Hello I'm Alejo. This is the story of my life since I met my beautiful daughter Lourdes, Thank you for the requests for continuation that arrive regarding this account. It seems I already have quite attached followers. For those who are still not up to date with the story, I recommend going back through previous parts first to better understand what's coming:http://www.poringa.net/posts/relatos/2723179/Mi-hija-Lourdes-Primera-Parte.html
http://www.poringa.net/posts/relatos/2750247/Mi-hija-Lourdes-Onceaba-parte.htmlNow if you will. We continue with the story;
After one of the days when I had fed my morbidness most, I couldn't think about anything else but her. No doubt she became my obsession. When closing my eyes, any of her pornographic escapades would come to mind. What was I going to do with this girl? For now, the only thing I thought I'd do is enjoy this sexual wonder that had arrived when I least expected it.
It was already Saturday, so I slept in late as usual. I woke up but wanted to keep lounging around. I was stretching and yawning in bed when I heard the most sensual voice I know speaking to me in a whisper from the door
Did you like the show yesterday, papi? - It was my girl wrapped in her delicate and short silk nightgown
Good morning, my love I said, dazed by that sublime figure
It seems you still remember everything I did last night or maybe the blanket piled up she warned, making an allusion to the important erection hidden under the quilt. She bit her finger and walked towards me until she stood beside my bed, then undid her nightgown, letting it fall in front of my lamp. To my surprise, she was completely naked underneath that garment and now that monument to Argentine women was fully exposed for her father.
Don't say anything, pa, just relax and enjoy the Saturday at home she said while uncovering me and lowering her hand down my torso until it reached my cock that was screaming for attention. She squeezed it with her left hand and gave me one of her slutty smiles. I took off my boxer shorts and grabbed her by the neck. It's unnecessary to say she didn't resist, barely feeling that warm mouth, I let out a moan and that little thing of mine loves it so much that she started sucking me with great enthusiasm. That messy head went up and down while the sun entering through the window made that hard and white cock look more appetizing than ever. I released her head and began to caress those Round buttocks, I felt like the luckiest man in the world. As she was standing next to the bed and bent down to suck me, that Booty was harder than normal and I gave her a soft blow job. Without leaving my cock, she let out a whine that bordered on a moan. I looked at her eyes and tried again with another slap and not only did she repeat that beautiful sound but also adjusted herself by putting the Booty more outside. If anything was needed to make me notice that she liked it, she increased the intensity of the blow job making me enjoy greatly. So much so that I started feeling like an orgasm was imminent. And as it seemed, I wasn't the only one who noticed because immediately she pulled out everything from her mouth and began to suck me hard at full speed, touching the tip of my cock with her tongue and looking at me with a vicious headmaster face.
I struggled for a few seconds to prolong that pleasure but my daughter's tongue and hands were doing their job very well. A powerful cum decorated Lourdes' cheek, eye, and part of her forehead, which continued licking and managed to make a second, less intense, jet come out and fall almost completely onto her tongue. Then she kept licking me and said - Well, papi, now I want more -. She put it back in her mouth when some of the cum was still sliding down her face and began searching for a new erection.
I don't know how but she managed to do it. Slowly my cock started recovering volume and hardness. It wasn't surprising. That tremendous naked woman, sucking like a VIP prostitute, could get what she wanted. She barely noticed that I had reached climax, came crawling over to me and began kissing me with her recently cum-filled mouth. I didn't care. That mouth deserves to be kissed always and those lips are irresistible.
As she was kissing me, she took my cock in her hands and put it between her legs. She settled on top of me and started sliding it smoothly into her interior. This pleasure can't be compared to anything. That young and hot pussy is a fire of lust. I couldn't believe that It was certain and I was right. A strong slamming door brought me back to reality. I woke up alone once more next to an enormous semen stain and with the cock still hard. For once, it didn't bother me at all knowing it was a dream. Although it wasn't real, I still had the images and sensations in my memory. On the other hand, it was a bit comforting to know that my daughter didn't know about my afternoon spying on her mini orgy.
I woke up and there they were. My three sons having breakfast as if nothing had happened. Diego's dark circles under his eyes showed he'd had a wild night, while the tension and complicity remained present in all their gazes. To add to the morning's morbidness, Lourdes was putting grayish cheese into a pot and eating it suggestively from it, clearly provoking a sense of foreplay that made my imagination run wild. Nobody had gotten dressed yet. Diego was wearing jogging pants and a tank top, Enzo was in pajamas, and the girl was in her tiny nightgown that always gets me going, accompanied by the bathrobe from my recent dream. It seemed fitting but it was impossible for them to know.
Good morning, Dad, Lou said before savoring one of the grayish cheeses.
Good morning, are they all still in bed? Why are they still wearing pajamas? I asked.
Uh, you're already at it, relax old man, it's Saturday, Diegote replied. Enzo barely nodded his head. The question of clothing was the least of our worries. This house had been out of control for a long time.
I wasn't a very superficial type but I didn't want my home to totally descend into chaos and become a dumping ground. I'd already seen and participated in situations that should have stayed private, so we needed to keep being a relatively orderly family.
Dale papi, sit down, I'll make you some tea, Lourdes said, always finding a way to make me weak. I sat down at the table and while spreading some crackers, I saw her. Wander around the kitchen in that short dress. When I tried to avoid her, I noticed I wasn't the only one distracted by my daughter's plump legs. Her brothers didn't miss a detail, each of them hiding in their own way but at least twice I caught each of them. I suppose we all lost track when she bent down to throw away the tea bag and both the robe and babydoll lifted up enough to reveal that round and perfect ass under the light. A thin white string was all that covered her. She stopped, turned around, and came back with the hot cup and walked over to the table. If I had to get up at that moment, everyone would have noticed how hard it had gotten for me, especially when she bent down to leave the cup with her breasts almost bare on the table and her mouth still blowing the cup.
That image was glorious. I'm not sure if it was appropriate or not but everything she did seemed sensual. Besides the fact that the other two were drooling just as much or more than me over their sister's car, this breakfast had a different morbid tone. We were all in the same boat and nobody wanted to get burned. As if he had gotten tired of having us all bored at some point, he said - Well, I'm going to take a bath and change because Barbie is coming back from vacation this afternoon - with that single phrase already changing my day.
- Yes, they're coming with April, I can't wait for her to be here - Enzo completed again in his role as the lovesick boyfriend. I remembered what I had seen and bit my tongue not to say anything.
The hours until the arrival of the sisters passed like flying. A little while after lunch, the doorbell rang and my son, who was really anxious, hurried to answer it. Barely opening the door, he hugged his girlfriend and they started kissing a lot. Honestly, the kids were even a bit adorable. Behind her appeared the blonde inferno. I hadn't realized how much I missed her until I saw her again. She was so slutty. As always. I was standing in high heels, wearing a white pantsuit that hugged and accentuated my Booty, and above it a light-colored shirt with an English phrase, loose blouse with one shoulder exposed and pink glasses.
- Hi friend! I missed you! - she said as soon as she entered and hugged my daughter. While I was admiring her body from head to toe, she turned around and told me
- I also missed you, Al. I brought gifts for everyone - and began to take out small packages from her pink and attractive purse like a good Barbie doll. The other young lady, as always, greeted us with a simple hello while the voluptuous blonde distributed the treats. They were trinkets. The tortoises went to the room and the rest of us stayed listening to Barbara's anecdotes and pretending, at least Diego and I, that we were interested. I couldn't stop looking at that cutie.
I realized that at any moment I could lose control and make a fool of myself. I went to the bathroom to wash my face to cool down my body. When I came out of the bathroom, I heard noises in Enzo's room and instinctively looked through the slightly open door. Looking through the doorway, I found my son lying on his back and the dark girl kneeling between his legs, gently bobbing her head. It seems that the dude had gotten used to blowjobs and his girlfriend was giving him a good time after days of absence. The slut mother, I remembered the kiss she gave me and her piercing tongue. I couldn't help but think how it would feel in the cock. On top of it, the cutie wasn't stopping sucking with dedication, making my son's groans almost permanent. Apparently, the young lady was enjoying the cock just as much as her sister. I felt like joining in but obviously didn't. momento I noted that her gaze was fixed on the slight opening of the door. She was looking at me. The very slut even seemed to be smiling with a certain complicity while she ran her tongue from top to bottom over that cock and made my son delirious. I was about to enter and make her swallow mine too when her face filled up with cum. After a groan, Enzo decorated her from forehead to perineum with a thick cum.
At that moment, I heard Lourdes' voice from the living room - Pa! bring me the phone when you come! - I quickly moved away from the door and went to look for the advanced telephone. When I returned, I found Barbara almost on top of Diego interrogating him - Tell us, Dieguchis, what's the name of the blonde we saw? - Enough! I'm not going to tell anything. I don't talk about my private life out there - replied Diegote faithful to his reserved style. I didn't know where he was, but his absence was suspicious.
- Do you know what Diego's girlfriend is called? - Lou asked while receiving her phone - No, nothing. Your brother is very reserved and I respect that - I tried to close the topic - Yes, you're both very reserved about your private life - added Barbie winking at me.
I turned red immediately. Apparently no one noticed the gesture of the stunning blonde but if my color change did. The two girls made the same smile.
The rest of the afternoon passed like that and when it was time for dinner, the couples came to the table. Dinner went without a hitch. Some crossed glances were the only unusual thing. We all had something to hide at that table. After finishing eating, Lourdes got up and went to get some cups with frozen dessert for everyone. April helped Barbie, who then knelt down on the chair and gave us a spectacular view of her beautiful ass squeezed by the white pants. The three men in the house looked at her like we wanted to eat her alive - Girls! Do you need help? - she shouted in that position - No, ami, we're almost there - said Lou, and the blonde accommodated again in the chair.
While we were savoring the creamy dessert, I noticed Barbie a little reclined on her chair. Seconds later Enzo jumped and his cup with the dessert fell onto Abril's skirt. Don't ask me how but the young lady was stained from the chest to the legs. There was a commotion and after my clumsy son's apologies, Lourdes intervened - Come sister-in-law, I'll get you some clothes so you can change - she offered while taking her to her room. The two of them went off hand in hand at the same time. I took advantage to lift the table while the rest went to watch TV on the couch. I tidied up a bit in the kitchen and peeked to see if the girls were okay.
- Don't you have anything less pink? - Aby asked, faithful to her dark style. It made me laugh and I quickly went to tell the guys but when I got there, I was surprised.
Barbara was sitting on the big couch with my two sons standing beside her, and you could see the movement of her head obviously sucking cocks. I couldn't believe it. Especially Enzo who had his girlfriend just a few meters away. On the other hand, I thought when that slut wants something she gets it Diego noticed my presence and jumped. The other two turned around and froze. Everyone except Barbie, who gave me a beautiful bright smile for the double blowjob she was having. My reaction was desperation to hide everything.
- Are they crazy?! Quickly! Everyone to my desk! Now! - I ordered even Barbie, who isn't my daughter
I was annoyed on one side by the lack of codes from the blonde with her sister and on the other with my sons for being out of place. But I think deep down I felt jealous of Barbie.
As soon as they entered, I closed the door and continued my scolding.
- These things can't happen! They do what they want outside but in my house they respect me! - I said trying not to raise my voice so Abril wouldn't find out what was happening.
Barbie quickly As always a solution occurred to him. - Well Al, since no one can see us, I can do something to make the anger pass you by - he suggested with that voice of a slut that makes when she wants to warm me up. Suddenly she knelt down, opening her legs and lowering my zipper at full speed, searched for my cock and before I could say anything, already had those beautiful lips wrapping around my cock. My sons were very surprised. The very slut knew how to convince me and moved her tongue to keep me on the edge of excitement. When she realized the surprise of the kids, she turned around and invited them to come closer. Both stood up one on each side as if afraid until the infernal woman began to lower their pants and suck our cocks with the same dedication but what was most exciting is that she did it looking at us in the eyes and offering us the best view of those yummy breasts.
- I always knew you were a cheap slut - Diego said, pushing her head and making her choke. Barely had he let go of her when the slut went straight to Enzo's cock and asked him - Do you like brother-in-law? - rubbing it with the tip of her tongue
- Yes, I've always liked you - confessed the fat one, as if we didn't know it all
- And you Al, are you still angry? - she asked, passing my cock over her face
- What a daughter of a slut you are, you know that - I said to make her laugh and put my cock in her mouth again
Diego started to lower her pants and between the three of us we undressed her completely by pulling. My older son didn't hesitate for a second and penetrated her with force on the divan. I stayed enjoying that greedy mouth and Enzo did the same. Both took advantage of squeezing those delicious breasts. Barbie had returned with everything. She was sucking with voracity and the moans she produced from Diego's brutal fuck warmed us up even more. Everything was happening too fast. There wasn't time to think about anything, just enjoying that tremendous slut with her impressive body at our disposal. Just like We were at Enzo when he had an idea that he must have seen in the hours he spent watching pornography. He put his cock between Barbie's breasts, which barely looked up and smiled when she saw it, then squeezed her tits with his arms. I backed off a bit to appreciate the very foxy woman making a perfect Boobs fuck, When I poked my tongue between her breasts and continued being pounded by my other son who shook her all over and made her moan and even scream a little. I moved away a few meters and jerked off to the scene.
I didn't last long like that, then I went on top of her and taking her hair hard, I put my cock in her mouth until it reached her throat. The three of us were groaning like we were about to cum but I was the first, filling her mouth with warm cum in a couple of heavy shots. When they saw that, the other two got down on their knees between them and started jerking off at top speed. The slut helped with an exquisite movement of her tongue over the inflamed heads of their cocks and received all the cum she was craving. She left her mouth open and the two filled it with semen. Kneeling, naked, sweaty, and still with remnants of cum in her mouth, she said - Did you like the little gift I made for you? Because I know you were surprised - The three of us nodded our heads. We were still having the last spasms of cum when we heard the girls leaving the room.
Diego quickly got dressed and went out to find them to avoid them finding that scene. I told Barbara to go out through the window into the patio and then get into the bathroom to wash up while we finished getting dressed and going out as presentable as possible.
- This has to die here, not a word to anyone - I clarified to Enzo as we went out to meet the girls. Luckily, Diegote had a big lie prepared like a house.
- Do you feel better, Papi? - Lourdes asked me in a slightly exaggerated way.
- I already told them that you got upset and we went to the office to take your blood pressure and search for your medicine - I used to open my eyes big like that - Yes. It's been a few days since I took the pills. I'm already fine. It wasn't worth it - keep lying. April who was hugging Enzo almost all the time asked - And Barbara? Did she leave? - Since I didn't see her with us. My kids were making water and I said - Barbarita went to the bathroom, did they not see her pass by? - To which they obviously responded that they didn't.
The blonde appeared, perfectly styled hair and a washed face, even slightly perfumed - It's a female problem, I'm back again - she replied to avoid further questioning.
I couldn't believe all that had passed and especially the brutal orgy we had with Barbara. It was incredible how she showed no signs of lying. She didn't show any nerves or anything. April started making signs that it was time to leave for her sister. It made sense, not just because of the hour but also because the poor girl was uncomfortable in Lourdes' gym clothes which were a bit too big. Finally we said our goodbyes and Diego took them home. As soon as he got back, he prepared to go out like his sister Lourdes. It goes without saying that my son didn't take long to change, however Lou took her time as always and appeared like a goddess. A very low-cut white and black top, a short dark skirt and high boots with a lot of heel that made her booty more prominent than usual. The slut had excited me to the extreme when I woke up and now she was doing it when I was going to sleep, so I gave her a kiss on the cheek and got into bed.
I had conciliated deep sleep when Enzo woke me up by pushing my shoulder - Pa, you have to ask me for a favor. You can never tell Aby what happened. I'll die if she finds out - he asked almost in tears.
- But what are you telling me? Never would I betray you like that, son. But you have to be very careful with this, if instead of me, it was her who appeared at the living another would have been the history.
- If so. I already know. Thanks. Don't jerk off again - he said and went to his bed a little relieved. It was understandable. He was in another world. Of never putting her with having a girlfriend and two fatal females who provoked him day and night like Lou and Barbie. I couldn't judge him, it was the dream of every adolescent. What if bothered me was that he woke up and the very unfortunate one fell asleep like an oar and you could hear the snores from my room.
It was already quite late and I was about to fall asleep again when I heard the street door. After some noise of keys and steps, I felt the sound of my door again. Apparently, the other jerk also wanted to talk to me about what had happened with Barbie. I pretended to be asleep on purpose so he would see me that way and leave, but then I felt a kiss and a soft hand caressing my face. I opened my eyes and found myself facing Lourdes with that prostitute look she had worn.
- You don't know how to pretend to be asleep, dad. Did you like the surprise from Barbie? - she asked secretly
- What are you talking about? - I said totally disoriented
- Come on. Don't lie to me, yesterday she asked me to leave them well heated that she was coming with many desires to catch. They think I didn't notice how they looked at each other at breakfast?
I remained silent with this confession. When he said that, he disappeared between the sheets of my bed. While feeling that hot mouth on my cock and caressing that beautiful bum under the skirt, I thought about the pleasure it was to have this slut but also about what could surprise me the next day...
just like it happened every night since my daughter Lourdes moved into this house...
P/D: One of Barbie's in her return to history...
http://www.poringa.net/posts/relatos/2750247/Mi-hija-Lourdes-Onceaba-parte.htmlNow if you will. We continue with the story;
After one of the days when I had fed my morbidness most, I couldn't think about anything else but her. No doubt she became my obsession. When closing my eyes, any of her pornographic escapades would come to mind. What was I going to do with this girl? For now, the only thing I thought I'd do is enjoy this sexual wonder that had arrived when I least expected it.
It was already Saturday, so I slept in late as usual. I woke up but wanted to keep lounging around. I was stretching and yawning in bed when I heard the most sensual voice I know speaking to me in a whisper from the door
Did you like the show yesterday, papi? - It was my girl wrapped in her delicate and short silk nightgown
Good morning, my love I said, dazed by that sublime figure
It seems you still remember everything I did last night or maybe the blanket piled up she warned, making an allusion to the important erection hidden under the quilt. She bit her finger and walked towards me until she stood beside my bed, then undid her nightgown, letting it fall in front of my lamp. To my surprise, she was completely naked underneath that garment and now that monument to Argentine women was fully exposed for her father.
Don't say anything, pa, just relax and enjoy the Saturday at home she said while uncovering me and lowering her hand down my torso until it reached my cock that was screaming for attention. She squeezed it with her left hand and gave me one of her slutty smiles. I took off my boxer shorts and grabbed her by the neck. It's unnecessary to say she didn't resist, barely feeling that warm mouth, I let out a moan and that little thing of mine loves it so much that she started sucking me with great enthusiasm. That messy head went up and down while the sun entering through the window made that hard and white cock look more appetizing than ever. I released her head and began to caress those Round buttocks, I felt like the luckiest man in the world. As she was standing next to the bed and bent down to suck me, that Booty was harder than normal and I gave her a soft blow job. Without leaving my cock, she let out a whine that bordered on a moan. I looked at her eyes and tried again with another slap and not only did she repeat that beautiful sound but also adjusted herself by putting the Booty more outside. If anything was needed to make me notice that she liked it, she increased the intensity of the blow job making me enjoy greatly. So much so that I started feeling like an orgasm was imminent. And as it seemed, I wasn't the only one who noticed because immediately she pulled out everything from her mouth and began to suck me hard at full speed, touching the tip of my cock with her tongue and looking at me with a vicious headmaster face.
I struggled for a few seconds to prolong that pleasure but my daughter's tongue and hands were doing their job very well. A powerful cum decorated Lourdes' cheek, eye, and part of her forehead, which continued licking and managed to make a second, less intense, jet come out and fall almost completely onto her tongue. Then she kept licking me and said - Well, papi, now I want more -. She put it back in her mouth when some of the cum was still sliding down her face and began searching for a new erection.
I don't know how but she managed to do it. Slowly my cock started recovering volume and hardness. It wasn't surprising. That tremendous naked woman, sucking like a VIP prostitute, could get what she wanted. She barely noticed that I had reached climax, came crawling over to me and began kissing me with her recently cum-filled mouth. I didn't care. That mouth deserves to be kissed always and those lips are irresistible.
As she was kissing me, she took my cock in her hands and put it between her legs. She settled on top of me and started sliding it smoothly into her interior. This pleasure can't be compared to anything. That young and hot pussy is a fire of lust. I couldn't believe that It was certain and I was right. A strong slamming door brought me back to reality. I woke up alone once more next to an enormous semen stain and with the cock still hard. For once, it didn't bother me at all knowing it was a dream. Although it wasn't real, I still had the images and sensations in my memory. On the other hand, it was a bit comforting to know that my daughter didn't know about my afternoon spying on her mini orgy.
I woke up and there they were. My three sons having breakfast as if nothing had happened. Diego's dark circles under his eyes showed he'd had a wild night, while the tension and complicity remained present in all their gazes. To add to the morning's morbidness, Lourdes was putting grayish cheese into a pot and eating it suggestively from it, clearly provoking a sense of foreplay that made my imagination run wild. Nobody had gotten dressed yet. Diego was wearing jogging pants and a tank top, Enzo was in pajamas, and the girl was in her tiny nightgown that always gets me going, accompanied by the bathrobe from my recent dream. It seemed fitting but it was impossible for them to know.
Good morning, Dad, Lou said before savoring one of the grayish cheeses.
Good morning, are they all still in bed? Why are they still wearing pajamas? I asked.
Uh, you're already at it, relax old man, it's Saturday, Diegote replied. Enzo barely nodded his head. The question of clothing was the least of our worries. This house had been out of control for a long time.
I wasn't a very superficial type but I didn't want my home to totally descend into chaos and become a dumping ground. I'd already seen and participated in situations that should have stayed private, so we needed to keep being a relatively orderly family.
Dale papi, sit down, I'll make you some tea, Lourdes said, always finding a way to make me weak. I sat down at the table and while spreading some crackers, I saw her. Wander around the kitchen in that short dress. When I tried to avoid her, I noticed I wasn't the only one distracted by my daughter's plump legs. Her brothers didn't miss a detail, each of them hiding in their own way but at least twice I caught each of them. I suppose we all lost track when she bent down to throw away the tea bag and both the robe and babydoll lifted up enough to reveal that round and perfect ass under the light. A thin white string was all that covered her. She stopped, turned around, and came back with the hot cup and walked over to the table. If I had to get up at that moment, everyone would have noticed how hard it had gotten for me, especially when she bent down to leave the cup with her breasts almost bare on the table and her mouth still blowing the cup.
That image was glorious. I'm not sure if it was appropriate or not but everything she did seemed sensual. Besides the fact that the other two were drooling just as much or more than me over their sister's car, this breakfast had a different morbid tone. We were all in the same boat and nobody wanted to get burned. As if he had gotten tired of having us all bored at some point, he said - Well, I'm going to take a bath and change because Barbie is coming back from vacation this afternoon - with that single phrase already changing my day.
- Yes, they're coming with April, I can't wait for her to be here - Enzo completed again in his role as the lovesick boyfriend. I remembered what I had seen and bit my tongue not to say anything.
The hours until the arrival of the sisters passed like flying. A little while after lunch, the doorbell rang and my son, who was really anxious, hurried to answer it. Barely opening the door, he hugged his girlfriend and they started kissing a lot. Honestly, the kids were even a bit adorable. Behind her appeared the blonde inferno. I hadn't realized how much I missed her until I saw her again. She was so slutty. As always. I was standing in high heels, wearing a white pantsuit that hugged and accentuated my Booty, and above it a light-colored shirt with an English phrase, loose blouse with one shoulder exposed and pink glasses.
- Hi friend! I missed you! - she said as soon as she entered and hugged my daughter. While I was admiring her body from head to toe, she turned around and told me
- I also missed you, Al. I brought gifts for everyone - and began to take out small packages from her pink and attractive purse like a good Barbie doll. The other young lady, as always, greeted us with a simple hello while the voluptuous blonde distributed the treats. They were trinkets. The tortoises went to the room and the rest of us stayed listening to Barbara's anecdotes and pretending, at least Diego and I, that we were interested. I couldn't stop looking at that cutie.
I realized that at any moment I could lose control and make a fool of myself. I went to the bathroom to wash my face to cool down my body. When I came out of the bathroom, I heard noises in Enzo's room and instinctively looked through the slightly open door. Looking through the doorway, I found my son lying on his back and the dark girl kneeling between his legs, gently bobbing her head. It seems that the dude had gotten used to blowjobs and his girlfriend was giving him a good time after days of absence. The slut mother, I remembered the kiss she gave me and her piercing tongue. I couldn't help but think how it would feel in the cock. On top of it, the cutie wasn't stopping sucking with dedication, making my son's groans almost permanent. Apparently, the young lady was enjoying the cock just as much as her sister. I felt like joining in but obviously didn't. momento I noted that her gaze was fixed on the slight opening of the door. She was looking at me. The very slut even seemed to be smiling with a certain complicity while she ran her tongue from top to bottom over that cock and made my son delirious. I was about to enter and make her swallow mine too when her face filled up with cum. After a groan, Enzo decorated her from forehead to perineum with a thick cum.
At that moment, I heard Lourdes' voice from the living room - Pa! bring me the phone when you come! - I quickly moved away from the door and went to look for the advanced telephone. When I returned, I found Barbara almost on top of Diego interrogating him - Tell us, Dieguchis, what's the name of the blonde we saw? - Enough! I'm not going to tell anything. I don't talk about my private life out there - replied Diegote faithful to his reserved style. I didn't know where he was, but his absence was suspicious.
- Do you know what Diego's girlfriend is called? - Lou asked while receiving her phone - No, nothing. Your brother is very reserved and I respect that - I tried to close the topic - Yes, you're both very reserved about your private life - added Barbie winking at me.
I turned red immediately. Apparently no one noticed the gesture of the stunning blonde but if my color change did. The two girls made the same smile.
The rest of the afternoon passed like that and when it was time for dinner, the couples came to the table. Dinner went without a hitch. Some crossed glances were the only unusual thing. We all had something to hide at that table. After finishing eating, Lourdes got up and went to get some cups with frozen dessert for everyone. April helped Barbie, who then knelt down on the chair and gave us a spectacular view of her beautiful ass squeezed by the white pants. The three men in the house looked at her like we wanted to eat her alive - Girls! Do you need help? - she shouted in that position - No, ami, we're almost there - said Lou, and the blonde accommodated again in the chair.
While we were savoring the creamy dessert, I noticed Barbie a little reclined on her chair. Seconds later Enzo jumped and his cup with the dessert fell onto Abril's skirt. Don't ask me how but the young lady was stained from the chest to the legs. There was a commotion and after my clumsy son's apologies, Lourdes intervened - Come sister-in-law, I'll get you some clothes so you can change - she offered while taking her to her room. The two of them went off hand in hand at the same time. I took advantage to lift the table while the rest went to watch TV on the couch. I tidied up a bit in the kitchen and peeked to see if the girls were okay.
- Don't you have anything less pink? - Aby asked, faithful to her dark style. It made me laugh and I quickly went to tell the guys but when I got there, I was surprised.
Barbara was sitting on the big couch with my two sons standing beside her, and you could see the movement of her head obviously sucking cocks. I couldn't believe it. Especially Enzo who had his girlfriend just a few meters away. On the other hand, I thought when that slut wants something she gets it Diego noticed my presence and jumped. The other two turned around and froze. Everyone except Barbie, who gave me a beautiful bright smile for the double blowjob she was having. My reaction was desperation to hide everything.
- Are they crazy?! Quickly! Everyone to my desk! Now! - I ordered even Barbie, who isn't my daughter
I was annoyed on one side by the lack of codes from the blonde with her sister and on the other with my sons for being out of place. But I think deep down I felt jealous of Barbie.
As soon as they entered, I closed the door and continued my scolding.
- These things can't happen! They do what they want outside but in my house they respect me! - I said trying not to raise my voice so Abril wouldn't find out what was happening.
Barbie quickly As always a solution occurred to him. - Well Al, since no one can see us, I can do something to make the anger pass you by - he suggested with that voice of a slut that makes when she wants to warm me up. Suddenly she knelt down, opening her legs and lowering my zipper at full speed, searched for my cock and before I could say anything, already had those beautiful lips wrapping around my cock. My sons were very surprised. The very slut knew how to convince me and moved her tongue to keep me on the edge of excitement. When she realized the surprise of the kids, she turned around and invited them to come closer. Both stood up one on each side as if afraid until the infernal woman began to lower their pants and suck our cocks with the same dedication but what was most exciting is that she did it looking at us in the eyes and offering us the best view of those yummy breasts.
- I always knew you were a cheap slut - Diego said, pushing her head and making her choke. Barely had he let go of her when the slut went straight to Enzo's cock and asked him - Do you like brother-in-law? - rubbing it with the tip of her tongue
- Yes, I've always liked you - confessed the fat one, as if we didn't know it all
- And you Al, are you still angry? - she asked, passing my cock over her face
- What a daughter of a slut you are, you know that - I said to make her laugh and put my cock in her mouth again
Diego started to lower her pants and between the three of us we undressed her completely by pulling. My older son didn't hesitate for a second and penetrated her with force on the divan. I stayed enjoying that greedy mouth and Enzo did the same. Both took advantage of squeezing those delicious breasts. Barbie had returned with everything. She was sucking with voracity and the moans she produced from Diego's brutal fuck warmed us up even more. Everything was happening too fast. There wasn't time to think about anything, just enjoying that tremendous slut with her impressive body at our disposal. Just like We were at Enzo when he had an idea that he must have seen in the hours he spent watching pornography. He put his cock between Barbie's breasts, which barely looked up and smiled when she saw it, then squeezed her tits with his arms. I backed off a bit to appreciate the very foxy woman making a perfect Boobs fuck, When I poked my tongue between her breasts and continued being pounded by my other son who shook her all over and made her moan and even scream a little. I moved away a few meters and jerked off to the scene.
I didn't last long like that, then I went on top of her and taking her hair hard, I put my cock in her mouth until it reached her throat. The three of us were groaning like we were about to cum but I was the first, filling her mouth with warm cum in a couple of heavy shots. When they saw that, the other two got down on their knees between them and started jerking off at top speed. The slut helped with an exquisite movement of her tongue over the inflamed heads of their cocks and received all the cum she was craving. She left her mouth open and the two filled it with semen. Kneeling, naked, sweaty, and still with remnants of cum in her mouth, she said - Did you like the little gift I made for you? Because I know you were surprised - The three of us nodded our heads. We were still having the last spasms of cum when we heard the girls leaving the room.
Diego quickly got dressed and went out to find them to avoid them finding that scene. I told Barbara to go out through the window into the patio and then get into the bathroom to wash up while we finished getting dressed and going out as presentable as possible.
- This has to die here, not a word to anyone - I clarified to Enzo as we went out to meet the girls. Luckily, Diegote had a big lie prepared like a house.
- Do you feel better, Papi? - Lourdes asked me in a slightly exaggerated way.
- I already told them that you got upset and we went to the office to take your blood pressure and search for your medicine - I used to open my eyes big like that - Yes. It's been a few days since I took the pills. I'm already fine. It wasn't worth it - keep lying. April who was hugging Enzo almost all the time asked - And Barbara? Did she leave? - Since I didn't see her with us. My kids were making water and I said - Barbarita went to the bathroom, did they not see her pass by? - To which they obviously responded that they didn't.
The blonde appeared, perfectly styled hair and a washed face, even slightly perfumed - It's a female problem, I'm back again - she replied to avoid further questioning.
I couldn't believe all that had passed and especially the brutal orgy we had with Barbara. It was incredible how she showed no signs of lying. She didn't show any nerves or anything. April started making signs that it was time to leave for her sister. It made sense, not just because of the hour but also because the poor girl was uncomfortable in Lourdes' gym clothes which were a bit too big. Finally we said our goodbyes and Diego took them home. As soon as he got back, he prepared to go out like his sister Lourdes. It goes without saying that my son didn't take long to change, however Lou took her time as always and appeared like a goddess. A very low-cut white and black top, a short dark skirt and high boots with a lot of heel that made her booty more prominent than usual. The slut had excited me to the extreme when I woke up and now she was doing it when I was going to sleep, so I gave her a kiss on the cheek and got into bed.
I had conciliated deep sleep when Enzo woke me up by pushing my shoulder - Pa, you have to ask me for a favor. You can never tell Aby what happened. I'll die if she finds out - he asked almost in tears.
- But what are you telling me? Never would I betray you like that, son. But you have to be very careful with this, if instead of me, it was her who appeared at the living another would have been the history.
- If so. I already know. Thanks. Don't jerk off again - he said and went to his bed a little relieved. It was understandable. He was in another world. Of never putting her with having a girlfriend and two fatal females who provoked him day and night like Lou and Barbie. I couldn't judge him, it was the dream of every adolescent. What if bothered me was that he woke up and the very unfortunate one fell asleep like an oar and you could hear the snores from my room.
It was already quite late and I was about to fall asleep again when I heard the street door. After some noise of keys and steps, I felt the sound of my door again. Apparently, the other jerk also wanted to talk to me about what had happened with Barbie. I pretended to be asleep on purpose so he would see me that way and leave, but then I felt a kiss and a soft hand caressing my face. I opened my eyes and found myself facing Lourdes with that prostitute look she had worn.
- You don't know how to pretend to be asleep, dad. Did you like the surprise from Barbie? - she asked secretly
- What are you talking about? - I said totally disoriented
- Come on. Don't lie to me, yesterday she asked me to leave them well heated that she was coming with many desires to catch. They think I didn't notice how they looked at each other at breakfast?
I remained silent with this confession. When he said that, he disappeared between the sheets of my bed. While feeling that hot mouth on my cock and caressing that beautiful bum under the skirt, I thought about the pleasure it was to have this slut but also about what could surprise me the next day...
just like it happened every night since my daughter Lourdes moved into this house...
P/D: One of Barbie's in her return to history...

41 comentários - My daughter Lourdes. 12th Grade
PD no estaria de más un par de fotos de la nenota que tienes como hija, ese culo me mata
pd: Se tiene que hacer una buena porno con este relato por dioss!