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Volume IThat Friday, Marisol hadn't woken up yet. I felt good seeing her sleep, since I knew how much she had studied. The night before had been a mess, to put it that way.

In some way, I managed to get to work without having the opportunity to speak with Sonia, my boss again ordered me to enter his office. The regional area manager was also there and gave me some news. He told me that his team had been studying the data I sent and had determined that the origin of the erroneous data could be due to a machine that activated in the mine during the night shift.
I thought that would help a lot, because I'd only have to connect to the internal network, review the records, and that's it. But the gentleman, always aware of the situation, informed me that the internal network was still not active, that the machine itself did not generate records, and that the only option would be to occupy one of the terminals in the maintenance area within the mine to corroborate the data.
With my eyes open, I asked if maybe I should take the night shift, to which he smiled and said it was. Apparently, he was trying to test whether I'd accept the challenge. The night shift is a real hellhole. It's hot inside the cutie due to the rock heating up. Plus, the ventilation is regular and you have to be inside the cutie all night: eating, going to the bathroom. Everything, inside a massive granite structure.
I told him there were no problems, but that I still needed additional help and threw Sonia's name again. The old man seemed very interested in finding out who she was, but my boss dismissed her. He said she was an employee whose contract ended at the end of the month. I couldn't believe it. They would fire Sonia, even though she managed extremely well in the administrative area.
After finishing the meeting, I went to Sonia's desk and asked if it was true. Because, no matter how big my boss is, he's a half-day suck-up who sucks up air during the other half.
We went out for coffee and she told me it was true.

I also wondered how he did it with Marisol, so she wouldn't suspect. I told him that last week they had given themselves time to do it and he gave me a modest congratulations. He said it was okay to take advantage of it every now and then, but not to abuse it.
We parted ways and I went back home. We didn't do anything spectacular with Marisol those days, out of respect for Pamela and we spent our time watching TV, eating yummy things and making love a couple of times at night.
The night before my departure, I said goodbye to Pamela since she wouldn't be accompanying me the next morning. In a whisper, she said Sleep tight, bold cock!, which made me smile.
After all, when I returned, they would probably take out the cast and we could pick up our crazy relationship again.
I said goodbye to Marisol properly.

When I arrived at the airport, I had to take a taxi, since my father-in-law was working and wouldn't be back until the weekend.
For some reason, the atmosphere felt tense. Veronica was looking at me differently and Amelia seemed quite sad. The only normal thing was Violeta, who kept jumping around with the teddy bear dances on TV.
Even when they were in the same room, Veronica seemed to reject her.

The dinner was very silent and the tension could be cut with a knife. The only sentence Veronica said to her daughter was not to forget her training equipment, as she had reinforcement tomorrow.
Amelia's eyes filled with panic and her chin began to vibrate. Before I went to work, I went to see her and told her not to worry, that everything would be better the next day. She thanked me because she knew I was the only one who loved her.
I said no, she was wrong. Marisol missed her to death and her parents still loved her a lot.
She started crying again, I hugged and consoled her until her tears put her to sleep.
When I left, Veronica came and showed me the gift she had given her.
The batteries are dead... she said, ignoring the spare batteries in my hand. I smiled and told her I would try to buy more for her.
She asked me to hug her.

Going to the mine at night is a completely different odyssey. From the start, it's terribly cold and you can't see much of the road for most of the way. After visiting the locker room and getting my safety gear, I took a coffee, thinking about what would have happened between us. I felt like the answer was there, that I could almost touch it...
After entering the mine and recognizing the cursed machine that had changed my routine, I started reviewing the data it provided. Just as my boss and guide professor said, the data was above the clouds.
I started reviewing the manual and corroborating the algorithms. But something still didn't add up. My head hurt. I had to think about something else...
And then the revelation hit me! How hadn't I seen it? They always said so. The rest of my shift went by lightly, and when it was time to leave, I had already decided what I was going to do. It was risky, but I had to try.
Although Veronica's invitation was well received, I had to decline since I had to go to school. I asked for directions, took a taxi, and hurried there.
When I arrived at the school, as my suspicions expected, it was closed, and I asked one of the janitors to open the door and tell me where the gym was.
We were near the end of the semester, and with luck, I saw more people. At the entrance of the gym, there was a big poster of a type who had been boxing champion in the juvenile category a few years ago. I wouldn't be surprised at what I would find in the gym...
It was as deserted as the rest of the school. Then I saw Amelia in her gym clothes.
She was surprised to see me. I was petrified...

Amelia was still crying.
Idiot! Idiot! Why did you do it? and she leaned against my chest to cry, feeling her gelatinous globules on my stomach.
I tried to give her my best smile.
I did it because I and your sister love you very much.
A few seconds later, the door opened and the teacher tried to catch up with us. But it was too late. The second day was starting, and even if he caught up, it would be difficult for him to take our phone away without making a scene.
At the police station, I filed a complaint and while we waited, we called Veronica. The doctor on duty treated my wounds and gave me some tranquilizers.
Amelia and Veronica were crying when they saw me. Although my face hurt like it had been kicked by a mule, seeing them hug each other again like mother and daughter made it all worth it. They were happy because everything seemed to have ended...
But the police officer was sincere with us.
I'm sorry, sir. Even though you're injured, the girl will testify and the blood on your phone is not sufficient evidence to accuse him
Yes, I had imagined... I replied a little sad.
Amelia and Veronica seemed to be crying again. Then I took my jacket and from the inner pocket, I took out a gift-wrapped package.
Originally, I bought it for you, Amelia. I said. But given the circumstances, I'll have to use it...
It was a latest-generation cell phone. I removed the battery and changed the chip with the one from the destroyed model.
I suppose this will make things easier, don't you? I asked, turning on the video.
We arrived at home in the evening. The doctor had given me a good amount of tranquilizers and a license to take the rest of the day off.
And while I was falling asleep, feeling like a hero for making a plan that worked out, I didn't think my action would change our family relationship permanently...Next post
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