My first time with a transsexual

My first time with a transsexual

Hello friends, this post is to tell you a little about what I've been living with for some time now, if I don't misremember it was 2015 when it happened, my curiosity was born from wondering what it's like to be with a transsexual, so I started researching on internet pages in my country and found one that seemed suitable to me, since this one had beauty and a location.


I was very nervous, didn't know what to expect, the first thing I did was communicate with her through WhatsApp, we confirmed the date and the next day I went to her place, once close I couldn't find the address, I asked her to help me get there, when I'm approaching her house I look at her from afar, and woah my cock stopped right there! She was very beautiful.

Once inside I kissed her, she asked for the advance payment and we started. First of all, I want to tell you that despite liking to have sex with her, I didn't like that first encounter due to many factors:

His room had little lighting, I wanted to see her well to enjoy it fully.
She always had control of the situation, this bothered me because I was the one who wanted to dominate her.
His room wasn't that clean.
Sometimes he would stop to answer his phone or messages.
To finish, her partner or friend came to visit her and I was still there, she told me there was no problem, that he knew she dedicated herself to providing those services, but it bothered me because I was with her, so I had already ended it and proceeded to leave.

I won't deny that I liked having sex with her because she's very feminine and dressed well for my taste! She even swallowed my cum, but everything that happened to me made me feel remorseful for being my first time.

I'm not sure if you can read this post but I just wanted to tell you that you're very beautiful and good in bed, only that you can improve by providing your services, and if they ask me if I would go back with her, the answer is yes, as long as she improves those aspects.

To my followers, they thought I'd leave without a photo? Well, here it is! Note that there's no certified one because when I went, my intentions were to have fun, not make a post, so you'll just have to trust me that this is her.








Thanks for reading my little story friends, by the way, I got with another trans woman after her, I have photos too! who knows maybe there'll be another post like this one! greetings...

Sexual Services

6 comentários - My first time with a transsexual

Muy linda la putita... pero conta como fue! Como te la cojiste? Probaste su pito? Nos dejas con la intriga!
@CarlosGarc0 y no tienes fotos de ella completamente desnuda para ver q tal lo tenia
@elpitakor no, lo que pasa es que cuando estuve con ella, no le tome fotos xq no tenia intenciones de hacer un post, solo pasarla bien
@CarlosGarc0 lo bueno q te la pasaste bien
Yo tambien tengo esa fantasia espero cumplirla.
Quisiera saber si es de mexico y siendo hasi me podrias pasar sus datos
De nicaragua hermano, pero puedes buscar en internet, seguro encontraras, asi hice yo
@CarlosGarc0 gracias
Como las busco para q aparescan
@elpitakor solo son trans sexo y el nombre de tu pais, prube y buscas bien
¿No hubo otra vez con otra?
¿Probaste sentir la verga de la trans en tu culo?
Si, pienso hacer otro post con ella y nop, no quise que me cogiera
Siempre está bueno leer la primera vez de los demás así me da coraje para avanzar en mi fantasía de estar con una de "ellas". Buen relato pero se siente que faltaron detalles
sevas2 +1
Que linda trolita te comiste ojalá sigas otro post 10+
kramalo +1
esta bueno....!! faltan detalles....por ejemplo, cuando te rompio el upite a vos...jaja!!, no te calentés, es un chiste..
Jajaja tenia miedo de que luego me dijera ahora voy yo!!! 😨 x eso hable con ella antes de concretar la cita