El regalo de la Diosa del amor

-Mmmmh, yes….! Who always has it hot...?

- Oooooooh, you, Mr. President! You, Mr. President...!

Yes, agree, like a rhyme is horrible, pestilential, and despicable... but everyone has their little bedroom quirks, and Rino Ceros, President of the intergalactic flight company TransGalaxtelania, making and hearing rhymes like that puts him in a great mood... of course his secretary knows very well that the first thing in the world he needs to get into that state is simply HER.

As Ceros listened to the creaking of his office chair and enjoyed the delicious heat produced by his secretary's frotting on top of him, both still wearing their clothes, he couldn't help but evoke the day they met...

Ceros is a human... one of the few left in the galaxy after the great catastrophe, barely hundreds of thousands. After the complete destruction of old Earth, survivors took refuge in nearby planets and known bases or fled to colonize new worlds. Most prospered, and preceded by their reputation as greedy and scrupulous beings, they were entrusted with many large companies or ambitious projects... Ceros' grandfather was one of them. He passed the company direction to his son, and he to his son... who apparently had to pass it on to the ficus in his office, since it was the only living being with whom he had established a more or less affectionate relationship. He never had girlfriends, got married, had children, one-night stands, or... nothing.

Until now he remembered himself, while Índiga, his secretary, without stopping to rub against his prominent belly, started slowly unzipping the zipper that closed his pants. Ah, now I'm taking my revenge...

Ceros always had a cerval fear of flying, which in the President of the first intergalactic flight company was a severe... problem... If it were known that he, the number one of the Government's company in the Stellar Empire, preferred to use teleportation even when it was severely more risky, publicity would certainly be unfavorable. So, from the high spheres of the Empire, they had asked him to debut the inaugural flight from Oligópolis (the capital of the Empire, seat of the company) to Lilium-Arcadia, one of the most distant and practically unexplored colonies, where new settlements were going to emerge... that didn't please Ceros at all, but he had to obey, much to his dismay.

Y qué idiota era... managed to think the President, with some difficulty, because he had his head between Índiga's breasts and his primary attention was rubbing them and dedicating them to various secondary attentions. If I had known what awaited me there, I would have made the journey even if it meant walking and I would crash a thousand times.

And yes, the spaceship, the marvel of technology, the latest innovation, the strongest card of the first company that had almost thirty years without having a small malfunction... found an unexpected force field in Lilium's atmosphere, the ship lost control, and headed straight for an unfriendly surface. Naturally, the ship was prepared for this contingency, and everyone rushed towards the life capsules. In his fear, Ceros locked himself in his capsule without buckling up, and when it landed, the President was thrown out and hit his head against the windshield first and then against the holy ground afterwards. He lost consciousness, and the provisions that were in the capsule, affected by the same force field that had affected the ship, went bad (in fact, the water burst the canteens and the freeze-dried food grew roots in the earth and formed a small forest around the damaged capsule). When the Knowledge found the way back to its owner, who was without water or food in an unknown point on a semi-wild planet to be colonized, where the closest inhabited point could be months or years away by road, in some direction... finally, like selling rights to Disney's 'Robinson in Space' if it weren't for him paying the party.

Desperate (and without guitar to sing style Banderas...), Ceros, as president, was not qualified to take decisions regarding his own sustenance, decided at least he could continue despairing and lamenting his bad luck and even crying under a roof, walking in any direction (he didn't have a compass or map... and he might still be wearing pants because the cataclysm caught him in the bathroom), looking for some place that could serve as refuge... it's true that he was used to the word refuge being associated with other words like service, jacuzzi, cable TV, musical thread, and air conditioning, but he feared he would have to settle for something more modest...

-Oh, yes... yesyesyesyesyes...
-Decide, President, do you like me to caress you?
-For God's sake, it's a damn vice!
-Haaaaaaaah... knowing how to love is an art... let me, President, take your prick and shape it!
-I'll give it to you, whole and in part!

In the office, Índiga was already riding Ceros' lap on his favorite position. She loved bouncing on him while he sat in his large armchair... first, because she was very comfortable and only had to do nothing more than pass herself off; second, because she had her secretary's breasts available to fondle at her whim; the latter's mouth for kissing and receiving kisses, and above all her face to see how she enjoyed it... third, because that was the same one who had used the first time.

The lilius, inhabitants of Lilium, are (according to the Galactic Autoestopista Guide) a strange but very hospitable and friendly race in the universe. They have a humanoid appearance, except for their skin color, which varies between blue and purple, and retractable antennae on their head, which serve both to capture the feelings and emotions of those around them and to emit various types of waves. The lilius are not very tall, rarely reaching 1.90 meters in height, while males and females usually stand at 1.60; they are well-proportioned, harmonious, and pleasingly shaped, with a character that is amiable, benevolent, and above all, sensual. They adore an unnamed Goddess who preaches love to all similar beings and herself, and only desires that her servants, whom the Goddess calls her children, be happy and live together in peace. For a god, this is a very strange idea, but the lilius fulfill it to the letter, and knowing that orgasm is the greatest expression of love and happiness, they do not hesitate to give it to their neighbors as often as they themselves desire.

Indiga was a young priestess of the Goddess on her planet and city, and as such, when she turned 50 years old and reached adulthood, it was her duty to go on Mission; to seek out creatures that needed her love and give it to them without expecting anything in return, to offer peace, pleasure, and orgasm to anyone who needed it, and to promulgate the Goddess's love to anyone interested (since the arrival of the first colonists, the Goddess's religion had seen a barbarous increase... which filled the priestesses with joy, but for some reason, it caused discord among the female colonizers, until the priestesses decided to also ordain male priests who would distribute the Goddess's gifts among the new inhabitants). Índiga's companions offered her an emotional farewell...

-You must go and spread The joys of love among all those beings who need it... you will be missed like our sister that you are. Therefore, before your departure, so that you see how much we all love you, each one of us wants to give you the best gift we can offer: the joy of orgasm. – said the High Priestess, and Índiga almost cried with emotion... her companions immediately undressed her and covered her with kisses, caresses, and massages among the twenty...

-Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmh.... Oh, yesiiiiiiiiiiiiii.... How much I love you, sistersaaaaaaaas.... Haaaaaaaah.... – between gasps of pleasure interrupted by Índiga, noting that her breasts were being caressed, licked, kissed, and bitten by several of her sisters, and her clitoris was being sucked until exhaustion, while several fingers were rubbing her pussy, wet with pleasure and the hole of her anus, pink and trembling with excitement – máaaaaaaaas.... Give me more love, sisters.... Aaaaaah..! Ah....! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmh.... Oooooh... I'm going to ... miss you so much..... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmh.... – the fingers slowly entered her slit, expertly palpating each point, and also in her bum, very slowly, so that Índiga could fully enjoy each sensation. Lilius, unlike humans, do not have a limit for pleasure; therefore Índiga enjoyed almost an hour before having her first orgasm, which made her shudder and hug the fingers of the priestess who was masturbating her at that moment, between sweet moans. Some of her sisters cried with emotion when they saw how much she enjoyed the gift being offered to her, and immediately, penetration made her savor pleasure again... - Oh, yesiiiiiiiiiiiii... yesiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.... More...... Me.... I... again...... I comeooooo...! Yes! Yes! I comeooooooooo......! – A great smile of pleasure illuminated the face of the young woman, while her sisters took turns to kiss her mouth and give her more gifts in the form of pleasure... Orgasms provided by her sisters, finally parted for foreign lands, eager to find someone who needed her. But days and weeks passed, and she didn't find anyone who required her gifts or comfort or affection... as a priestess of the Goddess, she did what she could, taking care of plants or animals, making sure bad weeds didn't choke out fertile ones, but also leaving the first to live, which were also the work of the Goddess; eating well to enjoy the Goddess's gifts, which was a way of worshiping her, thanking her, but without excess, lest they be destroyed; and finally, taking care of the world like one tends a garden. But Indiga felt a little sad, as her main mission still couldn't be fulfilled... she missed her sisters and brothers with whom she shared so much mutual affection and it weighed on her loneliness. She often treated herself to the Goddess's pleasures, rubbing her clitoris until pleasure made her smile again and orgasm pleased her too, and thus adoring the Goddess... but she would have given anything to find someone to give that gift to.

-What a joy…. Oooh…. And what a bust!

-Oh, my President... if only he'd stop, what a disappointment!

-Leave it unfinished....? Ah... how unfair...

Ceros smiled as sweat ran down his face feeling his cock, erect and hard, enter and exit the warm and dripping body of Indiga, her pussy so sweet and tight, so soft... and her tits, with blue nipples dancing so close to his face that sometimes they brushed against his mustache... it was just as delicious as the first time... or maybe even more, it got better each time they did it... he could feel his secretary's clitoris rubbing against his belly (which he called that and Indiga herself, for others it was just a stomach) every time she went up and down; her vaginal juices, hot and thick, soaked him from the navel to his balls. feel them sliding onto the couch, tickling his skin... that, I hadn't felt the first time... but the way the muscles of his cock seemed to hug and gently pull on his member... yes... it was great!

In the midst of his desperation, lost and without means, Ceros had a ray of hope when he spotted a natural cave. In another situation, the President wouldn't have even approached such a place, uncomfortable, full of stones and dirt, air currents, and who knows if wild animals... but on this occasion, he wasn't in the mood to be finicky, so he headed towards it as if he had stumbled upon a Hilton hotel instead. What Ceros didn't know was that the cave already had an occupant, but it wasn't, as he might have feared, some kind of wild beast, but Índiga, who had also taken refuge there for the night. The President, tired of walking and exhausted by fear and fatigue, didn't bother to ask questions: he arrived, found a masturbation cushion placed on a rock step, and lay down and fell asleep before he could even realize it.

Less than half an hour later, Índiga arrived with fruits and vegetables she had collected for dinner, and was surprised by the most pleasant surprise of her life... a living intelligent being in her cave! Finally, someone to whom she could give the gifts of the Goddess! Silently, the young priestess dedicated a prayer to the Goddess who sent her a needy person... unfolded her antennae and... by the Goddess, yes, he was indeed needy. Never had she seen anyone in the world receive fewer gifts from the Goddess... compared to plants that reproduced by spores, this visitor had had more orgasms than him. On one hand, the young priestess felt happy to have found someone to help, but on the other she felt sad that someone had so little love, and involuntarily let out a sob. Ceros, in a state of hyperalert, he woke up instantly, and almost jumped from his improvised bed when he saw Lilius, with blue skin, pink hair, and lily-colored eyes staring at him attentively with deep compassion.

Who are you? What are you?! – the President shrieked in fear, sweating. The priestess showed no signs of fear or nervousness. She knew the intelligent species of her planet, and she knew that this being was not one of them, so she didn't know anything about it, nor did she know if it could be hostile, and it was normal to be scared. Immediately, she launched calming waves with her antennae, and Ceros felt himself quickly relaxed. As he breathed deeply, she analyzed the phrases he had said to mentally construct a grammar that would be essential for communicating with him at a more complex level than just a simple tranquilizer, as well as getting a better idea of who he was...

Male sex – processed internally – approximate age; 40 stellar cycles, approximately equivalent to 190 years in Lilium scale; possible human race, almost extinct, but still surviving, some of them form part of the colony on the planet... something short for his species' standards; something overweight for his species' standards; slow reactions, not very alert; perhaps due to his state of numbness produced by fear... despite the calming waves, he remains nervous and distrustful. He feels lost, unhappy, and believes he is destined to die here... he's very sad and has a lot of fear.... Well, I'm going to fix that.

Amidly, Índiga smiled and offered him one of the fruits she carried with her, specifically a Pechodiosa, a very sweet fruit with a pink color similar to a peach but larger and more flavorful. Ceros seemed to distrust... extended his hand, but hesitated to touch the fruit. The priestess smiled again, and tried it herself first, then offered it to him again. This time, the man did take the fruit and... mordied. She had to admit that it was very sweet and yummy.

-Seems like I've been lucky after all – he manifested, eating - Do you know where there is a booth from the colony….?

The young woman didn't answer, but continued processing phrases. Ceros came to the conclusion that the alien in front of him didn't speak his language, and kept eating fruit, which calmed both his hunger and thirst at the same time.

The appetite of your body is satisfied thought Indiga when she saw him finish the fruits and smile gratefully now, let's take care of satisfying your spirit and calming your feelings.

Ceros almost stopped dead in his tracks with surprise when he saw the alien start to remove her clothes until she was left with a very short, transparent tunic that barely covered her femininity and showed off two generous breasts with blue nipples, only slightly darker than the rest of her skin... and approaching him with a tender look in her eyes.

So…co…rro…. Thought Ceros then This creature is trying to... make love with me!

-Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah….. what an idiot… but what a fool!

-Oh? Ohhhhhhhhhh… Who's giving me trouble, while I'm on top of you?

-Mmmmmmmmmh….! My things, it's nothing, oh, keep going, darling, don't stop, my life!

-President, how happy I am...!

Indiga almost buried her boss's head between her breasts, letting herself fall harder onto his cock, crazy with joy because he was asking for more... while he felt his member entering and leaving the sweet slit of his secretary until it almost touched her uterus, he remembered again his timidity from their first encounter.

The young priestess knelt down on the stone step covered in masturbation, next to him, and lifted her breast slightly so that he could observe it, but Ceros barely gave it a glance and turned away. He looked at it out of the corner of his eye one and another time, and with each glance his body reacted without him being able to... avoid it, but also once and again pulled away her eyes and remained rigid... with all his body, not just the obvious part. Indiga noticed the fear of her guest, and that this was not only due to his situation, which was no longer as desperate as before, but also to his timidity. By the people of the colony, she knew that in other cultures, sexual pleasure was an object of secrecy and treated as something that should always be hidden, like something that was not exactly bad taste, but neither correct nor educated... without a doubt, that human, having only received a couple of times the gift of orgasm (and provided by himself), was even more timid... she would have to help him.

A new wave of calming waves helped to calm Ceros down a bit, and he began to find the idea of a sexual encounter with that creature not as repulsive as he had initially imagined... after all, he was almost forty years old and never any woman, human or robotic, of any race had looked at him with such tenderness and desire as she did... in fact, if it weren't for the robot vacuum cleaner he had used once or twice to try it out, he could be considered completely virgin... who knows, maybe even pleasant... that's just it, he hoped she didn't expect too much from him, because his experience was more like zero... well, let's admit it: it was NULL.

Indiga slowly brought her mouth to his. If she was waiting for a reaction, none occurred. She smiled and, to give him a hint, slightly parted her lips and pulled out her tongue. Ceros believed he understood what she wanted and pulled out his own, full of fear and barely protruding from his lips. The young woman touched it with hers for an instant and began to lick it smoothly... a soft groan of pleasure and surprise escaped the President's chest, which immediately opened his lips to get more of that which he felt for the first time. Indiga smiled: she was learning quickly! He pinned my mouth to that of my guest and caressed the inside of it with my tongue, exploring it, tickling the palate and the inner cheeks and rubbing Ceros' tongue at the same time as I hugged him and started to caress his neck, nape, and ears... The priestess had her eyes closed, fully enjoying the pleasant and long kiss that was moistening her sex and also preparing her for love, offering the first of her gifts to her guest, but Ceros had his eyes wide with surprise and delight, never having felt anything like it before...! The first kiss of his life was being received at almost forty years old, when he thought he was destined to die as a virgin as he was born, and given by an alien from whom he didn't even know the name, in a inhospitable cave in a place forgotten by the Empire... and it was pleasing him! Índiga slowly released her mouth from the man's, catching his lips between hers, while her hands caressed his chest and the soft curve of his belly. Ceros gasped towards her, sticking out his tongue, asking to be kissed again, which made the priestess laugh and satisfy him immediately. The President felt like lying down, and so he did, with Índiga beside him, who took his hand and invited him to explore her breasts, warm and soft... Ceros squeezed them between his hands, lightly pinched her nipples, massaged them... his member, trapped in his pants, demanded to be released to take part in the party, but for now Ceros ignored it... he was enjoying the moans she emitted when he touched her tits, and her endless and deep kisses... not only could you kiss on the mouth; she knew how to kiss him on the neck and grasp his flesh, sucking, so that his whole body trembled with pleasure; she knew how to kiss his ears, bite the lobe and lick until the inside, provoking delicious shivers and chills; she knew how to kiss her eyelids Tenderness; she knew how to kiss the beginning of the breast and produce heat and sweetness... it seemed like it could go on for days and days, but finally the priestess, already completely naked, got off the step to kneel in front of him.

For a moment, Ceros didn't want her to leave him, he wanted her to keep kissing him... but when he saw she was going to direct her kisses elsewhere, he let her go. With deliberate slowness, he released the President's cock, leaving his pants around his ankles and started kissing his shins, caressing him until mid-thigh... with each kiss, he went a little higher... stopped at the calves, kissing and caressing, mixing pleasure with tickles, while Ceros' penis dripped with excitement, red and huge.

When she reached the thighs, her kisses became longer and wetter; it didn't seem to matter to her that the man's legs were hairy, only his moans of pleasure as each kiss got closer and closer to the forbidden zone...

- Are you going to... are you going to kiss me there? I don't think I can take it.... – Ceros managed to stutter. The young woman smiled. Practically, she already understood what her guest was saying, and continued her ascent until reaching the testicles, which she kissed and licked passionately - Ah! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah..... mmmmmmmmmmh.... What a good one... Please... Keep going... Kiss me there......

Obediently, Índiga placed her lips on the glans, wet and about to ejaculate, and kissed it tenderly. Without separating her lips from the tip, she licked it slowly... and without warning, dropped down sharply and swallowed him whole. Ceros' cry of pleasure echoed through the night, all his muscles tensed and he sat up brusquely, grabbed the head of his fellatrix with both hands to prevent her from moving away and felt his hips moving on their own, like electric shocks, as pleasure coursed through his body from his ankles to his neck and it seemed like his soul was leaving him... Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah…. Haaaaaaaaaaah… what... what good it has been….. mmmmmmmmmmh…. I'm feeling so well…. – the President gasped, with a big smile on his lips. The young priestess was smiling too, and filled with tenderness, she knelt down beside him again, and brought her hand to his cock. It was warm, burning... and it was wet, dripping a hot and viscous liquid, but it wasn't unpleasant. Ceros caressed the pinkish-red hair of his mount, and the lipless and soft lips... his member began to stiffen again when she guided her thumb to his clitoris and the heart towards the opening – Is this...? Do you like it if I touch you here...? – asked the President, and didn't find it strange when she nodded. He limited himself to rubbing where she had indicated and caressing the entrance of the opening. Immediately the young woman began to sigh and her cheeks turned pale because she blushed with pleasure. Ceros accelerated slightly and she moaned with delight, moving her hips to the rhythm of his caresses.

It likes.... Thought the man what a pass, I'm giving this woman pleasure.... It's incredible... she's enjoying it, and it's thanks to me.... His middle finger began to introduce itself lightly into the warm opening, and Ceros could feel the muscles of the priestess pulling his finger softly but firmly, which made him laugh... and also think something if she does that with my finger... will she do it also with my little thing...? And how would I feel if she...? But he couldn't finish the sentence even for himself. With a tender moan, she gently pushed away his hand, and sat on top of him again. His member was ready once more, and Índiga decided not to make him wait... nor did she herself, as she was longing: she plunged in suddenly, and pressed her body around his cock, so that Ceros would know exactly what it felt like to penetrate a sweet, wet, and narrow opening, and this one would press and pull on your cock. The President had no doubt left: it was... a wild one with taste.

Indiga started to ride him without being able to contain herself, loudly moaning, embracing him, while Ceros enjoyed the sensation of being inside a woman for the first time and took advantage to massage and lick her new breasts at his hostess. The young woman rose and fell, their sweat mixing, and pleasure increased with each thrust, the heat becoming more intense, and Ceros thought he was going to explode, his legs lifting off the floor without him even noticing it. Indiga knew her companion wouldn't last much longer, so she accelerated the pace to leave him satisfied but not exhausted; Ceros felt his toes curling up and great pleasure arriving again... the explosion rose from his testicles, exploded at the tip of his cock, making him scream with pleasure and embracing the young woman tightly, and spread sweetly throughout his body, giving him shocks of pleasure, while the priestess screamed with him, her clitoris pulsating with orgasm, squeezing Ceros and covering his face with kisses...

Two days later, Ceros was rescued by a search team, and he took Indiga with him. Studying the customs of the lilius, he knew she had acted with him according to the precepts of her religion, and told her that he was a very needy man spiritually, and not to lose herself, she had to stay with him and lavish him with cult every day, but only for him, so as not to distract his spirit. Naturally, Indiga also studied human customs and knew they were possessive and jealous... but indeed, this one needed her greatly, so staying with him and doing what he asked was a fully religious action. From then on, almost two years had passed, and during all that time, Ceros had been a fervent devotee, dedicating himself to worshiping the Goddess with Indiga several times a day... great pleasure from both and the Goddess... and also from the Company, since within a few months, Ceros would finally have a successor.

-Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, yesiiiiiiiiiiiii….. in you, I release my cumshotooooooo….!

-Mmmmmmmmmmmmh, yes, I come, I comeooooooooo……!

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