In sex ed class

The following narrative is not of my authorship, and unfortunately I didn't have an author where I found it. I hope you enjoy itIn the class of sex educationIt was crazy, but I don't regret it. As the teacher said, 'when you're a woman, you're a woman!' Sorry if I'm writing a bit sloppily. What's happening is that my idea right now is more like unloading, to see if I can clarify my thoughts. It's been only two hours since I got back from school... This is more than what I thought, not for one morning, but for years! I'm confused! I'm not sure what to do or what will happen...

Do I regret it?... But if I almost didn't do anything!

This morning in school, in my natural sciences class... I can't believe it was real... It seems more like one of those absurd things that happen in rare dreams. Not me... How could this be in third grade?... and at my school! with a Catholic director and some professors from a well-known religious congregation. Well, let's get on...

We've been talking about human reproduction for two weeks now. The topic isn't exactly new to us, since we started learning the basics three years ago. This week we began discussing detailed genital anatomy, sexual stimulation, and orgasm phases. You can imagine there have been all sorts of reactions among my classmates. Some make comments like: 'I already knew that', or 'you should see mine', while others are serious and disapprove when they hear explicit descriptions, saying: 'how gross!'. The truth is that the sessions have gone by so quickly because we've been having so much fun.

Of course, there have been times when someone would joke, 'oh teacher, is this going to be a hands-on workshop?' followed by laughter from everyone. I get the impression that most of us haven't had – or maybe don't want yet- real experience in this area, or at least no one has been convincing when they say 'I'm an expert'.

One of the people who's really annoyed me with his 'already knows' and 'has done everything' is Nando. Several times, when the teacher is explaining something or someone... question about bodily reactions or relationships, his comments don't make us wait. The teacher, who is very liberal, only answers him: “Nando, when we want to hear your point of view, we'll ask you”, or in a sarcastic tone “Nando, you're giving the class today”. But don't think Nando is rude, he just likes to draw attention and be interesting. He's actually considerate and correct, somehow intelligent… and not ugly, now that I think about it. He's an athlete, on the basketball team, has deep shining eyes and a tender and daring smile. Although we're not really friends, I never had any problems with him; when needed, we've helped each other, and we talk without issues. Now that I think about it, I don't dislike him... maybe even the opposite, he's not a bad guy, just perhaps “too improvisational”, that... in some way attractive, some might say...

Returning to the topic... Today, when teacher Sara was talking about stimulating the male sexual organ, everyone was silent, honestly. She was being extremely explicit:

...then you take the penis and can caress it, but firmly, starting from the base towards the tip, and then back again, repeatedly; it can be varied by changing the speed and amount of pressure made with the hand, this produces great pleasure for men. Especially lightly rubbing the exposed glans, that's one of the things that can “drive them crazy”.

As she said this, she put her hand in front of herself, as if she were very concentrated grasping a male member. She raised her hand along the imaginary penis. No one lost detail, while she had an expression... like she was really doing it and enjoyed it, and continued:

Of course, the boy will probably already have a good erection, his penis will feel thick, hot, the veins will be swollen, and the sensation in the hand will be that this flesh is pulsating. “Meat?”, the group continued in a state of excitement:

- The pleasure usually is for both, since while the man feels stimulation and has a physical sensation of immense pleasure, and the urgency to feel more; the woman becomes aware of the immense power she has at that moment and intuits the pleasure she can obtain in her body through that instrument undoubtedly under her control.

- In such a situation, the man usually is very manageable and affectionate. At those moments he becomes conscious of his vulnerability and dependence on his partner. If stimulation continues, his breathing starts to quicken, his sighs of pleasure turn into gasps, even he may start moving his pelvis forward and backward, as if wanting to imagine or suggest penetration; let's not forget that instinct is instinct. In the end, both feel an inclination towards sexual climax: penetration with orgasm for both.

- The teacher was speaking in a low voice, some would say sensual. Something was happening to her, she seemed transformed. In the group there was a little nervousness, it seemed like no one was breathing. What is certain is that some people were moving restlessly in their seats. Perhaps they felt some discomfort... they could have gotten excited a bit.

- Even an erect penis can move slightly involuntarily, as if it had its own life and asked to be put into action. It may show a slight moisture at the tip, giving it a certain shine. This is a lubricating liquid that prepares it to penetrate a receptive vagina more smoothly, without hurting but sliding until the bottom and stimulating every nerve fiber along the way. A vagina that has probably also lubricated, is wet and hot, ready to receive that irresistible seductive visitor inside her. Welcoming him, embracing him, until he releases his fiery elixir which would mean total pleasure.

That hot jet could be The detonator of orgasm in a woman. Girls: that feeling is not for talking about, it's for letting go. When the time comes, they'll abandon themselves to that invasion of pleasure, you'll see. Boys, remember: this will be a personal moment when not only their bodies but also their very selves, minds, and souls will be forever entwined.

Sara seemed to be imagining and talking to herself, her gaze lost in thought. Then she continued speaking as if to us:

Let's remember that women, although we tend to get excited more slowly and less frequently than men, have a much greater capacity to enjoy sex... of course... with good sex.

Definitely almost the entire group was leaning forward now. Now you could hear agitated breathing. But I had gotten stuck on the initial explanation: the hand around the penis, going up to the little head. This generated a doubt that prevented me from advancing through the rest of the explanation, so I asked, choosing my words to sound very professional:

Teacher, but when taking the penis and passing the hand up, doesn't the man feel anything in the glans if the foreskin is covering it?

The teacher was surprised by the question and didn't immediately respond, seeming to be thinking about something else and maybe not even understanding what I said. Then Nando spoke up:

No... if the little guy is going to be completely erect by then.

There was a murmur, as if some people agreed while others didn't or wondered how it could be that way... well... who knows what each person thought, but it seemed like the doubt was general. The teacher intervened:

Nando, come here in front and see if you can help us out.

What?... me? Nando's companion said.

Yes, you, come up front, the teacher replied.

Nando advanced slowly. Standing in front of the group, he faced them. The teacher approached him...

little and said with determination:

- Take off your clothes so we can see what you were explaining, like that Betty -that was me- could understand that 'cuerito' thing you said.

It seemed like Nando wasn't believing it, he looked completely confused and without the composure he usually showed. In his confusion, as if on autopilot, he loosened his belt and, still standing, started to slowly take off his jeans with everything underneath.

We were all seeing what was under Nando's clothes. First we saw some hair, then a bit of his torso... When the elastic band of his underwear went over the top of his head, it bounced up and down a couple of times. Nando's penis was there, visible to everyone, pointing towards the front...

- Well... I think we can say that the class is finally understanding... - said the teacher. – but it's not completely erect yet. The glans is exposed, but it needs a bit more.

- Betty, -said the teacher, addressing me – go up front.

It wasn't supposed to be my turn to go, I had only asked a theoretical question and was expecting a technical explanation from the teacher... but... I surprised myself by seeing that my feet started moving –although with some caution– towards the front... more or less where Nando was. I stopped in front of him, a bit off to the side, without blocking the view for the group.

- What do you see? - said the teacher. - Can you see the whole glans?

I had never seen a penis before except in pictures from school books, and this didn't look much like it. To start with, it wasn't hanging down, and it looked... I mean, big. It was a bit darker than the rest of his skin; not unpleasant, rather interesting, somehow it seemed attractive to me. But going back to Sara's question about 'the little head'...

- I don't know, - I said, – I think so.

- Not really, - said the teacher. – Look, take it with your hand... go on! – she said casually but firmly It was like the most natural thing in the world. I didn't think it was wrong, after all we were in a science class and I had asked a question that none of the rest of the group could answer. I was helping, solving an example on the blackboard, if you will. With certain caution and careful not to hurt, I approached my hand and grasped that roll. I did it like the teacher had done with the imaginary stick from her explanation. In a couple of seconds, with more determination in my hand, I felt Nando's warmth and how his member was rising a little more, pushing upwards. It seemed to be growing... The sensation was different from all previous experiences, it felt very tasty: the skin was super smooth and taut, already said hot... my hand was wrapping around it, although the head was sticking out easily above... at the tip there was an opening, which I figured out to be a communication hole, like if it were a mouth... I don't know how to explain it well, but it seemed to have its own personality... the reality is that I was mesmerized and amazed by that personita beating in my fist. - Move your hand a little from the base towards the tip, and then back. – the teacher said. I did it once, felt like the personita jumped a bit. It felt funny and I loved it... it seemed even more marvelous. ... Two seconds passed... I did it again without anyone asking me to, and then I heard Nando: - ooohh! - As you can see, Betty, now the penis is completely erect and Nando is very excited. – said the teacher. – It wouldn't be strange if you experienced a response to the situation... to your companion's state... tell me: how are you? Do you also feel excitement? Do you feel moisture? - Yes, a little, yes. – I said maybe a little embarrassed, while nodding my head. The truth is that it wasn't just moisture, but my head was spinning and all I could think about was what I had in my hand. - Girls' excitement is more... It's difficult to detect in boys. – said the teacher. – It's obvious when we see that thing standing up with Nando...

But this is a good moment to identify some signs in women...

- Cristy, - said the teacher addressing another companion. – Please pass by.

- Betty, don't let go of your partner so you can stay like that – said the teacher.

- Cristy, lift up Betty's blouse and bra so we can see her breasts and see if excitement is noticeable.

What? Were they going to see everyone's breasts in the classroom? I was scared but couldn't say anything. A faint murmur was heard from the group, which made me increase my anxiety. Cristy did what the teacher told her to do, really didn't have a problem, my clothes were light. She slowly lifted up my blouse and bra together, gently brushing against my nipples and probably one of my nipples, I loved it and felt electricity down there. I felt exposed but also sexy, since I could notice impressed and approving faces from my classmates. All the boys were looking at my breasts with admiration. It was clear they liked them, which gave me security.

- Group, you can see Betty's nipples, they're up – said the teacher

- Nando, touch them gently – continued – and tell us if they're hard or soft, compare them to the rest of your breasts, especially the areolas

Nando was like a zombie, he looked adorable with his face. He slowly brought one of his hands to my breast. He took my right breast with the whole palm and massaged it a little. He did it with a delicacy hard to imagine in him. His face seemed to be witnessing magic... pure magic, that was.

- Ooohhh! – I said now. It felt delicious, a ray of energy went from the tip of my breast that Nando caressed until the center of my vagina, clearly passing through my vulva which made me tingle.

- Yes – said Nando – hard and suavecitos. – perfectos…, - finalizó con vos lenta y baja, cómo lo hubiera dicho para sí mismo.

Luego tomó entre sus dedos mi pezón y lo roló un poco. Me volví a estremecer, sentía que ya no pensaba bien.

- Otra vez. –dijeron mis labios. – otra vez. Nando llevó su otra mano a mi seno desatendido y también lo empezó a manipular.

En frente de todo el grupo, Nando me estaba dando un faje riquísimo en mis tetas -¡inimaginable!!-. Sus manos las rodeaban, las estrujaban con suavidad, luego un poco más fuerte. Yo estaba empezando a temblar. El seguía acariciando y dándose –y dándome- gusto.

- Nando, ¿recuerdas cuando dije de la estimulación de los pechos con la boca y la lengua?
Inténtalo cariño!- indicó la maestra, lo cual me puso en el borde la expectativa ¿me iba a chupar os senos?!!. Sí! sí!! pensé, si a eso se le podría llamar pensar. Gran idea!

Nando se inclinó hacia mí y me dio algunos lametones en uno de mis pechos, empezó por el pezón y luego me babeó todo el seno. La combinación de su lengua caliente con la sensación de frío por la humedad en un seno mientras en el otro me seguía sobando con su mano fue más de lo que pude resistir: sentí un espasmo en todo mi vientre, noté mi calzoncito ahora sí, mojado.

- Cristy, -dijo a mi compañera la maestra, que tenía la voz medio ahogada. - Quítale la falda y la pantaletita a Betty, para que veamos el resto de los signos de excitación.

En esta ocasión ya no me gustó la idea, pero la confusión se había apoderado de mí: Entre que era una “clase académica” y yo estaba apoyando al grupo… pero que digo!!!: definitivamente estaba excitadísima y hasta ese momento todo me estaba gustando. Sentí que mi ropa bajaba y no fue necesario que me dijeran que levantara los pies para que saliera.

- Está húmeda? -Se dirigió la maestra a Cristy.
- Parece que sí, - dijo mi compañera.
- Pásaselo a Nando, para que nos diga si percibe algo en él.

Extrañamente, al menos para mí, Nando observó mi

White and wet underwear and his nose took it. Without saying anything, after taking a deep breath, he came closer to me, hugged me, and gave me a kiss on the mouth. It seemed like he was out of his mind, like he needed what he was doing. I couldn't resist. I felt his tongue on my lips and his hands on my buttocks. I was like drugged, and the tingling down there became unbearable. And it didn't help to mitigate it feeling between my thighs the hot iron of Nando, which rubbed against my skin and made all the hairs on my body stand up.

- Young people, I think they can't stay like this.

But class is over. If you want, sit here, Nando – he said, offering his professor's chair to my companion.

Seated there, with his pants around his ankles, I stayed looking at Nando's cock, proud and defiant... I wanted to take it again, feel its warmth and pulsations, I needed... something was left in the middle... I didn't know what it was, but I felt like something was missing, so without anyone asking me, I went up to him, until our knees touched. I took his member... I desired it... the tingling became stronger... my little rabbit felt swollen, seemed to be pulsating too... I was at the limit, I think I was hyperventilating... I could hear my own gasps.... I had the feeling that I should finish it to be able to feel good again... the anxiety was unbearable.

- Mmm... if you want, sit on him, darling – said Sara

It seemed like a solution to the situation, so I took a couple of steps forward, opening my legs, since his were in between them, I was on top of him, hadn't let go of his iron, so I was slightly inclined, looked ahead and there were his lips, which had already enchanted mine. For a moment I saw his eyes, very open, tender and warm, shining, perhaps a little scared, I liked... captivating; lowered my gaze again and there were his red lips, a bit dry and wet at the same time, seguramente soft, spongy, also welcoming, kissable... irresistible. I kissed them, I don't remember if softly or with audacity, what's certain is that the contact sent a direct charge to my center... I didn't know what was happening to me...

Without anyone telling me anything, I started descending, pointed his little head which seemed magnetic to my cave. - What's happening to me??- I turned towards down and saw how it got lost between my pubes. It was very wet, slid in without difficulty at first. When it got stuck a bit and felt like it wasn't going in, I let myself fall. One push and I was already full...

- oohhh.... sí

The sensation was delicious, complete!, indescribable, what a delight!, I wanted to cry from how well it fit inside... I wanted to kiss his lips savagely and have him squeeze my ass with force... ¡¡¡ooohhh!!!. A warmth invaded my entire body, I shivered at the heat of my now lover in my interior. Nando was sucking my breasts, licking them alternately. He was biting my nipples while pulling me towards him with his hands on my ass. He was going crazy!. I was in another world and not facing 40 classmates. I started moving from back to front... I was also crazy!!

- That's it!, Do you see the group? Betty is rubbing her clitoris with Nando's cock, this gives her the greatest pleasure, - said the teacher

The pleasure was enormous, my breasts, my ass and especially, impaled, anchored since the center of my being. I was going crazy, crazy. Heat... hot... out of control... I was panting... I wasn't in charge.

- Squeeze my ass – I heard my voice.

I felt the response to my request. His hands clamped down with force. He lifted me up and brought me back down. It was inside me, I wanted it inside. When he lifted me, I felt his head on my pearl, when he lowered me, I felt it in the deepest part, almost bouncing off his thighs.

I was riding him...

- If you notice, it's getting close to orgasm!, - Sara commented, - he's accelerated the pace. There's no turning back, it's just a matter of time before it arrives. encouraged him to make the movements a little more violent, I was enjoying and feeling like never before, beyond what I could have imagined... The truth is that I also wanted everything to end.

It arrived... - oooh! –I heard. It inflated and moved inside me… I felt its hot jet., it flooded me with life - Aahhhh!, - all the way in! What a thrill!... I couldn't take it anymore…

My back arched, first slowly, then with force, almost violence… thousands of electric shocks ran through my body, converging on my center. I saw colored stars… or rather, I didn't see anything… I was out of breath… I clung to his body, holding onto him as if there were nothing else in the world… the contractions were violent, the indescribable pleasure, I was scared, I was out of breath... I gasped... I groaned.

... absolute silence...

Wow!!!... But it had already passed… relief was arriving, but my breathing was still labored. Now I could see, Nando's face was one of exhaustion, but happiness, I imagined that I would also see myself like that... it calmed me down.

- Class, everyone out of the room now! –the teacher said imperatively. - I told them class was over… in-me-día-ta-men-te, already!

Everyone left quickly, silently. The three of us remained, my legs felt weak… Nando seemed to be trembling. Sara helped me get up, he got out of me… ... I felt that, although it was freeing me, there was a void... She passed me my clothes. Nando took a little time to come back to himself, he looked at me, his gaze is the cleanest and most beautiful I have ever seen... I thought he was speaking to her... whispering my name with sweetness, only for me. Very slowly and still thinking about us and what we had lived, he put on his pants. The teacher Sara said, lightly placing her hand on his shoulder:

- Nando, you've been touched by an angel. Treasure this moment as something sacred. Go now so Betty can get dressed.

I got dressed, the most unusual feeling of my life, between satisfied and content, but I still felt the beats of my heart... What was next? What should I say?... I didn't say anything.

- This was my last class at school. – Sara said to me, – I don't know if it went well or badly... it went badly... I hope you can forgive me – she whispered with a certain sadness.

I thought it hadn't been bad, maybe strange… but I didn't say it.

We left the classroom, she had passed her arm around my shoulders.

- Don't be ashamed! There's nothing to be ashamed of! When you're a woman, you're a woman, and that's, besides being a blessing, a great pride.

I didn't turn to look at anyone, I focused on carrying my head high, looking good. It had already been the last class of the day, she accompanied me home, said goodbye at the door:

- We won't see each other again, – she told me, – but if you need me, find me under this pseudonym on the net, – she handed me a small piece of paper written.

-Thanks…, – I smiled.

4 comentários - In sex ed class

La verdad tienes una excelente imaginación que que bello sería haber tenido yo en la secueuna clase así si así se dieran... Es un excelente relato lleno de fantasía.