My mother, my sister and the birthday party
CHAPTER 5 (The Premiere)
I don't know how long I stay watching them, stroking their heads, there kneeling at my feet, but I really would have liked to be like this eternally.
Mom gets up and says she's going to clean herself after leaving her well-lubed. It still seems incredible that I came on her two enormous tits. Meanwhile, I keep stroking Carla's head, which is still half-seated on the floor. No doubt she deserves my gratitude for her great labor in a lesson learned at a thousand wonders.
Do you like it? - my sister asks, stroking my cock and playing with it as if trying to revive it.
Are you kidding? I loved Carla!
Did I do well then?
Flipant! I never would have dreamed it and you made me live the best moment of my life. You made me an incredible blowjob, sister! - I respond euphorically.
Neither do I believe I did it myself.
Do you regret it?
No, but I feel strange. - she adds while observing how my cock grows slowly between her fingers and this seems to amuse her.
It was something wonderful for me. - I comment.
For me too, I really enjoyed doing it...
And you swallowed it without hesitation... You're incredible.
Well, yes. Mom warned me that not all women like it and some reject it with much disgust, but it turned out to be quite pleasant for me. It's very tasty.
Caramba, my mother giving advice to her daughter to warn her about the taste of semen and that not all women like it, seems clear that they both love it and I wish they would... For a moment we look at each other with that complicity in which almost no words are needed. She and I have always had it. It's true that many times we fight like siblings, but above all we love each other very much.
I also feel strange, Carla. I don't know if this is normal.
Well, it's not normal, but Mom insisted that the best way to Starting sex with someone you're very confident in, who loves you and won't leave you hanging like a rag.
- That seems intelligent to me.
- Yes, Nacho, but not committing incest.
We look at each other in silence, searching for an explanation in the eyes of the other person for all this nonsense.
- Do you think Mom did it all because of her own bad experience? I ask.
- I'm convinced. Her first time shouldn't have been like she wanted it to be. I fear that everything was the opposite.
- Well, for now I can say that my first time is being wonderful - I add, caressing his chin.
We remain silent for a while, although my sister doesn't stop playing and observing my cock growing bigger by the moment between her fingers.
- Carla, get on top. - I say suddenly.
- How?
- Yes, get on top like before, when you sat on me.
- Face to face?
- Yes.
- But Nacho, now we're naked. - she adds as if we hadn't already crossed more than one border.
- Please, I want to feel you, Carla. Don't worry, I won't put it in. I just want to feel you naked on me. It must be something crazy.
Despite her initial reluctance, she doesn't need to be asked again, and after a glance from me, she gets up. My cock is left without her fingers, but knowing that I'll feel her entire body on top of me makes it reach its maximum size. Carla slowly stands up, allowing me to admire her nudity once more as she moves forward like a cat.
- Be careful with that. - she says, pointing at my cock which is already looking at the ceiling.
- Don't worry.
I hold my erect penis against my body and she opens her legs, climbing on top of mine until her sex hits my testicles directly. I'm amazed to have this goddess on top of me.
- Oh God, Carla! - I say as I feel that naked body on top of mine and her sex literally glued to mine because My cock rests on her depilated pubis. She squeezes her thighs against my hips to give me a soft kiss on the lips and I take advantage to caress one of her breasts that remains in my hand and she receives it with whimpers. It's very hot and that turns me on just as much, so my member is waking up more and more. My hands draw her waist and hips, then massaging the round ass she has. At that moment, Mom arrives who had cleaned up a bit after my ejaculation on her tits.
− Ah, you're learning quickly! - says our mother, completely naked, in the middle of the living room with her arms crossed.
For a moment we stay quiet with our bodies united in that divine position.
− Mom, it's just... - intervenes Carla with great urgency.
− I love seeing you like this, kids. It seems strange not to hear your arguments and instead now it looks like you're screwing, let me take some pictures, you look gorgeous like this, united and naked.
This is mind-blowing. My mother not only scolds us but also stimulates us. That's when Carla's pelvis clings to my groin, making me notice the heat emanating from her pussy and I imagine myself piercing it at that moment. She's incredibly horny, I can tell by her nipples and the nervous movement of her sex against mine. My cock is getting harder and I feel a tremor in her lips, a sign that she's feeling it fully on her little thing. Oh, what a thrill!
− Kiss your brother, daughter. - orders Mom.
The lips of Carla envelop mine and we French kiss each other, something that makes us groan and move slightly. It's true that it seems like we're screwing even though I'm not in her yet, something I dream of fulfilling soon. Our tongues play inside and outside our mouths, without caring about anything else at that precise moment. For a moment our lips part and she leans against me It's staring fixedly at my eyes.
What a horny I am! - she says in a long sigh.
That phrase incites me to keep rubbing her without any kind of restraint, totally devoted to pleasure and that body that electrifies me.
I want to fuck you! - I respond to her ear, completely unbridled.
At that moment, Carla opens her eyes startled and gets up as if she had had a shock. I can see her pussy soaked with her fluids mixed with mine.
What's going on, daughter? - my mother asks when she sees her get up from my lap so suddenly.
Nothing. - she responds, looking at the floor ashamed.
What did you tell her, Nacho?
I take time to respond, still annoyed by that reaction but with an enormous erection that is not at all imperceptible.
I simply want to fuck her. - I add, observing the precious body of my sister.
Calm down, son, there will be time for everything. Remember that a woman must be prepared; if she's not, you must be very patient.
Remember, this should be done calmly. Let's drink again - she adds, serving three more cups and seeing her daughter is a bit uncomfortable by the situation, although it seems she's still very excited, as she continues to observe my stiff member.
Mom manages to downplay that setback, inviting us to see how the photos and videos have turned out. The three of us sit on the sofa, with me in the middle of those two kids, starting the viewing. No matter how I'm seeing it, it's happening; we're still naked and I'm still not getting used to it at all. Each snapshot is more ardent than the previous one, and I notice Carla's turbulence next to me, but mom seems to be enjoying herself, as I can tell from the way she bites her lip when looking at a photo where she's with my cock in her mouth. At that moment, she takes advantage of giving me a kiss and then starts masturbating me.
What a hard thing, my son! My sister is going to receive a big gift and it's making me envious.
My sister isn't responding and looks nervous, but she's no longer looking at the images; instead, she's directly staring at my cock and our mother is moving her body with great skill.
- But what's wrong, sweetheart? - Mom asks Carla
- Nothing.
- Come on, tell me. Are you scared of this? - Mom asks again, making circles with my balls.
- I don't know, all this...
- Don't you want to keep going, daughter? - Mom interrupts, now caressing one of her rosy cheeks with the back of her hand while still touching my penis.
- No, I don't know if I can.
- Are you scared, daughter? I already know your brother's cock is big, but it will adapt to your little hole; we've trained him and he'll do it carefully.
When Mom says that, I can't help but feel more tension in my dick and she does too, as she tightens her fingers around it.
- You'll see how wonderful it feels when you're inside. You'll enjoy it like never before - she adds.
- I don't know, I'm confused about all this
- It's normal to have a mess in your head; it's your first time and it will scare you to put something so big inside.
I keep thinking about the opportunity I'll have to try it out and nothing less than my sister's precious little hole, but she's full of doubts.
- It's not just that, Mom, this doesn't seem normal to me; I think we've gone too far.
Oh well, now it seems like my sister is having second thoughts, although Carla is right; things have gotten out of hand and you can't consider this the most natural thing in the world. But at this point, all I want is to feel the sensation of putting my cock into that small hole I've always dreamed about.
- Daughter, we've talked about this for days and you agreed, why don't you let your body guide you?
- I'm scared - Carla affirms, as I observe her nakedness This body that's driving me crazy and I'm afraid I won't be able to screw it like I've always dreamed. - It's okay, daughter, we're learning. - Mom intervenes - Today is just a day of learning and someday you'll be with your girlfriend or boyfriend and know how to act in each case without it being a problem and with the experience you're gaining today. Don't do anything you don't want to, if you see it's not the right moment we'll leave and that's it. - I do want, Mom - I add so it's clear that I do play along if necessary, without caring about any absurd rule or moral condition. My mother smiles at me with her incredible tenderness and strokes my chin. - Ha ha ha, you see your brother doesn't object... - Mom says smiling at my sister, although it doesn't seem to convince her, since she stays looking down. Even I'm not convinced about all this because in reality, is it normal? Will he really stay until the day of my birthday? Will he leave us marked forever? My body, of course, thinks something else than my head and only thinks about fuck, fuck and fuck. - What's worrying you, daughter? - Mom asks, seeing I'm terrified. - I'm not ready. - Aren't you excited? Don't you want your brother to screw you? Damn it, both of Mom's questions make my cock peg another shot, I don't know if I'm dreaming or if it's all just a product of my imagination, but Mom seems determined not to give up... and I think neither do I. - It's not that, Mom. I love Nacho a lot and I am excited, yes I would like to screw... but... - Then? If you're excited and eager for him to penetrate you, where's the problem? - Mom, it's my brother. – I respond. - Sweetheart, that's why I wanted today to be something extraordinary, outside of normal, in which we would break the rules, share it with family, discover sex for the first time, so you can have everything tomorrow The pleasure of the world. Isn't it better to be trained and guided by me?
- Yes, mom, but...
- We've been preparing for two weeks, Carla. - Mom says, leaving me even more stunned, since I didn't know they had been organizing this orgy for so long.
- It's not just about Nacho, I'd like to save my virginity for my first boyfriend, who will be something special.
Carla says it with a convincing face, as if it were something learned, read, a kind of rule that is now being broken in plain sight.
- But darling - Mom intervenes without stopping to gently caress her hair - that's a huge mistake...
- Why? Isn't it nice to save it for my future husband or boyfriend?
- And what would you gain from it? - Our mother responds, now more serious.
- I don't know, let it be our debut.
- Well, that's precisely the error of many women, who want to save it for a day when only he will enjoy it, because they'll go through moments of fear, doubts, tension, and inexperience that could be much nicer if a woman gave her first love an experienced fuck, without brakes or ties, without conventions, and more so if she had good previous preparation.
For God's sake, Mom has convinced me that virginity is a thing of the past and what should be the other way around, that a mother should keep it for her daughter, by tradition... Now they're turning things around and it's the daughter who wants to be a virgin. Now it seems that a mother is the best teacher for these matters...
- Don't worry, daughter, there's no need to force anything, I understand that now it's harder to make this decision and I don't want you to do something against your will. Let's not do what we don't want. That's the pact. Are you in agreement? If you're not feeling up for it today, you'll do it with your boyfriend in the future, but remember that it's your last chance.
Carla falls silent and Mom gets up, leaving me half-stunned and quite Disillusioned. She notices him again.
− You, Nacho?
− Me? I ask.
− Yes. Do you want to lose your virginity?
− Yes, but...
− Don't worry, today you'll fuck mom. – he adds with a big smile.
− Carla, put on slow music. - Mom orders at the same time as she invites me to dance with her hand in the center of the living room.
Our naked bodies come together and dance following the rhythm of that song, while my hands pass over mom's hips, breasts, ass, kiss her neck, and my cock grows between our bodies.
− I think you're ready now, son. - she says to me, holding the hardness of my member with her hand - How do you want to do it?
I hesitate to react, and now it's mom's hands that are caressing my ass, enjoying its hardness, I notice in her continuous ronroning. Oh God, this can't be!
− How did you fantasize about doing it with your mother? Come on, tell me.
− I don't know. I...
− Come on, son, don't stop now. You must have jerked off thinking about me or your sister a thousand times. What's that position that gets you the most?
Jeez, even my mom knows that the dreams I live in my jerks are for them. Finally, I respond:
− Well, mom... I like all of them. The one you prefer.
− I understand. Well, then I'll get on top and control better. Do you mind?
No objection. Mom puts a chair in the middle of the rug and invites me to sit down. She looks at her daughter as if inviting her to think about what she's missing. She gets on top of me, joining her sex to mine, making her slit draw its humidity over the long hardness of my cock.
− Daughter, grab it well and pay attention to everything so you can at least learn how to do it right in the future in your... first time.
I observe Carla advancing naked, only wearing her high-heeled shoes, ready to photograph us. How much I would have liked it if she had agreed to the premiere of both and we had screwed like I always dreamed, but I understand what she says, despite my moral, ethical, and all that... being at that moment, the only thing I want is to get her once. Now I have Mom on top... can't be more selfish, having the other woman of my dreams, naked over my lap, ready to be penetrated by her son.
- Now, darling, you're going to do what you've always dreamed of. - Mom says with a very pleasant and melodic voice, reading my thoughts.
She firmly places her feet on the floor, on her stiletto heels, and incorporates herself slightly until she grabs my cock from behind her body. Her tits are in front of my face, balancing and provoking, so I suck them with delight, which causes a deep sigh in Mom. I feel proud again for having provoked that. She orients the tip of my lance and rubs it against her wet sex. The sensation of feeling her so directly is incredible, especially when my caper rests on the soft opening that is her sun-kissed pussy and slowly enters, just the tip but seems incredible to me. I can't help but feel a shiver. Mom smiles and kisses me on the forehead. Her tits are still over my face and I don't stop licking them, sucking them, kissing them... What a good mother, damn it... and how yummy she tastes!
- I'm going down, are you ready? - she warns me with her open and full of desire eyes.
- Yes! - I respond almost shouting.
Mom's body slowly falls while grabbing my neck and her sex opens like a flower as my cock slips into the warm walls of her pussy. What a wonder! I have her completely impaled!
- God! - I manage to say. Mom lets out another deep sigh, this time as she caresses my neck while I cling to her hips and she begins to oscillate her body in a way that makes my cock come out entirely with the same slowness, noticing how the suction of her pussy is the most adorable thing I could ever imagine. Now she's staring at me with a total lascivious face, letting herself fall back down again, making us both emit another prolonged moan.
What a pleasure, son! - Mom says after a long gasp.
Yes! - I respond ecstatically.
I haven't had something so big inside for a long time. - She groans.
From that moment on, she begins to slowly go up and down, feeling us fully, making my virgin cock explore the paradise that is her precious cave that envelops the thousand wonders of my meat bar. I knew it would be marvelous, making love with Mom could be incredible, now that I'm putting it in, it's undoubtedly the most mind-blowing thing I've ever lived.
She looks at me carefully and likes doing so, seeing my face evident of pleasure while I perceive the warmth emanating from her cozy hole embracing my phallus. Feeling her enter and exit incessantly is an unusual pleasure for me, I notice how she presses the walls of her vagina trapping me, as if she didn't want to leave and neither do I. I hug her enormous breasts, pinch her nipples, draw her curves with my hands... There's a moment when I feel my body vibrate and I grab onto the chair while Mom rides me harder and harder, making our naked bodies collide rhythmically. That sound is the best song for our erotic dance and I like seeing how Mom moves her body with each impact. I put my hands in her hair, combing it with my cock filling her with my ardorous pussy.
Oh, son! - She exhales in a long sigh, embracing my head. and sticking her tits to her.
My right hand is resting on her nape and under, caressing part of her back without stopping to feel her beautiful body in full ecstasy. My other hand slowly massages her ass with each thrust of our bodies, and at the same time my mouth catches each one of the erect buttons that are her nipples. At a given moment she looks at me and smiles, knowing that the pleasure is mutual, but for me it's also my first time and certainly the most wonderful thing I could have dreamed of. She tilts her head in such a sensual way that I love it, and our mouths come together again in a frenzied and devoted kiss to that magical dust that I don't want to end.
So much ignored pleasure is difficult for my weak body to control as it starts to tense up and multiple gasps start coming out of my mouth. She sees me in ecstasy and speeds up the movements, making my cock seem to grow inside that experienced vagina, causing all the world's sighs to come out of my mouth while she keeps on enjoying and moaning with each thrust. The only sound is our breathing, the rocking of the chair with each thrust, and our naked bodies crashing together, marking an endiably erotic and delicious rhythm. I look into her eyes as they close, feeling her fully, just like she feels me. I cling to her waist and squeeze my pelvis every time we join completely. This is incredible! I'm fucking mom!
− Mom, I'm coming! I can't take it anymore! − I say almost in a scream, since the orgasm is coming uncontrollably.
− Do it inside, son, there's no problem. − she says with her breathless breathing.
− Really?
− Yes, calm down, it's safe.
I accelerate my movements and finally explode in mom's pulsating pussy, which holds that cock that doesn't stop flooding her interior. Each thrust is a discharge from my cock that doesn't stop launching like it wants to put out that fire.
Mom keeps pushing her pelvis in each thrust and we melt into a long kiss, making me see stars, while my cock remains palpable inside. She looks at me with her eyes and suddenly puts them blank, as if she's in a trance, tightly gripping my neck and letting herself fall repeatedly, but this time with more energy and speed. Her two hands now hold my face and I see her beautiful tits bouncing up front. Then she lets out a long sigh and I intensely feel how she presses the muscles of her vagina against my cock, still hard. It's then that I see her body transform, feeling her tremble, the bristling of her pubic hair, and her nipples that seem to contract and harden like chickpeas at times. Mom is close to orgasm and it's wonderful discovering that it's because of my fault. She keeps her eyes closed, holding my face between her hands, opens them, looks at me, and closes them again to come, letting out an intense gasp that signals her orgasm. My hands continue to draw the outline of her body, caressing her back, butt, and tits, while she doesn't stop moaning intensely until her breathing slows down and she becomes quiet, inserted in my dagger that throbs in the warmth of her pussy.
One after another, we've managed to come in that, my first screw, which I don't think I'll be able to forget as long as I live. We remain united for a good while, without saying anything, but saying it all with our gazes and agitated gasps.
− Did you like it? – she asks me finally with her radiant smile, knowing the enormous pleasure she's given me.
− Very much, Mom. I'll never forget it!
− It's been incredible for me too, son!
She kisses my forehead and slowly gets up from our incestuous union. When she stands up, I still see a drop of thick cum slide down the inner surface of her thigh. Is there anything more morbid than that? Lo that you've missed, my daughter! – she comments to Carla while wiping up the spill with a paper towel.
- Yeah, I see you guys really went all out. – adds the other one who is still sitting on the sofa, stroking her fingers over an inflated tear. She's still turned on, no doubt.
- You still have half an hour to think about it. – says mom, pointing to the living room clock.
- Half an hour? – I ask, still sitting in that chair, my cock still throbbing and not understanding anything.
- Yes, it's almost noon. – adds mom – and your birthday is over.
My face must be a poem because I'm still not understanding what she means about the clock, but Carla is the one who clears up any doubts.
- The whole gift ends at noon, Nacho. That was the condition we set, mom and I.
- Condition?
- Yes, dear – intervenes our mother – my daughter and I planned this whole party and all your gifts so you'd feel sex for the first time, but with an irrevocable condition that everything would end at exactly midnight tonight. We didn't want any of this to go beyond this day, or for your games today to become a habit in your lives. This was just a birthday gift and nothing more. At noon, it will all be like before.
- Like Cinderella? – I say laughing as if it were one of her jokes.
- I'm serious, Nacho. – points out mom. – everything that happens here stays here and won't happen again. It's important you understand that.
- But that means... I won't be able to fuck with you again, mom?
- Obviously not. – responds firmly. – This is just today.
- But...
- No buts. That was the agreement my daughter and I came to: whatever happened would end at midnight tonight. Without complaints, regrets, or remorse. That's why I wanted it to be special and for us three to enjoy it until that hour. After that, everything will go back to our usual life. it can still be like before and tonight has clearly marked itself in our lives, at least in mine, which was unknown to everything and I have discovered the gates of paradise. I won't be able to forget it just like that.
But all this, can it never happen again? – I insist gloomily.
No son, I already said without excuses, not even will we undress ourselves in front of each other again. We must respect each other like family. The experience is your gift today and ends today.
I don't understand anything. So after we've undressed, put our hands on each other, licked each other, kissed each other, sucked each other, and had sex with my own mother, now everything ends, just like that?
But I want to fuck Carla! – I say suddenly shouting like a kid.
I know, my love, but your sister has decided she doesn't want it, we can't force her, that's something you also need to learn, to respect her decisions...
Of course, but it's my last opportunity... our last opportunity!
She prefers her debut be at another time and with someone else. In the end, I've debuted with Mom, didn't you like it?
Of course I did. It was the best thing in the world, Mom. But I'd love to do it with Carla...
My sister gets up and looks at me with a certain compassionate face. We give each other a hug in the middle of the living room and she kisses me softly on the lips. I love feeling her naked body stuck to mine.
Thanks, Nacho! – she says looking at me fixedly in the eyes. – I understand you want to fuck me and I also want it, I'm very horny, but I'm not ready completely, there's something that prevents me from doing it. Don't make it harder for me... please. Can you understand?
Of course I can understand she doesn't want it and although it would be frustrating and disappointing for me to fight against it, in the end I have to be grateful to have her naked hugged to me and having made my first blow job in life and that has It has been wonderful, by the way. Besides, I have fucked mom in a day that I would never have imagined.
Calm down, nothing's wrong. What I feel is that you couldn't do it – I say, caressing her back.
Well, we can still make her come again – mom interrupts our hug, intervening.
When I turn around, I see she has a silver vibrator in her hand. It must be the one that has been serving as training all these days and the one that broke my sister's virginity with cum.
- Mom! – Carla protests when she sees her mother holding that intimate device in her hand.
- Come on, daughter, at least let your brother put the toy in you.
Carla looks back at me and then takes the vibrator away from mom's hands. She gives me her hand and leads me to the dining table. She puts her butt on the edge and asks me to help her get up with her legs open, resting on two chairs.
- Wait, I'm recording this – mom says, putting her phone directly at her daughter's pussy.
I'm still dazed, but I still don't understand that bipolar behavior of our mother, who turns depraved one moment and then pretends everything will go back to normal after midnight.
Meanwhile, my sister hands me the shiny cylinder and invites me to put it inside her pussy, which she opens gently with her fingers, offering me that narrow and divine opening. I guide the missile and look at mom, who is smiling beside me without stopping recording, as I approach the forbidden entrance of my sister's pussy.
- Press the button – mom indicates.
Surprised, I discover that the toy has a switch that, when turned, starts a gentle vibration. The more you turn it, the more it trembles. Carla smiles as she feels this shaking starting to introduce herself into her little pussy. I love seeing from so close how that beautiful pussy adapts to the width of object and hugs it wonderfully. Since it is hairless, its upper lips are exposed to perfection and the smaller ones are clinging to the gray bullet that almost reaches the bottom. My sister's first moan surprises me and I love seeing her like this, sitting on the table, naked with her legs completely open while I play with her console, taking it out and putting it back in her tender and juvenile pussy. I suppose she has been very excited all night and after we had sex, mom and I in front of her, she must have put her at maximum pleasure, no doubt she is more than horny and I love seeing her face of delight. Her breast swells, she closes her eyes, bites her lips and my free hand approaches her tits, caressing them softly. She opens her eyes surprised, but the pleasure she feels is so great that she smiles to close her eyes again, letting herself be carried away by the pleasure.
My mother puts her phone on my shoulder to keep recording from there and takes advantage of it to pass her right hand over my back and reach my cock to start sucking me slowly. God! It drives me crazy feeling her hand moving my cock again that I hadn't realized was completely erect again.
The next scene is sublime when my mother, without stopping to suck me and kiss my shoulder, sees Carla panting more and more quickly, rocked by the soft and constant movement of my left hand on her chest and my right hand putting the console in her pussy. She opens her eyes slightly to observe how mom's hand continues to jerk me off energetically in front of her precious naked body. She must think that's the cock now inside her unexplored vagina. How much I would like to have my cock in there!
Her knees tremble and I notice her thighs tend to close... her body tenses and suddenly, opening her mouth, she expels a strong moan through her throat, arching her head back, coming with all her might without saying anything. that I leave neither an instant to put the thing in its hole that soaks until my fingers. The image is so impactful and Mom's hand so skilled that masturbation is one of the best moments of my life. I'm not even aware that my orgasm doesn't allow me to control myself and my first shot comes flying out onto Carla's breasts, the second onto her navel, and the third onto her pubis. She opens her eyes, licks her lips, and smiles at me in sign of having paid off most of that debt. It's not the same as having screwed her, that's clear, but almost was it, a direct fuck but with remote control. With that I'm satisfied, with having made her come and allowed myself to fill her up with my cum all over her perfect body. Mom looks at me and smiles knowing she has brought immense pleasure to my body once again. She is an incredible woman.
− It's 12 o'clock, guys! − she announces suddenly turning off the recording and breaking all the magic of the moment.
Her sentence was what we agreed on, but it's left me disappointed again, since despite the wonderful evening everything has seemed short to me and I would have liked to stay longer. I've barely had time to process it.
− Do you know what was agreed? − Mom comments, stroking my bare back.
− Yes... I do. − I say wanting to see compassion but she keeps convinced with her authoritative and clear gaze.
Carla gets up from the table and gives me a little peck on the mouth before heading off to the bathroom to clean up. I enjoy observing her nakedness one last time and savor that perfect round ass. What luck having her as a sister!
− Come on, you too! − Mom orders
− It's too early. − I complain.
− Come on Nacho, there's class tomorrow. Haven't you had enough for today? −
My eyes turn to her breasts and then to her pussy with that small patch of hair that adorns it and seems extraordinary to me. I can't believe I've screwed her just minutes ago. before.
¡Thanks, Mom! – I say smiling.
Now I'm the one kissing her lips, pressing my naked body against hers and caressing her ass. I love that feeling and so does she because I notice how she purrs when my tongue is playing with hers and my hands are drawing all her curves.
− Come on, son. Let's be serious and stop this. Time's up – she says separating from me more seriously.
− And the photos?
− That's a memory for the future. For now, it's all over for today. Someday, in a few years, we'll have the opportunity to see them together and reminisce about this day.
I'm going to my room upset, but before I do, I stop and turn back towards Mom to look at her naked one more time, because I want to keep that image forever. She gives me a kiss as she moves her hips in a very sensual, inciting, and delicious way.
− Congratulations, son! – she says smiling.
I get into my room and without putting on pajamas, I lie down on the bed with my face up, trying to process everything that's happened throughout this special day.
NEXT CHAPTER: Continue...
CHAPTER 5 (The Premiere)
I don't know how long I stay watching them, stroking their heads, there kneeling at my feet, but I really would have liked to be like this eternally.
Mom gets up and says she's going to clean herself after leaving her well-lubed. It still seems incredible that I came on her two enormous tits. Meanwhile, I keep stroking Carla's head, which is still half-seated on the floor. No doubt she deserves my gratitude for her great labor in a lesson learned at a thousand wonders.
Do you like it? - my sister asks, stroking my cock and playing with it as if trying to revive it.
Are you kidding? I loved Carla!
Did I do well then?
Flipant! I never would have dreamed it and you made me live the best moment of my life. You made me an incredible blowjob, sister! - I respond euphorically.
Neither do I believe I did it myself.
Do you regret it?
No, but I feel strange. - she adds while observing how my cock grows slowly between her fingers and this seems to amuse her.
It was something wonderful for me. - I comment.
For me too, I really enjoyed doing it...
And you swallowed it without hesitation... You're incredible.
Well, yes. Mom warned me that not all women like it and some reject it with much disgust, but it turned out to be quite pleasant for me. It's very tasty.
Caramba, my mother giving advice to her daughter to warn her about the taste of semen and that not all women like it, seems clear that they both love it and I wish they would... For a moment we look at each other with that complicity in which almost no words are needed. She and I have always had it. It's true that many times we fight like siblings, but above all we love each other very much.
I also feel strange, Carla. I don't know if this is normal.
Well, it's not normal, but Mom insisted that the best way to Starting sex with someone you're very confident in, who loves you and won't leave you hanging like a rag.
- That seems intelligent to me.
- Yes, Nacho, but not committing incest.
We look at each other in silence, searching for an explanation in the eyes of the other person for all this nonsense.
- Do you think Mom did it all because of her own bad experience? I ask.
- I'm convinced. Her first time shouldn't have been like she wanted it to be. I fear that everything was the opposite.
- Well, for now I can say that my first time is being wonderful - I add, caressing his chin.
We remain silent for a while, although my sister doesn't stop playing and observing my cock growing bigger by the moment between her fingers.
- Carla, get on top. - I say suddenly.
- How?
- Yes, get on top like before, when you sat on me.
- Face to face?
- Yes.
- But Nacho, now we're naked. - she adds as if we hadn't already crossed more than one border.
- Please, I want to feel you, Carla. Don't worry, I won't put it in. I just want to feel you naked on me. It must be something crazy.
Despite her initial reluctance, she doesn't need to be asked again, and after a glance from me, she gets up. My cock is left without her fingers, but knowing that I'll feel her entire body on top of me makes it reach its maximum size. Carla slowly stands up, allowing me to admire her nudity once more as she moves forward like a cat.
- Be careful with that. - she says, pointing at my cock which is already looking at the ceiling.
- Don't worry.
I hold my erect penis against my body and she opens her legs, climbing on top of mine until her sex hits my testicles directly. I'm amazed to have this goddess on top of me.
- Oh God, Carla! - I say as I feel that naked body on top of mine and her sex literally glued to mine because My cock rests on her depilated pubis. She squeezes her thighs against my hips to give me a soft kiss on the lips and I take advantage to caress one of her breasts that remains in my hand and she receives it with whimpers. It's very hot and that turns me on just as much, so my member is waking up more and more. My hands draw her waist and hips, then massaging the round ass she has. At that moment, Mom arrives who had cleaned up a bit after my ejaculation on her tits.
− Ah, you're learning quickly! - says our mother, completely naked, in the middle of the living room with her arms crossed.
For a moment we stay quiet with our bodies united in that divine position.
− Mom, it's just... - intervenes Carla with great urgency.
− I love seeing you like this, kids. It seems strange not to hear your arguments and instead now it looks like you're screwing, let me take some pictures, you look gorgeous like this, united and naked.
This is mind-blowing. My mother not only scolds us but also stimulates us. That's when Carla's pelvis clings to my groin, making me notice the heat emanating from her pussy and I imagine myself piercing it at that moment. She's incredibly horny, I can tell by her nipples and the nervous movement of her sex against mine. My cock is getting harder and I feel a tremor in her lips, a sign that she's feeling it fully on her little thing. Oh, what a thrill!
− Kiss your brother, daughter. - orders Mom.
The lips of Carla envelop mine and we French kiss each other, something that makes us groan and move slightly. It's true that it seems like we're screwing even though I'm not in her yet, something I dream of fulfilling soon. Our tongues play inside and outside our mouths, without caring about anything else at that precise moment. For a moment our lips part and she leans against me It's staring fixedly at my eyes.
What a horny I am! - she says in a long sigh.
That phrase incites me to keep rubbing her without any kind of restraint, totally devoted to pleasure and that body that electrifies me.
I want to fuck you! - I respond to her ear, completely unbridled.
At that moment, Carla opens her eyes startled and gets up as if she had had a shock. I can see her pussy soaked with her fluids mixed with mine.
What's going on, daughter? - my mother asks when she sees her get up from my lap so suddenly.
Nothing. - she responds, looking at the floor ashamed.
What did you tell her, Nacho?
I take time to respond, still annoyed by that reaction but with an enormous erection that is not at all imperceptible.
I simply want to fuck her. - I add, observing the precious body of my sister.
Calm down, son, there will be time for everything. Remember that a woman must be prepared; if she's not, you must be very patient.
Remember, this should be done calmly. Let's drink again - she adds, serving three more cups and seeing her daughter is a bit uncomfortable by the situation, although it seems she's still very excited, as she continues to observe my stiff member.
Mom manages to downplay that setback, inviting us to see how the photos and videos have turned out. The three of us sit on the sofa, with me in the middle of those two kids, starting the viewing. No matter how I'm seeing it, it's happening; we're still naked and I'm still not getting used to it at all. Each snapshot is more ardent than the previous one, and I notice Carla's turbulence next to me, but mom seems to be enjoying herself, as I can tell from the way she bites her lip when looking at a photo where she's with my cock in her mouth. At that moment, she takes advantage of giving me a kiss and then starts masturbating me.
What a hard thing, my son! My sister is going to receive a big gift and it's making me envious.
My sister isn't responding and looks nervous, but she's no longer looking at the images; instead, she's directly staring at my cock and our mother is moving her body with great skill.
- But what's wrong, sweetheart? - Mom asks Carla
- Nothing.
- Come on, tell me. Are you scared of this? - Mom asks again, making circles with my balls.
- I don't know, all this...
- Don't you want to keep going, daughter? - Mom interrupts, now caressing one of her rosy cheeks with the back of her hand while still touching my penis.
- No, I don't know if I can.
- Are you scared, daughter? I already know your brother's cock is big, but it will adapt to your little hole; we've trained him and he'll do it carefully.
When Mom says that, I can't help but feel more tension in my dick and she does too, as she tightens her fingers around it.
- You'll see how wonderful it feels when you're inside. You'll enjoy it like never before - she adds.
- I don't know, I'm confused about all this
- It's normal to have a mess in your head; it's your first time and it will scare you to put something so big inside.
I keep thinking about the opportunity I'll have to try it out and nothing less than my sister's precious little hole, but she's full of doubts.
- It's not just that, Mom, this doesn't seem normal to me; I think we've gone too far.
Oh well, now it seems like my sister is having second thoughts, although Carla is right; things have gotten out of hand and you can't consider this the most natural thing in the world. But at this point, all I want is to feel the sensation of putting my cock into that small hole I've always dreamed about.
- Daughter, we've talked about this for days and you agreed, why don't you let your body guide you?
- I'm scared - Carla affirms, as I observe her nakedness This body that's driving me crazy and I'm afraid I won't be able to screw it like I've always dreamed. - It's okay, daughter, we're learning. - Mom intervenes - Today is just a day of learning and someday you'll be with your girlfriend or boyfriend and know how to act in each case without it being a problem and with the experience you're gaining today. Don't do anything you don't want to, if you see it's not the right moment we'll leave and that's it. - I do want, Mom - I add so it's clear that I do play along if necessary, without caring about any absurd rule or moral condition. My mother smiles at me with her incredible tenderness and strokes my chin. - Ha ha ha, you see your brother doesn't object... - Mom says smiling at my sister, although it doesn't seem to convince her, since she stays looking down. Even I'm not convinced about all this because in reality, is it normal? Will he really stay until the day of my birthday? Will he leave us marked forever? My body, of course, thinks something else than my head and only thinks about fuck, fuck and fuck. - What's worrying you, daughter? - Mom asks, seeing I'm terrified. - I'm not ready. - Aren't you excited? Don't you want your brother to screw you? Damn it, both of Mom's questions make my cock peg another shot, I don't know if I'm dreaming or if it's all just a product of my imagination, but Mom seems determined not to give up... and I think neither do I. - It's not that, Mom. I love Nacho a lot and I am excited, yes I would like to screw... but... - Then? If you're excited and eager for him to penetrate you, where's the problem? - Mom, it's my brother. – I respond. - Sweetheart, that's why I wanted today to be something extraordinary, outside of normal, in which we would break the rules, share it with family, discover sex for the first time, so you can have everything tomorrow The pleasure of the world. Isn't it better to be trained and guided by me?
- Yes, mom, but...
- We've been preparing for two weeks, Carla. - Mom says, leaving me even more stunned, since I didn't know they had been organizing this orgy for so long.
- It's not just about Nacho, I'd like to save my virginity for my first boyfriend, who will be something special.
Carla says it with a convincing face, as if it were something learned, read, a kind of rule that is now being broken in plain sight.
- But darling - Mom intervenes without stopping to gently caress her hair - that's a huge mistake...
- Why? Isn't it nice to save it for my future husband or boyfriend?
- And what would you gain from it? - Our mother responds, now more serious.
- I don't know, let it be our debut.
- Well, that's precisely the error of many women, who want to save it for a day when only he will enjoy it, because they'll go through moments of fear, doubts, tension, and inexperience that could be much nicer if a woman gave her first love an experienced fuck, without brakes or ties, without conventions, and more so if she had good previous preparation.
For God's sake, Mom has convinced me that virginity is a thing of the past and what should be the other way around, that a mother should keep it for her daughter, by tradition... Now they're turning things around and it's the daughter who wants to be a virgin. Now it seems that a mother is the best teacher for these matters...
- Don't worry, daughter, there's no need to force anything, I understand that now it's harder to make this decision and I don't want you to do something against your will. Let's not do what we don't want. That's the pact. Are you in agreement? If you're not feeling up for it today, you'll do it with your boyfriend in the future, but remember that it's your last chance.
Carla falls silent and Mom gets up, leaving me half-stunned and quite Disillusioned. She notices him again.
− You, Nacho?
− Me? I ask.
− Yes. Do you want to lose your virginity?
− Yes, but...
− Don't worry, today you'll fuck mom. – he adds with a big smile.
− Carla, put on slow music. - Mom orders at the same time as she invites me to dance with her hand in the center of the living room.
Our naked bodies come together and dance following the rhythm of that song, while my hands pass over mom's hips, breasts, ass, kiss her neck, and my cock grows between our bodies.
− I think you're ready now, son. - she says to me, holding the hardness of my member with her hand - How do you want to do it?
I hesitate to react, and now it's mom's hands that are caressing my ass, enjoying its hardness, I notice in her continuous ronroning. Oh God, this can't be!
− How did you fantasize about doing it with your mother? Come on, tell me.
− I don't know. I...
− Come on, son, don't stop now. You must have jerked off thinking about me or your sister a thousand times. What's that position that gets you the most?
Jeez, even my mom knows that the dreams I live in my jerks are for them. Finally, I respond:
− Well, mom... I like all of them. The one you prefer.
− I understand. Well, then I'll get on top and control better. Do you mind?
No objection. Mom puts a chair in the middle of the rug and invites me to sit down. She looks at her daughter as if inviting her to think about what she's missing. She gets on top of me, joining her sex to mine, making her slit draw its humidity over the long hardness of my cock.
− Daughter, grab it well and pay attention to everything so you can at least learn how to do it right in the future in your... first time.
I observe Carla advancing naked, only wearing her high-heeled shoes, ready to photograph us. How much I would have liked it if she had agreed to the premiere of both and we had screwed like I always dreamed, but I understand what she says, despite my moral, ethical, and all that... being at that moment, the only thing I want is to get her once. Now I have Mom on top... can't be more selfish, having the other woman of my dreams, naked over my lap, ready to be penetrated by her son.
- Now, darling, you're going to do what you've always dreamed of. - Mom says with a very pleasant and melodic voice, reading my thoughts.
She firmly places her feet on the floor, on her stiletto heels, and incorporates herself slightly until she grabs my cock from behind her body. Her tits are in front of my face, balancing and provoking, so I suck them with delight, which causes a deep sigh in Mom. I feel proud again for having provoked that. She orients the tip of my lance and rubs it against her wet sex. The sensation of feeling her so directly is incredible, especially when my caper rests on the soft opening that is her sun-kissed pussy and slowly enters, just the tip but seems incredible to me. I can't help but feel a shiver. Mom smiles and kisses me on the forehead. Her tits are still over my face and I don't stop licking them, sucking them, kissing them... What a good mother, damn it... and how yummy she tastes!
- I'm going down, are you ready? - she warns me with her open and full of desire eyes.
- Yes! - I respond almost shouting.
Mom's body slowly falls while grabbing my neck and her sex opens like a flower as my cock slips into the warm walls of her pussy. What a wonder! I have her completely impaled!
- God! - I manage to say. Mom lets out another deep sigh, this time as she caresses my neck while I cling to her hips and she begins to oscillate her body in a way that makes my cock come out entirely with the same slowness, noticing how the suction of her pussy is the most adorable thing I could ever imagine. Now she's staring at me with a total lascivious face, letting herself fall back down again, making us both emit another prolonged moan.
What a pleasure, son! - Mom says after a long gasp.
Yes! - I respond ecstatically.
I haven't had something so big inside for a long time. - She groans.
From that moment on, she begins to slowly go up and down, feeling us fully, making my virgin cock explore the paradise that is her precious cave that envelops the thousand wonders of my meat bar. I knew it would be marvelous, making love with Mom could be incredible, now that I'm putting it in, it's undoubtedly the most mind-blowing thing I've ever lived.
She looks at me carefully and likes doing so, seeing my face evident of pleasure while I perceive the warmth emanating from her cozy hole embracing my phallus. Feeling her enter and exit incessantly is an unusual pleasure for me, I notice how she presses the walls of her vagina trapping me, as if she didn't want to leave and neither do I. I hug her enormous breasts, pinch her nipples, draw her curves with my hands... There's a moment when I feel my body vibrate and I grab onto the chair while Mom rides me harder and harder, making our naked bodies collide rhythmically. That sound is the best song for our erotic dance and I like seeing how Mom moves her body with each impact. I put my hands in her hair, combing it with my cock filling her with my ardorous pussy.
Oh, son! - She exhales in a long sigh, embracing my head. and sticking her tits to her.
My right hand is resting on her nape and under, caressing part of her back without stopping to feel her beautiful body in full ecstasy. My other hand slowly massages her ass with each thrust of our bodies, and at the same time my mouth catches each one of the erect buttons that are her nipples. At a given moment she looks at me and smiles, knowing that the pleasure is mutual, but for me it's also my first time and certainly the most wonderful thing I could have dreamed of. She tilts her head in such a sensual way that I love it, and our mouths come together again in a frenzied and devoted kiss to that magical dust that I don't want to end.
So much ignored pleasure is difficult for my weak body to control as it starts to tense up and multiple gasps start coming out of my mouth. She sees me in ecstasy and speeds up the movements, making my cock seem to grow inside that experienced vagina, causing all the world's sighs to come out of my mouth while she keeps on enjoying and moaning with each thrust. The only sound is our breathing, the rocking of the chair with each thrust, and our naked bodies crashing together, marking an endiably erotic and delicious rhythm. I look into her eyes as they close, feeling her fully, just like she feels me. I cling to her waist and squeeze my pelvis every time we join completely. This is incredible! I'm fucking mom!
− Mom, I'm coming! I can't take it anymore! − I say almost in a scream, since the orgasm is coming uncontrollably.
− Do it inside, son, there's no problem. − she says with her breathless breathing.
− Really?
− Yes, calm down, it's safe.
I accelerate my movements and finally explode in mom's pulsating pussy, which holds that cock that doesn't stop flooding her interior. Each thrust is a discharge from my cock that doesn't stop launching like it wants to put out that fire.
Mom keeps pushing her pelvis in each thrust and we melt into a long kiss, making me see stars, while my cock remains palpable inside. She looks at me with her eyes and suddenly puts them blank, as if she's in a trance, tightly gripping my neck and letting herself fall repeatedly, but this time with more energy and speed. Her two hands now hold my face and I see her beautiful tits bouncing up front. Then she lets out a long sigh and I intensely feel how she presses the muscles of her vagina against my cock, still hard. It's then that I see her body transform, feeling her tremble, the bristling of her pubic hair, and her nipples that seem to contract and harden like chickpeas at times. Mom is close to orgasm and it's wonderful discovering that it's because of my fault. She keeps her eyes closed, holding my face between her hands, opens them, looks at me, and closes them again to come, letting out an intense gasp that signals her orgasm. My hands continue to draw the outline of her body, caressing her back, butt, and tits, while she doesn't stop moaning intensely until her breathing slows down and she becomes quiet, inserted in my dagger that throbs in the warmth of her pussy.
One after another, we've managed to come in that, my first screw, which I don't think I'll be able to forget as long as I live. We remain united for a good while, without saying anything, but saying it all with our gazes and agitated gasps.
− Did you like it? – she asks me finally with her radiant smile, knowing the enormous pleasure she's given me.
− Very much, Mom. I'll never forget it!
− It's been incredible for me too, son!
She kisses my forehead and slowly gets up from our incestuous union. When she stands up, I still see a drop of thick cum slide down the inner surface of her thigh. Is there anything more morbid than that? Lo that you've missed, my daughter! – she comments to Carla while wiping up the spill with a paper towel.
- Yeah, I see you guys really went all out. – adds the other one who is still sitting on the sofa, stroking her fingers over an inflated tear. She's still turned on, no doubt.
- You still have half an hour to think about it. – says mom, pointing to the living room clock.
- Half an hour? – I ask, still sitting in that chair, my cock still throbbing and not understanding anything.
- Yes, it's almost noon. – adds mom – and your birthday is over.
My face must be a poem because I'm still not understanding what she means about the clock, but Carla is the one who clears up any doubts.
- The whole gift ends at noon, Nacho. That was the condition we set, mom and I.
- Condition?
- Yes, dear – intervenes our mother – my daughter and I planned this whole party and all your gifts so you'd feel sex for the first time, but with an irrevocable condition that everything would end at exactly midnight tonight. We didn't want any of this to go beyond this day, or for your games today to become a habit in your lives. This was just a birthday gift and nothing more. At noon, it will all be like before.
- Like Cinderella? – I say laughing as if it were one of her jokes.
- I'm serious, Nacho. – points out mom. – everything that happens here stays here and won't happen again. It's important you understand that.
- But that means... I won't be able to fuck with you again, mom?
- Obviously not. – responds firmly. – This is just today.
- But...
- No buts. That was the agreement my daughter and I came to: whatever happened would end at midnight tonight. Without complaints, regrets, or remorse. That's why I wanted it to be special and for us three to enjoy it until that hour. After that, everything will go back to our usual life. it can still be like before and tonight has clearly marked itself in our lives, at least in mine, which was unknown to everything and I have discovered the gates of paradise. I won't be able to forget it just like that.
But all this, can it never happen again? – I insist gloomily.
No son, I already said without excuses, not even will we undress ourselves in front of each other again. We must respect each other like family. The experience is your gift today and ends today.
I don't understand anything. So after we've undressed, put our hands on each other, licked each other, kissed each other, sucked each other, and had sex with my own mother, now everything ends, just like that?
But I want to fuck Carla! – I say suddenly shouting like a kid.
I know, my love, but your sister has decided she doesn't want it, we can't force her, that's something you also need to learn, to respect her decisions...
Of course, but it's my last opportunity... our last opportunity!
She prefers her debut be at another time and with someone else. In the end, I've debuted with Mom, didn't you like it?
Of course I did. It was the best thing in the world, Mom. But I'd love to do it with Carla...
My sister gets up and looks at me with a certain compassionate face. We give each other a hug in the middle of the living room and she kisses me softly on the lips. I love feeling her naked body stuck to mine.
Thanks, Nacho! – she says looking at me fixedly in the eyes. – I understand you want to fuck me and I also want it, I'm very horny, but I'm not ready completely, there's something that prevents me from doing it. Don't make it harder for me... please. Can you understand?
Of course I can understand she doesn't want it and although it would be frustrating and disappointing for me to fight against it, in the end I have to be grateful to have her naked hugged to me and having made my first blow job in life and that has It has been wonderful, by the way. Besides, I have fucked mom in a day that I would never have imagined.
Calm down, nothing's wrong. What I feel is that you couldn't do it – I say, caressing her back.
Well, we can still make her come again – mom interrupts our hug, intervening.
When I turn around, I see she has a silver vibrator in her hand. It must be the one that has been serving as training all these days and the one that broke my sister's virginity with cum.
- Mom! – Carla protests when she sees her mother holding that intimate device in her hand.
- Come on, daughter, at least let your brother put the toy in you.
Carla looks back at me and then takes the vibrator away from mom's hands. She gives me her hand and leads me to the dining table. She puts her butt on the edge and asks me to help her get up with her legs open, resting on two chairs.
- Wait, I'm recording this – mom says, putting her phone directly at her daughter's pussy.
I'm still dazed, but I still don't understand that bipolar behavior of our mother, who turns depraved one moment and then pretends everything will go back to normal after midnight.
Meanwhile, my sister hands me the shiny cylinder and invites me to put it inside her pussy, which she opens gently with her fingers, offering me that narrow and divine opening. I guide the missile and look at mom, who is smiling beside me without stopping recording, as I approach the forbidden entrance of my sister's pussy.
- Press the button – mom indicates.
Surprised, I discover that the toy has a switch that, when turned, starts a gentle vibration. The more you turn it, the more it trembles. Carla smiles as she feels this shaking starting to introduce herself into her little pussy. I love seeing from so close how that beautiful pussy adapts to the width of object and hugs it wonderfully. Since it is hairless, its upper lips are exposed to perfection and the smaller ones are clinging to the gray bullet that almost reaches the bottom. My sister's first moan surprises me and I love seeing her like this, sitting on the table, naked with her legs completely open while I play with her console, taking it out and putting it back in her tender and juvenile pussy. I suppose she has been very excited all night and after we had sex, mom and I in front of her, she must have put her at maximum pleasure, no doubt she is more than horny and I love seeing her face of delight. Her breast swells, she closes her eyes, bites her lips and my free hand approaches her tits, caressing them softly. She opens her eyes surprised, but the pleasure she feels is so great that she smiles to close her eyes again, letting herself be carried away by the pleasure.
My mother puts her phone on my shoulder to keep recording from there and takes advantage of it to pass her right hand over my back and reach my cock to start sucking me slowly. God! It drives me crazy feeling her hand moving my cock again that I hadn't realized was completely erect again.
The next scene is sublime when my mother, without stopping to suck me and kiss my shoulder, sees Carla panting more and more quickly, rocked by the soft and constant movement of my left hand on her chest and my right hand putting the console in her pussy. She opens her eyes slightly to observe how mom's hand continues to jerk me off energetically in front of her precious naked body. She must think that's the cock now inside her unexplored vagina. How much I would like to have my cock in there!
Her knees tremble and I notice her thighs tend to close... her body tenses and suddenly, opening her mouth, she expels a strong moan through her throat, arching her head back, coming with all her might without saying anything. that I leave neither an instant to put the thing in its hole that soaks until my fingers. The image is so impactful and Mom's hand so skilled that masturbation is one of the best moments of my life. I'm not even aware that my orgasm doesn't allow me to control myself and my first shot comes flying out onto Carla's breasts, the second onto her navel, and the third onto her pubis. She opens her eyes, licks her lips, and smiles at me in sign of having paid off most of that debt. It's not the same as having screwed her, that's clear, but almost was it, a direct fuck but with remote control. With that I'm satisfied, with having made her come and allowed myself to fill her up with my cum all over her perfect body. Mom looks at me and smiles knowing she has brought immense pleasure to my body once again. She is an incredible woman.
− It's 12 o'clock, guys! − she announces suddenly turning off the recording and breaking all the magic of the moment.
Her sentence was what we agreed on, but it's left me disappointed again, since despite the wonderful evening everything has seemed short to me and I would have liked to stay longer. I've barely had time to process it.
− Do you know what was agreed? − Mom comments, stroking my bare back.
− Yes... I do. − I say wanting to see compassion but she keeps convinced with her authoritative and clear gaze.
Carla gets up from the table and gives me a little peck on the mouth before heading off to the bathroom to clean up. I enjoy observing her nakedness one last time and savor that perfect round ass. What luck having her as a sister!
− Come on, you too! − Mom orders
− It's too early. − I complain.
− Come on Nacho, there's class tomorrow. Haven't you had enough for today? −
My eyes turn to her breasts and then to her pussy with that small patch of hair that adorns it and seems extraordinary to me. I can't believe I've screwed her just minutes ago. before.
¡Thanks, Mom! – I say smiling.
Now I'm the one kissing her lips, pressing my naked body against hers and caressing her ass. I love that feeling and so does she because I notice how she purrs when my tongue is playing with hers and my hands are drawing all her curves.
− Come on, son. Let's be serious and stop this. Time's up – she says separating from me more seriously.
− And the photos?
− That's a memory for the future. For now, it's all over for today. Someday, in a few years, we'll have the opportunity to see them together and reminisce about this day.
I'm going to my room upset, but before I do, I stop and turn back towards Mom to look at her naked one more time, because I want to keep that image forever. She gives me a kiss as she moves her hips in a very sensual, inciting, and delicious way.
− Congratulations, son! – she says smiling.
I get into my room and without putting on pajamas, I lie down on the bed with my face up, trying to process everything that's happened throughout this special day.
NEXT CHAPTER: Continue...
4 comentários - Mi madre, mi hermana y la fiesta de cumpleaños 6