Una nueva luna de miel (3º y última parte)

The next morning I had the most wonderful awakening I've had in years. I woke up beside him. When I opened my eyes, feeling my eyelids heavy from all the commotion of the previous day, I see him leaning against me, gazing at me with a dazed expression.

-You're beautiful! he says to me.

Don't lie, I reprimand him – I must be a disaster, I feel like I've run a marathon –

Well, we actually ran a marathon... a sexual marathon he laughs – I still can't believe everything we caught yesterday

And what we'll catch today! I assure him.

He turns to laugh again.

I have a surprise for you, he says.

He gets up, still in his underwear, with his cock bobbing between his legs and leaves the room. He returns instantly with a tray loaded with thermos, mate, and sweet biscuits (yes, I know they're bad for my diet but they're my weakness). We take mate on the bed, both of us naked, I would pull out a biscuit from the bag and give it to him in his mouth, then he would do the same with me. I don't know if it was the warmth of the mate, the sugar of the biscuits or being there together like God brought us into the world, but Vicente's cock got as hard as a cannon. When I saw it, I grabbed the mate and with a smiling expression, I said:

Wow, it looks like the grass is over

Vicente understood the message and adjusted himself so that his cock was at my complete disposal. I sucked it off just like many other times, with love and dedication, with fanaticism, tracing its entire length with my lips, which, despite not being too long, satisfied me completely. I took my time to dedicate special attention to his balls as well. Kisses, sucking, licking, nibbling, I like to indulge in those two fleshy bombs that harden and pulse under the wet attentions of my mouth. During the rest of the day we made love several times more. Both of us knew that a weekend like this would be difficult to repeat, so we wanted to make the most of our sinful honeymoon moon. On one of those occasions we caught each other in the kitchen, while We were preparing lunch. From so much rubbing, gentle and intentional, we couldn't take it anymore and I ended up sitting on the counter, legs open, with him between them, pounding me as if he wanted to make me levitate with each thrust. In the kitchen, only our moans and the accelerated PLOP PLOP of penetration could be heard. I must say that now Vicente is a much better lover than when we started, from so much taking me he has gained practice, so his movements are more precise and effective. Still, I like it even if he stays still, but now the way he moved made the whole counter shake. My legs were electrified on both sides of his body until he plunged in completely, leaving me stuck deep inside, where I should be forever, my pussy overflowing with its wonderful essence. When he pulled out, almost exhausted from physical exhaustion, I collapsed at his feet and sucked his cock to clean it, collecting the sperm that slid down his testicles and pubic hair with my tongue. We didn't shower together in the afternoon, we just kissed and caressed, knowing it was time to return to reality. During those two days when I didn't nurse Ro, my cum had accumulated, but I didn't have a problem with it, since Vicente was my human extractor, sucking and drinking what would have been due to my son. Late in the afternoon, without saying a word, we loaded everything into the car, closed the house, and set off on our return journey. The climate now was very different from when we arrived, not even music could be heard. Halfway there, my husband calls me, I tell him I'm already back, he tells me to come meet him but I say it's not necessary. Vicente leaves me at a prudent distance from my house. We parted with a kiss as intense and effusive as all the ones we gave each other during that glorious weekend. -I want to go with you forever, I don't want I'll tell you. -You know it's impossible, your family...- reminds me. -I want to have a family with you- I insist –Make a bunch of kids for me- I know it's madness but I say it anyway. I want, I want, everything is just wanting but... I can't. I realize that and no longer insist. Today not, maybe another day. I get out of his car and take another taxi. I don't look back, I don't want to cry. When I get home my husband and the Ro are waiting anxiously for me. I see them and then yes, I start crying like Magdalena. My husband thinks I'm crying from the excitement of seeing them after being apart for two days. Maybe it's that, maybe... the Ro gets frantic on my chest. I feel happy to be back home again.

21 comentários - Una nueva luna de miel (3º y última parte)

Excelente ultima parte!!! muy buena relatora @maritainfiel y vos tambien mejoraste con el tiempo, te queda perfecto, por lo que espero nuevas contribuciones tuyas asi como estas bien excitantes, dejo puntos y comparto..
Uno no hace más que quedarse con la boca abierta. Te pueden acusar que el final te lo escribió Corín Tellado pero me parece el final adecuado para tremenda historia. Y bue'... a jugarse por este nuevo amor. Y a meterle los cuernos a Vicente, obviooooo!!!!
mmmmmm mucho amor, no?!?! pero bueno...por ahi te llego la hora de abrir el corazon...
me emocionaste marita... que jodido tener el corazon partido, pertenecer y no pertenecer...

+10, gran final de una saga no menos genial

Una nueva luna de miel (3º y última parte)
muy bueno los 3 capítulos... te dejo el puntaje que tengo...
Te leo desde siempre, pero últimamente desde que contas las historias de Viciente lo siento más como un drama que como una relato sexual. La verdad que es una historia complicada, me impacto mucho la parte en la que te largas a llorar...y a lo ultimo pones estoy en casa, muy duro muy complicado. Acá ya no está el morbo de la infidelidad, hay amor de por medio.
De mi parte para que este drama no termine de la peor forma, lo único que te digo es que se vive una vez y todos tenemos derecho a realizar lo que queremos. Hace lo que sientas a la larga es mejor para vos, hijo y sin dudas marido. Saludos y perdón por este introvertido comentario. Mis puntos fieles.
me quede con tres puntos y vos siempre te mereces 10 asi que mañana vuelvo con lo que te mereces (los puntos claro , tambien te mereces otra cosa que con gusto te daria pero ahora te veo enamorada )
te dejo un beso Misko
volvi con los diez puntos merecidos besos Misko
IMPRESIONANTE MARITA!! Los detalles, la altura del lenguaje, lo tuyo es glorioso, como las cogidas que te pegas. Puntos, aplausos y besos, te mereces todos.
Muy buenos relatos, Ahora con esta nueva etapa en la que entraste con Vicente yo me pregunto dentro de tu corazón, tu a quien sientes que le eres infiel, a Vicente o a tu esposo?
muy buenos, relatos, los ultimos muy emocionales mostrandote verdadera, real, seguis siendo la mujer de mis fantasias!
Marita soy fiel seguidor de tus relatos, estos ya no son simples relatos de un buen polvo estos ya son los relatos de una mujer enamorada te mostras por completo en alma.- Se deja ver por tus palabras que tenes dos amores y que esta situación es super complicada ojala encuentres el camino que te haga feliz, aunque eso signifique dejar algo que amas. Un beso y mis felicitaciones por compartir con todos nosotros tus relatos.
Aaahhh me parte el alma :< pero qué bien que escribís :3 !!! mira que por lo general suelo destacar las cosas negativas porque corrigiéndolas se hace el progreso, pero ya en una situación como esta, lo mejor es ver el lado bueno de las cosas... y lo dijeron antes, a veces no es falta de amor, sino de suerte. Te sigo porque comparto esa visión idealista del mundo, de tener un sueño y luchar por hacerlo realidad. Sólo cabe destacar que, como bien sabrás, la realidad tiene sus propios cimientos y es ahí donde hay que lidiar; no será lindo pero es mejor no ignorarlo para no terminar preso de una hermosa fantasía, como le pasó al Quijote. Una triste historia que podría acabar siendo cierta o.O ojo con eso xddd buen post!
Excelente toda la historia!
Cada vez me gusta mas como escribis!
Espero que haya muchas mas historias para contarnos!
Gracias por compartir
Lo mejor para vos Marita, ojala puedas resolver esta importante prueba que la vida te ha puesto. Saludos y nuevamente lo mejor para vos y para todos los que participan en esta historia.
Sos genial @maritainfiel!!! No me pierdo tus relatos. No pares nunca
Paso a dejar mis tres de hoy, que se lo merece.
muy caliente, mas caliente estuvo el primero. (me equivoco, o no hay segudo), porque encontre el 3° y el primero......
ahi van mis puntos.
hizo bien la protagonista,...el amor no existe. Gracias muy bueno