Let's see what you think of my first story...
It was a rather hot day at the end of June. She was hanging up clothes on her house's patio, a fairly large and lost in a mountainous area...
Suddenly she felt like she was being watched and remembered that they were building another house next door, trying to create an urbanization in that once so quiet zone. She turned around and saw the workers having lunch while not taking their eyes off her...There were 5 of them, but one caught her attention. He was a very corpulent man, almost 2 meters tall, very strong and hairy, but with a large belly that showed under his yellow tank top due to sweat. The man smiled as he winked at her and grabbed the package with one hand. She blushed and became aware that she was standing there in only her underwear and a tank top with nothing underneath (of course, she wasn't used to having anyone around those parts). She felt herself flushing and ran into her house while listening to the workers' laughter...
Throughout the whole day she was thinking about that event and at night, in bed, while nursing her baby, she couldn't get that giant overflowing with beauty everywhere out of her head and the big package she could sense behind his hand...She couldn't understand it, she had never had thoughts like this before, but maybe the fact that her husband had been away for two months due to work and feeling so alone and abandoned had something to do with it...She noticed herself getting wet inside and used two fingers to calm the fire burning inside her...
Two days later she decided to go out again to hang up the laundry and those degenerates were back, she ignored them but this time they started whistling at her and even making really unpleasant comments like: 'Mamacita, with that ass, I invite you to shit in my house!', Seeing those tits, give me one reason not to rape you, I don't want your gold, I don't want your silver...I only want the treasure you have between your legs. brunette, I don't have hair on my tongue because you don't want it!...And so they went on for a while, completely out of their minds, laughing and touching each other. She felt herself getting all wet and her nipples about to burst through her shirt. Finally she ran back into the house...
About half an hour later, the bell rang and when she opened the door, she found herself face to face with that hairy giant worker. 'Excuse me, ma'am, could I have a cold cum in a glass? It's been very hot and I need to cool down my throat.' She was left very surprised, aware that she only had on her thong panties and a string-top bra that barely covered the curves of her body. To make matters worse, she felt like her nipples were getting hard again, trying to escape from that piece of fabric that was trying to hold them back...
Stammering, she said... 'Mmm, okay, eee—wait a minute here, I'll bring it to you.' He put his hand on the door and said: 'Thanks, beautiful, but almost better if I come with you to the kitchen. I'm dying to taste your cum'... She barely had her legs holding up while filling the glass of cum. When she turned around to offer it to him, he grabbed one of her breasts with his hand, squeezing hard as he said: 'Relax, almost prefer taking it straight from the bottle...haha' She tried to resist, but noticed how the cum was flowing all over her top...
She pulled out a breast on the side of the top and began to suckle and suck it, while still squeezing, compressing, and stretching the other one with his hands as if there were no tomorrow...
Mmm... What a yummy milk! And what a piece of unattended dog we have here. You've got me very horny these days, slut, and now you're going to get what you deserve and are waiting for, he said while pulling down his pants with the other hand... She couldn't help but scream when she saw that monster. A huge cock, fat like she had never seen before in her life, long, with a fat and purple head, pulsating and throbbing like a living being, as it let out a long stream of seminal fluid...
Please, she said - I'm a married woman, I don't want... Ohhh, you know very well what a sexy dirty girl like you wants. Make her come to pieces like she deserves until she screams like the slut in... love that you are.
Said so he ripped off her panties with a pull, tearing them and leaving only a strip of fabric hanging from one leg. He lifted her up in mid-air and began to eat her pussy while saying: God, what pleasure do you have, slut, in that juicy and dirty flesh? I could sink my head entirely here... She began to lose all sense of reality, experiencing a brutal orgasm that soaked the entire face of that monster. He grabbed her by the hair and dragged her to the bed, as she screamed in a mix of pleasure and pain. He threw her onto the bed, squeezed her buttocks well, and then gave her two brutal whacks. She trembled as electric shocks reached her nervous system.
He turned her over on the bed, grabbing her by the hair and throwing her face up, lay down on top of her and put his cock in her mouth. He was using all his strength to try to bury that giant cock until it reached the root of her hairy balls, but it was a lost war. Then he grabbed her breasts, pulling and squeezing to try to introduce another centimeter. After that, he grabbed her head with both hands and squeezed while shouting at her what a slut she was, but it was impossible, she began to choke and finally almost vomited... Then he pulled out his cock and gave her two good slaps: plas! Plas! From side to side: Damn dirty foxy! Did you want to vomit on my cock? Now you'll see what's good...
Please-she said-please, no more... Dazed, ecstatic, painful, and just at that moment he gave her a tremendous thrust. He buried that tremendous prick until it reached the root of her balls and began to penetrate her brutally, without any care or tenderness, as she had never been penetrated before...
Now he wasn't saying anything, just grunting brutally, almost like a pig while squeezing her tits and making several jets of cum that soaked both of them and she felt like they were splitting her in two...
Suddenly he came out from inside and she almost appreciated that it was finally over, but also feared that this would end what she was feeling. But there was still something more, he turned her around, put her on all fours on the bed and went back to inserting his weapon deep into her entrails. Now I'm going to ride you like the sexy girl cum you are...-God she said- You're going to break me- Please...
But he didn't stop, quite the opposite, he accelerated his pumping while grunting and shouting: I'm going to split you, pig. Today you'll know what pleasure is, until suddenly he turned her over with a jerk, leaving her on her back with her legs wide open and she felt the first jet of cum in her entrails. A brutal jet that burned her inside and seemed to reach her stomach. He pulled out his cock all wet from her flows, let go three more huge jets of cum. She had never seen an orgasm like this, thick and yellowish cum that smelled strongly of male and slid down her large breasts. Then he, grunting towards the ceiling in a sort of orgiastic paroxysm, grabbed her by the hair and introduced his cock into her mouth, letting go four more jets of cum...
Never had she seen or felt an orgasm like this, it seemed that the milking wouldn't end ever.
Then he got up, cleaned his cock on her hair while saying: Very well slut, a perfect fuck, I love seeing my cock stained with your sexy girl's honey, but I can't go out there and tell my friends about this dirty and sticky thing. He took out his mobile and made three photos while the tremendous milking was dripping down her tits, starting to bubble up from her rabbit and dripping from her mouth... Don't clean yourself, foxy, I'd love it When your husband comes back, I hope he can notice that you now belong to another guy, a real guy. She said while putting her cock in his pants. Then she gave him two good slaps on the tits and said 'See you later, warm cocks'. 'I don't doubt we'll see each other soon' 'And surely he'll bring some buddy, a slut so servile and horny deserves to be shared' And there she left him, with her legs well open, dripping cum and feeling broken, outraged, but also more of a slut and satisfied than she had ever felt before...
It was a rather hot day at the end of June. She was hanging up clothes on her house's patio, a fairly large and lost in a mountainous area...
Suddenly she felt like she was being watched and remembered that they were building another house next door, trying to create an urbanization in that once so quiet zone. She turned around and saw the workers having lunch while not taking their eyes off her...There were 5 of them, but one caught her attention. He was a very corpulent man, almost 2 meters tall, very strong and hairy, but with a large belly that showed under his yellow tank top due to sweat. The man smiled as he winked at her and grabbed the package with one hand. She blushed and became aware that she was standing there in only her underwear and a tank top with nothing underneath (of course, she wasn't used to having anyone around those parts). She felt herself flushing and ran into her house while listening to the workers' laughter...

Two days later she decided to go out again to hang up the laundry and those degenerates were back, she ignored them but this time they started whistling at her and even making really unpleasant comments like: 'Mamacita, with that ass, I invite you to shit in my house!', Seeing those tits, give me one reason not to rape you, I don't want your gold, I don't want your silver...I only want the treasure you have between your legs. brunette, I don't have hair on my tongue because you don't want it!...And so they went on for a while, completely out of their minds, laughing and touching each other. She felt herself getting all wet and her nipples about to burst through her shirt. Finally she ran back into the house...

About half an hour later, the bell rang and when she opened the door, she found herself face to face with that hairy giant worker. 'Excuse me, ma'am, could I have a cold cum in a glass? It's been very hot and I need to cool down my throat.' She was left very surprised, aware that she only had on her thong panties and a string-top bra that barely covered the curves of her body. To make matters worse, she felt like her nipples were getting hard again, trying to escape from that piece of fabric that was trying to hold them back...
Stammering, she said... 'Mmm, okay, eee—wait a minute here, I'll bring it to you.' He put his hand on the door and said: 'Thanks, beautiful, but almost better if I come with you to the kitchen. I'm dying to taste your cum'... She barely had her legs holding up while filling the glass of cum. When she turned around to offer it to him, he grabbed one of her breasts with his hand, squeezing hard as he said: 'Relax, almost prefer taking it straight from the bottle...haha' She tried to resist, but noticed how the cum was flowing all over her top...
She pulled out a breast on the side of the top and began to suckle and suck it, while still squeezing, compressing, and stretching the other one with his hands as if there were no tomorrow...
Mmm... What a yummy milk! And what a piece of unattended dog we have here. You've got me very horny these days, slut, and now you're going to get what you deserve and are waiting for, he said while pulling down his pants with the other hand... She couldn't help but scream when she saw that monster. A huge cock, fat like she had never seen before in her life, long, with a fat and purple head, pulsating and throbbing like a living being, as it let out a long stream of seminal fluid...
Please, she said - I'm a married woman, I don't want... Ohhh, you know very well what a sexy dirty girl like you wants. Make her come to pieces like she deserves until she screams like the slut in... love that you are.

He turned her over on the bed, grabbing her by the hair and throwing her face up, lay down on top of her and put his cock in her mouth. He was using all his strength to try to bury that giant cock until it reached the root of her hairy balls, but it was a lost war. Then he grabbed her breasts, pulling and squeezing to try to introduce another centimeter. After that, he grabbed her head with both hands and squeezed while shouting at her what a slut she was, but it was impossible, she began to choke and finally almost vomited... Then he pulled out his cock and gave her two good slaps: plas! Plas! From side to side: Damn dirty foxy! Did you want to vomit on my cock? Now you'll see what's good...
Please-she said-please, no more... Dazed, ecstatic, painful, and just at that moment he gave her a tremendous thrust. He buried that tremendous prick until it reached the root of her balls and began to penetrate her brutally, without any care or tenderness, as she had never been penetrated before...

Suddenly he came out from inside and she almost appreciated that it was finally over, but also feared that this would end what she was feeling. But there was still something more, he turned her around, put her on all fours on the bed and went back to inserting his weapon deep into her entrails. Now I'm going to ride you like the sexy girl cum you are...-God she said- You're going to break me- Please...
But he didn't stop, quite the opposite, he accelerated his pumping while grunting and shouting: I'm going to split you, pig. Today you'll know what pleasure is, until suddenly he turned her over with a jerk, leaving her on her back with her legs wide open and she felt the first jet of cum in her entrails. A brutal jet that burned her inside and seemed to reach her stomach. He pulled out his cock all wet from her flows, let go three more huge jets of cum. She had never seen an orgasm like this, thick and yellowish cum that smelled strongly of male and slid down her large breasts. Then he, grunting towards the ceiling in a sort of orgiastic paroxysm, grabbed her by the hair and introduced his cock into her mouth, letting go four more jets of cum...
Never had she seen or felt an orgasm like this, it seemed that the milking wouldn't end ever.
Then he got up, cleaned his cock on her hair while saying: Very well slut, a perfect fuck, I love seeing my cock stained with your sexy girl's honey, but I can't go out there and tell my friends about this dirty and sticky thing. He took out his mobile and made three photos while the tremendous milking was dripping down her tits, starting to bubble up from her rabbit and dripping from her mouth... Don't clean yourself, foxy, I'd love it When your husband comes back, I hope he can notice that you now belong to another guy, a real guy. She said while putting her cock in his pants. Then she gave him two good slaps on the tits and said 'See you later, warm cocks'. 'I don't doubt we'll see each other soon' 'And surely he'll bring some buddy, a slut so servile and horny deserves to be shared' And there she left him, with her legs well open, dripping cum and feeling broken, outraged, but also more of a slut and satisfied than she had ever felt before...
9 comentários - A well-made work