People, how's it going? I hope everyone is doing well, I never leave a post here and neither do I usually on Taringa, but today I felt like writing and telling you some of the things that happen in my school. I'm in 3rd year at the old ESB, which is the last year of secondary school, I'm from Mar del Plata and my school is an art school with a double shift every day. In the morning from 7:30 to 1 we have normal classes (mathematics, language, history, geography, biology etc) and in the afternoon from 1:30 to 3:30, 5:30 or 6:30 depending on the day, we have workshops. We have Visual Arts, Classical Dance, Contemporary Dance, Folklore. Music; Guitar, Flute, Clarinet, and Piano.
Well, you'll be wondering why I'm telling you all this? Here comes the interesting part, my school is full of WOMEN. There are 3 or 4 men against 20 women or even 25 per course (there are courses with 2 men and 10 women). And in some courses, two of the men are gay, haha, so imagine. Women outnumber us!
I went out with many girls from school, and I was lucky to have a girlfriend last year who loved me very much, thanks to God she's doing well. She does it very well.
The story goes like this: we broke up last year and didn't see each other all summer, the thin one was at hers and I was at mine, I was with a few people in the summer but nothing serious. This year I'll run into her again, and well... I took advantage of the situation, let's say. My school used to be the MAJESTIC HOTEL (basically I'm giving away my identity with all this data). So, there are bathrooms in almost every classroom, that is, internal bathrooms in the classrooms, plus the bathrooms in the corridors like any other normal school. One of those bathrooms had a lock, and one day it was gone, the next day it was back, but mine and with my key, haha. This year I started dating one of her friends and I didn't really like the idea, but since I was attached was still coming and I was still putting it in the bathroom day after day, (the teasing thanks to God came easy to me, so I never lacked women, I'm not a total fag, but nor do I think I'm a bagayo). The interesting thing about the story is the amount of pets and ejaculations accumulated that left in that bathroom. But the last time this happened, it was two days ago when this passed, something very funny happened, I was sucking quietly, and I was coming, someone enters the bathroom (we were in one of those where everyone can enter on the side of the toilets, let's say), I was about to say something and he covers my mouth. The bad thing was that the guy rescued himself from the situation, and stayed there, laughing his ass off. And I left the bathroom, and told him to leave, the skinny guy looked at me and said he couldn't because he had to finish cleaning up (I thought the skinny guy wanted to hit on my ex), he said no no wait 5 minutes and winked at me. The door of THAT BATHROOM, you open it, and you're practically showered with it, that is to say they block the toilet doors, but you have a view of the whole bathroom, what was happening outside was that there had been a gas leak in school, and everyone was leaving because they'd been told to do so, and the director was standing right next to the bathroom door, passed 5 or 6 minutes and the other one looked at me with the face of as big as she ever put on me and said the reamer this (with which it got cleaned) washes you hdp! The thing is that by always being a bit rough, we almost stayed inside school with the gas leak jaja. I promise to try to film a little video in the next few days playing in the bathroom so you can get an idea of what that place is like jaja a hug to everyone!
Well, you'll be wondering why I'm telling you all this? Here comes the interesting part, my school is full of WOMEN. There are 3 or 4 men against 20 women or even 25 per course (there are courses with 2 men and 10 women). And in some courses, two of the men are gay, haha, so imagine. Women outnumber us!
I went out with many girls from school, and I was lucky to have a girlfriend last year who loved me very much, thanks to God she's doing well. She does it very well.
The story goes like this: we broke up last year and didn't see each other all summer, the thin one was at hers and I was at mine, I was with a few people in the summer but nothing serious. This year I'll run into her again, and well... I took advantage of the situation, let's say. My school used to be the MAJESTIC HOTEL (basically I'm giving away my identity with all this data). So, there are bathrooms in almost every classroom, that is, internal bathrooms in the classrooms, plus the bathrooms in the corridors like any other normal school. One of those bathrooms had a lock, and one day it was gone, the next day it was back, but mine and with my key, haha. This year I started dating one of her friends and I didn't really like the idea, but since I was attached was still coming and I was still putting it in the bathroom day after day, (the teasing thanks to God came easy to me, so I never lacked women, I'm not a total fag, but nor do I think I'm a bagayo). The interesting thing about the story is the amount of pets and ejaculations accumulated that left in that bathroom. But the last time this happened, it was two days ago when this passed, something very funny happened, I was sucking quietly, and I was coming, someone enters the bathroom (we were in one of those where everyone can enter on the side of the toilets, let's say), I was about to say something and he covers my mouth. The bad thing was that the guy rescued himself from the situation, and stayed there, laughing his ass off. And I left the bathroom, and told him to leave, the skinny guy looked at me and said he couldn't because he had to finish cleaning up (I thought the skinny guy wanted to hit on my ex), he said no no wait 5 minutes and winked at me. The door of THAT BATHROOM, you open it, and you're practically showered with it, that is to say they block the toilet doors, but you have a view of the whole bathroom, what was happening outside was that there had been a gas leak in school, and everyone was leaving because they'd been told to do so, and the director was standing right next to the bathroom door, passed 5 or 6 minutes and the other one looked at me with the face of as big as she ever put on me and said the reamer this (with which it got cleaned) washes you hdp! The thing is that by always being a bit rough, we almost stayed inside school with the gas leak jaja. I promise to try to film a little video in the next few days playing in the bathroom so you can get an idea of what that place is like jaja a hug to everyone!
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