You raped me!

As I had already told, I was playing hockey. That summer had been a tougher preseason because they had put me up to train with the first team's squad. Before the season started, we organized with the girls from the team to go to the island in front of Rosario for the day. We were having a good time until clouds started covering the sky. It was raining soon enough. To cross on the taxi boat there was an infernal Booty. We had agreed to meet 4 people, the others left going as they saw the weather changing. We got under a roof that was at one of the bars. Just then, a boy approached and said girls, are you waiting to cross?... If you want, stay with us, we're finishing some beers and crossing on my boat. We didn't think twice. We were already sitting with them. There were 4 guys, around 30 years old, and a dude my age; who I later found out was the brother of the boat's owner... That's how I met FedeTypical little guy from guita, bronzed, much gym, his brother was RRPP of some trendy clubs in Rosario, so he went out often and always surrounded by older people...

As we were the same age, we started talking; where he went (we didn't go to the same places because I didn't enter), school, sports, etc... in our chat we touched without wanting to. His arms were a rock, terrible... and don't even mention the marked belly with ravioli at full... but marked thick!! I had been with a rugbier, big and with Lucas who had good physical fitness, but this guy was hot... and if... it really got me!

The afternoon passed, we crossed paths; and they gave us some freebies for the night. One of the girls didn't show up, so in the end there were 3 of us to go dancing. I didn't do anything except put one foot inside the club and Fede was already attacking.

Already with few lights, he was more willing to get frisky and that's what I did... we went straight to the VIP where everyone was (VIP: a little separated spot with tables from the main dance floor... nothing special!), with several empty champagne bottles. They offered us drinks and that's when I knew it would all end badly. I wasn't used to going out much, and when I did go out, I didn't drink much either.

The night was advancing, the alcohol too, the friskiness continued and my excitement increased... He took me dancing: first in front of him, he passed his hands from my shoulders to my belly while looking at me and biting his lips, brought him against my body and breathed on his neck, turned around and moved his booty, put his hands on my belly, which went down to my legs.... then he turned around and said:

- Well, the hockey... what good legs...

- Well, the gym... everything is hard... but I'm sure you take some supplements... hard on one side, but weak on the other-

I told him in a joking tone

He looked at me like he didn't expect that response from me. Until he reacted:

- Ah, no? Look-

said, resting his cock on my leg, which was obviously hard bonner...

And there we just ate each other's mouth fiercely, not a second passed that had its hands (yes, both) on my ass, feeling it and massaging it, which made me even hotter. I was turned on, I don't know why, maybe the champagne... but I felt more turned on than usual.

We sat in a couch and kept franeleando, his hands caressed my legs, and each time they got bolder going higher up. I couldn't hide my moans every time his fingers touched my pussy. He bit my ear and whispered sweetly in my ear.

Luckily the corner was very dark, because it wasn't a show to give in front of many people. Although at that moment, really, it didn't matter much to me. Without saying anything, he got up, leaving me sitting on the couch, told something to his brother, came back and said let's go.

I didn't put up any resistance. He grabbed my hand and we left. We got into a taxi and went to his brother's apartment. The apartment with a spectacular view of the river, but well, another day if you want me to tell you how it was decorated and all that.

We went to the room, where we kept killing each other with kisses. I was already flying from the heat. And the guy ON TOP was heating me up just by his presence, so good... I ravished him. I had had enough foreplay.

I threw him on the bed, ripped off his shirt, kissed him very softly all over his body, bit him, scratched him with my nails... got down to his cock, unbuttoned his jeans and then lowered the zipper with my teeth. I took off his pants and boxers.

With my hands, I went up from his feet to his cock very softly, touched it through the inner part of his thighs, and massaged his balls while getting closer to his cock that seemed about to explode.

I passed my tongue from the base to the head for a while, filling his entire trunk with saliva. And then there came to my head one of my cousin's lessons: a good blow job is done without hands, so I... I lifted it up with my tongue and started to swallow it. When it wouldn't go in anymore, I'd press my lips together and push it up until it came out. And then I'd do the same thing again.

After a while, I started to suck it harder. I was playing with my tongue on the head of his cock, which was beating because it was so hot. It wanted to move, but I wasn't letting it. I was enjoying sucking his cock too much. Fede wasn't saying anything. He was just letting out moans of approval at what he was doing.

When I got tired of that position, I stood up and gave him a deep kiss while adjusting myself on top of him, rubbing my pussy against his cock. I grabbed the base, aimed it at the wet entrance of my pussy and sat down. Let out a long sigh of pleasure and started moving. First slow, then forward and backward, and then in circles. Always with his cock buried to the hilt.

I started to lift myself up slowly. I accelerated the pace, grabbed his hands and put them on top of his head, and while we were kissing, I started moving my hips up and down as fast as I could. I was out of control. My cries were muffled in his mouth while we kissed. I had a terrible urge to come.

When he told me he was about to cum, I got off him and sucked it until I felt the milk coming. I put his cock on my tits and let the cum spill all over me. The first jet reached my nipples. Then, I moved his cock around my tits like it was a hose watering me completely.

Fede was still lying there recovering from the mess, but I didn't care, so I jumped back on top of him again. I ate his mouth and brought his hands to my pussy. 'You're not going to let me rest for even a second, are you?' he said. I laughed and with my best innocent girl face moved my head saying 'no'. He put two fingers in.

I lay down on the bed, and he got up beside me so he could also suck my tits. With my hand, I searched for his cock, which was still dripping with cum. But I felt like I was starting to grow. I touched him slowly, caressed his balls and the entire trunk.

Fede kept playing with my fingers inside me until I felt it getting hard again. I threw myself at him on the bed, but this time I got on top of him with my back to him. And there was no warm-up at all. I buried myself deep and started moving up and down desperately, screaming like a slut in heat.

I told him to hold me tighter, but really it was me who set the pace. He couldn't do anything more than grab my ass tightly. I felt like I was opening my cheeks to see how his cock was getting buried inside me. I threw myself forward and kept moving. The only thing I remember him saying was what a big ass you have... how are you sucking, girl...

When I got tired without unloading the cock, I started spinning around. I stayed on my side... and said I've never done this before... and honestly it felt great. I stayed on my side, moving my hips like a blender. I kept spinning and had him facing me again. I didn't resist kissing him while I kept moving in circles over his cock.

I got up and started moving more forcefully, put my back straight and grabbed my hair while still moaning, feeling myself move with the cock buried deep inside me. The first orgasm passed, quite soft, but I didn't want to stop. On the contrary, I was wetter and had more desire.

I accelerated my movements even more. Fede was very entertained by my tits and that increased the heat he felt. And it heated me up so much that I felt like I was going to cum again. This one was stronger. So strong that I had to hold onto him because my whole body was shaking. But once recovered, I kept having sex with him. I moved on my own now, it wasn't my brain controlling my movements, it was my hot pussy that wouldn't let me stop.

I ended up again, with two terrible, wet and strong orgasms that left me lying on top of Fede trying to... Recover the breath. I asked him if he was missing much, he told me that he had already finished. I had been following him with the whole cock all cum. The guy's scared face I won't forget it anymore.

You're insatiable girl! they would say to me.

We stayed for a while, until the brother arrived, who was coming with a bouncer from the bar; so I decided to leave. Besides, I had to go back home and it was already late. We said goodbye with a good kiss on the door. When I was going up to get into the taxi, he grabbed my hand and whispered in my ear: 'Juli... you raped me!'

78 comentários - You raped me!

Pues me gustó mucho, tiene mucho morbo y si sabes como volver loco al hombre
gracias! 😉
tan buena estas? paraaaaaa
juuli88 +1
jajaja.. a uds les hacen un buen pete y ven todas top models! o nooo!! y eso si que lo hago bien! (me dijeron!!!) gracias por pasarte!
te dejo unos puntitos
juuli88 +1
gracias por los puntos pablito!!
@juuli88 de nada. Muy buenos relatos, seguí así!
_YG_ +1
Muy bueno la verdad... muy caliente y excitante 😃
¡Excelente! Muy buenos relatos, nena!! Te dejo los puntines que quedan.
gracias morocha!! 🙂
Imagino tus tetas y encima sos rosarina y se me pone la imaginacion a full y la pija tambien!!! 🤤 🤤
no vengo muy bien de arriba.. mi fuerte es la cola 😛 jajagraicas por pasarte!
@juuli88 No importa el tamaño, el lomo que debes tener de tanto deporte, la colita entangada... pufff ya tengo la pija dura de vuelta, si tendría una fotito tuya ya te habría dedicado varias. Diosa Rosarina!!!
rosarina que juega el hockey.. es voladora de mente jajaja!! muy buen relato, me agarre terrible calentura y quiero fotos tuyas ahora!!
no hay fotos!! gracias por pasarte!! 🙂
ex excite toda cuando lo termine de leer
y yo ni te cuento!! jeje... gracias por pasarte gaby!
Muuy caliente!!
Gracias por comparitr
gracias profe!! siempre fiel!! 😃
Juli violame jajhaa excelente
jaja.. gracias por los puntos!
@juuli88 gracias a vos por compartir
juuli88 +1
gracias por pasar! ypor los puntos! 🙂
@juuli88 los vecinos nos tenemos q apoyar mutuamente 😉
juuli88 +1
@santi_clmene jaja.. tal cual! 🙂
excelente nena jugadora de hockey en rosario con lo que me gusta el hockey ensima soy de rosario te parto nena
Lo leí antes de irme a rendir y te dejé los puntos 🙂 falta hacerle los honores 😉

Sos una culiadora serial!! No se te escapa uno 😛
@juuli88 jajaja, si me pusiera celoso me iría a Rosario, te busco, te hago que me cuentes todas tus historias y te hago mi puta personal XD

Y el relato no tuvo nada que ver con que me fuera bien o mal, ya iba bastante flojo desde el principio 😛 el relato que me va a delirar es otro 😉
juuli88 +1
@marcossmash CUAL?
@juuli88 vos sabés, hace mil que te lo vengo pidiendo.
kramalo +1
muy caliente tu relato....!!! que buena que debés estar....!! van puntos.
gracias por los puntos!
Muy bueno!!!
juuli88 +1
gracias por pasar y dejar puntos!!
LemmeM +1
EXCELENTE RELATO jULI!!!!!!!!!! como me gustaria que me violes asi!!!!!
Muy caliente relato, me encantó!
gracias por pasar y comentar!
muy buen post y relato
yo pase por tu post y comente vos pasastes ppor los mios
dale! 😉
graacias por los puntos!
que hija de p.......... que buen relato me re calentaste
glemur +1
juli perrita divina la diosa rosarina
unos puntines y comparto
gracias!! 🙂
Excelentee @juuli88 hay te dejoo par de puntoss y a ver sii un diaa mee tocaa k me hagas un petee assiiii!!!
gracias por los puntos! 🙂
me la has dejado recontra dura! muy buen relato!!
que rica putita que debes de ser en la cama @juuli88 ! 🤤

Comparto y te dejo los puntos disponibles!
gracias!! 🙂
Excelente relato te dejo puntos!!
juuli88 +1
gracias por los puntos!! 🙂

Excelente relato nena, super caliente!!
You raped me!
Yo comenté tu post. Vos... ¿comentaste alguno de los míos?
gracias por pasarte! 🙂
Que lindo cuando las chicas toman el control de la situacion y la tienen clara asi...que bestia!
yo tmb de Rosario!!
como les gustan esas cosas a uds ehh!! jaja.. igual, tampco la tenia tan clara en ese momento... me fueron saliendo solas las cosas 😛

gracias por pasar y por la buena onda... besos!!
me encantó. tenes un diez nena
gracias! y cumpli con lo que me debes!! jaja
zv007 +1
van puntos dsd el norte argentino
gracias por los puntos!! espero que sigas leyendome... un beso!
quiero probar eso ya!! sere afortunado al ser rosarino??
no discrimino por lugar de procedencia!! jaja
Muy bueno! quedé duro....
gracias por comentar!! seguro me dedicaras una hoy! jaja... besos
@juuli88 Dalo por hecho! besos
Puntos desde la plata. Querria ver esa cola
gracias por los puntos y por comentar!! 🙂
zezinho +1
Me saco el sombrero ante vos juuli! Sos una diosa! Terribles ratone despertaste. 😘 segui asi 💞
ajja gracias!! que buena onda! 🙂 espero que sigan despertando muchos mas con los que vienen!! besos!
pekii99 +1
Terrible nenaaa..
Que lindo que te violen asii..
Van puntos y a la espera del próximo..
gracias peki!! 🙂 de vez en cuando esta bueno ser dominado un poco no?? jaja
Se me puso de piedra la pija nenaaa.. q edad tenes??
Quiero ser fede jajaja pasate x mi post 🙂
25.. gracias por pasar!! ahi paso por el tuyo.. besos!
PrFrink +1
uuuuuuuuufffffffff que envidia que le tengo al loco! buen relato Julii, beso violador jajajaja
jaja gracias!!
muy buen relato July, como todos, sos una buena p....endeja que sabe disfrutar, la verdad deberiamos ver esas hermosas tetas y ese hermoso culo, asi que voto por que pongas unas fotos!
jaja cuando pusiste la P pense que ibas a decir otra cosa!! gracias por lo de pendeja!!

y pueden venir con un pedido de la reina de holanda que NO voy a poner fotos. sorry! 😉
@juuli88 Me extraña! soy un caballero! hay cosas que se dicen solo en la intimidad, otras que nunca!
@mendocino35ar 😉
estos post siempre son un deleite para la lectura... mezcla de pasion y porno... me encanto otra vez @Juuli88
juuli88 +1
y ternura!! soy tierna cheeeeeeee!! 😞
Buenisimo, estoy leyendo encantan tus relatos....Grax
gracias por dejar puntos y comentar! 🙂
Que buen relato me encantaria probar uno de esos petes
juuli88 +1
gracias por pasar! 🙂
Te hace hacer todo a vos el pancho? Terrible mina debes ser, jugadora de hockey y asi de degenerada
juuli88 +1
jaja. no no, fue una decision mia no dejarlo hacer nada! 😉
@juuli88 me dan ganas de tomarme el linea A y visitarte. Pocas minas quedan con esas ganas de garchar