My Arrival in Buenos Aires

After a quite agitated January with family vacations inBrazilandMar del PlataWith my friends, I went back to my routine in Rosario. I started taking some classes, kept working with my brother, and enjoyed the rest of the summer with my friends.

One day, my cousin called me to give me news that was going to change my life. She had gotten a contact from an agency that needed a photographer and graphic designer. The only thing that bothered me was that it was in Buenos Aires.

At first, honestly, I didn't want to know anything about it. The job was amazing but the thought of going alone there terrified me. It was crucial the support of my family and friends who accompanied and helped me make a decision.

Lucasme offered an apartment they have in Capital for me to live without cost (good... I was going to have a cost). In fact, one weekend Lucas and I went to get acquainted with the apartment and we took advantage of walking around since the only times I had been to Buenos Aires were to train or play.

The thing is that I decided to go and try my luck. I arrived at the apartment accompanied by my parents and they stayed for the weekend to help me settle in a bit. On one of the comings and goings, I ran into who would be my neighbor from upstairs. A very nice lady around 45/50 years old who gave me a warm welcome and offered to help me with anything I needed.

The thing is that this lady lived with her husband (whom I almost never saw) and a son. The kid (because he was that, a kid finishing high school) was named Agustín. A divine beautiful boy, competitive swimmer, half shy... I gave him the look of one. He did too.

But however, all the next week was just crossing glances and nothing more. The building doesn't have an elevator, so many times we shared stairway climbs or descents when I came from training or when I returned from the gym. I made sure to go ahead so he could see me move my butt well.

Despite everything I did, the guy didn't react. I figure it was normal, I was 22 and he had just finished high school, a bit inhibited. Until one Sunday at 8am; I got up (I didn't know anyone like that, zero party) to go for a run and when I'm going down I cross paths with the kid who's coming back from a party.

I greeted him and we stayed chatting for a while. I invited him to have a coffee, telling him it wouldn't give me a hangover the next day. We went in and I prepared breakfast for him. Before he finished eating, I decided I had to move myself. I ran around the chair where he was sitting and sat on top of him.

What are you doing?, he asked. I stayed quiet without speaking to him. Looking at him. Bringing my mouth close to his. I felt like his breathing was getting agitated, he was... nervious. When my mouth was practically touching his, Agustín moved his head and we merged into a passionate kiss where our tongues tangled in a struggle inside our mouths.

He ripped off his shirt and I took out my sweater. With his hands, he clumsily pulled out my bra. I stopped and put my tits in his mouth. He hugged me tight from behind while passing his tongue over my nipples, tits, neck. He was desperate and I had him by the head, holding him still.

I let go of him and got down on my knees. I took off his pants along with his boxers and left him completely naked. I passed my hands from his knees to the inside of his thighs, up his balls, and rubbed his cock as it sprang into action, getting even harder. Agustín was delirious.

I grabbed his cock with one hand and without taking my eyes off his, I put my head in my mouth. I had him for a while, played with my tongue, took him out, and started blowing him. Then I put him all the way to the back of my throat. I took him out of my mouth and let saliva drip onto his head as it fell down his body. When it reached his cock, I passed my hand over it, making it shine and slippery. It was glistening and wet. I went back in with all of his cock in my mouth and now the blow job was more intense, violent, and fast.

When I felt he was about to cum, I grabbed him by the hand and took him to my room. I threw myself on the bed (I still didn't have a bed) and put him on top of me. We kept going at it with desire; he was blowing me hard; he had me by the hair. I separated from him and grabbed his head, pushing him down.

His head slid all over my body while he stared at me fixedly. Until he reached my pussy and then I lost sight of him. First, because his head buried itself in my pussy, and second because I closed my eyes and threw my head back to enjoy his tongue.

Despite not being an expert, I was already totally wet. I pulled him out of my hair and pushed him onto the bed. Without saying anything, I got on top of him. I moved twice and it was over. I stayed with his cock inside while he recovered his breath, with a face that was a mix of surprise, frustration, and heat.

I pulled out and cleaned up. It was still half-hard. I kept sucking him off until he came again. I got out of bed and said this time better last longer to him, holding onto his cock and squeezing his cheeks. He opened his eyes startled and nodded without saying a word.

He got on top of me and gave me a terrible blow job. He was moving with all his might. The mattress was sliding across the room. I couldn't hold back my cries of pleasure. I think it wasn't the best way to present myself to the consortium.

I stopped him and turned over. I put myself on my side, like making a spoon but with his cock inside. From the heat I had, I started moving again and made him finish again. This time he pulled out in time and painted my Booty with thick white cum. I lay down face down and holding onto my Booty tightly, cleaned up his cum with my hands. August looked on unable to believe what he was seeing. His cock was losing hardness. I crawled towards him across the bed and cleaned it up with my mouth.

After a while, the guy was hard again. I got out of bed and he knelt down and put it in me from behind. He arched his back and lifted my Booty so his cock could go as deep as possible inside. Almost felt like it hit the bottom.

The in-and-out started to become more violent and intense. I ended up on my back and he was pounding me with force, holding onto the sheets and biting the pillow not to scream too loudly. Ah... ah... yeah... give it! I yelled between moans every time his cock went all the way into my pussy.

I turned over again. He quickly pulled out his cock and plunged it back in. His rhythm didn't slow down. I had him grabbed tightly from behind and with my legs, I wasn't letting him move much. The penetrations were short and strong. From the force we were making, we finished. catching on the floor, the sheets thrown and my head against the wall.
Agustín started yelling that he had come again. I got down on my knees and he stopped in front of me and jerked off. I grabbed his cock and started sucking it. When I felt the cum coming out, I aimed his cock at my breasts. It was impressive everything the kid had stored up. The cum shot onto my breasts and fell to the floor from there to the parquet. I had already broken in the apartment with a calf on the parquet!!
The guy went back home so he wouldn't worry his mother. A few days later, I found out that was his first time. And it became a habit for him. Several times after school, he would come over to my house or after work or dinner. Sometimes he would stop by before going to sleep after dancing.
One day, I ran into his mom on the stairs.
- Hi Julieta, how are you? Don't waste your time, I heard you the other night... it seems like you got a friend who makes you company.- she said, implying that my screams were being heard quite well (I was used to apartments or houses that weren't mine jeje). What she didn't know was that the one making me scream like that was her son. I didn't know where to put myself from the embarrassment it gave me! Luckily, it didn't make a problem and before he went into his apartment, he said enjoy it.
I kept following the guy. Too bad I ended up falling in love with him. But that didn't stop me much. I was alone in a big and unknown city for me, and never is it bad to have some company.

62 comentários - My Arrival in Buenos Aires

Muy bueno! Estás por llegar al relato 69, podrías hacerlo temático (?). Te dejé unos puntos como siempre
@juuli88 lo que debe haber sido ese regreso!!! Lucas sigue vivo?
juuli88 +1
@Pablito1977 obvio!!! y con mas experiencia jaja
Pensaba que a tu regreso lo habías destruido, jajaja
CjC12 +2
No lo culpo. Después de cojer así con alguien me caso más que enamorarme.
Andas en buenos aires picarona? jajaja si queres te hago compañía yo, incluso te puedo acompañar a algunos lugares que conozco 😛 yo si tengo plena dispocision de hacerte de guia, no como vos que me dejas colgado jajajaja Bonito relato juli, como siempre sacandome los ratones vos nena 😉 te dejo puntos
jaja hace 4 años que estoy en caba 😉
me alegro que te haya gustado!
@juuli88 cuando necesites un electricista, mandame un mensaje privado jajajaj este año renuevo mi matricula 😉
que hermoso seria conocerte ... Ahora q estas aca , tenes q enfiestarte a "barrio norte"
juuli88 -1
hace 4 años vivo en bs as, y creo que no revisaste mis relatos viejos 😉
@juuli88 son un monton . tienen como 40 cada una
@tinta_mala en el titulo aparecemos!! jaja
fbunico +1
El pibe más suertudo del mundo!!!
Que leeeeeeeendo... al palo me dejas con tus relatos!
buenisimoo! es la idea 😉
gracias por pasar!
si pasas por colegiales avisame y tomamos algo!
noo para esos lados no voy! jeje
gracias por pasar
@juuli88 arreglamos por palermo, belgrano, caballito, boedo, el centro, recoleta, donde gustes! jaja
que hdp genial cuando empezó el relato pensé que te garchabas al viejo aajajajajajajajajaa siempre tan putita una divinura nena al palo de nuevo gracias totales besitos húmedos y aguante leo jajajajajajajaja
jaja nooo!! no rompo familias! ademas, mi debilidad son los nenes!! jaja
gracias por pasar!
@juuli88 los nenes los grandes no le mientas a un mentiroso jajajajaajajaja
Lindo relato @juuli88, como te gusta desvirgar pendejos!
juuli88 +1
jajaja mi debilidad. en serio, creo que es patologico ya!!!
@juuli88 Me olvide de decirte, yo soy virgen 😉 jajaja
te dieron la bienvenida a la ciudad de la furia
siiii con mucha furia! jeje
gracias por pasar!
ufff q lindo tener una maestra como vos Juli!!
mmm... vos decis?? fue aprendiendo el nene ehh!! asi que algo bueno hice jeje
gracias por pasar!
jaja Muy buenoo!!! te juro q las veces q se mudo gente alado de mi casa! NUnca me paso!!
q mala suerte q tengo!!

jajaja queres mudarte alado de mi casa? jajaja

nos vemos
caliente me pones como todos tus relatos cheta putita!! jaja

juuli88 +1
jajaj bueno, a mi una sola vez! espero que te toque, no hay que perder las esperanzas! 😛
gracias por comentar!
MorbOck +1
espectacular, me calentaste muchisimo
juuli88 +1
es la idea! 😉
gracias por pasar!
Bichi37 +2
Como no tengo puntos ahora, va reco, para que el resto conozca y haga su aporte...^^
muchas gracias!
Tengo una duda vos contas las historias mezcladas o son todas en orden? si es en orden, esta historia cuantos meses actrasada esta de la actualidad? o sea hace cuanto paso? je
juuli88 +1
voy en orden. desde que arranque, hasta hoy. esto paso hace 4 años!
@juuli88 Ah o sea que aun tenes un monton de relatos para contar. bien ahi, je
mucho relatos pero nunca una foto tuya ponete media pila
solo relatos 😉
Después de la cogida que le pegaste a cualquiera se le hace vicio 😏
jajaja 😉
gracias por pasar!
El debut que todo el mundo soño alguna vez... y el pibe suertudo lo tuvo y ni hablar todo lo que cogió y la leche que te habrá dado..con 17 todos teníamos el tanque y la pija a full las 24 horas. Linda forma de terminar la tercer cogida..con una buena acabada en las tetas!!!! GENIA!!!
@juuli88 que pobrecito...un suertudo casa 1000 hombres el 0.1 debe debutar como debuto este pibe!!!
juuli88 +1
@Fana_de_lolas jajajaj 😛 pobrecito me bebito!
@juuli88 que genia que sos!!!! Besos diosa!!!
me imagino al pendex enamorado...le habras roto el corazon!!
jaja yo aclare todo desde el principio. el acepto. LO-LA 😛
muy bueno!! linda historia, logro ponerme la pija bien dura. lastima q no te tengo viviendo cerca en rosario perra linda. soy de cba y estoy en rosario viviendo igual q vos ahora. solito sin conocer a nadie.- besos diosa t dejo puntitos
somos re buenos los rosarinos, asi que no vas a tardar en hacer nuevos amigos!
gracias por pasar!
supongo que tu estadia en Buenos Aires no termino solo con ese nene no...?
espero lo que le siguio a eso!!!
Genial como siempre diosa.
jaja no seeeee ya veremos 😉
Yo acabo de mudarme en un apto nuevo en mdeo y ni empedo tuve la suerte del nene, no te queres mudar para donde estoy a ver si me garchas también ajajajajajaz
juuli88 +1
jaja nooo estoy bien donde estoy 😉 gracias! 😛
@juuli88 hay q expandir el mercado jajaja no seas mala y cumplile el sueño a este servidor jajaja
No mientas esta vez no usaste condones, lo has dicho, te llenó de leche jajajajajajaj Muy buen relato. Y además siendo virgen tenía que estar sano si o si jajajajajaj
jaja si use!
bah, yo no.. el 🙂
Yamez +1
que buen relato como siempre... carajo debo volver pronto a Argentina 3:)
jaja vuelva vuelva! lo estaremos esperando 🙂
@juuli88 claro que si, asi con tanta motivación!! 😈
mmmmm lo que debe ser tu depto ahora jajaja
un lujo!! todo ordenadito y limpito 😃
@juuli88 jajjaja y sexo a full no? jajajaja
@sebastian052 ehhh eso no lo se 😛
Porque no me toca una vecina asi!
jaj capaz la tenes.. y no lo sabes!! mmmm jejeje
gracias por pasar!
Faaa, masiao bueno como siempre. Asi que le hiciste debutar en primera al nene, pobre la madre no se entero que en su edificio andaba una pedofila suelta jeje 🙂 😁
Vale 10 puntines 😉
ajaj el problema fue cuando se blanqueo nuestra "relacion" y supo que el que me hacia gritar asi era "su nene" jaja
Excelente como siempre!!
Muy caliente!!
Y que afortunado el muchachito! je
Gracias por compartir
gracias por pasar! 🙂
Sin dudas la mejor juli... exelente tu relato como siempre saludos desde misiones...
"Lo separé y le agarré la cabeza y empecé a empujarlo hacia abajo" como me calentó eso
puff.. y a mi!! me encanta que bajen 😉
gracias por pasar!
@juuli88 te gustará tanto como a mí me gusta bajar? mmmmm misterio jaja
juuli88 +1
@citrico2011 a mi mas que bajar me gusta arrodillarme y recibirla de arriba jaja
Donde vivis??, vendo mi depto y me mudo cerca. Daaaale!!!.
Como siempre impecable.....Te dejo puntos.
gracias por pasar!
Burrie +1
Tu con tus relatos deberias escribir un libro Porno Jajaja. Que buen relato beba. :G
jaja nooo no me da para tanto!! 😛
gracias por pasar!
djsjm +1
como me excita tu narrativa,sos una puta preciosa.
gracias! 😉
Nena, nuevamente te mando 10 puntos! Me gustó mucho este relato también!
Vos no perdés el tiempo nunca!
Te mando un besote!
que tenes verguenza de mostrar una foto tuya sos una farsa loca
no me leas chabon, y punto