El rayo ⚡🔥🔥 final

I had two consecutive orgasms that made me drool all over Dany's back. I was so exhausted from the effort and the orgasms that my legs were trembling. By the middle of the fuck, I think it was Carlos, I'm not sure, I didn't bother to look back, he buried his cock in my ass (it should be brutal). The physical pleasure (the word pussy that I worked at my own pace) and psychological pleasure (dominating with a cock artificial on a propitiatory victim) added the pleasure of double penetration. Neither the one who was fucking me around or the others were considerate, he buried it deep inside me and started to screw me mercilessly.

When he finished in my ass, I felt his cum filling my rectum and it was the signal for my last orgasm, which ended with my strength, collapsing on Dany. A while later, I got out of him and when I pulled out, there was a ring of blood left on the cock. Looking at his ass was really a spectacle. Never had I seen an ass so dilated and red. He had opened it up in such a way that it would take several days for my muscles to recover from the guy's shit not coming out with the first sneeze. Apart from that, with the friction he gave me, he was going to burn for a respectable amount of time. Marcelo turned off the camera after some close-ups of me and my member and Dany and his dilated and red ass. They undid him and took out the gag.

I couldn't speak or move. They left him resting for a while, giving him something to drink. When he could move, I looked at him and with tears in his eyes, he said: -I'm not called Eduardo...

I was stunned!!!
I searched for an explanation from the guys, they burst out laughing and Marce, who knew my story, answered me: -When you're hot, you don't know what you're saying, silly.

-What... did you want to screw your husband?.

Carlos said:

-You were completely out of control. I was so exhausted from the effort and the orgasms that my legs were trembling. By the middle of the fuck, I think it was Carlos, I'm not sure, I didn't bother to look back, he buried his cock in my ass (it should be brutal). The physical pleasure (the word pussy that I worked at my own pace) and psychological pleasure (dominating with a cock artificial on a propitiatory victim) added the pleasure of double penetration. Neither the one who was fucking me around or the others were considerate, he buried it deep inside me and started to screw me mercilessly.

When he finished in my ass, I felt his cum filling my rectum and it was the signal for my last orgasm, which ended with my strength, collapsing on Dany. A while later, I got out of him and when I pulled out, there was a ring of blood left on the cock. Looking at his ass was really a spectacle. Never had I seen an ass so dilated and red. He had opened it up in such a way that it would take several days for my muscles to recover from the guy's shit not coming out with the first sneeze. Apart from that, with the friction he gave me, he was going to burn for a respectable amount of time. Marcelo turned off the camera after some close-ups of me and my member and Dany and his dilated and red ass. They undid him and took out the gag.

I couldn't speak or move. They left him resting for a while, giving him something to drink. When he could move, I looked at him and with tears in his eyes, he said: -I'm not called Eduardo...

I was stunned!!!
I searched for an explanation from the guys, they burst out laughing and Marce, who knew my story, answered me: -When you're hot, you don't know what you're saying, silly.

-What... did you want to screw your husband?.

Carlos said:

-You were completely out of control.El rayo ⚡🔥🔥 final

analChegou o 15 e eu me preparei como uma rainha: banho de espuma, óleo em todo o corpo, depilada geral (até ao monteito, para que não ficasse um pêlo), camisa branca de seda transparente, mini-saya preta de terciopelo, contra-thong preta (não sei por quê eu a pus, na verdade não servia para nada), sem sutiã (precisava facilitar o trabalho) e sandálias pretas com tacada alta.

A cama solar me dava um bronzeado invejável e meu novo look de cabelo curto e bem vermelho, junto com uma dose muito boa de maquiagem, me dava um aspecto que... bom... para o mais estúpido era evidente que essa noite não ia terminar em uma igreja. Raro foi que Edu se espantou quando saí (eram 8:00h) e, junto a Lu, perguntou a que hora eu regressaria.

Não mandei Luciana para o inferno, optei por mentir-lhe que às 10:00. Que bobo, às 10:00 esperava estar fazendo o primeiro coito. 😂Passei a procurar Silvia e nos vamos ao hotel daqueles tipos.

Entramos no bar e começamos a dar um jeito nos tragos. Os magros chegaram à hora certa e nos fomos para jantar. Eram de lo mais agradável e conversávamos sobre todos os temas. Estávamos sentados intercalados e, aos 15 minutos de estar no restaurante, já tinha uma mão em cada coxa. Iria ser uma noite longa. Silvia falando até pelo cu e devia também ser atendida da mesma maneira que eu, especialmente porque é muito sensível e cada tanto dava um respinguito típico de mão no cu (por experiência).

Um dos rapazes (da idade de Edu e muito bonito) em um momento me disse acreditar conhecer-me, comentário ao qual não dei importância, mas a pelotuda de Silvia e sua boca que só serve para mammar cocks, não se ocorreu melhor ideia que mencionar Eduardo, que ela o conhecia, que era quem havia remodelado a casa (a boca te teria que remodelar), que era o melhor da cidade, e toda uma série de bobagens típicas de Silvia.

O tipo, noto, me ficava picando na área (como dizem no futebol). Olhei para Silvia com vontade de guillotiná-la, mas começando pelas pernas e mudei rápido de tema. Bebi mimosa e a coisa passou (isso que dois pelos do cu tiram mais que uma yunta... é verdade). Como fazia calor, minha transpiração me grudava a camisa nas tetas e meu cu destilava néctar. Um deles me o sacou e a deixou sobre a mesa à vista de todos. Nós nos cagamos de riso. Silvia fez o mesmo. Que surpresa se iam levar os mesários quando recolhessem a mesa. Tomaríamos o café na sala.
O que tomei na sala foi cum.sexyMe fizeram beber, me pegaram, me fizeram o cu, enfim, o habitual, nada de mais mundo, nem nada novo para mim, salvo que ouvi um pedir a outro um forro:
- Com essas putas melhor se cuidar, disse.
Doliu-me que me tratássem de puta , acaso eu era?.
Quando os três ficaram sem leite, nem vontade, nos propuseram um show entre as duas. A olhei para Silvia e vi a cara de puta , e disse-me:
-Fiz trinta, façamos trinta e um
e encaixe um chupão que lhe desfeiçou os lábios recém-arreglados.
Fazemos tudo, bebeu toda e fez-me cum como uma garota sexy. Eu não me fiquei para trás. Nos disseram que havia sido um dos melhores shows ao vivo que tinham visto, até nos perguntaram se éramos par. Par Silvia e eu, estamos todos loucos, se gostávamos mais da cock do que o ar.Crazy

I'm sick... I don't know what's going on. Please, for God's sake, don't leave me out of your life. I love you, Luciana. Really, I do.

Rosie took me to this and I'm not sure if, without these circumstances, you wouldn't be in bed with someone else... or someone else.

Don't destroy me like that.

You destroyed yourself alone.

It was a deadly dart, but it was true.

Anda Rosi, sign already.
I turned my back on her and knew I had lost.
Of a thousand loves I would have signed, I turned around and saw the lawyer smiling at me like a snake.
Then I couldn't take it...
And I looked at the fireplace door, took it, and quickly gave it a good whack with all my strength to the lawyer.
The old man let out a cry, sat down on the floor, face-first.

Edu turned around quickly and reacted then I, without wanting, launched blows left and right.
No! You won't take my daughter from me, you son of a...!!!

My screams were terrifying. Edu tried to react and give me a slap, but I caught it in mid-air and pierced his forearm.
Edu winced in pain and fell to the floor.

Both Edu and the lawyer were within my reach, who would I attack first?
I decided to make a mess of the lawyer.
I prepared the fireplace door, ready to pierce it.
Then the door suddenly opened.
It was Laura and Lu behind her.
I turned around to see her, her face destroyed, looking at me with fear...
All the hatred and resentment I had disappeared.

I broke down and started crying.
I threw the fireplace door away and fell to the floor.
I asked Edu to tie me up and take care of my life.
I wouldn't do anything; I gave up.
Edu, showing bravery, got up, pulled back the curtains, and tied my hands together to hold me back.
I asked him to please move Lu away.
He ordered Laura to take the child away.

Later, the police arrived.
And in court, my parents came and tried to dissuade my still-husband.
In the cell, another lawyer told me that my stay in prison depended on my husband for attempted homicide.
I asked to speak with him.
To my surprise, he agreed. Later I saw him enter the visiting room.
And with much pain, I accepted all his conditions.
Only one thing: myself.
Eduardo accepted.
Then I asked him:
Tell me something, Eduardo... Do you still have any love or affection towards me?


Then I don't have anything else to say. I don't want to be humiliated anymore.
I only ask that you take good care of Luciana.

-obviously that's what he'll do.
I nodded with my gaze.

You never deserved it, neither you nor she.
But I had already found the best way to make up for my mistake and not disrupt their new life.

Thank you, Eduardo, and try to forgive me someday.
I wanted to hug him, feel his warmth one last time, make him a little mine... but he didn't let me. They called in a Notary and, in his presence... I signed.
I agreed to everything he asked for;
With one condition...
Voluntarily I requested my release from the psychiatric hospital.
And I gave up all rights to my daughter to her father.
I renounced all claims to my family.
And from the cell, I went to a room in a mental hospital.
I never planned this route of life, but I knew I deserved it...

December 2002

I remained staring at my little girl laughing while opening her presents.
She looks just like her mother, her way of laughing, looking... she inherited her beauty.

But I worry about her inheriting her mental instability.
We never spoke again after the last time I saw her in prison.
Only remember her words emphasized, asking to take good care of Lu.
Recently, less than a year ago, she took her own life with her own clothes while pretending to take a bath.
I paid for her funeral without approaching Lu or me.
I don't regret it, but every time I see my daughter, I pray to God not to let her go...

3 comentários - El rayo ⚡🔥🔥 final

celta05 +1
Nuuu!!! Tiene terrible porno. Pero por el final merece ser el guión de una película. Excelente. Te felicito
TR27 +1
No pareciera que ese relato perteneciera exclusivamente a esta pagina, pero es muy bueno, buena historia. Como dice el amigo celta05, deberia ser una película.
ale_sea +1
buen relato y el final acordé con la historia, no había otra salida era eso o hundida en drogas, buena lectura y también t hace reflexionar.