Alguna moraleja?

Woman sitting next to me on the San Martin train, talking on phone after work:
Woman:- And what's up? What's going on?
Cin's response: ---
W:- Were they okay? Postage?
C:- ...
W:- Did you ask for it?
W:- And what did you say?
W:- Did you tell him no?!
W:- You're a moron, if everything that happened before was fine because you didn't give it to them? In the end, close your eyes, press your teeth together slightly and ready... do it, I recommend it, every time I can, if they did it well beforehand ....
---------------- Turn head towards where I was (me laughing) and cut off communication ---------------
Moraleja ?

4 comentários - Alguna moraleja?

h_ccapo +1
Moraleja: Le encanta que le hagan la cola...
Agregas: "Me encanta hacer bien la previa... cuando quieras te muestro...