As I discovered my sexuality, it was delicious.

I want to go back a few years before, when I thought that if I didn't get married, I would never have sexual relations.

I was extremely pure and conservative, for me virginity was very important to preserve until marriage, that's how I was educated, in a school of nuns and in strict Catholicism.

I never looked bad but too conservative and at 29 years old and still a virgin.

I remember that during a conversation with my boss who was already an elderly man and whom I had a lot of affection and trust for the years I knew him, I told him very confidently: If I don't get married, I'll never have sex, he listened to me and stayed very serious and thoughtful and then said: You're wrong, you don't know what you've missed, you should get married or not

Then he said: I'll bring you books for you to read and realize what I'm saying

The next day he arrived with erotic literature and told me: Read them, comment on them later

At home, I read them. I saw where the center of a woman's pleasure is, I guided myself by that and started touching my whole body.

Ah! When I got to the most intimate part of myself, I remember it as if it were yesterday.

I touched myself slowly without imagining what would come next. It was an incredible sensation, never in my dreams could I have imagined this.

A total explosion of energy. I started getting wet all over, my hands were soaked, my body was burning and moving wildly in every direction, I arched my back at an angle that even in the gym didn't do it, with a gasp and agitated breathing. I couldn't believe it.

I touched my breasts and realized that when I moved them in one direction, my hips would move in the opposite direction, my nipples hardened and I felt a tingling sensation in my intimate area that only climax could calm.

I started screaming without being able to contain myself, I didn't recognize those sounds, they were coming from my vagina, liquids that made this moment more pleasant, because my hand was sliding with great ease, covering everything, touching all of my sex.

At the end... I fell asleep with a pleasant sensation, full relaxation.

The next day I returned the books and he asked if I had read them, I said yes, but it gave me a lot of pain to comment on what I had done.

From then on, I was looking for a moment, a suitable place to do it because my body was asking for it, I couldn't leave it alone. It was something that I really enjoyed a lot, I was too fond of it.

I was very confused because I kept telling myself: Why can't I stop doing this anymore?

After some time I dared to talk about it with my boss and he said: It's like you've tried a drug which if you liked it, you can't leave and indeed so.

In truth, it's something one shouldn't miss out on.

We can't leave this world without experiencing those delicious things. I think it's not bad to know what we have and where we can enjoy ourselves. It's something nature gave us.

32 comentários - As I discovered my sexuality, it was delicious.

genial q bueno q partenezcas al mundo de carne y hueso y del buen sexo amiga...
muchas felicidades por darte la oportunidad de probar algo que tu misma te habias dicho no hacer hasta que te casaras

nunca es demasiado tarde para aprender sobre nosotrosmmismos

Muy buen relato, espero que nos sigas contando como siguíó tu despertar sexual, supongo que a esta altura ya habrás probado una pija ... y nos lo vas a contar, besos
Leneas +1
Muy bueno Mariacandelaria, felicitaciones!
muy bueno!!!!

aporto mis 10 puntos para q sumes y dejes de ser novata!

segui compartiendo!!!
guau, buen relato linda, van puntines, pasa por los míos, léelos y cuando dejes de ser novatas comenta que te parecieron, besitos +10
que relato tan honesto. Me encanto como desataste los hilos invisible que te sujetaban para no gozar de tu cuerpo!!! . Hoy ya sos libre.
Hermosa historia, de nada vale arrepentirse por el tiempo perdido, a disfrutar todo lo que nos quede
Una de las razones porque odio la religion es porque nos mete esas ideas estupidas y antinaturales en la cabeza. Desgraciadamente mucha gente sigue engañada por estas falsedades.
Me alegra Maria que tu hayas podido romper ese circulo de falsedad.
Aussie, la religión hace infelíz a la gente por muchas razones, no solo en la cuestion sexual si no los sentimientos de culpa, miedo, intolerancia. En fin. Me encantó tu comentario y estamos de acuerdo en esto. Un saludo
Cuando una mujer habla de su sexualidad es como leer poesia o escuchar una cancion.... wao que hermoso Maria
Hola, muchas gracias por apreciar asi el post. Un abrazo
wilidb +1
que bueno que compartas esto, es hermoso saber como cada quien descubrió su sexualidad, y tu relato es muy excitante
Gracias por pasar y comentar
Excelente relato esa es la sensacion mas deliciosa de este mundo
Si, en efecto por eso creo que la iglesia la consideró pecado pues si te fijas todo lo que produce algo placentero es pecaminoso.
@Mariacandelaria Peto igual no tofo lo que es placentero debe ser placentero puede ser signo de que uno esta conforme y orgulloso de su cuerpo
Un relato con sabor auténtico y excitante 🙎‍♂️
Para reflexionar y disfrutar 🙂
Pues muchas gracias, me alegro que te haya gustado