Picks for porn girls

A little bit of humor... this is going well, and don't let anyone get offended.

Beautiful present me to your gynecologist, so I can suck his fingers
I'd like to be a tear to be born in your eyes, run over your cheeks and cum in your mouth.
Shit in one eye and tell me pirate of shit
Hello candy, I'll suck your ass until I spit brown.

look at this tongue as it moves... leaving the ring to snow point
what beautiful pot... for my flower of poronga

I'd eat you with clothes on and everything even if you were shitting rags all week.

Let's play the magician... I'll throw two ejaculations and disappear! A short-haired brunette, crouch down, I'll break your ass! I'd like to be stagnant water, to spend all day in your ditch.

If you've already lost your virginity... would you give me the box where you kept it?? You're so sweet that I'd put a stick in your ass and make you suck on it...Haha, good, I hope nobody gets offended by the tackiness, if you like it I'll come back with more

4 comentários - Picks for porn girls

muy bueno segui asi como rosa que te la agarra y te la destroza 🙂
Te pongo una manzana en la boca y te chupo el orto hasta sacarte sidra!

Que hermosa zanja, para llenarla de renacuajos!