Buenas vecinas (entrega final)

Passed some days without the neighbors having the opportunity to talk, until they finally coincided on the sidewalk, brooms in hand.

- What does neighbor say, Julia said smiling.
- How are you?
- I think it's time we start using informal language, don't you think? Julia broke the ice.
- It seems like yes, Marita said smiling and leaning on the broom she was holding.
- Small towns can be complicated for some things, don't you think?
- And if so. You have to be careful because you never know who's watching, Marita said looking around discreetly.

- To tell the truth, we had a good time the other day, I think, what do you think?
- Yes. Without a doubt it was a change.
- Anyway, I'm warning you that I won't change my husband for anyone, Julia said putting the situation in black and white.
- Don't worry, neither will I, but well, a break doesn't come badly, she said smiling complicitly.

- And what do you say?
A thick silence was made while the two thought about how to move forward.

- To tell the truth, started Marita, it's difficult to control this situation from getting out of hand. Imagine what would happen if it got known.
- I agree, and that's exactly why I've been rethinking this issue, Julia said putting on a serious face.
- I don't want to think you've decided to end this, Marita said worried.
- You don't know me, Marita, you don't know me. I just say that our husbands can't keep jumping from house to house without someone suspecting something.
- The same thing was going through my mind, but we also can't find them anywhere else. On one hand they wouldn't want to take risks and on the other it's no guarantee it won't be discovered by chance, Marita said while analyzing the situation.

- But it seems like we're reading each other's minds. I also thought about the same problem, and I think I've found a solution.
- And what is...? Marita asked interested.
- What our husbands have to stay in their own homes, with their usual routine.
- I don't understand.
- If they don't leave... Their houses and they continue with their usual routine, no one will suspect.

Marita looked at her confused.

- We are the ones who have to change our address.
- I don't understand, said Marita surprised.

- Let's see if an example makes it clear. My husband returns to the bar at 3 pm on Saturday, never brings his key and usually does it very happy, calm, and hot... is that interesting?

Marita's eyes sparkled with lust

- It seems promising, she said, hiding her interest. My husband returns home at 4 pm from his mother's house, making some domestic arrangements, doesn't bring his key, takes a bath, and gets comfortable on the couch to watch TV, unless there's a better and more entertaining proposal, Marita said with a complicit wink.

- Well, I thought you could visit me at home at 3 pm, telling my husband that I had to leave and left you to open the door for him, and that I won't be back until around 8 pm, how does that sound?

- And you'll be at my house at 4 pm receiving your husband and opening the door for him, since I had to leave and won't be back until around 8 pm.

- I see you're catching on quickly. Of course, our husbands won't be back until around 9 pm and we'll be alone in the house. Not sure if it interests you.

- To be honest, it seems interesting, but we have to see if our husbands will play along.

- If they do, everything is fine, and if not, each of us can stay as long as she wants and then leave, knowing that her husband won't be able to get back home until around 8 pm.

Both women sat in thought, imagining the Saturday afternoon.

- So, at 2:30 pm we can swap places and wait to see what happens, said Julia finally.

- I'll be at your house at that time. And let's see what comes out, said Marita laughing.

- Let's have faith, replied Julia also happy.

The week passed slowly, like it was dragging on.

The neighbors took advantage of those days to dedicate themselves to their own people. Waxing, hairdressing, sexy lingerie, and so on... They thought it would be attractive for the prey they thought they were going to catch on Saturday afternoon.

Marita thought hers was easier. Ramiro was an animal, and as soon as she showed him a little interest, he'd jump all over her. On the other hand, she pitied Julia. Ronaldo wasn't that easy to turn on, and the morbid situation could work against her.

Julia, on the other hand, was calm. She didn't doubt that Marita would catch her husband right away, but she knew how to motivate Ronaldo and get a long relationship very different from the wild sex her husband gave her. Marita would be penetrated by a trepanator but then would have to wait a good while for another beating. Julia was sure she'd feel satisfied like never before.

Saturday morning arrived, and both women had to control themselves not to show the anxiety that overwhelmed them. When Ramiro left for the club after lunch, Julia rushed into the bathroom to start getting ready. Marita did the same when Ronaldo, with his toolbox in hand, left for her mother's house.

At 2:30 pm on the dot, Marita was ringing the doorbell at Julia's house.

When they opened the door, both women looked at each other and were surprised. They both really wanted it.

Wow, Marita, you look great today, Julia said with a smile.

Well, you're looking like a slut too, Marita replied, returning the compliment.

But let's get on with it.

Once they sat down on the sofa, Julia took the floor.

If you don't mind, I made a small change to our plans. Don't be scared, she said, facing Marita's surprised face.

I thought maybe someone would see me enter, and it would be suspicious if I left, so I put a ladder in the median and will enter your house from the back, wait for your husband, then leave through the front like we agreed, but since no one saw me enter, they'll think we're both at your house, and no one will suspect, Julia said.

But what's going to happen? When I leave, then. - At 8, I'll take your husband out of your house and I'll go, and you'll come back to it by the same staircase I used to enter. This way no one will see us leaving and entering different houses. - You're really very cunning, Julia. I wouldn't like to have you as an enemy, honestly, said Marita, accepting her partner's idea. And so they did. Julia climbed over the wall and descended into the backyard of Marita's house. She opened the door and settled in the living room. She was wearing a tight-fitting pantaloon that marked all her curves and a silk shirt buttoned up front, without a bra underneath, which allowed her to notice her nipples. Marita removed the staircase by leaning it against another wall, so no one would suspect. Marita, in a tight-fitting dress and with her legs half-way down, stayed on the sofa waiting for the hour of Ramiro's arrival. Everything was ready. This time she wouldn't make it easy for him. She wanted him to force her showing what an animal he was and that she needed. Ramiro parked his pickup truck at the door and got out. The truth is that the conversation with his friends, which always was about women, and about the things they did while their boyfriends or husbands weren't around, had excited him. He would go into his house and there in the living room, he would screw his wife like to keep her quiet. Just thinking about it, he already got hard. He rang the doorbell and waited for the door to open, preparing himself for the assault as soon as it closed behind him. When the neighbor opened the door, she was surprised. And cooled off. She cursed all the saints inside out. If this slut was visiting, she wouldn't be able to benefit her woman. On the other hand, she couldn't help but notice how sensual Marita was. The very slut, came to provoke him in front of his wife, knowing that he couldn't do anything about it. She was already going to get even with him. - Hi Ramiro, come on in, come on, said as she let him through. - Hi Marita, what a surprise to find you here. - Really unexpected, you're right. What happened is that your wife you had to leave because a friend called you, and since you didn't have a key, she went to look for me so I could open it for you when you got there, she said with innocence.

- Oh boy, oh boy. Well, thank you for the attention. What time is Julia coming back? She asked as if to fulfill, knowing that her afternoon of sex was already ruined.

- At 8 o'clock, she said, answered Marita.

- You can leave whenever you want, I'll take care of myself, don't worry. I wouldn't want your husband to miss you, she said indifferently.

- My husband left and won't be back until 9 pm, but you're right. It's better if I go, she said heading towards the door.

Ramiro listened, and felt his cock start beating again. It was 3 o'clock. His wife wouldn't be back until 8 and his neighbor's cuck would not return until 9. Maybe luck was giving him the opportunity to release himself in another body that wasn't always the same one. Quickly he took her arm.

- Stay, let's have a drink, I don't want you to stay alone at home, he said with intention.

- I have a lot to do, she said

- Just a coffee, nothing more, he insisted.

- Okay, she accepted.

Ramiro went to prepare it, and Marita thought about how to get what she wanted while he was gone. When he brought the coffee, they took it slowly and talked about everyday things. Marita looked at the clock on the mantel out of the corner of her eye. It was already 4 o'clock and the party next door was starting.

- Well, thank you for the coffee, now I have to go.

- We need to talk first, said Ramiro standing up.

The clear gesture of fear on Marita's face only excited the male, who took her arms and made her sit down in the armchair.

- The other day, you did something that I really liked, he said looking at her.

- The other day I was crazy, but now I've reacted and we'll pretend nothing happened, she said without stopping to simulate fear as the male advanced.

Ramiro stopped in front of Marita and opening his pants, pulled out a hard and red cock.

- I need you to suck it. My wife never does it for me, and honestly, it's very good, he said starting to masturbate slowly in front of the women and at scarce centimeters from her mouth.

- No, Ramiro, let me go, she said trying to get up, managing to make the rough hands of the male force her to stay seated, which was what she wanted. Then they took her face and brought it close to the cock, placing it between her lips. Marita tried to wriggle free and simulated rejection, but was enjoying the situation like crazy.

- You won't leave this house without having eaten her, so you decide if it will be fast or slow, if it will be consented or forced, but you'll eat her, you'll eat her. We have five hours, so act, he said showing how hot and out of control he was.

Slowly Marita opened her lips. That was the signal Ramiro had been waiting for, and quickly he put half his cock in her mouth, almost choking the women. When she moaned, he withdrew a few centimeters, leaving only what she could savor in her mouth. Then he started to masturbate with the head of the women he held between his hands.

There was nothing erotic or romantic about what was happening. Marita was little more than a flesh doll dedicated to satisfying the heat of her male. Her mouth was simply another hole where Ramiro could put his cock whenever he wanted.

- Ahhh, how nice you suck me, slut. I feel very well inside your mouth. Do you suck your husband's cock often? Yes, of course, with that slutty mouth and no missing any opportunity, not Marita?, Ramiro asked and answered because she couldn't say anything with the cock in her mouth.

- Well, and now I'm going to take it out and take you to the bedroom, and once there I'll brush you like never before, I can assure you, so when I take my cock out of your mouth, don't say a word, is that clear?, he asked, come on, yes, and Marita moved her head up and down in response to Ramiro's question. Finally, the male withdrew. Marita remained sprawled on armchair. It was hard for her to conceal the satisfaction she felt and the anxiety that the man might fulfill his promise. She needed a wild brushing.

Ramiro lifted her arms until she was standing, then took her by the back of the neck with one hand and directed her first to the door, where she turned half a key so that access would be blocked, and then led her to the bedroom.

Julia, at Marita's house, thought about how to get Ronaldo to possess her. He was a delicate type. She imagined she would have to be decisive, or nothing would happen.

She turned on the TV and searched for a cable channel without commercials showing a movie and left it there.

When the doorbell rang at 4, she fixed her hair, looked at herself one last time in a full-length mirror in the entrance hall, and opened the door.

Ronaldo, sweating, looked at her in amazement.

Jjjulia, what a surprise, he said as he entered the house. For a moment, he was afraid that the women might have talked about what had happened and turned pale.

Hola Ronnie, to be honest, Marita had to leave and since you didn't have a key, she asked me to wait for you and let you in. Since my husband won't be back until night, and I'm alone at home, I told him I didn't mind and here I am, Julia said with total tranquility.

Well, thank you Julia. Do you know where Marita went?

No, she just said she'd be back by 8 and that she'd left your clothes ready so you could shower and change when you got back, Julia said calmly.

Well, I can take care of myself, don't worry about it, so whenever you want to go, you can leave, Ronaldo said, trying to get rid of the temptation moving freely around his house with total freedom. That pant leg marked that round ass he had and the shirt showed off those amazing nipples he'd already savored. He didn't want anything to happen again. He was afraid of being discovered.

If it's not a bother, while I'm in the shower, I'll finish watching this movie. It's almost over and if I go home, I'll miss... denouement, said Julia as she sat back down on the sofa and became engrossed in the television. - No problem, make yourself at home. If you excuse me, I'm going to take a bath because I need it, said Ronaldo heading towards the bathroom. Once there, he undressed and was surprised to find himself completely erect. He opened the shower and once under the hot water, began slowly masturbating, dreaming of that woman on the other side of the door. Julia stayed there until she heard the sound of running water from the shower. Then she got up and undressed completely before quickly heading towards the bathroom. She opened the door softly and through the bathroom partition, saw the unmistakable silhouette of Ronaldo, under the shower and having a championship-level masturbation session. A vicious smile spread across her face. She opened the partition and looked at him. - It's not fair that you get to satisfy yourself and leave me hot, she said as she got into the cubicle and took his cock in her hands. - No, Julia, please, don't do this. If Marita comes we're lost, please, for the love of God, ahhh what pleasure your hands are giving me, he said as his own hands took possession of the beautiful woman's breasts. In the house next door, after chasing her around the entire bedroom, Ramiro had finally managed to undress Marita and throw her onto the bed. As she continued to put up a fight with towels on the dresser, he tied her hands to the headboard of the bed, leaving her immobile, face up, and gagged. When she was firmly tied, Marita stopped struggling and with a furious expression disguised the pleasure she was feeling. Finally, a man was going to use her as she deserved. Ramiro recovered his breath after all the exertion and located at the foot of the bed began slowly undressing. When he was completely naked, he climbed onto the bed, held the woman's legs that wanted to kick him and took them with his hands, lifting and separating them. His face lit up with uncontrollable lasciviousness. Advanced and positioned the head of his cock at the entrance of Marita's sex, and with a triumphant look, fell on her and drove it all the way in. The women's scream was brutal, and if she hadn't been gagged, it would have been heard throughout the neighborhood. Luckily, she was already fully lubricated and beyond the exciting scene, felt no pain at all. But for the man, it was the climax. He had wanted to possess a woman like that for a long time. Then he began a furious pumping as if he wanted to tear her in two.

Ronaldo kissed Julia's neck while she slowly masturbated him with one hand and rubbed his body with an esponja in the other, making him sweat. Little by little, she managed to get the man to release her and could devote herself fully to bathing him very gently. Ronaldo closed his eyes and let himself be done. He had never been treated like this before and was enjoying it.

Finally, she let the water take all the soap away, and then Ronaldo turned off the shower. Julia took a towel and dried him thoroughly, and then it was his turn to rub her entire body. Then he made her lean against the sink and began to explore her neck and back with his tongue until he knelt down and claimed her sex. His tongue covered all of her pubic area, giving her real electric shocks that she wasn't used to. It's no surprise that she ended up wildly at one point. However, Ronaldo's tongue continued to enter and leave her sex and anus. The sensations were incredible for Julia.

Ramiro lay on his back on the bed, and Marita remained with her hands tied and gagged. She had come a couple of times, and he had emptied himself like a savage inside her. The smell of semen had reached the nasal passages of the women. A wild, animal, male smell that she wanted.

Slowly, he untied her and removed the gag. Marita remained lying on the bed.

- Excuse my brutality but if you hadn't... Ramiro was brushing his teeth and wasn't going to put up with it, said Ramiro, conscious of the brutal nature of his attitude. - You're a beast, an animal, said Marita, and I love it, she added in a softer voice barely audible for the male. Ramiro looked at her surprised. - Don't tell me you're into the rough stuff. - My husband is very sweet and tender, but sometimes I need to be shaken up, said the woman, leaning on her elbows. – Well, I shook you pretty good, I think, said the male smiling. - Not enough, honestly, she said, demanding. - Give me a minute and I'll give you a replay so you won't leave with an appetite. - I'm not in a hurry, she said, and stayed lying next to the male. Her hand searched for Ramiro's tool and began to play with it. After making her cum only with her tongue, Ronaldo settled behind Julia who was leaning against the sink and while they looked at each other through the bathroom mirror, he slowly penetrated her until their bodies touched. Then Ronaldo's hands took her breasts and started a slow and sinuous in-and-out that transported Julia to the seventh heaven. She couldn't believe that sex could be so sweet, so ethereal. It seemed like she was flying. She clung to his calves and let him handle her. They went on like this for a long time until he threw a towel on the floor and made her kneel down. In that position, he possessed her again and rode her like a sexy girl for a good while, and finally, accelerating, he emptied himself inside her, deep inside, and completely, falling defeated onto her back. Ramiro had been a long time without having sex twice in the same moment. With his wife it was just a quick fuck and nothing more, and he had many doubts about being able to respond. But when the woman's hands took possession of his cock and then her mouth followed the path of her hands, he noticed that his tool began to throb slowly. Yes. He was going to get her again. And well. Julia felt cold. She moved a little and Ronaldo understood and said lifted her, helping her later to do the same, and wrapped her in the towel to warm her up. They left the bathroom and headed to the bedroom.

When they arrived, Julia noticed with surprise that despite being completely filled, Ronaldo's cock had barely dropped. He was almost ready to continue.

- Do you always react like this? she asked curiously.

- Always. I'll be ready to keep going like now, for example. So you're going to sleep. You'll receive me fully from the side, he said, taking her hand softly and accompanying her to bed.

Julia got into bed and lay on her side. Ronaldo got into bed beside her and his mouth began to explore her entire body.

Marita was on all fours on the bed, being penetrated by a pneumatic hammer. And that's because in this second orgasm, Ramiro could last all the time. And that's what the women wanted. She felt her sex stretching, warming up, inflaming, and while that cock kept pounding away.

With one leg over Ronaldo's, Julia was receiving the long cock of the male fully, who with sensual movements, entered and exited almost completely from her body, causing sighs of pleasure in Julia as she felt every inch of that lance penetrating her, exploring her sex, rubbing against all the walls of her vagina. Meanwhile, the male's hands massaged her powerful breasts, which were hypersensitive. It was no surprise that another orgasm overwhelmed her completely. One more in a long series that had been going on all afternoon.

After half an hour, Marita was already exhausted. She couldn't keep taking that savage treatment anymore. Everything hurt, and there was no doubt that Ramiro wasn't going to stop, so desperate, she decided to hasten the male's relief. Her hand searched for Ramiro's balls and began to caress and squeeze them, making the male start to groan and accelerate his penetrations, which became less deep until finally, with a gruñido the key until it hit the bottom and let go. - Slut of shit, you finished me off with those hands on my balls. Take, take my cum, it will come out your mouth, sexy girl, I said while depositing inside hers what was left in her balls from the previous sex. Finally, she fell onto him, and she collapsed onto the bed, almost unconscious.

Various positions were used by Ronaldo and Julia. He made her walk around the entire bedroom. Standing against the dresser, on the floor, rolling on the carpet, against the wall, making her hold onto his neck, to finish with her riding his cock on the floor.

In that position, they lasted a long time.

The clock struck 7pm when Marita woke up. Exhaustion had slept her off when the male finished. On top of her, Ramiro was also asleep. She moved and made Ramiro wake up.

- Ramiro, it's late, we barely have time to get dressed and tidy up this mess, he said and made the male come around and start getting up.

Together they got dressed, tidied everything so Julia wouldn't suspect (although Marita knew there was no danger) and then washed the cups and tidied the kitchen. Finally, when it was 7:30pm, they sat on the sofa and talked about what had happened. Both were satisfied and although they left clear that this relationship had no commitment, they agreed to repeat it whenever possible.

- And now you have to go, said Ramiro.
- I'm afraid there might be a neighbor watching, said Marita with a worried face.
- What do you want to do?
- Don't you have a ladder?
- Yes, of course
- Well then, I'll enter my house through the drainpipe so no one suspects.

Finally, Julia felt Ronaldo's cock stretching and suddenly a rain of semen poured inside her.
- Ahhh, I feel it, I feel it, she managed to say.
- How beautiful, please, how beautiful, said the male while emptying himself and emptying himself.
The two remained quietos. Julia looked at her watch. It was 7pm.
- It's late, Ronnie, let's get going.
Together they tidied up the whole house, took a bath, and then dried the bathroom, got dressed, tidied everything up, and Julia put the last part of the plan into action.
- Ronnie, I need to ask you something.
- What do you want?
- I want to have a coffee with you at the café that's two blocks away.
- But we might be seen.
- Exactly. You go first, and then I'll come, we'll run into each other by chance, have a coffee, and then each of us will go our separate ways.
- Does that sound okay?
- Please, let me have my way.
Ronaldo agreed. He finished getting dressed and left the house.
Julia waited for a bit, and then she left too.
A while later, Marita entered through the back door. The house was empty. She quickly went to take a shower and change. The smell of sex that lingered was incredible.
Ramiro, in the other house, also opted for a shower, and then sat down to watch TV. The afternoon had been incredible.
At the café, Julia met up with Ronaldo, they greeted each other respectfully, had a coffee, and Julia handed him the key to the house. Then they said their goodbyes and Julia left the way she came. Ronaldo stayed for a bit longer so no one would suspect anything.
Julia went back home and Ramiro was watching TV. He was more attentive and affectionate than ever before, and Julia knew why. The little son of a slut had slept with the neighbor and felt guilty.
The same scene repeated itself in the other house when Ronaldo returned and met up with Marita.
The two women were satisfied, and both thought about how to make their husbands find out what was going on and participate voluntarily in this neighborhood swinger party.

4 comentários - Buenas vecinas (entrega final)

Que final, que relato capo!!!!!!
muy bueno...!! aparte, te dá una idea magistral (nó el detergente), de cómo intercambiar la jermu, sin levantar la perdiz...jaja!!
Muy bueno el relato y quedo muy bien la historia. Gracias por compartir
Excelente término ahí ?
Por ahora, al menos. Gracias por los comentarios