Short poetry

When desire invades me, I think of you, and imagine what I would be doing to you at that moment... You have no idea whatsoever of all I imagine with you, and then the desire grows more and more inside me...

My saliva will dress your bare skin;
My hands will draw like a Da Vinci your body, outlining step by step with my finger tips and later with my wet tongue;
My hips will dance in their private party with yours, and a single groan will burst from your throat and mine...
And the desire keeps growing, now your skin like a cloak will cover mine, and once again your tongue will be the chisel of my tender body, and we'll reach the garden of desire... And this time our groan will shake the earth and awaken the most primitive instinct of the neighbors...

This is my desire for you;
You have no idea whatsoever of all that goes through my mind when desire for you grows inside me...

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