Medical consultation!

Holaaaaaaaaa!! This is a bunch of nonsense! But since I'm at home tonight and I'm drunk, I'll tell you!!

It turns out that for quite some time (even years) I've been worried about something regarding me. As I've said many times in my stories and when people ask, I'm very hot and feel like I need a lot of sex to calm down my energy.

I also need to cum many times to feel satisfied, my orgasms are very intense, but it's like I have a quick recovery!! You understand?

That's why I usually do it every day, doesn't matter who with, but it's rare for me not to have a good sex session. Even, I've had relationships 2 and 3 times a day as normal.

This made me worry a bit and I thought about consulting a doctor to see if it was normal, maybe there was some hormone problem or something!! I don't know, I got anxious.

Finally, I booked an appointment with a doctor (since I never come here in LP, I took one from any clinical doctor) and went about a month ago. When I arrived, I felt a bit awkward because the doctor was a moderately young man, 30-ish years old. That's when I realized I should have asked for a female doctor, but it was too late!!

He took my data and I explained the situation as well as I could. In reality, I told him the same thing I'm telling you now, but in a slightly softer version, haha. I told him that I noticed my hormones had been going full tilt for several years and that I spent all day with the urge to have sexual relationships!! That even I could do it 3 times a day and feel great.

I said it as it came out, honestly, I didn't know how to tell him I wanted cock all day!!! Don't know, maybe you've ever had to explain something like this before but with suitable words??

At first, when I told him this, he esbozó a slight smile, But luckily it was quite professional and didn't act weird, haha. To make matters worse, it was hot on Monday and I had gone with a muscular one that was exploding my nipples and some tight jeans!!! He couldn't help but look at my breasts several times. He listened attentively to me and said he didn't think it would be a problem at first. But still gave me tests for hormones, blood, and others due to doubts. I brought all the results about two weeks later and everything came out fine!!!! He told me I had nothing abnormal, that I should stay calm, simply that I had very high libido (which he said was normal at my age). He also told me to exercise and stuff, but I do a lot!!! Every day at the gym, three times a week minimum I go for a 1.5 hour run!! I do it whether or not because I stay in shape, with a flat stomach and a well-rounded booty!!! Haha haha And the cherry on top... talking about the doctor's professionalism, before I left when I was already opening the consultation door, he said: - Leave my card, if you need anything call me, I make house visits when patients feel bad or are sick. So, anything call me at the cell phone number, it's written in back. - Ah! ... Well thanks! And I went laughing!! The card was posted... but it was OBVIOUS he didn't say it as a good doctor would, anyway wants to see me again but differently, right?? Haha haha I won't do that!! It's nice, I know, capable of writing to check everything I said!! No?? What do they say?? Hahaha. I hope I haven't bored you, I wanted to tell you!! Kisses!!!!

14 comentários - Medical consultation!

Tenés que llamarlo para hacer la consulta a domicilio. Pero hacerle todo el juego, que estas engripada y que no te sentís bien. Si querés tambien te puedo ir a oscultar y a tomar la temperatura yo...
lo voy a pensar, no sé! vos decis que me tome la temperatura por la cola? jaja
@virsolis_1990 Yo creo mi vida, que primero tenes que hacer que te osculte el pechito, por si lo tenes tomado, despues le contas que sentis la garganta un poco irritada y que necesitas algo para que mejore, y mas tarde si, yo creo que es hora que te mida la temperatura por la colita, recorda que siempre tiene un grado mas que la axilar, asi no te asustas si dice que esta muy caliente. Te parece bien? Es como un chequeo completo
te quiere ensoquetar!!yo si hubiese sido el medico ya hubiese actuado
jaja vos decis??
@virsolis_1990 obvio!!dejame a mi nomas q te de la receta a ver como te va!olvidate q es asi
Solo es hipersexualidad o eres ninfómana.
jajaj no creo que sea ninfomana!! sólo me gusta mucho la pija como a todas las nenas
Que bien!!!!, tenes que llamarlo yque compruebe. Ojo que si, queres me llamas a mi tambien y voy. Total estamos cerca.
jejeje voy a pensar que hago! si me dan ganas si!
jajaaj sos brava trolita.
soy una santa 😃 😃 😃
@virsolis_1990 una tragaleche importante..
Ves uno trata de ayudarte y ya te lo queres coger jaja
Llamalo y hacelo garcha ya que hace visitas a domicilio fijate si sabe usar su " equipo"
Jajaja salu2 vir
jajaja gracias! besito
Jajajaja esteeeee..........ya esta.......llamalo que te ponga el termometro de carne para ver si estas bien, primero la salud jajaja.......che la de la foto......are you babe?? OMG jajajaja
jaja seeeee, la salud es lo primero!!! besito!
como me gustaría ser ese médico
si??? pero no sé si va a pasar algo!! o conte más bien porque queria que supieran todo! pero no se si me lo voy a agarrar
@virsolis_1990 si va a pasar algo, sabes por que? por que yo soy ese medico.
PUTA, te apuesto en que no pasa mas de una semana y lo llamas para q vaya a tu casa o t lo coges en el copnsultorio, jeje, nunca hiciste eso TRAGALECHE!!!!! JEJE, van mis puntitos
@barrionorte1991 jaja mira la idea que me das!! lo voy a pensar trola!!
@virsolis_1990 jaja, esta mucho mejor que t lo cojas en el consutorio q en tu casa!!!!!, t vas c una mini y t acostas en la camilla, jeje y le decis q t duele mucho la ingle!!! y cuando t empice a tocar empezas a moverte jeje, Te va a terminar poniendo al toque la pija en la boca!!!!!
Buen relato. No lo llames. No te va a satisfacer. Ni tampoco ninguno de los pajeros que te escriben por acá. Veinte a anchorena. Es un club para todos los chicos y chicas que tenemos líbido alta. Seras mi invitada de lujo. seguimos por mp. Slds
jajajaja no creo que sirva siquiera contestarte!!! me quedo esperando el relato de la cogida que te pega el doctorcito!!!! seguro lo llamas!!! besos bb
Sumale una experiencia nueva a tu prontuario de putita "hacerlo en un consultorio con un doc." Lo miro por videos de brazzer y vos lo haces en la,vida real, que bueno seriaaa, jaja!