New clients but old tricks

Two months ago I started working on a project with a devoted couple who wants to build in a closed neighborhood of San Vicente. We had several meetings, just the three of us once and only her once, everything was going normally, last Saturday we met at morning to see some things about the project, even though it was hot she appeared with a tiny bikini with a pareo, even though they didn't have a pool they had a patio with a deck where she would take sunbaths as she had a nice toasted color. She greeted me and went to the recliner and started taking sun from behind, leaving a beautiful view of her naked Booty, I tried to get my bearings but it slipped away from me twice and Jorge says, Linda Booty, no? Without so much confidence between us I didn't know how to act, if I told him it wasn't true I would look like an idiot and if I told him it was true I would be assuming he was looking at his wife's ass, so I went with the truth and said Yes, it's a picture, who doesn't like art? And she laughed, says well done, you got out of it well, haha, by the way we're SW and Sofi is on wave with you, I know you're married but I'll still throw myself at you, we're not fanatics of SW but every now and then we do some when it feels right if you want everything's fine, I'm hetero and won't touch you, she says explaining that I don't have anything to do with the atmosphere and I would feel uncomfortable in the situation. For me everything's fine, no one gets upset over a sweet and we laughed. Come on, it's waiting for you and I went back to the patio. I approached her and said what's going on because you're not participating today and without turning around she says that today I'm with another project in my head, I sat down on the recliner and started running my hand delicately over her leg from the ankles up, I'm glad you can participate in this project too, already arriving at the Booty I stopped for a moment and continued until the belt unbuckled it to go back down to her Booty and give her a nice massage she kept not looking at me and said She said always brings something to show us you have something that could interest me now? Already Bonner had removed my sandals and was supporting her cock in her mouth with her tongue started to savor it until she opened her mouth but was very uncomfortable and couldn't get closer so she opened her eyes and sat on the recliner so I could suck her off fully after a few minutes she says come let's get more comfortable and takes me by the hand to go inside we pass through the kitchen where he is and she says I'll take him upstairs for a bit that it's cooler you can come later love with something refreshing and we go up I sit on the bed and keep sucking her I grab a sheet from the nightstand and put it on her she sits above me and I enter all the way to the bottom then start moving while massaging and kissing her breasts after a little while I start taking control and put her in 4 I keep giving and she starts to get away with a little giggle that was well received so we did another one or two with some compliments to her Booty and the intention of preparing the way for anal sex I put a pillow under her stomach and let her fall leaving her tiny ass well pumped I got down on my knees on the bed and kept giving it to her in violent form coming out completely and slamming into her making her moan every time I entered then he comes in and says ah good leave her whole that I also want to fuck her she asked him for his cock and started sucking it and in 2 minutes he was already cumming in her mouth I got up a little didn't want to cum and let him have her for a bit I took off the sheet and gave it to her to suck then she got on top of him and made a sign for me to come too so I put myself behind him the stopped moving with his hands opened her ass wide enough so I wouldn't miss my target I entered slowly and we started pumping in an alternating manner for a bit when I was about to cum I asked where he wanted it to end had many desires to fill her mouth.

cum but he told me to finish here in the forro and I said finish when you want because I'm already ready, started blowing her full and I also until finishing in the forro when I finish. By then it was almost 1 am, and how did you like it? Spectacular, I say, jaja, you still haven't seen anything, do you stay to eat?, I put the fire on, of course, if we talk a little about the house and laugh. The guy put the meat on, we went to wash up and stayed in bed making out and fraternizing a bit, then she came down alone with a thong and I in boxers, it wouldn't end like that but I'll tell you later because this is already too long

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New clients but old tricks

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