They've asked me to write... hold on for me!
I want to cum...! It's easy to say it, but... You need to consider that if we think about a satisfying dust, don't say: The dust of my life... but just a simple well-laid dust, something that gives us PLEASURE, we must fulfill certain requirements...
Therefore the FDP (Federation of Sports foringa boys) drafted the following Regulation
To know:
...1.- Of the players:The teams will present themselves at the stadium with their best attire, (the use of uniforms is not necessary) preferably carrying some gift type candies, chocolates, perfumes (The French grant an advantage) and/or a recognized noble bottle to entertain the opposing team with sportsmanship and healthy camaraderie...
Even in the case of a classic. Those old rivalries between old contenders do not take away from a gesture that recalls that on the field as in life it is necessary for those old grudges to exist, which make up the sporting folklore but give quality of wise aging to the encounters.
No, no... no bidet. You're giving yourself a good bath!!!
Those who have someone with olfactory fetishes of this type may be exempt from this requirement.
As well as when the case is given that a couple in love and after completing some arduous task together decide to congratulate themselves with a pleasant roll.
For example, I present the case of Giacomo Salvatore Apiquialuce and his wife Aitana Aguirregarzabaleta-Hormaetxeletxea (if Tx is replaced by Ch, it becomes easier to pronounce in Basque) who one certain day in spring 2009 took advantage of the pleasant afternoon weather to tidy up the garden.
They could have (sweated), transplanted (filled themselves with earth), cut the grass (filled themselves with thistles and small plants) and finally watered everything (made mud). When the Basque saw the Tano watering, she said: Old man, you're really good at watering...!!! Words that made a ping in Tanito's brain and he grabbed the old lady, took her to the back, and lowered her skirt.
Witnesses? There were none. But Susana from the store around the corner says she heard the Basque shouting: --'Viejo, plantáme el bulbo!'-- This proves that if you want it, you can do it. No matter how dirty you are.2.- From the number of players:As a second requirement, it is imperative to have some 'partner' for the act at hand... It simply cannot be done!!! Bah!, power can be...! What happens is that I would already enter another category, which cannot be called 'Culeo' or 'Polvo'... As you well know...! The acute reader will have noticed that the word 'Partner', was used, which is tinged with intentionality, which I want to express explicitly in this act: It is not a requirement under any circumstances that participants in the culiada be spouses, nor pair, nor friends even. I would say more: The pleasure obtained will be inversely proportional to the conditions exposed in the same order. Neither is it necessary for them to be of the same sex (One has to be modern... and take care not to get a discrimination complaint). We said that it's not necessary for them to be of the same sex, if. Like the case of young player Jazmín Al-Trabuk who as a kid played ball with the boys from the neighborhood. Or Sandra Hiroki. Yes, that one... The daughter of old Hiroki, the florist... Ah! You didn't know....!!! I'll tell you: It turns out that her friends from college filled her head... They screwed her so much, they screwed her so much that it seems they convinced her and she tried... She told me herself. Yes, I saw her kissing a girl in the plaza and had no choice but to tell me. She says yes, she tried... and it's good but... What happens is that she's very studious, you see? She lacks little to receive her medical degree and then specialize in what she always dreamed of: Gynecology... Also accepted are 'partners' more than two. This sport is diametrically opposed to the trick, where a game of three is the most exciting thing there is. Matches can be played with pairs, doubles, triples, and even multitudes of players. Serving this rule as general guidance, given that games with more than two players will have their own rules in a separate annex. So... getting one or more soci@s is an exclusive requirement. But Like everyone, today it's necessary to have solid computer knowledge... managing on the internet is fundamental.
When setting up a profile on all those sites, don't put your name and surname. Invent a nickname that possibly includes data about where you're from, for example Debora_DoraCABA, Vero69Lanus, JuanchotalargaGCMza, virilhuanguelén or something like that because search engines don't search by location but by province, if everyone does the same it makes the task easier for all and ruins the business of paid sites.
Ah! I forgot to tell you: The previous nickname examples serve in the case you're looking for friendly matches, if your intention is to participate in a league championship put something more like: DeborasolteraCABA, Verobuscanoviolanus, JuansecasaGCMza, viudovuelvealruedoHglen.
Don't lie!!! The net has things that what today says Hello inside a week is saying: You weren't blonde? How did you measure 22 centimeters? With the band to cure constipation?
It can also happen with Romipilar38 who claims to have 90-60-90, big green eyes, blonde (obviously), long and beautiful legs, drives a BMW and works as a model. When starting to chat they advance like a rabbit on the train and you wrinkle because something doesn't close... no?3.- From the court:Where the battle will take place is a very important requirement... Spend some mangos and pay for a hotel, don't be a wimp...
Susana Peresconese took her boyfriend to the back patio of the father's vegetable stand. When they were at their best, Susana saw three piles of cucumbers against the wall and started crying. Her boyfriend, Chizo Martínez, didn't understand anything, never understood anything. Poor...
The car is allowed (Who hasn't had a Fitito?) but you'll have to take some precautions... If she asks you to stop at her ex's house door, don't trust her. Listen to me... It will surely be one of the most memorable ejaculations of your life, but tomorrow morning get out and walk to the hardware store, go back walking and put the tire on. If the hardware guy tells you that the kitty is too big, buy a new one. Repeat this step twice more and then put the spare tire on, only then start your day (Take the spare tire to get inflated tomorrow)...
If the encounter takes place at your house, you should note the following: Your room should be moderately clean and tidy... The crazy girl's trash from last week that you stole from the enemy team's dumpster, hide it under the bed.
The Malbec bottles left over like mute witnesses of loves that are no longer there, take them out and call one or two trucks to pick them up. You can leave at most two or three Pommery corpses to make a little crust and let your guest know that although you couldn't buy it sometimes you could...
The catrera... Ugh...! The catrera... Just saying that word makes me want something... Anyway, the catrera should have its legs firmly attached, there's nothing more unpleasant than the crrrrrik, crrrrrik of a worn-out and veteran bed after many battles with no winners or losers...4. Of language:It's totally valid to use poetic language. Let it be known...!: The best works of universal literature were created in a dusty powder! All types of obscenities will be allowed as long as they are consensual and have acceptance on the other side. Caring nicknames like: “My salami” or “My promiscuous” may not be interpreted according to the loving meaning they possess in one's own mental miasma... It should be noted that coarse and/or obscene language usually serves as an interesting stimulus to increase the intensity of the game, although in many cases silence provides a halo of sensuality and mystery that makes the game a mystical experience of purely sensory sensations. The words of affection are excluded from this regulation, as they are understood to be within the absolutely allowed and quasi-required.5.- Of the game:The game has no rules. That makes it so wonderful. However, civilized norms imposed by good coexistence in society must be respected, making this game something so exciting... Take the case of Lidia62MDP who dreamed of some gentleman who would disrespect her, marking many points on her posterior arch. But every time players like Cachoeltroncudo or Ñatopolvero told her Come Black, I'll break your ass... Lidia didn't take kindly to the invitation... It will be imperative to understand the concept of timing in the game... That is: The Anything Goes rule should apply in time and form, so that the game can be possible and pleasant. Cachoeltroncudo finally succeeded in other leagues and ended up playing an interesting championship with NadiatepeteaV31. In any case, it will be necessary to resort to the old art of negotiation to agree on the rules that each party adopts for each match. As a corollary of this section, no one will be obligated to play if they don't want to. And players should understand this rule in its entirety so that participants in the contest know very well what they are playing... It shouldn't happen that someone sings Flor in an Escoba game and then says: I thought it was a short game... No, no... The duration of the game will depend on the players' willingness to play, not being subject to the present. The sale of players will be totally prohibited, only free transfers will be allowed, although the professional practice of this game is permitted and guaranteed by this federation.6. Of the variants:A multitude of variants of this game such as Teto, Piragua and Virtual despite being equal, will have their own ad hoc regulation in separate annex that this federation will make known at the earliest convenience.6.- Of advertising and/or television:This Federation gives special emphasis to the fact that all publication related to showing game instances, player photos, and especially filming match encounters must be channeled through Poringa with exclusivity. The amount collected will be credited in the form of points on each publisher's account.
With the noble purpose that this regulation be approved by the Board of Directors, this Federation requires clubs affiliated and amateur players to send their considerations in the form of a comment under penalty of being disqualified.
Rulebook of the Powder Game
I want to cum...! It's easy to say it, but... You need to consider that if we think about a satisfying dust, don't say: The dust of my life... but just a simple well-laid dust, something that gives us PLEASURE, we must fulfill certain requirements...
Therefore the FDP (Federation of Sports foringa boys) drafted the following Regulation
To know:
...1.- Of the players:The teams will present themselves at the stadium with their best attire, (the use of uniforms is not necessary) preferably carrying some gift type candies, chocolates, perfumes (The French grant an advantage) and/or a recognized noble bottle to entertain the opposing team with sportsmanship and healthy camaraderie...
Even in the case of a classic. Those old rivalries between old contenders do not take away from a gesture that recalls that on the field as in life it is necessary for those old grudges to exist, which make up the sporting folklore but give quality of wise aging to the encounters.
No, no... no bidet. You're giving yourself a good bath!!!
Those who have someone with olfactory fetishes of this type may be exempt from this requirement.
As well as when the case is given that a couple in love and after completing some arduous task together decide to congratulate themselves with a pleasant roll.
For example, I present the case of Giacomo Salvatore Apiquialuce and his wife Aitana Aguirregarzabaleta-Hormaetxeletxea (if Tx is replaced by Ch, it becomes easier to pronounce in Basque) who one certain day in spring 2009 took advantage of the pleasant afternoon weather to tidy up the garden.
They could have (sweated), transplanted (filled themselves with earth), cut the grass (filled themselves with thistles and small plants) and finally watered everything (made mud). When the Basque saw the Tano watering, she said: Old man, you're really good at watering...!!! Words that made a ping in Tanito's brain and he grabbed the old lady, took her to the back, and lowered her skirt.
Witnesses? There were none. But Susana from the store around the corner says she heard the Basque shouting: --'Viejo, plantáme el bulbo!'-- This proves that if you want it, you can do it. No matter how dirty you are.2.- From the number of players:As a second requirement, it is imperative to have some 'partner' for the act at hand... It simply cannot be done!!! Bah!, power can be...! What happens is that I would already enter another category, which cannot be called 'Culeo' or 'Polvo'... As you well know...! The acute reader will have noticed that the word 'Partner', was used, which is tinged with intentionality, which I want to express explicitly in this act: It is not a requirement under any circumstances that participants in the culiada be spouses, nor pair, nor friends even. I would say more: The pleasure obtained will be inversely proportional to the conditions exposed in the same order. Neither is it necessary for them to be of the same sex (One has to be modern... and take care not to get a discrimination complaint). We said that it's not necessary for them to be of the same sex, if. Like the case of young player Jazmín Al-Trabuk who as a kid played ball with the boys from the neighborhood. Or Sandra Hiroki. Yes, that one... The daughter of old Hiroki, the florist... Ah! You didn't know....!!! I'll tell you: It turns out that her friends from college filled her head... They screwed her so much, they screwed her so much that it seems they convinced her and she tried... She told me herself. Yes, I saw her kissing a girl in the plaza and had no choice but to tell me. She says yes, she tried... and it's good but... What happens is that she's very studious, you see? She lacks little to receive her medical degree and then specialize in what she always dreamed of: Gynecology... Also accepted are 'partners' more than two. This sport is diametrically opposed to the trick, where a game of three is the most exciting thing there is. Matches can be played with pairs, doubles, triples, and even multitudes of players. Serving this rule as general guidance, given that games with more than two players will have their own rules in a separate annex. So... getting one or more soci@s is an exclusive requirement. But Like everyone, today it's necessary to have solid computer knowledge... managing on the internet is fundamental.
When setting up a profile on all those sites, don't put your name and surname. Invent a nickname that possibly includes data about where you're from, for example Debora_DoraCABA, Vero69Lanus, JuanchotalargaGCMza, virilhuanguelén or something like that because search engines don't search by location but by province, if everyone does the same it makes the task easier for all and ruins the business of paid sites.
Ah! I forgot to tell you: The previous nickname examples serve in the case you're looking for friendly matches, if your intention is to participate in a league championship put something more like: DeborasolteraCABA, Verobuscanoviolanus, JuansecasaGCMza, viudovuelvealruedoHglen.
Don't lie!!! The net has things that what today says Hello inside a week is saying: You weren't blonde? How did you measure 22 centimeters? With the band to cure constipation?
It can also happen with Romipilar38 who claims to have 90-60-90, big green eyes, blonde (obviously), long and beautiful legs, drives a BMW and works as a model. When starting to chat they advance like a rabbit on the train and you wrinkle because something doesn't close... no?3.- From the court:Where the battle will take place is a very important requirement... Spend some mangos and pay for a hotel, don't be a wimp...
Susana Peresconese took her boyfriend to the back patio of the father's vegetable stand. When they were at their best, Susana saw three piles of cucumbers against the wall and started crying. Her boyfriend, Chizo Martínez, didn't understand anything, never understood anything. Poor...
The car is allowed (Who hasn't had a Fitito?) but you'll have to take some precautions... If she asks you to stop at her ex's house door, don't trust her. Listen to me... It will surely be one of the most memorable ejaculations of your life, but tomorrow morning get out and walk to the hardware store, go back walking and put the tire on. If the hardware guy tells you that the kitty is too big, buy a new one. Repeat this step twice more and then put the spare tire on, only then start your day (Take the spare tire to get inflated tomorrow)...
If the encounter takes place at your house, you should note the following: Your room should be moderately clean and tidy... The crazy girl's trash from last week that you stole from the enemy team's dumpster, hide it under the bed.
The Malbec bottles left over like mute witnesses of loves that are no longer there, take them out and call one or two trucks to pick them up. You can leave at most two or three Pommery corpses to make a little crust and let your guest know that although you couldn't buy it sometimes you could...
The catrera... Ugh...! The catrera... Just saying that word makes me want something... Anyway, the catrera should have its legs firmly attached, there's nothing more unpleasant than the crrrrrik, crrrrrik of a worn-out and veteran bed after many battles with no winners or losers...4. Of language:It's totally valid to use poetic language. Let it be known...!: The best works of universal literature were created in a dusty powder! All types of obscenities will be allowed as long as they are consensual and have acceptance on the other side. Caring nicknames like: “My salami” or “My promiscuous” may not be interpreted according to the loving meaning they possess in one's own mental miasma... It should be noted that coarse and/or obscene language usually serves as an interesting stimulus to increase the intensity of the game, although in many cases silence provides a halo of sensuality and mystery that makes the game a mystical experience of purely sensory sensations. The words of affection are excluded from this regulation, as they are understood to be within the absolutely allowed and quasi-required.5.- Of the game:The game has no rules. That makes it so wonderful. However, civilized norms imposed by good coexistence in society must be respected, making this game something so exciting... Take the case of Lidia62MDP who dreamed of some gentleman who would disrespect her, marking many points on her posterior arch. But every time players like Cachoeltroncudo or Ñatopolvero told her Come Black, I'll break your ass... Lidia didn't take kindly to the invitation... It will be imperative to understand the concept of timing in the game... That is: The Anything Goes rule should apply in time and form, so that the game can be possible and pleasant. Cachoeltroncudo finally succeeded in other leagues and ended up playing an interesting championship with NadiatepeteaV31. In any case, it will be necessary to resort to the old art of negotiation to agree on the rules that each party adopts for each match. As a corollary of this section, no one will be obligated to play if they don't want to. And players should understand this rule in its entirety so that participants in the contest know very well what they are playing... It shouldn't happen that someone sings Flor in an Escoba game and then says: I thought it was a short game... No, no... The duration of the game will depend on the players' willingness to play, not being subject to the present. The sale of players will be totally prohibited, only free transfers will be allowed, although the professional practice of this game is permitted and guaranteed by this federation.6. Of the variants:A multitude of variants of this game such as Teto, Piragua and Virtual despite being equal, will have their own ad hoc regulation in separate annex that this federation will make known at the earliest convenience.6.- Of advertising and/or television:This Federation gives special emphasis to the fact that all publication related to showing game instances, player photos, and especially filming match encounters must be channeled through Poringa with exclusivity. The amount collected will be credited in the form of points on each publisher's account.
I Exhort
(It's not a bad word I...)
With the noble purpose that this regulation be approved by the Board of Directors, this Federation requires clubs affiliated and amateur players to send their considerations in the form of a comment under penalty of being disqualified.
19 comentários - Sports Porninga Boys Presents:
"Si el encuentro se realiza en tu casa deberás observar lo siguiente: Tu cuchitril deberá estar medianamente limpio y ordenado… La chabomba de la loca de la semana pasada que conservás como trapo robado a la hinchada enemiga la escondés bajo la cama. Las botellas de Malbec que fueron quedando como mudos testigos de amores que ya no están, las sacás afuera y llamás uno o dos camiones que pasen a retirarlas. Podrás dejar a lo sumo dos o tres cadáveres de Pommery para hacer un poquito de cáscara y que tu invitada sepa que aunque no lo podés comprar alguna vez pudiste… "
Espectacular el reglamento, espero los anexos pronto!!!! Mañana 💰 💰 💰
Hacerla reír a una maestra me llena de alegría... tanta que voy a salir a picar algunas flores para festejar... 😉
Gracias por pasar hermosa!!!
Gracias por pasar!!!!
Gracias por pasar...!!! 👍 👍 👍
Me asaltan los siguientes interrogantes:
1) Puede haber jugadores expulsados?
2) Es válido que algún participante se deje "golear" a cambio de algún presente ?
3) Que ocurre si durante el transcurso del juego y especialmente hacia el final del partido alguno de los jugadores "simula" una falta....
4) Es válida la mentirita piadosa del estilo "tengo el arco invicto"?
5) Se permite el cambio de jugadores durante el transcurso del encuentro?
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Me reí mucho, un reglamento muy inspirado !!! 😀 😀 😀
A favoritos y volveré !
Gracias por compartir.
Angie te deja Besos y Lamiditas !!!
La mejor forma de agradecer la buena onda que se recibe es comentando, al menos al que te comenta. Yo comenté tu post, vos comentaste el mío?
Compartamos, comentemos, apoyemos, hagamos cada vez mejor esta maravillosa Comunidad !!!
1) Quien no respete el siguiente reglamento quedará afuera... sorry
2) Quedó expuesto que la práctica profesional de este deporte no se proscribe per se. Siempre y cuando se respete lo de que nadie estará obligado a jugar ni se podrán vender jugadores y que el respeto común de la vida en sociedad sea mantenido dentro de la cancha y/o vestuarios y/o instalaciones del estadio
3) El juego en si no tiene reglas... Simular una falta quedará a consideración de los j
Gracias por contarlo amigo...!!! 👍 👍 👍
gracias por estas reglas de vida!!! que impresionante...cuanta sabiduría mundana...
Gracias por pasar!!! 👍 👍 👍
Un abrazo!
Gracias por pasar...!!!
Gracias por pasar amigazo!!!
La naturaleza estilo libre de este juego no va en contra de una declaración de buena voluntad (léase "reglamento") 😉
Gracias por los halagos master!!! 👍 👍 👍