A different third time

Before I get into the story, I'm going to make some clarifications. Since I'm telling my unauthorized autobiography (?), I'll put you in a situation where from now on there's a change in my attitude.

As I said several times, I played hockey. At that time, I was preselected to play in the junior world cup and had many chances of going. It were 2 years of hard work, trainings, diets, trips to Buenos Aires to train, leaving parties or gatherings with friends.

But 2 months before the world cup, I sprained my ankle and got left out. It really hit me hard, and well... everything I had taken care of, I threw away and went to the other extreme. And that's how I start today, telling the beginning of the most slutty stage in my life.

Some will know, others won't, but I'll quickly mention what a third time is: it's done after rugby (also hockey) games, where the local team organizes an event to share with the rival team for a while to take something, eat, chat, etc. and foster friendship, etc... Sometimes, after first-team games, it would extend until very late; almost always with alcohol, and it would turn into a pre-party. And that's where the story starts.

As I had told in other opportunities, at the club I always tried to behave like a lady. Only 4 times did I get nasty: the first one doesn't matter; the second (the lightest, if you want) I'll count
hereThis was the third one. (Others? A ')Bachelorette partyand in theWedding partywith theOlder brotherfrom the protagonist of this story). I was at the end of my recovery, no longer using crutches, but hadn't gone back to the club yet. That weekend, my teammates insisted so much that I went to the third rugby match. The injury had hit me hard by isolating me. I didn't want to be surrounded by people, and less go back to the club (I was going to be the club's representative at the world championship and everyone knew what had happened to me), since I wasn't going to avoid being asked how I was and those things. And I didn't feel like talking to anyone.

I sat down in a corner, sometimes taking a turn, trying to avoid acquaintances. I was in bad mood. At one point, Seba, one of the rugby team, came over and we started chatting for a bit. Although I wasn't going crazy, I liked the guy, and he already had the reputation of having been with several from the hockey team, and everyone talked well about him. But I wasn't thinking about that at the moment.

After a while, another player from the team, Leo, joined in and we kept chatting. While we were talking, there was no shortage of full glasses of something with alcohol (I made some of the biggest mistakes of my life drunk... even so, I don't learn!).

After a bit, already happy, the suggestive touches started to appear. Mainly me with Seba. At one point, our faces ended up facing each other, and he tried to kiss me, but I turned away and told him not to do it (implying that if he did, it would be somewhere else). I didn't want anyone to see us, besides I was still going around with the other Seba who I had been with for a few months before.

By then, I had forgotten that I wanted to leave. Things were starting to go well. Let's go outside, he said, and without saying anything, I got up. I looked around to make sure no one was seeing me leave with him, and I went. Don't walk too far, my foot hurts if I walk a lot I told him. Seba stopped and without saying anything, picked me up and took me to the little cottage.

I hadn't realized it, but Leo was following us behind. When we arrived at one of the pitches, near a quincho where only one light bulb was lit. A faint reflector against a wall, I got down and sat on a bench. Without losing time, Seba sat with me and we started kissing.

On my side, Leo sat down, and it wasn't until then that I realized we weren't alone. Far from scandalizing the matter, and don't ask why, I didn't say anything and kept kissing Seba. That was the signal he needed to know everything was okay. I started feeling Leo's hands behind me, lifting my shirt and touching my tits.

I pulled my tongue out of Seba's mouth and helped him lift my shirt and bra; while both of us were starting to take off my jeans. I sat down between them, and lifted my legs up onto their knees, leaving myself completely open. I leaned back and enjoyed as they touched my pussy and sucked my tits. I felt like his fingers started searching for entry into my pussy. I responded with a sigh.

I lowered my hands and started touching his bulges, rubbing them through his pants. Meanwhile, already had two fingers inside my pussy, moving very quickly. And my tits were one in each mouth, with the nipples extremely hard. They both stopped in front of me and took off their pants. Seba's half-erect bulge was terrible. My mouth was watering. Much bigger than Leo's, which was already completely hard.

I didn't hesitate for a second and while I was playing with already-hard Leo, I started sucking Seba's cock, feeling it taking shape. Without letting go of either of the cocks, I started sucking Leo's more manageable one, could put it all in my mouth and play more with my tongue. Like crazy, I passed from one to the other, insanely gluttonous, passing my tongue over the whole trunk and touching their balls, playing them.

I grabbed Leo's cock eagerly, turned around and gave Seba my back, as if warning him that he had been chosen to enter first. I started feeling his cock opening up inside me. It wasn't very long in reality, but it was really wide, and that's why it was hard for him to get in. Weighing the fact that I'm very lubricated. Every time I took it out and put it back in, I felt like I was tearing myself apart. But soon he got used to it and everything became pure pleasure, and I started moving too. When I remembered, I had Leo's cock in my hands. I put it back in my mouth while Seba kept grabbing me from behind. I was so hot again, so gashed by a guy and with a cock in my mouth. I could only moan. I loved feeling like such a slut . Oh, take me hard, I screamed. They looked at each other, laughed, and kept making me enjoy it. Seba's thrusts pushed me hard and made the blow job I gave Leo sometimes deeper. But I wasn't in a position to say anything. I finished with Leo, pounding him hard until he came. I tried not to get splashed, but the first shot came out with great force and hit my face. While Seba kept thrusting into me faster and faster. I lifted one of my legs onto the bench, grabbed Leo's shoulders, and begged Seba to give it his all. He grabbed my waist and started grabbing me harder than before. I couldn't help but let out some moans of pleasure. The situation of being with two guys for the first time made me hotter than the sex. Suddenly he stopped. It was over. He pulled his cock out of my pussy, I bent down and started sucking it from Leo, who already had it almost ready again; while Seba rested a bit. I sat him down and kept going with the blow job until I felt it firm up again, like for me to mount him. I got on top and started moving my hips, lifting my Booty. His hands squeezed my ass, which only made me hotter and made me move harder. I called out to Seba, and when he came over, I grabbed his cock and put it in my mouth. I started sucking while Leo tried not to come because of how hard he was moving his cock inside me. Seba's guy was slowly starting to get bigger. enlarging that piece of meat made me crazier and made me move stronger and push Leo's cock harder.

Leo couldn't take it and came, but I didn't want to pull out. I kept moving, sucking Seba off. For a touch Juli..., Leo said, his cock already totally flaccid. With a smile of satisfaction for having a suppliant beg me to stop, I knelt down on the ground to suck Seba off and get him out of combat too.

Seba's cock was about to burst when we heard someone approaching. Who's there?, a voice said while searching with a flashlight. It was one of the club's security guards, who had probably heard noise and came to see what was going on.

I grabbed some clothes and sat down behind the table to cover up that I was naked. The guys had managed to pull their pants back up (Leo still with his underwear on) and sat down next to me.

I remembered Leo's lamb, and I cleaned myself off with what was nearby (Seba's shoulder jeje). We were just taking a walk, Pela, Leo told the guard. The guy laughed and continued his round. When he left, I shook the dirt off my knees, changed quickly, and left. Hey, don't leave me like that, Ju! Give it another minute!! Seba yelled as he was leaving. The guard had ruined our fun. Another time, I said from afar. Obviously, I did come back, but only with one of them.

We went back to the salon where the party was still going on. Everything was pretty much the same. Lots of music, alcohol, joking around, etc... Inside, calm and collected, it dawned on me what had happened. And I wanted to leave, besides dying of embarrassment from what had passed.

But it's also true that I had left with a terrible heat after having blown off for the first time with two guys, I was a bit confused because I had loved it. On top of that, when we got interrupted, I was in the hottest part of the night. Without hesitation, I grabbed my phone and sent the lifesaving message that never fails: hello What are you doing?

47 comentários - A different third time

Terrrible hermosaaa!!! Dijiste q eras de rosario me muero por enfiestarte jajajaj
gracias por comentar!! si, soy de rosario 🙂
Van los puntos que tengo....la etapa de putez sigue vigente? Genial primer trío, mejor aún el remate
noooo!!! fueron unos años de zarpada nomas, ahora me calme! jaja.. gracias por los puntos!
Que lastima para los que no te conocimos 😞

Van 3 puntos, te daria muchos mas pero por rango no puedo
"Subí una de mis piernas al banco, me agarré de los hombros de Leo y le suplicaba a Seba que me diera lo más fuerte que pudiera. Me agarró de la cintura y empezó a cogerme aún más fuerte que antes..."
hermosa imagen , me quemo la cabeza 😃 😃 😃
a mi tambien cuando la recordaba mientras la escribia!! jaja.. gracias por pasarte! 😉
Un virgen, un compañero de escuela, el amigo de tu hermano, el hermano de tu amiga, rugbiers, ya tenes de todo eh! Alguna vez te garchaste un jugador de basket?
el hermano de mi amiga no!!! mi amiga se garcho a mi hermano!! jaja... jugador de basket, no... nunca! 😛
@juuli88 entendi en algun relato como que comentaste que te vengaste con el hermano de ella... bueno, cuando quieras aca estoy jajaj
juuli88 +1
@PajerliJones jaja.. no no, me lo habian escrito en un comentario, pero el hno es mucho mas chico... no daba, ademas iba presa!! 😛 jeje
Justo te estaba por reclamar que hacía varios días que no subías otro relato 😛

Ya vamos entrando en el terreno que yo quería 🤤 lástima que no hubo tiempo para la doble 🤤 🤤 🤤

+10 como siempre 😉
juuli88 +1
jaja. te vas haciendo la peli ehh!! 😛

gracias por los siempre fieles puntitos!
@juuli88 jaja, cada vez que hacés un relato nuevo me confirmás que no me estoy haciendo ninguna peli 😛
el sexo y el deporte van de la mano , yo conosco a una ex leona muy fogosa :grin; , cuando hacia hockey de joven tambien era un poco mimosa con mis compañeros de club jeje +10
juuli88 +1
ahh sos leona!! jeje.. sin dudas, a mi tambien me pasaba que los findes despues de jugar si tenia sexo lo pasaba de 10.. .como que seguia la adrenalina de la cancha en la cama. terrible!!! y ni hablar de la fuerza y resistencia que tenes en las piernas para subirte arriba y darle duro jeje 😉 gracias por los puntos!!
@juuli88 si es verdad eso , cuando deje de jugar engorde y paresco una cerda ahora 😞
@CeciMorochaLove uy sii!! me paso lo mismo cuando deje... pero despues empece gimnasio y baje un poco jeje... 😛
Como siempre, me dejaste re caliente con tu relato. Yo te dejo unos puntos. Espero q sigas inspirada, jeje
jeje... esperemos!! gracias por los puntos!
explote!!! excelente como siempre!!! fueron mis puntos!!!! segui asi!!!
juuli88 +1
gracias por los puntos y por comentar! espero que sigas leyendo los que vienen! 🙂
holas nena cada ves mas caliente te dejo 2 puntitos no tengo mas, a los otros días andaba por Pte. roca y córdoba y vi varias jugadoras de jockey las quería coger a todas acordándome de vos
jockey es un club! 😛
gracias por los puntos
q lindo es compartir 3 tiempo con.hockey... pero mejor eran las comidas de los jueves dps de entrenar... q lindoooo..... muy buen relato juli... si andas x santa fe, avisa
jaja.. ahh no se. yo despues de entrenar volvia a mi casa 🙂
gracias por pasar y comentar!
si lo se nena perdón me equivoque por los nervios que me dejo tu relato quise poner hockey y no jokey se que es un club y fui mas de una ves besitos linda
PrFrink +1
tenes muchos mas relatos? jajajaja ojala que si.. quedan muy pocas como vos jajaja... buenisimos tus relatos! Besos 🙂
muy pocas?? para mi cada vez hay mas!! jaja... graicas por pasarte y van a seguir los relatos! 😉
El orgullo del Poringa Writing Team!!! Que bello relato, que calentura me pegue leyendolo... Yo juego al hockey pero mis terceros tiempos son bastante mas embolantes que los tuyos veo... Besos (y puntos, obvio)!!!
jaja graicas por los puntos!!! fue una situacion especial, nosiempre son asi!! por lastima!!! q grande el PWT jaja... 😃
glemur +1
Tenemos contacto mental despues de que lo lea Meli lo leo yo
muchos puntos diosa
me encantan las enfiestadas
y sos muy gráfica en el manejo de dos pijas
menos mal que solo te zapraste 4 veces
me parece que mas
perrita divina
con gente del club 4 veces 😉 jaja.. gracias por la buena onda de siempre! 🙂
Como me pones con tus historias!!
Muuuy caliente!!!
Espero muchas mas! je
GRacias por comparitr
gracias por la buena onda de siempre profe!! 🙂
Maravilloso relato July, que bueno que el alcohol te deshiniba! como dicen por ahi vamos por la doble!
Confieso que me quedé pensando en la continuacion del don....seguro hay algo pora ahí.
Besos en esa hermosa c.....arita!
jaja.. no no, no paso nada mas ese dia. a dormir nomas!! quede escrachada como mirona nomas! 😕

si hay otras aventuritas con mi amiga, ya vendran 😉 gracias por pasar! 🙂
@juuli88 jaja, yo pensaba lo mismo, pero supongo que ya estaba satisfecha tu amiga después de cogerse a tu hermano en la casa del "matafuegos" y después en la tuya 🤤
excelente!!! qiero ver como sigue 🤤 CADA VEZ MEJOR!
juuli88 +1
como sigue?? se vienen otras vacaciones!! jaja gracias por los puntos!!
@juuli88 uff muero x seguir leyendo 🙎‍♂️
Bettodo +1
Muy bueno . . . Envidio a tus amigos ja ja
ahi fueron 3 puntos... gracias por tan lindos relatos...!
juuli88 +1
gracias por los puntos! 🙂
Son buenisimos tus relatos, irme sin comentar sería un insulto, espero pronto poder dejarte puntos porque bien ganados los tienes! 🆒 🆒
juuli88 +1
gracias por pasar y por el comentario!! guardese unos puntitos para mi porfis!! 😢
@juuli88 Como te había prometido, van puntos y muy bien ganados los tenes guapa! 😉 ❤️
listo, ultimo que leo hoy y me estalle nomas!! je Beso, muy bueno!
jaja.. te repasaste toda mi biografia en un dia!! hoy seguro soñas conmigo! 😉 gracias por comentar!!
@juuli88 jaja quizas, pero no, dormi como un angelito, no me acuerdo de nada!! Beso
@NachoRove jaja quedaste relajadito, muy bien!! 😃
guacha!!!! yo eso nunca lo hice, jaja, al aire libre!!!!, me quedo corta si t digo P U T A, besitos
jajaja.. ya lo vas a hacer, tenes las condiciones para superarme! 😛
@juuli88 bue........... jaja
ale2758 +1
putita hermosa, trio en un tercer tiempo, y al aire libre, nooooooooo, me superas!!!
Que putita!!! Como los vas a dejar así! Con ganas de más????!!
juuli88 +1
yo me quede con ganas de mas!! ellos acabaron!!! 😭
@juuli88 Pero querían seguir y vos te fuiste!
juuli88 +1
@kohinoor2k9 jaja ya nos habian descubierto! ya fue, suficiente. 😉
siempre quise saber como seria un trio si la pasas bien o es medio embole.
@juuli88 ahh de que parte de bs as sos? Yo de floresta
juuli88 +1
@Palermo-xD palermo
@juuli88 me chuparias la pija? Aunque todavía sea menor tengo 16 años
Buen relato! Mañana paso con puntos. Tendré que empezar a seguirte más de cerca 😉
Hola juli los trios q lindos q son tengo 33 y mi mujer 25 años y nos gustaria conocerte tmb tengo un amigo aun mas dotado q yo m gustaria hacer amistad con vos t dejo mi cel y what sapp 1162805116 sqludos diosa
hola, no busco encuentros por aca
shad_t +1
Muy bueno Juli!!! La verdad con mi mujer hemos hecho varios garches arriesgados, jajaja pero la vez q peor nos decubrieron fue en la casa de ella que nos colgamos con la hora (por culpa de un reloj que se quedó sin pila) y entró la madre en terrible culeada, no supe donde meterme por meses. En cuanto a la depresion de ese momento post lesión supongo q fue duro y que en ese momento querías pudrirla toda y la pudriste de que manera jajaja 😆 +10
si, ahora a la distancia lo veo mas tranquila pero en esa epoca estaba re mal. la locura me salio para ese lado jeje 😛
koopa85 +1
Increible como escribes nena, de las mejores con los relatos y que puta que sos. como me haces calentar con solo leerte. besotes.
juuli88 +1
es la idea!! jeje
tanno4 +1
este si recuerdo haberlo leido, terrible la nena, jajaja buen relato, dejo puntos y gracias por compartir.
juuli88 +1
que bien relatas...me gusta que seas puta y no tengas verguenza de serlo.....vivis en Rosario?
@juuli88 hhhuuuu...me salteo y pasame el mink 😁
hay un relato que se llama "mi llegada a bs as". de ahi, para adelante
@juuli88 no lo encuentro
koopa85 +1
leido ya no sé cuantas veces este y siempre al palo, como dijeron los chicos, que puta sos juli!!! mmm
juuli88 +1
gracias!! que bueno que siga calentando jaja..
eustasc +1
lpm de no conocer a alguien tan caliente como vos
nooo! que bajón como cortó todo el de seguridad, mirá como será que prácticamente no hubo enchastrte esta vez 😜😜... son muy buenos tus relatos, estimulan.... ponele que la imaginación 😘😘
siii ahi me di cuenta de lo que estaba haciendo. me alegro que estumule la imaginacion 😉
Tremendo nena
gracias!! podes seguir con los mas viejitos, si te gusta ver mi epoca descontrolada jaja
No es posible votar un post 2 veces
jaja con que te haya gustado y comentes esta perfecto. gracias!
Fua Juli, que belleza
gracias 😉 espero disfrutes los otros
Tremendo relato, la verga re dura, tenga sus +10 polvazos
juuli88 +1
gracias!! que recuerdos, mi epoca de pendeja alzada jaja
Jaja pero bien gozada la vida, lo que daría por haber tenido esas experiencias cuando joven, ahora lo que queda que salga algo sw o cuckold
Terrible Juli, cómo te entiendo, me pasó parecido con el de seguridad del club ajaajajaj ahhhh la adolescencia en los clubes....q hermosa época
las hormonas alteradas... jajaja gracias por comentar 🙂