. Meanwhile, I kept pleasing myself with Gastón's enormous cock, but I couldn't wait to feel it inside my body.
I sat down quickly against the edge of the couch and leaned back on the headrest, opening my legs. How much I want to screw you! my boyfriend said and leaned forward in front of me to penetrate me with his enormous cock. I couldn't hold back a massive cry of pleasure as I felt that entire cock opening me up from top to bottom. Gastón started moving rapidly forward and backward and within seconds he was screwing me very quickly. My screams filled the whole room and were heard over my friend's cries, who remained seated in the chair enjoying her boyfriend's tongue. Incredible the pleasure I felt at that moment. It wasn't just the enormous cock of Gastón penetrating me over and over again until I went crazy, it was much more than that. It was that my boyfriend's girlfriend was having sex with him with that energy while in front of us she was sitting on the cock of my boyfriend who had just settled into a chair. Everything was extremely exciting and stimulating and my head could only think about enjoying.
As I sat down on the couch and Gastón knelt behind me to penetrate me again, my boyfriend was sitting in a chair with Ailín jumping on top of him. Her tits were bouncing in front of his face just like they had at first but this time he was holding them tight and licking them eagerly. She was holding onto the back of the chair and pushing her body back towards him while using her feet to bounce up and down and fall again onto Francisco's body.
Gastón took me by the waist and started fucking me so fast that I got caught off guard. I let out a scream that mixed pain and pleasure and fell onto the cushions, biting them hard. Yes! Like this! Do you like it? Do you like it? he asked and I replied yes between screams and muffled moans into the couch cushions. His hands held me tight and his cock entered and left my body with each blow he gave against my booty. The heat invaded my body in a perfect orgasm that was about to arrive.
I looked back at my boyfriend and was surprised to see him now dominating my friend. He had forced her to get down on all fours on the floor and was fucking her violently, arched behind her just like Gastón was fucking me. His hands held tight onto Ailín's waist as she arched completely. She let out soft moans of pleasure that suddenly invaded my mind. At the same time that my lover's cock entered my wet pussy, my boyfriend's cock... boy was doing it on top of his girlfriend. In that instant, I looked at Francisco in the eyes and saw lust in them and realized how much he was enjoying himself at that moment. My boyfriend returned my gaze and in just one second I felt a massive surge of pleasure that made me cum with a loud scream.
Gastón and Francisco kept screwing us until we were driven mad by pleasure, and when we couldn't take it anymore, we lay down on the floor, side by side, facing upwards. They got down beside us and started jacking off over our bodies to cover us in semen. We were breathing heavily and our tits were rising and falling between smiles and shivers. I looked at my friend and observed her happiness at sharing one of her greatest desires with me, and I felt encouraged to kiss her again. At that moment, Gastón finished mostly on my body, covering my chest with thick and warm cum. A few seconds later, my boyfriend started shooting all the semen he had accumulated from his cock and bathed both of us in white. We were smiling and enjoying the moment.
The four of us lay down on the floor, breathing rapidly and still enjoying our respective orgasms. I looked first at who had been my lover and noticed him completely relaxed against the couch. Then I turned my head to look at Ailín and saw the same happiness in her that I felt every time Francisco screwed me. Finally, I looked at my boyfriend and saw my complement, my everything, and knew in that instant that I could share anything with him and it would be totally pleasurable. That night, lying on the floor of my house covered in semen from my two lovers, I learned that I love sex.
Pleasure 2.0. Chapter 1
6 comentários - Las 10 cosas que aprendí de sexo. Capítulo 10