My daughter Lourdes. Sixteenth Part.

Hello, as I promised here is the continuation of the story that still keeps several of you hooked about my beautiful daughter Lourdes. For those who are not yet caught up, like always I leave links to the previous stories so they can get up to date and understand our morbid history better. yes, we continue:

I was stirring my coffee like every morning, still a bit sleepy, when I heard the key in the door. My sons had returned, after some hugs they sat down to breakfast with me. We were in the middle of a chat about everyday men's talk, those we used to have before their sister arrived, when some steps interrupted that tranquility.

From the hallway appeared Lourdes and Barbie, dressed only in their suggestive babydolls. They were made into goddesses, a bit disheveled which gave them a wild look, with those tiny silk garments that covered half of their round buttocks and marked their delicious nipples. Just seeing them enter and greet me already started to get hard.

- What's up, papi? Are you okay? - Lourdes asked with a kitten face
- Yes, heart - I replied trying to hide my presence from my sons
- Sure? It seems like the three of us are very hot - Barbie said while caressing Diego's cock. Lou was disheveling Enzo and touching him too. The two were biting their lips and enjoying the caresses.

Lourdes savored her lips and then started giving Enzo a very hot kiss without stopping to touch his cock. Barbara didn't want to be left behind and, mounting Diego's pants, started kissing him with the same intensity. The two bitches looked at me sideways

I stopped and put myself between the two couples, starting to caress those firm and young booties. The girls, not stopping to kiss my sons, returned some very erotic gemiditos to me. Lou turned around and started kissing me while moving on her brother's pants

- Well boys, we're ready to take it - Barbie said while sliding over Diego until she was kneeling on the floor. Lourdes followed and both ended up at the height of our bundles.

We three were blinded by heat so we took off our pants without thinking. Lou took each hand a cock of her brothers and began to lick them alternately
And I took Barbie from the back of the neck and made her swallow mine. She was looking at my daughter as she was swallowing the two cocks slowly, and the pleasure of the boys.
I looked at Barbie and saw those clear eyes staring at me fixedly with all my cock entering and leaving her plump lips. She was sucking like a whole slut every time more tasty. Lourdes was already in her tits and her brothers' hands were massaging those impressive breasts without stopping
I was about to fill Barbie's mouth with cum when the two stopped synchronized and started kissing, then crawling each one in opposite directions they changed positions.
- I want your cum pussy - Lourdes said with so much slut voice that almost made me come. Barbie was between the boys who were as hot as her sister left them starting a double penetration on the blonde. Then her sweet lips started kissing the tip of my cock and immediately felt her insatiable tongue licking every angle of the inflamed head of my cock. It was beautiful to see that slut with such a tender face and such a slut attitude.
- What a slut you are, my love - I said and pushed her head to swallow the whole piece of daddy. As always obedient she swallowed until the throat and gently nodded to keep me on the edge of orgasm. I felt that expert mouth and listened to Barbara's moans which were already like screams.
- Swallow it all, babe! - I told Lourdes and started cumming hard in that beautiful mouth.
I closed my eyes from the ecstasy of orgasm and when I opened them it wasn't Lourdes who was on her knees
- How much I miss this cock - Daniela, my daughter's mother, said, confusing my mind
Some distant laughter confused me more. Then everything made sense. I woke up alone in my bed with a wet and hard cock
I looked at the time and it was almost noon. The laughter of my dream was apparently from my sons, who instead of finding me awake to receive them as in the dream. They found me asleep from the exciting night of voyeurism I had in the early morning, watching the erotic show that the hot girls brought to me. Surely the visit to Daniela's house with whom Lourdes punished me mixed with that same excitement in my dream. Especially because of the provocative behavior my ex had.

I got up quickly. Unconsciously I desired a miniorgy like the one in my dream. Like not, but to return to reality, I found myself on a very different scene. Apart from my children. Javier was there. Who surely was in the best possible mood after having hooked up with those two delights of women just a few hours ago. As always, my brother made me laugh. He was doing some kind of imitation and everyone was laughing. Lourdes was sitting on a kitchen bench. Looking from afar. Barbie was on the couch next to Diego and Enzo on a pouf applauding at his uncle.

The girls were totally dressed for my disappointment but happy for my happiness, they were as always. Barbie with a mini skirt and a muscular clear one and my daughter with a red leggings that marked every detail of her waist down, especially between her legs. Above she had a white shirt that left her beautiful belly visible to give that exciting sensation of nakedness.

Everyone was concentrated on Javier's delirious imitation and I stayed looking too. It seemed like he was doing some kind of clumsy vigilante, movie cop type. I didn't realize who the character was until Diego said - Uh you got it just right! Ah there he is - and let out a laugh that infected everyone. My brother was making fun of me. Apparently that's how I painted myself with my kids. Like a spoilsport and boring one. It really bothered me, but if I reacted like I wanted to, I would ruin the moment. I swallowed saliva and breathed deeply.

- Very funny everything but you're not going to say hello to your father - I tried to change the subject. My affectionate children just moved I took the hand of one side to the other to greet myself. Maybe the most fantastical part of the dream wasn't the wild sex but that one of these two had a gesture of kindness towards their father. Like a contrast to my loveless male sons. Lou took me by the hand and led me to the kitchen.

- Look, papi, I'm making a recipe I saw on the Internet - he said with that sweet and warm tone that reminds me that inside that huge thigh is my lovely daughter.

- Thanks, my love. What a nice surprise - I said.

It was curious how at times it would turn back into being so soft and tender like the first time we shared together. At times I forgot how loving she could be outside of that feline attitude she maintained almost all the time.

That brief lapse of tenderness lasted only that long because behind me entered Barbie.

- Did you like last night - she said almost whispering. With those few words, she ruined the moment of father and daughter. Lourdes' face transformed with a half-piercing and provocative smile.

- I liked the first part more - I said trying not to look at either of their faces.

- To me it was all good - she whispered again near my ear, the exciting blonde.

She passed by me, hugged my daughter's waist, and gave her a kiss on the shoulder, opening her lips slightly over Lourdes' white and delicate skin.

- Well, I brought something to drink - she said raising her voice a bit. She took a bottle of beer from the fridge and left the kitchen moving her butt and winking at me.

Lourdes only managed to smile and stay quiet.

- Well, let's go with the kids, this still has some time left - she said, as if nothing had happened. I wish I could do what she does, entering and exiting roles without scales, from the tender daughter to the seductive cutie. I could only follow her games. There was no other option.

We kept going like that between chats and a few drinks. One thing was undeniable. As long as the girls were around, my house always had a festive tone.

But inside from that pleasant atmosphere, complicit glances were crossing the room in all directions. Everyone had something to hide from the rest. The girls had taken care not only of trying each cock in this house but knew exactly how to leave everyone wanting and under that discretion limit to avoid scandal, they could continue playing with us.

I who knew almost everything that was happening in the house, gave myself a headache thinking about all that would happen behind my back and where I could keep my own dirty secrets.

My conscience tortured me for what I did more than trying to convince myself that we're all adults and nobody is forced to act, it wasn't leaving being my own blood and that put a brake on me that Lourdes knew exactly how to disable.

After a meal of gods made by my daughter, I was relaxed in my armchair watching a sports program while my daughter chatted with her friend at the coffee table.

- What time is Luciano's thing? - Barbie asked. This made me stop and follow their conversation, regardless of what they were talking about on TV - At nightfall, he'll be waiting for us at the door - Lou replied, still typing on the computer. She didn't give more details but hearing that guy's name my daughter called father made me rebel and I wanted to know what it was about.

Trying to sound casual, I turned around pretending to be relaxed

- Do you girls have plans for tonight? - I asked, chewing on a piece of anger inside but disguising myself like a champion.

- Yes, Pa. We'll be late - My daughter replied, as synthetic as a telegram.

The doubt was eating away at my head and knowing that they didn't plan to return early only increased my curiosity. I didn't want to be annoying and even less notice my irritation so I didn't ask more. Apparently Barbara's indiscretion in giving that name didn't go unnoticed because the two of them changed the subject and a few minutes later, Blonde decided to leave. She kissed each one of us on the cheek and left. I offered to take her but she refused with a smile - Don't worry, Al. Javi is taking me. He's downstairs. - I didn't need more information or maybe I didn't want it.

I kept silence before making a mistake.

Retuming to routine, Enzo had already locked himself in his room with those video games that hypnotize him and make him as friendly as Hannibal Lecter. Approaching him when he's like that is a mess. Diego, on the other hand, had probably left with some cutie of his or his friends' bad company.

I was virtually alone with Lourdes. It was something that inquieted me a bit.

Like animals that smell fear, I felt Lou's voice from her room - Dad, can you come? - A shiver ran down my body but like a slave I went after her call - What's up, heart? - I asked while entering.

- What do you say? Red or black? - she consulted me with a black leather belt in one hand and a red one with a kitty on the side.

- It depends, is it to go out or did they hire you for some cumbia program to dance? - I said trying to escape the crossroads. Both were terrible and just imagining that beautiful ass barely covered and those plump legs coming out of either one was burning my brain.

She responded with that sly laugh she makes when she knows she's driving me crazy

I didn't hold back anymore and my jealousy overwhelmed me - Are you going to see Luciano like this? - I ended up saying gruffly

- We're going to a show that we were invited to. I don't know what you meant but Luciano is with Mom - she told me to calm down a bit.

- If you want, come too - she suggested, disorienting me. But I was so annoyed that I accepted the invitation, which surprised her a little given my face. Anyway, as she's proud, she didn't retract

I had no idea where we were going, so I put on something casual. A sport shirt and jeans. When my daughter finished... changing was hell. I had chosen the red skirt. As I imagined it wrapped around that bum leaving it well marked and the kitty that gave on the side of her left leg came almost to the edge of her thong, it seemed like if I lifted my leg high enough the skirt would finish opening. Underneath it some sandals with very high heels were styling those glorious legs perfectly and above a silk blouse with all the back bare and falling marking her breasts and especially the shape of her delicious loose nipples.

According to her, this is used so that the corset doesn't show on the back. The truth is that if my other children weren't still at home I would have taken her like that and to hell with the exit.

She didn't give me many details about the show we were going to see. It was so general in its description it could be from a symphony concert to a strippers' show. Knowing my daughter, I imagined something more similar to the second than the first.

Once inside, I started seeing some people at the door. There were everything from elegant to the most disheveled. Once inside, I understood everything. It was one of those theaters that falls apart and is used for low-budget presentations. At the door we saw Luciano. As we approached he greeted us with that excess of friendliness that really bothered me. To make matters worse, Lourdes went to greet him and left me there.

What a nice place, so here you are, I said trying to start a conversation.

I'm not my friend, it's Daniela who presents herself, he clarified the situation a bit.

If so, but I thought you too, I said to avoid being completely out of place.

The conversation became more spaced out and almost non-existent after that.

I was in that state when from a taxi a wrapped-up friend of my daughter got off, wearing an extremely short black dress. Barbie was stunning. The dress apart from marking her figure perfectly had a neckline that crossed the entire length of her breasts and would close again on her neck. It gave a touch of sensuality and elegance to the two of them. The two were too much for that dump of a place my ex had dragged us to.

We entered, and the arrangement of the seats left me with no satisfaction at all. As we were settling in, someone took an extra seat, leaving only room for three. We looked around and there weren't many more places available, so I sat down in the back row not to be too far away from Lourdes, Luciano was sitting next to her, and Barbie was last. The lights went out and the show started. It was one of those overly metaphorical works that didn't interest me at all; I only wanted to see when Daniela would appear to judge her performance. She only appeared in the second scene. She was playing a kind of witch, which didn't surprise me at all. She didn't have to act much to look like a witch.

Without wanting to, I got caught up in the scene like everyone else, and by the time the next one started, I was already a bit more into it and could understand the story. I was about halfway through when Lou stood up from her seat looking pale and with Luciano's help.

What's wrong? I asked quietly as they passed by me.

Stay calm, she just needed some air, Luciano tried to calm me down. Barbie turned around to ask and an old lady with glasses shushed her and made her be quiet. I suppose that was why I sat back down to watch the show and avoid a commotion. But I couldn't take it anymore, knowing my daughter was alone with that guy, so I got up and left about a minute later.

When I left, I felt very bad thinking. Lourdes was just recovering her color sitting on a bench next to the back door, while the guy was standing next to her talking to her like he was checking her out. I realized my jealousy of him was because I really saw him as a better father. Ashamed by the comparison, I didn't approach. Lourdes suddenly she lifted her gaze and saw me watching them from a distance. Then that mischievous smile appeared on her face and I knew it could only be a bad omen.

I don't know how but suddenly she seemed to start recovering completely, as if the excitement was lifting her up. She asked Luciano if she could sit with him and he accepted. I'm not sure if out of good faith or expecting something more. Then my beautiful kitten started to deploy her magic. She leaned on the body of that very lucky guy, hugging him. My daughter's breasts pressed against that type and with her face resting on his chest she began talking to him in a soft, playful voice.

- Thanks for taking care of me, why are you so good to me? - she said while playing with one of his shirt buttons like a cat with a ball of wool
- Don't thank me, it's the least I could do. Are you feeling better now?- he asked in a hurry

I noticed that mix of discomfort and heat on Luciano's face. I myself knew that sensation perfectly. What I also knew is that for men like us, a girl like Lourdes is irresistible. The only person nearby was me

- Still have that candy you offered me? - she asked him, looking at him with an innocent face. But that innocence dissolved when she started searching for it herself in his pants pocket
Lourdes' hand wasn't exactly searching for a candy. I could see her moving, caressing it. As soon as she felt where it was headed, she tried to stop it without much force

- Lou little one, what are you doing? - she stopped him by gripping his arm
- Don't you like it? - she said while it seemed she was squeezing her cock due to the pleasure on Luciano's face
- It's not that, but you know I can't - he tried to use his last defenses. I felt so reflected in that poor guy that my cock got hard as a garrote

- Maybe with more privacy - Lourdes suggested and took him to the bathroom next door, holding onto his hand. When she stopped, I could notice the important erection he had produced my nena
Apenas cruzaron the bathroom door I approached. I didn't know if I should open it so I stayed listening
- You're beautiful girl - I heard excited Luciano say
- Yes? Kiss me, papi - she was saying to keep playing with that morbo
In the middle you could hear sighs, pushes and very effusive kiss sounds.
- Someone might see us - reacted with a bit of sense
- Don't worry, the door is stuck only that small window but it's very high and it's in the dumpster - Lou said between kisses

I didn't lose a second. I ran out to the street looking for that window. It was set in a dark alley and was really high. But I was desperate. There was a metal trash can like those made from barrels and it was almost empty, so I turned it over with great effort and when it was inverted I put it as close as I could to the window and climbed up with the logical difficulty of someone my age.

When I arrived at the blessed window the landscape was inaudible.
The first thing I saw was Luciano's face totally disheveled and his mouth smeared by my daughter's strong lip. He was facing away from the mirror, holding onto the sink as if he were going to fall and had his mouth open, emitting huge pleasure groans. His shirt was open and when I stood on tiptoes and could continue looking down, I found my beautiful daughter kneeling with her legs spread, slowly sucking all of her supposed father's cock. That morbo of knowing it was like a father for her made me hotter being her real father.
The pants of the joyful stepfather were on the floor. My daughter's head moved in rhythm and I could see how her lips devoured the cock completely in front of her. Since the window was at an angle, the image was complete. Lourdes took it out of her mouth and slowly ran her tongue over it, provoking deep groans from her mother's boyfriend.
- You're sucking my love - he said, delivered to the pleasure of feeling that mouth so hot
- Do you like it? - she asked him to increase the morbo
- Yes, drink it all, that way! - he begged excitedly and still surprised
Lourdes no longer spoke, she turned her back on him and sucked intensely. I could see her breasts inserted inside by the strong suckling she was giving this type
Luciano's cries of joy were constant. Hidden by the impunity of darkness, I couldn't help myself and started to jerk off at full speed. My cock was hard and loaded in excess.
I tried to give my masturbation the same rhythm as what I saw in Lou's head. I closed my eyes for moments due to the pleasure it gave me to spy on my daughter's slut
Knowing that all this had been generated by seeing myself made me go crazy.
- Show me your beautiful breasts - he begged hot like a hen. Lourdes was covered up to her neck, what she left bare was her back but without a bra, those beautiful breasts were very desirable for everyone, especially him
Lourdes stopped sucking for an instant and in a quick movement lifted the sweater until it came out and those breasts fell naked with pink nipples standing
Luciano couldn't contain himself at seeing such monuments and threw himself on her. My daughter lay down on the floor while she was licking her breasts with madness. God knows when I'll be desiring them without knowing what a slut she really is. The voracity with which she sucked and licked them, making them completely sloppy, was contagious. I was already about to cum seeing that pornographic image of my young daughter with a guy of my age savoring every corner of those enormous breasts
Lou was petting his hair while feeling her mouth thirsty on her breasts and moaning like a slut.
In the midst of pleasure, she looked and I think she saw me. A smile appeared on her face and began to kiss him, looking sideways at the window. I could see their tongues open wide. Lourdes spoke into his ear and finished the sentence with a lick on his ear. Automatically Luciano started to get comfortable by opening his legs wide apart and placing his cock on the bare lips of my nena's pussy. He let go of all the weight of his body, and his cock entered that moist and tight vagina, burning like hell itself. She was moaning and looking at me. Moved by this, Luciano started to fuck her like an animal. Despite the distance, I could hear the sound of the bodies crashing together, muffled by the moans and gasps.

- Come harder! - my insatiable nena begged hotly

- Yes, it's yummy! You're a girl with a pussy! - he replied excitedly

- Tell me, Daniela - the very morbid one said

- You can't be so slutty - she responded, increasing her speed

That request killed me off and I started to cum against the rustic wall. I couldn't believe it was being so slutty, naming her mother at that moment.

It seemed like I wasn't the only one who got hotter. While I wiped myself with a handkerchief, I turned my attention back to Lou, who was on all fours, sucking Luciano off again, but this time looking for the cum. As always, she didn't take long to achieve her goal. The moans and the hand she put on the back of his head told me he was finishing entirely in the mouth of my daughter.

- Swallow it all! It's so beautiful! - I ordered, as if it were necessary

That was the end of my spying moment. With effort, I got down from the barrel and entered as quickly as possible. I sat down in one of the last rows where there was still space and finished watching the bizarre spectacle of my ex. While she was playing at being Norma Aleandro, her boyfriend was fucking like a teenager with his daughter. When I was still thinking that and after a good while of waiting, the door opened and they came back in, quite tidy. As soon as she entered, she saw me and sat down next to me.

- I see you're feeling better, daughter - I said as low as possible

- Much better - she responded with that slutty smile that comes before and after sex

I wanted to grab her and fuck her.

Ah, right there when she made that face at me. I suppose she noticed it. She grabbed my hand and leaned her head on my shoulder. She was handling me like a real pro. We stayed like that for the rest of the show. I felt lucky to have such a loving daughter and a passionate woman all in one person.

After the performance, we both pretended to pay attention and applauded wildly for Daniela. We waited for her to leave and congratulated her. We told her about Lou's low blood pressure, omitting the time she took with Luciano in the bathroom, and after a brief chat, we started back home. We walked less than a block when she asked me:

How did you get up there, Dad? You're tremendous. Confirming my suspicion that she saw me.

For you, I'd do anything, my love, I said, stroking her cheek.

I'd do the same for you too, Dad, she assured me. And almost without looking, she unbuttoned my pants and slipped her hand into my boxer briefs. Her face was completely relaxed as if nothing was happening, but slowly she was pleasuring her father with that special quality only she has.

Ay, my love, not here, I said while my cock grew in the palm of her hand.

I trust you, Dad, and I can't wait to get home, she said with a voice that was almost a slut's, probably due to the screams and moans she made in that bathroom.

My daughter's hands are experts at giving pleasure. As soon as she started touching me, I gave in to that slow but intense masturbation she was giving me. Her slut-like face when she felt like she could excite me was a delight.

We were still far from home and I was looking for a place to stop when she knelt over my lap and felt her tongue on the tip of my cock. She gave soft, gentle licks, barely touching me with her lips. But the pleasure was so great that I closed my eyes for a second.

At that moment, I felt a strong brake and as I opened my eyes, the lights above my door were the last thing I saw before the impact.

In that instant, I didn't know if it would be the last... I remember that the one with my daughter's lips would take me to the grave, paradoxically I didn't know what was going to happen like all the nights since my daughter Lourdes stepped into my house. As I know it's not really him who they miss but her. Leaving a kiss from Lou: That mouth is guiltyMi hija Lourdes. Decimosexta Parte.

9 comentários - My daughter Lourdes. Sixteenth Part.

hola y gracias como deseaba leer tus relatos y ver foto d Lourdes como de Barby sos un ídolo muy buenos los relatos espero que nos no a gas esperar tanto tiempo gracias y saludos