
The spider's venom kills the lizard. What kind of venom would your pussy have that makes me feel like a cock? Bombon, your menstruation is the cream of my canelon Arremangame the canelon and eat the ricotta! Shake the canelon, I'll bathe you in white sauce The girls don't want me because I don't have a heel but I have a clean tube that reaches my knee Black stop moving your ass, or you'll get dizzy from the sorets From afar I saw you coming, you looked like a groncha If black has a face, then it will have a pussy!!! You walk like a goose and have the color of a guinea And you have an ass as black as a chimney pipe Nena, put your hand in your pants and ask for a wish. I love you like shit, I don't forget even when I'm taking a dump, and every fart I take is a kiss I send to you Pussy, I don't know if you're a pilot but I want you to Re-mount me How can we not make a party with that flower of matraca? You're so sweet I'd put a stick in your ass and make you suck on it The flower you gave me as an emblem of our love, today I have it in my ass come feel its smell The orange was born green, time made it ripe, my garcha was born hairy and your ass makes me go crazy... In the Andes snow falls, in the pampa the ombu grows, and in the ditch of your ass my ñandú takes water The camel dies in the sand, the eagle on the rock and I want to die with your cock in my mouth Do you have hair on your ass? Because I have a barber who's a choto! On this cold night, I offer you my stove, it doesn't have batteries or cables but it still works You knew me by the look, you liked me for the rodete, walked 200 blocks with my cock in your butt. Enjoy yourselves with their friends haha say compliments to everyone

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