Mi novia obsesionada con la pija de mi novio 5

After time without maintaining the story, things changed a bit, the three of us still lived together but I'm already seeing another cutie, considering that Celeste and Mati didn't stop, I decided to do my own thing... but at home things kept intense, not just long oral sex sessions, but they also got it in a lot more, they no longer use condoms, sometimes they get into the room and don't leave for hours, and even I've seen them jealous of each other from time to time... between the three of us everything is fine logically but always when they have time they end up either with a cock blow or getting it on somewhere in the house, they're very sloppy with each other, unless they're sure they're touching each other all the time... She obviously takes pills but he doesn't take care, they have that obsession with each other that's unbearable, every time there's a minute of silence you know it ends in a screw, and they have strong fucks with many kisses in between, it shows that there's something more going on here

3 comentários - Mi novia obsesionada con la pija de mi novio 5

Muy divertido el relato!!! A tu novia no se le acalambra la boca? El chabón lo debe tener re pasado!! Con la pija pasada no se para así nomás, se estira la piel y ves las estrellas. Ja ja para Guiness...
Donde dice " pija pasada " o "pasado" se debe leer PASPADO